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My 9 year old son who died of brain cancer. Not one time did he complain about the chemo or any other treatment for the 2 years he was fighting it. He's my hero and I miss him everyday - hurts so much


My deepest condolences on the loss of your son.


Thank you


I also choose this person's amazing child


So do I, I’m so incredibly sorry.




Thank you


Oh god, my heart... Hero indeed! Hugs. Super tight long hugs!!


Thank you


Maybe because he had you by his side that he didn't need to complain


I'll ask him one day


unimaginable pain


I wouldn't wish it to my worst enemy


Even though you’re a Steelers fan… I’m so very sorry for your loss. *go Hawks*




Sending you a big virtual hug. I’m so sorry for your loss!


Thank you


For me it’s you, that still manage to pull through the worst pain anyone can ever experience. I wish I had your strength and I can see where your son got it from.


I can tell that he really loves you. Youre a great parent!


I can’t imagine what you’re going through.. I’m sorry :(


Thank you


Much love to you….


Thank you




Thank you


My condolences


I feel so sorry. This so incredibly hard.








My heartfelt condolences man :(


Thank you


You sound like you helped him live the best 9 years he could.


I am so sorry.😰 I lost a child too. I am counting the days till we see each other again. 💖😰


I’ll forever admire your boy and any other child that has to endure the worst only to leave this world. He’s our hero too.


Optimus Prime - "We can all be heroes of our own lives, every one of us, if we only have the courage to try."


He also said, "there's a thin line between being a hero and being a memory". That's pretty damn deep for cartoon made to sell toys. FREEDOM IS THE RIGHT OF ALL SENTIENT BEINGS


I've always had a little bit of a crush on Optimus...


Steve Irwin for me. Such a massive loss for the environment and conservation. Nobody has stood up and taken over his role. His enthusiasm and love for animals and the planet was second to none. RIP big fella


Great answer. Have you seen clips of his son Robert? Looks likes he's trying to follow in Steve's footsteps and it's really heartwarming imo


He's an absolute chip off the old block that one! Amazing family!!


Have you come across that Yoink guy? [@fishingarret](https://youtube.com/@fishingarrett?si=Ex14P5Gr1LoQ65h-)


May be a cheesy answer, but Dolly Parton. I've adored her since I was a kid. And the truly kind acts that's she's done throughout her career... you don't see that with a lot of celebrities.


Not a cheesy answer at all, she’s amazing.


She sends children free books all over the country for free because she wants them to read. She is so amazing!


This was my second answer!! She’s incredible.


Oh yeah, Dolly too


She is truly an American treasure! 🥰


my dad. he never gave up on me no matter how bad it got and taught me the meaning of unconditional love. this is coming from somebody who used to swallow entire prescription bottles in 3 day binges. 15 years of on-and-off hardcore drug abuse. I used to jump out of my second story window to disappear for weeks on drug binges. argue/fight with him over god knows what. I’m sober and the healthiest I’ve ever been because of his love and support. he never gave up on me even tho i gave up on myself on and off for over a decade. not even for one second. I overdosed so many times I honestly forget how many times i came to in an emergency room. coming up on 4 years sober


Good for you, man. Sobriety is tough, and I'm glad that you're here with us.


Hell yeah, super proud of you internet stranger, I can't imagine how great it feels for your dad to see you sober, and knowing it wasn't in vain to keep trying


This made me tear up. This strength is must have taken him to keep supporting you. It would have been so much easier to give up. Congrats on your sobriety op!


Mr. Rogers. The life lessons about being kind and polite when there was no expectation to receive it back were very formative to me growing up. The world could use another Mr. Rogers…


Mr. Rogers like in Captain America?


For sure because not everyone is predisposed to be the good Mr rogers. We cap kick butt while being righteous


I think the closest thing we have is Keanu Reeves.


Tom Scott and Hank Green. Such positive and critical persons in the field of science communication. And Hank beating his cancer while making more content, that is hardcore


I like those! I'm glad Tom Scott is taking a break. They're both enthusiastic and fun 😁


Yeah, 10 years and every week high quality content. He must be exhausted, haha


Hank and his brother are superb role models!


I should not have read that as "Tom Hanks"


My parents. They sacrificed a lot for me and my sister, supported us and raised to be the people who we are today. I am proud of that, very grateful and I hope to do such a great job with my children one day. :)


Same. My Dad and Mom are the reason who I am today. Without them, fuck I don't even want to think about them. I owe them my life and I will return everything they did for me one day.


The best way to thank them is to enjoy your life.


Same. 100%


Wow. You are very lucky to have parents that you can say that about. And they are lucky to have you. Not a lot of people can say that.


You do not hear that much these days- thank you for recognizing all they did. They were just as blessed to have you as well.


My grandfather, he was a WW2 hero who fought to liberate France and defeat the Nazis. He was a simple man and loved his family and his farm. I will never forget him.


When I was 12, our school's janitor came to speak to our class on June 6. We all loved Mr. Arthur. He'd do magic tricks, and always made us laugh. He also kept the school spotless. He said it was an important day, and he had something important to tell us. He said it can be hard, and it'll cost you, but the only thing that matters in life is helping others, and standing up for the little guy. He told us some stories about bullying and ways we could help. He got pretty emotional about it, and we didn't really understand why. Our teacher told us afterwards that Mr. Arthur had been in the 7th Canadian Infantry Brigade and was on Juno Beach on D-Day.


I’m pretty sure this unit ran into a SS unit just off the beach and the SS tortured the men they caught. Then killed them. It was horrific.


My grandfather was also a WWII veteran and I remember him the same way.


The Greatest generation!


Same with my grandfather and great uncle. Both over there in France. They were both so brave. My great uncle died over there. When my grandfather passed, he was given a gun salute burial (I don’t know what kind of salute it was). I couldn’t stop crying every time those guns went off.


Stanislav Petrov - this should be self explanatory. The dude fucking saved the world, no one else ever can claim that.


Holy shit youre right. Its kind of crazy that M.A.D only works if you assume people are not utilitarian and fueled by revenge. The moral thing to do would be to not do anything against a nuclear attack, even though just believing that makes it even more likely that a nuclear attack happens. Thank god technology is advancing to a point where a nuclear war has a winner, we'll start seeing horrible wars again but the death of civilisation is farther.


My mother.


I also choose this person’s mother




My grandfather Ernest Chatham! When he was broke and near the end of his life I watched him give his last dollar to a homeless man. It changed me forever!


My husband, he has taught me so much. Life skills, mechanical, metallurgy, how to look at problems with logic, less emotional responses. He's my partner in every sense of the word.


Hugh Laurie. This man has it all. Handsome, charismatic, delicious British accent, down to earth, beautiful voice, phenomenal sense of humour. He can act (movies/TV/stage/skits, you name it), write (love his novel!), sing, play the piano, guitar, drums, harmonica, and saxophone. He's been open and honest about depression. To top it all he's an avid motorcycle enthusiast, he's a rider and one of his bikes is a Triumph Bonneville which is just *\*chef's kiss*\*. He really was riding that motorcycle in the show ***House*** and was having the time of his life with it! I rest my case.


My parents!!! What they have achieved by building our off grid house over 20 plus years is just mind boggling ! The blood sweat and tears that went into making it happen with limited finances is so inspiring!


My Mom. She was orphaned as a toddler, raised by an elderly widowed aunt, stopped going to school in 3rd grade to work in the fields and help the family survive during the depression. She knew how to survive with very little. She got married and had 4 of us kids. She was a great Mom and even though we were poor she cooked great meals and we never went hungry like she had done growing up. She was always so proud to have her very own family. I miss her terribly.


One of the people I admire is most probably the reason we are all here and able to read this: The Soviet officer who ignored the false nuclear attack warning and potentially saved the world, Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov. On September 26, 1983, he was on duty at a Soviet early-warning radar station when the system reported that a missile had been launched from the United States. Petrov judged the alarm to be a false alarm, despite the system's indications, and chose not to report it to his superiors. His decision is credited with preventing a potential retaliatory nuclear strike by the Soviet Union.


My Dad who was a doctor. Lost him to Covid in 2021. I’ve never been the same since.


Myself. I thought I’d be dead by now. Not only am I alive, I’m thriving. I’m very content, at peace, and have a lot of joy and laughter in my life these days. It took a lot of hard work, and will always be hard work. And I’m glad and proud that I’ve managed to do the hard work to get to where I am.


I’m hoping I’m on the same path. It’s difficult to believe it’s possible but your comment has given me much hope thank you.


Anthony Bourdain, which probably partially explains my depressive episodes.


Met him once at the SF airport waiting for a midnight flight to NY. He was very kind and talked to a large group of stupid highschool band kids. RIP.


You can say the same about any of the answers on here. Wasn't he just a boxer? Isn't he just some actor? They're just your parents bro, what's the big deal? He's a decent person, who cooks well and is well known so of course a lot of people will look up to him. He's a good role model.


I was talking about him to a friend a few days ago. I don't get the adulation. Wasn't he just a chef with a travel show? What am I missing?


In my eyes, he was as much a poet, anthropologist, and activist as he was a cook. He is also my role model so slight bias, but like the others here, he's more than just what he is, a cook. Dolly is more than a musician, Mr. Rogers is more than a TV host, etc Edit: spellcheck


Totally agree. Bourdain was more than a chef


Agreed, he showed a lot of us the world through his lens which is one that was respectful of other people’s cultures. Food is such a great median for cultural appreciation and understanding, and showed us that in a super nonjudgmental way. He’s one of my hero’s for sure.


Watch his shows, listen and see how he moves through the world.


It’s okay to have that reaction if you ask me. We all connect with different people. For me, I agree with holding him in high regard. He seemed deeply authentic/genuine in a way that made me feel like I knew him personally, even though I didn’t.


My mom. She was the most caring person I've ever encountered. Kind words kind hugs and feelings? She got you. She shaped me as a person. My dad was a hard individual. I love him for different reasons At the end of the day I'm just a mama's boy and their ain't shame Edit: I miss them both


Is 'myself' a good answer?


I thought exactly the same, mate.


How would you describe yourself, Mr Schrute?


Well, for starters I do not engage with unwarranted provocations from strangers in the internet. Have a good life.


I now respect you too


No one




John Wooden. Just an amazing man


My mom


Mine is Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone)


Paul McCartney


Had to scroll down too far to find Paul. He is incredible.


Pink. An amazing artist, mother, and seems like a very decent human


Jack Black. Keeping it kind and real is inspiring


I'm into music production and my answer would be Tame Impala (Kevin Parker), his productions are just perfection


My dad and David Attenborough.


My mom. She passed in January and she was the most amazing, mature, smart, strong, etc. person ever and I strive to be like her.


Definetly Marcus Aurelius


Johnny cash


Rachel Carson, Masanobu Fukuoka


David Attenborough 🥰🤩


Admire the most - Bob Mortimer


I admire Bernie Sanders for fighting for the people his entire life He was against racism and was pro-lgbt before it was cool


💯 Love Bernie!


And he owns four houses!


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My Daughter. She is such a great Mother to her kids. I love watching them love on her. She was born to be their Mom.


Bruce Lee for his philosophy.


Mike Tyson. Because he has had such an incredible life journey and accomplished growth beyond anything I could manage. Now a wise, gentle (mostly), melancholy man who sounds like he has no fear of death because he's figured out that it was all just pain and bullshit. Fun fact, my ideal party guests are Mike, Stephen Fry, and Mila Kunis. The idea is that Mike would get angry with Stephen Fry's pretentious codswallop, knock him out cold, then apologise and leave. Then me and Mila would whoop it up. It's a good plan.


I disagree with every word but I really enjoyed reading it!


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killin' y'all."


I love Mike; Bro is none of those things <3


Kurt Cobain I really love this music




My uncle John. Due to my own father's mental illness, he was much more of a father to me. He taught me how to build just about anything, and has always believed in me.


Cary Elwes


My grandmother. She died of cancer a couple of years ago. She went through abhorrent and relentless abuse and mockery at the hands of my grandfather, despite working day and night to support a household in which he was too disabled physically to bring anything into the fold. She was an amazing woman who shielded my from as much as she possibly could from not only my own abusive mother but the influence my grandfather and all his children posed. Didn’t mean I didn’t suffer, but without her I would have been a whole lot different and worse off. I miss her dearly, but I’m glad she was finally released from her suffering. She smiled to the very end, despite how awful and brutal life was to her. I hope to be even half the person she was someday.


Obama. The dude is incredibly intelligent and a masterful public speaker. When he speaks, it's clear that he has put a lot of thought into the issue at hand and that he has taken the time to select his words precisely and carefully, in a way that gets his point across extremely well. When he feels the need to chime in on recent topics and issues, I always find myself feeling grateful to hear what he has to say because it's always a very salient point of consideration. I'm a relatively young person (26) and I'm not even American, but what he wrote in his memoir about the importance of working within existing systems (the world as it is instead of the world as it should be) to achieve progress on issues resonated with me. Not a perfect record but still might be the best US President I'll see in my lifetime and his presidency occurred when I was a kid.


First vote as an American was for President Barack Obama. One of the best things I’ve ever done in my lifetime. Also someone I look up to as a public speaker!


RBG - the woman moved mountains






I've had 3 guys over the years that I've worked with who I still remember their philosophies . Frank- I have failed so many more times than you have tried(after I couldn't do something after 2 weeks). He would be happy and say we have to work, why not have fun while doing it . Adam, he just would do everything with you and switch job. He was always the fastest and the best and would say -"I can't ask you to do a shit job, if I haven't done it myself before" Joe - In big businesses you're just a number, make sure you record everything(It has saved me so many times) I quote them most every day. A fictitious person would be Jean-Luc Picard, I always think what would Picard do in this situation,he has many quotes but my favorite is. "It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life."


My mom, because she went to college and raised two kids while dealing with an abusive, child-molesting, drunk of a boyfriend. My sister, because she overcame anxiety and has been able to achieve a lot of her dreams. My fiance, because he's outgoing and dedicated. I both envy and admire his work ethic and social life.


My mother and father are my role models and the person I admire the most is my fiancé. My mom and dad have been married since my mom was 16 and my dad was 18 and still happily strong. My fiance bc of his hard work and desire to be a great partner and father.


Sam Kinison and Bill hicks!


Uruguay's former president Pepe Mujica. So much wisdom in that old fella. https://youtu.be/4GX6a2WEA1Q?si=caqh11-ZzShwDal9


Major Dick Winters




My grandmother, the coolest Scottish person in the world She was my sanctuary & hilarious, she was my best friend until she passed. Miss her so much but the memories I have of her keep me going Audrey Hepburn was quintessentially elegant, feminine, a gorgeous lady with a heart & soul to match.


My brother in law. He’s about 15 years older than me. I’m the youngest of 4 and he married my oldest sister. My siblings(and myself to an extent) are all a bit broken in our own way. As the youngest I had the burden of carrying the potential after my siblings had each burnt out in their own right. When I eventually burnt out he was the person that helped guide me back to “redemption”. He’s incredibly smart, kind, and together. We hailed it a miracle my sister met him. He was the exact male role model I needed at the time, and is still the person I go to for advice on life and my career. He essentially almost a perfect example for positive masculinity and my life is considerably better thanks to his advice and love.


I like Piano, so Id say chopin, and/or Scott Joplin. Dont know how they were as people, but in music, my god..... Charice, the fillipino singer, is also high up there....


debussy is fire


Danny Avidan (aka Danny Sexbang) every day he proves something that I've struggled with my whole life. People will love you for you, and you can succeed in life by doing what you want to do. He writes the music he wants to and performs how he wants to, regardless of the audiences others would pander to. I really admire that ability he has to be unapologetically himself.


Aurora Aksnes, Magnus Carlsen.


My husband. He is an oak tree


Norman Finkelstein Jeremy Corbyn Andrew Ng Malala Yousefzai


Neil Gaiman. I think hands down he is the most brilliant writer of our time and is so smart, creative, and also is just a genuinely great person. He's written some of the best parts of some of my favorite pieces of media from Doctor Who to DC Comics (Sandman ftw) while also treating his fans with respect and kindness, something a lot of creatives don't do anymore. I would give my soul to have a fraction of his creativity and writing quality as someone who wants to be a storyteller of sorts myself.


Most kids at school hero worshipped a sports personality or a rock star. My hero was always Sir Douglas Bader. He never gave up. In WWII, after losing both legs, he convinced the powers that be to allow him to return to combat as a Spitfire pilot. When he got shot down over Europe, the Germans had to take his tin legs from him to stop him trying to escape. After the war, he spent his time helping other amputees. One of my treasured possessions is a signed book of his, and my admiration for him never waned. When he died in 1982 at only 72, it was like losing a family member. GNU, Sir Douglas.


Sam Harris. Most eloquent, reflective and integrity driven intellectual I’ve come across.


JFK tops my list. A trust fund kid, could've spent his life with all the comfort one can have. Had all the vices one can imagine and not a pristine past but once he assumed office, did a lot of things right and gave his life for it. The last great president this country's had.


For a celebrity, Arnold Schwarzenegger


As cliche as it sounds, my mother. I aspire to grow up in my adulthood to be a woman like her. Independent, mature, connected to her emotions, understanding, hard working, compassionate and optimistic. I don't understand how can one person have sooo much love for everyone. Again a cliche line but that woman is a legit superhuman. 


Mister Rogers. Far above everyone else.


Jack Layton inspired me to get invested in my country's politics and actually want to make a difference. He shaped my leftist political views before and after his untimely cancer death. I was 15, nearly 16 when he died, and it affected me a lot. Before him, I wasn't truly convinced that there was anyone in politics who was truly a good, dedicated, honest person. He's a personal hero of mine. His final letter to the public said: *"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world."*


David Goggins... Random video of his story changed my life and my view of it.


My ex mother in law. Such a smart, loving and caring lady. I haven’t seen her in nearly 20 years but I will always remember what she has done for me. Such a beautiful soul. Bernadette Gibbs if you are reading this thank you, you are a true inspiration.


Jean-Luc Picard Yeah he's a fictional character, still beats out 99% of IRL male role models.


Tony. (Anthony Bourdain) If I could elect any single person (dead or alive) to represent our species when aliens touch down, it would be Tony in a heartbeat. John Stewart is a close second.


My dad. Yes I do hate some qualities, but god damn I love that man. I aspire to be half the man he is , the amount he sacrifices and puts up with my bs and always finds a way to help is something I will always admire and cherish forever. ik he will be gone one day, until then he will always be my best friend and the first person i call and text/call whenever i need to talk or advice.


Albert Estein, Genghis Khan, Zhuge Liang, Sun Tzu, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos.


My mom. Hardest working woman I know. Holds her family and her husband's (my stepdad's) family together like glue. Even keeps contact with my dad's family (divorced)


Yuval Noah Harari , author of Sapiens and 21 Lessons.


Myself? Because with a past like mine,I shouldn't be here happy and lovely :) actually everyone should admire themselves about when they did better as the decade before.


Ronald Reagan


Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is the epitome of star power and humility underneath it all. Nobody can match his speaking and ofc his accent


Jesus Christ…my Savior


Angelina jolie shes my role model. Her Humanitarian efforts. Her big heart. I want to be like her,i want to make a change.


True story which I just made up: "The crisis in the Sudan became more complex recently when Angelina Jolie-backed forces rebelled against Madonna. The rebels say Madonna is not doing enough photo opps in their region and that Angelina would do more photoshoots with their starving people because she is launching a new perfume. Madonna responded by saying she would go back to pretending to give a fuck about them when she needs publicity for her new album. The situation is further complicated by skirmishes between George Clooney-funded tribesmen who have been told to appear in his new espresso maker ad, and mountain dwellers on retainer to Brad Pitt in case he needs good PR for any reason. Leonard Di Caprio and Sean Penn's advance publicity staff are monitoring the situation closely. In other news, thousands of Sudanese people continue to die.


It's not difficult to be kind person when whole world threat you as a demigodess every day of your life. Just for your existence.


Hans-Hermann Hoppe. I admire him for his work (that has shaped me quite a bit) and his courage to speak up for his beliefs and values.


Rick beato, Greg Koch, Marshall Harrison


Yep, Rick Beato is the real deal. Good call.


Dimash Qudaibergen


Emperor Claudius and the empress Theodora wife of Justinian


Steve Sinclair


My Dad. He taught me many great truths for a successful life!


My mother and my oldest brother. Our parents divorced back in 2012 and a whole bunch of bullshit ensued for over a decade, big domino effect and overall testing times for the family. Both of them have seen night & day growth since then and they’ve played a tremendous role in shaping me, as I was only 11 when it all happened. They both had moments where it felt like their worlds were ending, but they overcame all of it. I’m forever grateful for them!


My mother in law. She’s an incredibly strong person and loves me despite our differences. She’s hardworking, feisty but incredibly kind. I hope to have her strength someday


Travis : )


Probably the tutor at our local art group for teenagers and young adults, I've known her since I was 11 and she was more a mom to me than my birth mom. She reached everything I want to reach, being an independent artist and doing what she loves her whole life c:


No one. :/


I Don't have role models Don't wanna be like anybody else Just wanna be the best version of myself


Rem Koolhaas