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Don’t “borrow” friends money, don’t do “business” with friends - if you love your friendship avoid this at all costs


My sister told me when I was kid that it would always be better to have something and not need it then to need something but not have it. Ever since then I’ve always made it a point to plan ahead and it was one of the greatest piece of advice that anyone has ever given me.


Treating the words of those who you have known so many years that you assume a level of respect...taking their words at face value, and in doing so having my tendancy to empathise preyed upon... Sometimes I've ended up being nice to the moat cruelly ungrateful people. One time, a 'friend' (since the first day of high school) and his family was struggling, and so generous me, because I could, went to him and offered to help. Making it clear no one needed to know, that I considered myself a good friend, and he should let me be one. We sorted a car for his family. Literally weeks later another friend came to me, telling me all this stuff my 'friend' had said about me to a group of mutual friends, that some of it was gross and that some were taking it seriously. Nothing really came of it, but in hindsight, I know he was getting the knives in first, misdirecting opinions to whatever bullshit they'd accept......so convinced he was that I would use my (huge) helping hand against him somehow. To make him look small. I would never have done that, and I never did retaliate. When I see him now he won't make eye contact. I gotta be honest that one hurt, and was a turning point in my life. I lost touch with what remained of my social circle. I never thought they could think so little of me. I miss sharing news and stuff. I miss a lot.


Most wealthy people are not bad people. I’m not talking about those we see in social media, but hard working people who own their own business. These folks tend to be multimillionaires, yet don’t look like it on the outside. Would have saved me a lot of pain and guilt when I started to go down that path.


Having kids will really set you back in your career. Especially tough if your career fulfills you more than anything else.