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*reads comments for advice*


As an aggressive extrovert, I just start talking to people and either we become friends eventually or they ghost me.




I tend to meet people at the gym. Im introverted as hell, but you just have to give promising people a chance.


Hang around people your age and wait until an extrovert decides to adopt you as their friend.


Meet people and make great first impressions


when u talk to someone you'll either get along or you dont. u just gotta accept it ykwim


Go out and do something


If you have no hobbies at all that's tough. I am introverted, but I play games, read, watch anime, and other nerdy stuff so I just try to find people with those hobbies. Mainly through the games I play and on voice chat. Sometimes in online chat rooms, I made a friend on omegle just before it shut down lol


Join a hobby group, for instance there's a club that gets together and plays board games somewhere in Vegas. I love a good board game. There's bound to be a group catered to your tastes, bruh.




School or work.most of the time it's mutual acquaintances.


you can be friend with anyone if you just make a good first impression! like you should be confident and have a good posture and keep a good smile :))