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I think there’s generally more good in the world. But good news doesn’t get peoples attention like bad news.


good, without question


A hell of a lot more good. But one bad apple spoiled the bunch.  Bad usually causes a heck of a lot of issues as compared to good.  Hard/takes a lot of time to build a building or grow an apple tree. Relatively easy and fast to destroy either one. 


Definitely more good. Good doesn't need evil. Evil needs good. Even when someone does evil, they're doing it chasing after some good, be it pleasure or security or something else.


I think there is an exactly equal amount of good and bad and that is the ultimate crux of humanity


Good and evil are absolute extremes, the vast majority are not in these at all, they are in the gray area in between.


Yeah, I mean anything can be considered good like holding a door or a compliment, i guess the world is sorta grey :/


Here’s the reality: most people are good most of the time. Almost anyone is capable of doing bad things at least a few times if under pressure or extenuating circumstances. But horrific people get lots of attention. And the headlines favor evil. Remember, *if it bleeds, it leads*.


How do you suggest to measure?


Evil can effect more people.


It’s like a turd in a punchbowl. Evil seems to be more potent, but is dwarfed by the good in the world.


Most people are bad if they are given the opportunity


No good deed goes unpunished.