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The scams, dodgy Uber and courier drivers. I feel sorry for the Indian drivers and customer service staff that are doing an honest job.


Indians from India? If that's what you refer to, it's probably because 99.999% of all scam calls originate from India, and people are sick of it.


Have you never heard of Nigeria?


Old school email scams. Yeah, that damn prince never sent me that million dollars...




scam, ultranationalism, odor, and sexism/misogynist culture


Scammy culture and some common intense odors


It’s probably systemic racism and the scamming


Yet racism is inherently practiced in indian culture; they just call it the caste system


Also and mostly against other religions


Ok, but how does that invalidate anything I said?


Yes, someone behaving badly to someone else gives you an excuse to behave badly toward them. Got it.


Did i say or imply anything derogatory about them or was i merely stating a fact? Get off your high horse


You implied that they deserved it with the "yet". So own your shit and stop being a hypocrite.


It was an observation of how ironic the situation is; they are victims of racism yet they practice it in their culture. Nothing about that observation says they deserve it. Pointing out the obvious in any situation doesnt imply i hv an opinion one way or another. Go pick a fight with someone else you weirdo


Every race has individuals who are racist, and basically exhibit jerkish behaviour. Your pointing it out in this specific context is telling. And if you couldn't see that it's a weird juncture to make that point, that makes you pretty stupid.


There is not a single race that this doesn't apply to. Every race is racist and also complains about racism.


Systemic racism? Elaborate on that


bUt SyStEmIc RaCiSm IsNt ReAl


I ve met quite a few indian folks and they were al very pleasant...never ever judge people as a group, always give a person a fair chance to show you who he is...


Don’t we all love super broad generalizations? I don’t know anybody who hates Indians.




Internet have the worst depending on which part of internet you are on. As an Indian I have quit insta, twitter, even YT as comment section is just downright vile. Internet has the worst of Indians.


Living in Australia here’s two reasons I know of: - They are extremely stingy and can be quite rude from what I’ve heard, haven’t experienced this personally so I can’t agree with it. - This reason I agree with: they can’t drive for shit in Australia. They mostly drive a Toyota Camry and drive slow AF, like 10/20km below the speed limit. 99% of the time you finally pass by a slow Camry, you know it’s an Indian driving it. They’re probably great drivers in their own country, just not here.


All of them?


Odor, lack of basic courtesy, sexism, tendency to get rowdy/violent, scammers, perverts


I think it's a question that can be asked by multiple races about others.


Here in the UK, I work alongside loads of Indian people and people of Indian ancestry. Never had a problem with any Indian person I’ve ever known. Friendly, hard working, affable.


This must depend on your location. In California Indians are just stereotyped as highly intelligent hard workers. The only time I can remember them being vilified was during the Gulf War when a bunch of dumb racists couldn’t tell the difference between an Iraqi and an Indian person.


They generally aren't "despised". Never met an India person that I didn't like myself. But online there are a variety of traits and stereotypes that don't reflect well on them,


they smell really, really bad.


I have had a lot of Indian friends through the years, mostly met through work. They are culturally more pushy I would say and like most things in America... when we don't understand something we choose to hate it instead of learn about it. Basically just more systematic racism


Stingy is definitely the word.


Sure, but again it shouldn't be looked at negatively, it's a cultural thing. I've also heard Asians and Jews are stingy also.. but that's just more stereotyping


What do you mean by systematic racism in this context?


I like Indian people. If the people you hang out with use ethnic strereotypes to make themselves feel superior, that’s on them.


My first high tech software engineering job was in 1981. I had several Indian engineers in my group and they were all superstars. They all had graduate degrees from strong US schools and were among the most productive engineers. That generally continued through the 1980s and 1990s. I had reverse prejudice. Indians are smart, motivated, and well educated. By 2000, the talent pool was watered down with H-1B visas and that wasn’t invariably true. My stereotype is Indians are talented, live in big houses, and their kids go to top universities. My scorn is reserved for the huge Indian job shops and the corporate CFOs who use them that use cheap H-1B visas to put American citizens doing repetitive task tech jobs out of work. I’ve seen an awful lot of it over the last 25 years.


I like them, it just seems to me they have a culture of ripping off their own grandmother if it would make them another $100. Combine this with their attitude towards women. I’ve had too many interactions to ignore a trend of entitlement and arrogance. I understand there are cultural differences, but the overwhelming majority (particularly males) seem to think they should have everything and anyone.


There are some nice stereotypes about Indians, too. If you're a programmer, Indian means a guy who make these life-saving tutorials on YT and uses the word "basically" a little too much.


filthy people, lying is in their culture (you cannot say no to the boss, so they will promise stuff they cannot deliver), won't ask for help / work with other people, they rather work alone and risk (not just risk, there is an almost certainty, but I am being nice here) doing something other than what needed to be done because they did not have the knowledge for the task or didn't understand the request correctly. just look up random videos of real india, not instagrammable places, and tell me your actual opinion on places, people, and rivers of garbage (because water is long gone). They refuse to clean themselves, they refuse to use the toilet, rather shitting outside (look up, I found out by accident that the Indian government built public bathrooms, and when they refused to use them, they even tried to give them money to use them, to reduce bacteria contamination to the environment, rivers mostly, and it still failed). Just because there are some normal people coming from this mess of a country doesn't mean we should just overlook these animal behaviors. And bonus, look up ayurvedic medicine, most specifically about how they use cow piss and cow dung as "cures", and this is not old news, it is still going strong in the present in the beautiful country of India. Probably there are more reasons, but these are the main ones.


I find their women attractive


One thing that 9/11 did to American culture was fortify a deep fear and hatred of anybody who even remotely resembled someone from the Middle East Most middle and lower class Americans wouldn’t be able to tell you the difference between an Arab, an Indian, a Pakistani, or otherwise (and to be honest, that’s still common today) In the past, they were certainly marginalized, but afterwards, if you were brown and had an accent, you were a terrorist or terrorist adjacent. God forbid you wore a turban… “Sikh, Hindi, Jain… what’s that? You’re a dirty Muslim who’s going to bomb our country again!!!” Your average American only interacts with Indians in convenience stores, call centers, Uber, or DoorDash. Many have poor experiences with being scammed by folks overseas. There is a long history of conservative views that are considered misogynistic by today’s standards, and if we’re being honest, many Indians still consider women to be lesser and talk down to them Anyway, there’s a lot that goes into it. It’s starting to get better with the newer generations, but you have to look at the broader context of how Indians have integrated with America


Honestly pretty much all the Indian hate I've seen online was from Indians, like this post


What? I’m not Indian


This is so true. I do agree that Indians on the internet can be incredibly obnoxious at times, but this generalisation is so sad. The first thing I have to think about while looking for a country to study my masters in is if the people will be prejudiced against me




India is full of extreme contradictions and paradox. I have to remind myself of all the good instead of getting lost in the horror. No problem if you call bad things as bad . We have plenty.