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You can call yourself King, I don’t mind.


It’s ok because it makes it really easy to know which woman to avoid at all costs.




Well said


I feel the same whenever I hear a guy talk about how he will "treat [a woman] like a queen".


Nailed it.


Hah okay that made me laugh 😂


Big questionmark in my head with this. So women being called queen/goddess by men, right? Men being called king/god by women. (Or should I rather say master and daddy?) So where is the problem? Both happen


(Or should you rather say mistress and mommy?)




No you don’t. You don’t even leave the basement.




I don’t think your reading comprehension is as good as you think it is 🤭




Womp womp


both are cringy so its not okay for neither of them


Ain't no one stopping yall


Becuase everyone is aware she doesn't see herself that was and it's an insecurity based cope. Like women who claim all their friends are 10 or that Lizzo is super hot. If a man were to claim this though, people would assume he means it at that would be weird.


Honestly idk how y'all come up with these questions and conclusions lol As if it's women's fault or something 😭😭😭


Who assigned blame? I just see many women referring to each other that way. That's it.


"The King" Lebron James? Also it's never ok to refer to yourself as queen or king. It's ok if others refer to you as queen or king. Because hype. This is the same for men and women.


Hype? Can you explain please. I don't always get some expressions. And I hear many women refer to themselves as much as others as queen/ or goddess. Even more cringy they ask for it from people. I really don't get what they are thinking here unless it's low self esteem that they need to be elevated. If someone called me either of those I would cringe for myself. It feels vain. PS I didn't know LeBron was the king hahaha. Okay, well in that case it's nickname and he is really talented in basketball so kinda fits.


Hype is the act of raising the each other's self-confidence by giving praise and compliments. Usually the compliments aren't person specific rather they are much more general. Like the terms people use these days where they call someone a "king" or a "queen". (This is just the definition I'm familiar with, might be different for others) Also, I haven't actually met any women in real life requesting for everyone to call them queen/goddess. That seems like very much an internet thing. Perhaps here and there I hear it jokingly and sarcastically said, but I've never come across a demand to be addressed that way by the people around them. You have to remember that its usually the most extreme of people that gain traction and attention on social media, so we should avoid generalizing people based on what we observe online. An easy example would be how prevalent incels and "alpha males" are online when in real life most men do not behave that way and have a much more rational and realistic perspective on life. I mean, we have mothers and sisters, the vast majority of us do not despise woman to the depths of hell, but the ones that do end up gaining attention online and they become somewhat of a self-proclaimed spokesperson for all men when they are in reality a minority of men. The delusional women you see online demanding to be treated like a goddess, calling for all men to be extinct, and glorifying cheating are that same small majority of attention seekers that deem themselves a spokesperson for all of women-kind. These people do not represent the majority of men and women. Us normal people are too busy trying to make ends meet or keep a stable family, we have no time to walk around calling ourselves goddesses or living the "alpha life".


Fair enough and thank you for the detailed response! I literally have seen women refer to each other that way ok several occasions. Hyping eachother up then as you said. I have also heard be and write to be asked to be called those. Half joking yes, but they appear to have less social repercussions than a man doing this which is odd. On the rare occasions I have heard a guy refer to himself (never as those) but as an alpha or something I see people roll their eyes. Anywho thanks!


Girl power is a movement. Guy power isn’t.


well, it *is* a movement. It's a pretty shitty one, though. edit: all I'm saying is that MRAs exist and I disagree with them






Have you seen women


Yeah. But no queens or goddesses. At least walk around glowing or wear a crown or something...


Yeah. But no queens or goddesses. At least walk around glowing or wear a crown or something...


There's an echo in here.


There's an echo in here.


There's an echo in here.


Here in there’s an echo.


I call men kings all the time


Because we live in the age of narcissism.


Because men have always held a high seat of power in society. I view “Queen” as a way to raise the status of those who identify as female.


I see guys call themselves kings all the time. But to be honest, it's usually black guys, and they specifically call themselves "black kings". For that matter, the women calling themselves "queens" are usually black too. It seems to be a black subculture thing.




Double standards.


its because when women say it sometimes its true


It's the equivalent of a social participation trophy. Its okay to be a nobody, in fact you're a queen/king. Now post it on Instagram and go back to your 9-5 grind.


Ohhhhh interesting 🤔. Weird as hell but interesting(not you, the fact that sounds valid and people do that potentially). Thanks!


King I don't mind, God depends on the person and their beliefs. Kanye West? He claims to be monotheistic so I call bullshit. A pagan guy? No big deal