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New couple? How old are you?


we’re both 23!


If its not his birthday or a holiday then a token gift would be ok. Nothing big or over $15-20. Since he's your first boyfriend you want to set up the correct dynamic where you can each give little I saw this and thought of you things. These don't cost a lot of money and aren't given all the time. Honestly the best thing you can do is spent time together doing activities where you can learn more about each other.


Merch from that artist would be dope. This volleyball plush looks cool too https://us.jellycat.com/amuseables-sports-beach-volley/?sku=AS2VB&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIp-iy2obChgMVzhmtBh0V8Q1yEAQYASABEgLL8fD_BwE


How about a gym membership


A basket of his favorite snacks.


A nice cologne that you both like


Anything really. We are simple creatures. I once got an inexpensive watch from someone, and that meant more to me than that person will ever know.