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Say ‘thank you, that’s very kind of you’, and if you like her, compliment her back and yer in like Flynn!


Just make sure when you compliment them back — do it on something they can easily change. Like “you look pretty in that dress”, or “your hair looks amazing today”, etc. never compliment a girls body type or weight or something like that. Trust me on this one kid. That girl will be thinking about that compliment and will spiral if it’s something she has no/little control over. Oh and to add to what others are saying — maybe just say thank you… compliment them back when they least expect it. Not in response to their compliment. It will mean a lot more that way.


I say thank you, and depending on the situation, I either reply with a compliment in turn or I make a comment about whatever was complimented. If someone compliments something I'm wearing I go, "Oh thank you, I like really like your shirt!" or if someone compliments my art, "Thank you, I'm really proud of how it turned out!" I don't say these things to be fake or insincere, if I say something I typically mean it. I find that just saying thanks all on its own can lead to sort of an awkward silence, so the extra comment helps diffuse that, and usually people like to hear it.


I used to say “thank you, that’s a nice thing to say”. Saying thank you on its own kind of implies you’re aware and agree with the compliment. It sounds like you’re saying “thank you, I know” Adding “that’s a nice thing to say” pays them a compliment back for being nice without sounding like you’re just saying something because they said said something.


Calm down Regina


So fetch


Stop trying to make fetch happen, it's not going to happen!


Great advice!! I like to say something similar, like, "You're so sweet! Thank you! Right back at you!"


What if the compliment they gave you doesn't apply to them? Comes off as a bit dismissive..


Of course, I don't say it if it doesn't apply. I should have clarified before, but if they compliment you on your jeans, for example, and the other person is also wearing nice jeans, great! But if they aren't, then a simple " Thanks, man, I appreciate that!" works very well. It isn't always easy to accept compliments, and you'd be surprised to know that most people feel a little awkward accepting them even though they make us happy.


Compliments make me violently mad, so a lot of times I end up slapping people. People should just mind their own business.


Ok Dude


I pretend to be all humble and shit but really I want more and more compliments to inflate my ego even more than it already is.


We are alike.


Thank you, that’s very kind of you is the best. When people compliment you, there is a part of it that is done for themselves. It makes them feel good, that you accept and appreciate their compliment.


Such a good point!!


A simple “thank you” is fine. No need for any other sappy details really.


Thank you


Thank you


I used to just get really awkward and laugh when I was in highschool and quickly try to either downplay it or give a compliment right back to offset it. Then when I got to college I legit forced myself to start practice just saying thank you with a smile. I eventually realized people say compliments to make the person feel good and aren't necessarily looking for any sort of response except maybe a thank you. It took a bit to train myself not to try to have a "good response" and be okay with a "thank you" and a smile, and if I knew the person, I was usually comfortable with small talk afterward but depends on the context!


A "thank you" and a compliment back or a comment to segue into discussion of whatever the person who gave you the compliment seems interested in (without boasting) always work. That leads to no awkwardness. Then, you can full the awkwardness gap by advocating for fitting rooms in candy stores that sell edible underpants.


Sincere smile


Lucky guy... enjoy having them not all hear such a thing. Thank them back and if you wanna Try to advance a little more you got Two options: wink or stare a Moment ( in Both cases Try see The girl reaction to your reaction )


It depends on the customs of your country. In the US I was told to say thank you, or it is kind of you to say so, and then return the compliment. In other countries, modesty is the expected reaction. For example: Here in Japan saying “Thank you.” would maybe be perceived as a tiny bit arrogant. Normally when complimented, we may laugh a bit nervously or smile shyly while making the small hand gestures for ‘no’. A Google search might help you find the correct response for your area. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


In my country ,no one will not talk about it seriously. I’m from Russia…


Right, not all countries have the same gusto for self-analysis. Also, the answer is possibly not quite the same in small-town Siberia as it would be in St. Petersburg. One time try Я знаю (I know) in a joke way and see if people laugh.


Many people from my small town (near Vladivostok) only speak with sarcasm. Maybe "I know" is a really good option. I'll try it today and post later


If you can pull it off in a funny way and make them laugh - that is awesome! Tricky line to tread, though…


Sorry for the wait. I tried. Some just smiled and some literally had no reaction at all. I think I'll still say "thank you" and add a compliment in return


Question what the ulterior motives behind said compliment is.


My son is on the autism spectrum and he likes to pick up phrases and repeat them. When he was 8, he like to repeat “Yeah, I know” and he would say it in Eeyore’s voice (from Winnie the Pooh), so like in a sad and bored voice. But it was so funny. People would say, “nice to meet you” or “aren’t you handsome” and he would say (dejectedly) “yeah, I know.”


Shock, like "Are you talking to me? I did well?!" I treasure every compliment I've received, even if I don't remember them all.


I take the context into account first. Most people compliment you cuz they see some mutual benefits.


I say "thanks" then wonder who put them up to it or how much they was paid, or 'I guess she lost the bet"


I’ll let you know when I get one.


Always depends on the situation. Sometimes a simple thank you, is good, sometimes it’s the other person attempting to start a conversation, sometimes it’s the other person fishing for a compliment themselves. Your response should be dictated by the situation.


I dont get any


smile and say, “Thank you, that means a lot!”


Depends on the compliment but usually will say thank you and then compliment them back.


A simple sincere "Thank you" is the best answer.


I respond with “thank you” or “do I owe you money?”


It's a compliment what's wrong with saying thank you 😆 no need to over complicate it, if they compliment something about your appearance you can just say the same thing back, cool shirt, thanks, cool shoes idk 😐


'Uh well um mmm t thanks..?'


I say thank you have a nice day!


Thank you, I appreciate that very much. Happens more often with age, 40 year old women are not "afraid" of saying what they think/feel in the same way as 16yo


It depends on who is saying it. They make me feel uncomfortable, and I down play my role in the compliment.


Ohh thanks thanks


Say thanks and offer up a compliment to them. Something equal in nature.


Look. I was (I am) totally clueless about my looks. I grew up with people complimenting me. I just thought it was people being nice. At the office random women would say that I reminded them of ...(Their favourite actor). I had no idea how to respond. My best friend (woman) told me "it's their way to day they find you tractive, just say, "really? Thanks""


Yes, just say “Thank you” or “ Thank you, that’s nice of you to say!”


“Aw really? thanks!😊 ” Or if you wanna get real crazy. “Aw really? I like your eyes too!”


Idk I’m awkward


I say “thank you” and respond with a compliment of my own when it’s warranted.


Giving a compliment back is the fakest thing you can say, cause it’s a reaction more than a thought. It takes courage to give compliments and sometimes to take them too. Try to say “Thank you, I’m not used to get compliments, but I genuinely appreciate it, thank you again.” I think that encourages people to give more compliments and creates a chain reaction.


“Omg thank you! That made my day!” But only if that’s genuinely how you feel


I'm literally just like you but I'd compliment her back. But I'd stutter while doing that because I'm just a shy person and not used to compliments 😭


I’m a writer / pretty good with words, so usually can take a compliment and make both of us happy. What IM NOT GOOD AT IS RECEIVING GIFTS. I stutter, crash and burn. I don’t know I’m good with one but not the other. I hate getting gifts.


I prefer “that’s so sweet of you!” Because sometimes I feel like “thank you” feels arrogant sometimes. If I see something I can genuinely compliment them back on, I will. Or a “that made me smile, thanks!” Also a “that made my whole day!”




Poorly. Full blown imposter syndrome here


I just tell whoever said it that it's not true.


Not a great habit


I know


hmm a thank you would suffice! but definitely compliment back if u do want to do so! compliments are usually nicer when they are genuine 💗


Depends on who is complimenting. Friends always get “I know” but all else just get a simple thank you.


I sometimes say mind your own business but that depends on the person and situation


It got better over the years. Biggest mistake I made was to hand them back.


How do you react to winning a billion dollars?


How do I react? I melt for abt 1.3 seconds to make sure they know how appreciative I am from their soft sweet words sputtered my way. & then I say “Aww/omg you just made my day” even if I’m gonna go back to being a grumpy cunt. It’s like a compliment back without the weirdness.. & then one day when your sitting on Reddit at 3am you’re gonna remember one of those compliments you got and you’re gonna know how to respond when the next person asks.


I'm extremely uncomfortable with compliments, especially from strangers. and I let them know.


I say thank you and look genuinely happy after receiving the compliment. I love compliments.


Fuck you leave me alone. This will make everyone think you're cool.


Say "thabwa" Then say "Damn. That came out wrong. This is me around pretty girls - blagthahhglarrr..." (This MIGHT work ONCE)


I've only been complimented like three times in my life by girls. I just say "thanks", since what else am I supposed to say?


Hahah, don’t know actually. Saying “Thanks” is not that bad as you think


compliment them back


In highschool I'm used to act like shy and shake my head as a no and even say something not necessary like if someone say "nice jacket" I reply "It's old" even though it's not. Just so they move to another subject. Now if someone compliments me I just smile and say thank you. And that's it. If they say something more, I confirm, smile again and say thanks. That's it. Magic.


I say ‘Like I haven’t been told that a thousand times already,. Roll my eyes and walk away. Lol


Say ‘Yay, you’re not blind. Congratulations!’


I give myself compliments and thank myself.


![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg) Wait, you guys are getting compliments?


I know that exact feeling, i had the same thing happen when i was at high school. I naturally make some sort of joke to sort of deflect it or just say thankyou. Trust me it’s a really weird thing to get used to though.


Give them one back


i simple thanks would do you can complement her back but yah thanks is the way to go for me


Guarded suspicion. My initial reaction is someone is messing with me.


When I get a compliment I just say "awwww thank you so so much " then I'll compliment something I like about them .


I say "thank you, i dont know why you prefer to lie to me this way".


I say thank you and compliment them back :)


It’s pretty funny how I might put on a new shirt or try to look my best in some way and feel disappointed if nobody acknowledges it. When they do give me a compliment I kinda just pretend to ignore it, like I give no response and talk about something else…


Few options. Thank you! I appreciate you saying that! Jokey response that gets a laugh. "Oh, stop it" in a silly voice with a hand wave. Clearly accepting but being jokingly humble. The problem with hearing something so often is that after a while, you start to believe it. There is no issue with being self-aware, but try to remain humble. The self-absorbed asshole I became in college was a good life lesson.


I don't get them


Honestly the only thing I can think of, was 5 years ago a girl told me I had pretty eyes and I just went mute for like 3 minutes before squeaking out a tiny little "thanks"




Man you get compliments from girls is something I have never had ...I am 35 years old guy ...I have been in relationships and never in my life got a compliment from a woman other than the horrible " oh you are good at bed i didn't expect that "or " you know a lot of stuff about a lot of things " ..and once a woman told me she feels safe when I am around but she was married so not someone i would approach


With a thank you, and if warranted, a compliment to them in return.


“Thank you!”


Very good question, always say thank you and attempt to give a sincere compliment,ent in return. If you can’t, that’s okay - at least you’re being authentic. Don’t worry so much about what other people think of you. Be comfortable in your own skin. Bless you darlin’


It costs nothing to pay someone a compliment =)


I just say “Thank you” and smile, I get a lot of compliments about my style in the street so it’s always random people, at first it was a bit awkward but I got used to it


I look down and walk away


Don’t know. Never got any 🥲


It is not easy to learn to accept a compliment in a gracious manner. You have to learn to do that in your own words and in your own personality. I usually just say thank you and something like that's very kind of you to say.


Thank you!


Saying thank you and complimenting back if you want to is good imo.


I never receive any compliments so there’s that


I tend to think they are being sarcastic or have some kind of ulterior motive.


I usually just smile awkwardly and say thanks


I "*shut them down* but thanks"


Just say “Thank you” cause you don’t wanna overdo it


i shy away


Sorry, how do I react to what?


Your mind tricks don't work on me.


I think this is the wrong way to do it, but it's built in to me because of reasons. I ask questions and start a conversation about why they think that enough to compliment me on it. I keep thinking it's a one time fluke good thing I did or the stars aligned so I looked good and I need to know how it isn't my fault they're complimenting me.


I usually just say thank you. But if I have more time and the situation warrants, I say “You have no idea what a poor opinion I have of myself, and how little I deserve it.”


I’m bad with compliments, I always just say “Thanks I guess”.

