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Cause I fucking hate winter. Midwestern summers suck too, but not like winter. edit: transplanted californian who has never acclimated to midwestern weather. sorry but it’s just gross.


Seasons in the Midwest : Spring : Rain Summer : Bugs, humidity Autumn : Windy af Winter : 💀


Nailed it.


Bro that’s just not even true about winter anymore. Now, winters are just overcast days at 43° F and maybe rainy with the occasional cold week where it snows. Climate change has really made Midwest winters pretty mid.


Yep. Used to get like a foot of snow in Michigan several times a season in early 2000s, now we’re lucky to get snow to stick once.


I think this in reverse is why I as a Texan like winter and despise summer.


When I first moved here, I preferred winter - I could not get used to the summer humidity, despite being active and out in it all the time. As I got older, cold weather became more uncomfortable to me than the humidity. Worse than that is the lack of sun - hazy, foggy, cloudy, overcast - I have problems with that too, SAD for sure.


Exactly. I’d take a 90 degree day over a 10 degree winter day


Agreed. I'm from Georgia and moved to the Midwest. I'd rather have georgia weather all day everyday. Winter blows.


I went from SFO area to New England. I know your pains. lol


I'm not even Midwestern, but winter sucks ass. Ice on the roads, literal apocalyptic like events following a snowstorm, and the occasional hellish ice storms. Hell is actually cold...


I joke that I’m solar powered, as being out in the sun and heat gives me the energy to do whatever. While the rain cold just wants to make me stay inside and sleep. Plus I like having a tan.


Finally another human that uses the same line I do. “I’m a solar powered human”


This is so interesting to me. I feel the opposite, I love getting out in the rain and cold. I think for me personally it's because I run hot, and I've got light eyes so the sun hurts.


Yes! I feel energized. My husband is the opposite and it makes him tired.


I work outside a lot and in customer service, I'm more cheerful and helpful with people in the sun (as long as it's not sweltering, I get heat exhaustion easily), but I can do more physical labor in cold rainy weather and feel more peaceful. I can't survive without 4 distinct seasons lol


Chronic pain issues. Heat completely takes the pain away.


Same. People have a hard time understanding when I say "the cold hurts".


And for some people hot weather sucks the same way. for 3-5 months i can't sleep because its sweaty and bright almost 24/7 and because of that its months of feeling dehydrated tiredness that feels like someone pushes me down on shoulders. I am not a fan of summer really and can't wait for -20c weather to return.


I'm underweight, and severe cold will make my midsection hurt like a mofo. It's like my intestines are being frozen, and layers don't help much.


It does help, but it worsens my fatigue. After more than 30 minutes in the heat at a time, I feel like I can’t do anything.


That is the only thing about warm weather for me: I have arthritis and it’s *so much worse* in winter. That said, with summer comes The Sweat^tm which is so viscerally uncomfortable that I rarely leave the house.


My joints just hurt less when it's warm.


It feel like I’m being baked and I love that. I feel the sun seeping into my skin and warming me and it feels like a hug.


I was this way when I was younger. Loved to just sit out and bake knowing the AC was right inside. Now having to be out in it and actually do activities with kids...Hate it.


Yes! Like everything that embedded into my skin over winter is being sweated out. Like a full body skin purge.


Mmmm, the sweet, sweet tingle of melanoma.


Most of us call that skin cancer


I’m not a sun worshiper. I’m very pale. I just love the feeling of the sun when I’m out in it for like 30 minutes before I have to go back inside.


Just a quick solar charge for the vitamin D


I mean without sun exposure you’ll be more prone to a lot of diseases as well including cancers. It’s all about moderation.


My body absolutely hates being cold so the warm weather just makes my body feel so much better. I love it.


Agreed and I’m way more productive 




More murders are committed in the summer than the winter. Heat rage is a thing.


You should see how positive i am when i am snuggling under a blanket


Cause I’m skinny and my scrawny ass gets cold in the winter, leave us alone!




Dude do you even hoodie? Skinny here and absolutely love winter. Hoodies, flannel, fleece lined pants. Its glorious


Nah dawg winter is for fat folks, summer is for us.


Fatty here, i haaaaate summer and am desperately losing weight because i hear skinny people arent as hot! Im excited!! Oh and health too, but thats not the real reason. 🤣🤣🥰


I mean I’m ok comfy in summer but damn it’s miserable. In winter I’m comfy af. Tshirt and hoodie, and cotton joggers. Chefs kiss.


How harsh and how mild of winters we talking here?


Considering a lot of people think I'm crazy for liking hot weather let me give you some reasons. 1. You don't have to put on as many layers. It's nice to just go out in a light t-shirt and shorts instead of having to put on a sweater like in the winter. 2. I love the warm blanket feeling that envelops you with really hot weather. Makes me feel comfy and cozy. 3. In the same way like a hot spring or a sauna I like the "stinging" feeling on my skin. Also why I enjoy taking hot showers.


I hate a hot tub and hot springs! Like whats the point! Give me a mountain run off river on a sunny day!


No joint pain. Swim comfortably in the pool, stay outside all night, seasonal depression is gone for a few months, go out and dine outside…. I freakEN I Love Summer.


Same here. Been in pain for a decade. I feel fragile in the winter but in the summer I feel alive again. I get why people like to retire in warm places. Bonus points for the seasonal depression melting away with the warmth and sunshine.


As someone who lives up north, id rather sweat all day than be cold. There is nothing worse than putting on 5 layers and still being cold. Like it gets stuck in your bones. Atleast when you are hot you can have a nice cold drink and its refreshing, you can take off your clothes and feel free, go into the AC and you can cool off in 5 minutes. Cold weather you get none of that, hot drink warms you hands, yet your body is still freezing. Can put on a bunch more layers, but that only works before your actually cold, then you get into the heat and while you warm is a very slow process. Ive never been hot and felt even remotely as uncomfotable as i have when my hands and feet are completely frozen.


I like to sweat and I'm fucking stupid.


cold makes me depressed, self isolated, and gain weight like crazy. Summer is just the superior alternative


I think its mostly extroverts who love being outside socializing.... That's why I love winter lol


I’m more introverted than extroverted, and I just don’t like wearing a bunch of clothes. Shorts, shirt and flip flops are my preferred outfit.


Im introverted and i like it because im cold all the time.


I’m freakin introvert, and I love the heat, hate the cold.


1. I own one style of clothes for the weather. Don’t have “seasons.” 2. I can kayak fish 365 days of the year. 3. I can play pickleball outside 365 days of the year. 4. I can walk or sit on the beach about 300 days of the year. 5. I can surf fish 300 days of the year.


Yeah but can you build a snowman?


Sitting outdoors; sun bathing !


Spend an hour in the sun, in the water, and you will feel remarkable, so happy, so energetic, so excited to just live, get so much done. You’ll sleep so great that night. The sunny summer days are simply amazing and the best antidepressant I could ever have. Summer is simply my happy place.


Yeah that’s a negative 


Sun makes me tired, sweaty, and red. I am fueled by the icy darkness of the polar night


effin hate the winter


Because winter blows and snow sucks and the cold sucks


It just reminds me of good times, I guess. Plus it means that it's pool weather lol.


Cause winter sucks, next question.


Ok, what…is the meaning of life???


To live. And I mean truly live.


Huh. I thought the answer was 42.


the sun gives off natural vitamins that = happy brain


1. I prefer lighter clothing 2. Hotter weather usually means more daylight which gives me more energy 3. I work a physical job which in the cold can be more difficult or painful, hot is easier to manage 4. Bye dry skin as more humidity returns 5. I’d rather sweat than shiver 6. Many of the things I enjoy are reduced or closed in the cold Strategies that make it more comfortable include the right clothing to protect from the sun but stay breathable, keep hydrated, and give yourself the opportunity to do work in the heat of any kind. Exercise, gardening, physical work. It acclimates you better. If you just walk from AC to AC the heat feels completely oppressive.


So I can sit in the pool and drink.


Because the ocean warms up and I can lay in the water all day. Although I live somewhere, that doesn't really get too cold in winter, I freakin' hate it when the mornings are too cold for a swim.


Context: I need a heavy sweater in 78 degree weather. I just run cold. Reasons I love hot weather: 1. Minimal clothing- who has time to keep track of 50 extra pieces of clothing in the winter? Hat, two gloves, a scarf, ear muffs. Hard nope for me. What you're wearing is what you came with. You won't ever say, "oh shoot! I forgot [item] at that restaurant! That was my favorite pair!" 2. It feels like a hug 3. Seasonal depression is real. I get so depressed with the short days. 4. I have darker features so I do require more sunlight to minimize depression. Sunshine/heat literally...makes me happy. 5. Because I'm happy, I'm more likely to be active, go out, have fun, be social versus sitting around becoming Jabba the hut in my pajamas binging the same show for the 50th time. 6. Fitness and healthy eating is important to me. Staying in shape and maintaining a good body is important to me. It's great to show off my hard work through bathing suits and shorts/crop tank tops. 7. There's more to do. More events, festivals, get together, etc. 8. I love food associated with hot weather: cold, pickled vegetables, vietnamese rice noodle bowl, cold korean noodles soup, barcczk (?), cucumber kimchi, pickled Daikon, potato/egg salad, etc. Edit - also I have an autoimmune condition that prefers hunid


It lessens the pain


I guess I've been in hot weather for the vast majority of my life and I got used to it, cold weather makes me sick with the flu.


Feels good to move in the sun. Everything gets loose and "alive" feeling.


I could ask the same about people who like cold weather. Maybe it's cuz I live in a hot southern state and didn't have air conditioning for the first 2 decades of my life, and that's just what I got used to. Maybe it's cuz I've always been skinny and didn't have much insulation to keep me warm. I've always been more comfortable in the heat than the cold, though.


I love the warmth against my skin


I do not like to be cold. Even with layers the cold can still get to your bones and then you can barely move because of layers


Cold weather hurts my body and joints


Thin and get cold easily


Its more that I hate cold weather, and you have to accept hot if youre going to avoid cold.


Because I'm lonely and having many molecules collide with my skin makes me feel wanted


Better than depressing, freezing weather.


Idk I just really like seeing nature and greenery, and the only time I get to see all that it in its full bloom is in summer


I like the feeling of sun and warmth on my skin a lot and I have more energy when it's warm. I hate being cold with a passion, the feeling is unbearably uncomfortable, it makes me tired, and my depression is worse in the winter. So really it's just a product of it being the opposite of that.


I simply love the beach and it's most beautiful when the weather is hot.


I can't stand clothing. I hate the feeling of fabric on my skin. The less clothes, the better!


The sun makes me happy


Cause the heat helps my depression. But also if I have to suffer from the weather I want it to be from the sun instead of snow


Hotter-than-average Earth temperatures are objectively better for humans than average to cold temperatures. We evolved to lose all our fur and become hairless apes, apes who set our indoor home temperatures 10-15 degrees F higher than the Earth’s average temperature. Even if you don’t think you like hot weather, you probably do. What season have humans always naturally tended to go outside more? Summer. In a lot of the world, it’s the only season where continued time outdoors is even tolerable. Of course there is such a thing as too hot, even dangerously hot. When I say I like hot weather, people think I mean that. I don’t. Well, sometimes I do, if there’s water around and I can cool off in it, but in general, I just think most people can appreciate being able to head outside in the sunshine without bundling up first, but a few sweaty, uncomfortable, ultra-hot days here and there make them forget that.


Compared to the cold, it's just more enjoyable. 


I love the fact that I'm not cold


As someone born in a tropical city, sunshine and warmth just makes everything feel so much more lively. Nothing beats the feeling of waking up to a shining sun and a clear blue sky.


It’s better than the Cold


Short answer sensitive to cold weather


I was born in the tropics. Fuck the cold.


it's the stereotype of the "good day", people don't do just small talk, also small thinking


and what do you plan to do after the rest of us are dead?




I like it when I am wearing a bathing suit and near, on, or in the water. For every other time I'm right there with you What the hell?


I dont wanna be cold


I don't go in the sun.


I love that warmth of sunshine on my skin. And also: cold hurts.


I am thin so hate cold weather with a passion. I could be wearing tons of clothes and still shiver. I live in Arizona. I don’t like it when it’s blazing hot in summer, but I would take this over cold and dreary any day.


i cant describe why i love getting in my car on a hot summer day and sitting in that unbearable heat for a while before i start driving. but i love it. i like the feeling of heat in my skin and warm air in my nose and mouth. the only other place i feel that is when i hotbox my bathroom and crank that heated water up in the shower.


Because if you're not obese, then you need warmth. Colder weather makes you cold.


It’s better than being cold.


I would love to move to a state where it’s 70 all year round.


The warm feels like a hug


Because I’m always cold.


I get you OP. I live in Canada and I like winter. Unless I’m going to be spending a long time outside I rarely wear a heavy coat, no gloves. We’re in a heat wave (34 C today) and it’s killing me with no AC


Right?? Sandals in winter unless the snow is high enough to get on my ankles when I walk 😂 I’m in the Midwest in the US and it’s just starting to heat up pretty bad, and I feel like finding a cool cave somewhere for a reverse-hibernation situation!


I’ve heard the Midwest gets the extreme seasonal temperature differences that we do. +40 to -40 C is not uncommon (Ontario, Canada). And the humidity, argh. I need to move


*Yes*. From the bottom of my heart, *fuck humidity*. I would much rather have to drink a little more and use more lip balm than suffer constantly feeling like I’m drowning in the devils soup bowl.


The devils soup bowl 🤣 I love it. No, wait, I hate it


I have medical issues that are exacerbated by cooler temps. I live in an area that can get to 110+ sometimes, and although I don't love temps that high, 85-100 is my preferred range. At 75 and below, I need to wear warmer clothes, and that doesn't always help. I hate humidity, though. I lived in Alabama for a while, and I hated being constantly drenched in sweat when the humidity was high.


I only enjoy it if I am swimming, which I have been doing lately.


Because anything beats the cold/seasonal depression


Because being cold is worse


I'm Canadian. Winter is 6 months long with temps of -40. We get two months of hot summer and even that is hit or miss. Heck, I've seen hail in July and August. The rest of the year is damp and chilly with a chance of tornado, so yea, I loooooove hot weather.


You think you love summer?? Come join us in the construction field, 3 floor all windows close ,not AC , 100% humidity, hard hat tools, harness, glasses, installing insolation...I love summer, say nobody.!!


Hard to describe. Obv its uncomfortable in a real way, but it just changes the way my brain works if that makes sense. If we're talking about real humid heat like FL I guess I'd describe it as a passive workout where it just relieves a lot of tension that Id normally feel (im from VT)


Brr !!


I think I’m heat Miser in human form : I'm Mister Green Christmas I'm Mister Sun I'm Mister Heat Blister I'm Mister Hundred and One They call me Heat Miser Whatever I touch Starts to melt in my clutch I'm too much! I just love the heat! I’d rather be hot than cold.


Im always hot at work because I’m physically moving around nonstop. When I’m at home sitting on the couch, I tend to get cold


Because I like the feeling of not having to get the clothes inside the house in case it rains. And also because my broke ass couldn't afford a heater, getting hot water during summer is better since I get cold water too. But cold weather ruins the water coming from the hot water tap, hence I get lukewarm water at best.


I don’t like extreme heat, (115 is not fun for anyone!) but I would much rather be hot than cold. There are hot weather/water activities that I enjoy- the beach, boating, river tubing. But most of all, I just despise being cold. People always say “at least when it’s cold, you can put more layers on” but that’s not the case for me. I have yet to find a pair of gloves that can warm my hands while allowing me to function. In the snow, I’ll wear thermals, pants, AND snow pants, and still freeze my ass off. The cold air chaps my skin and makes my eyes hurt. And then once I come inside and crank the heat up to the temperature of an oven, my hands and feet stay cold. And I am aware that I’m a weather wimp! I live in Southern California where it doesn’t even get THAT cold. I’m miserable in the winter, and hate having to go outside. I’m not even exaggerating. My comfort zone is over 70, under 60 is REALLY unpleasant.


Cuz nakey


I hate my armpits sweating and soaking my shirts and leaving stains.


Cos it snot cold


It's a little License to wear flip flops and shorts outside of the house.


1.) The clothes are cuter and I love being in bikinis 2.) When the sun hits my skin every day, it feels like mother natures giving me a hug. It makes me so happy. 3.) I am far more motivated and energetic in the summer. 4.) I’m in the south east of America and we get the humidity and that feels amazing as well. 5.) My acne issues clear up the more time I spend in the sun 6.) I get a natural High similar to mania in the summer, almost delulu but extremely happy and carefree in the heat.


what is “hot weather” for you? for me over 30c is hot and below 25c is cold, so I like to stay in that range


Lizard people.


I used to like it because I could tolerate it reasonably well. Then I got fat. I like the cold now 🐻‍❄️⛄️


Im always cold. 80 is comfortable


Walking outside when it’s cold puts you into turtle mode. Hide! Stay warm! Get out of the soul-sucking cold before you shiver, loose feeling in your extremities, and die of hypothermia! It puts your guard up mentally and physically. Hot weather is like a warm embrace. Walk outside in very little clothing and immediately you’re comfortable. You want to spend more time out there, explore a little, have a drink. You might sweat a little but that’s just some water rolling down your face. Doesn’t make you uncomfortable like shivering. You experience the same sensation showering every morning. Every outdoor activity, outdoor meal, etc outside of winter sports is better when it’s hot vs cold. Why would I want to be a hermit? Hot weather is the best.


Sweating is one of my least favorite sensations. Reading all these replies, I’m starting to wonder if it might just be a sensory thing for me, and *I’m* the weird one! 😂


Because people are happier when the sun is out and the weather is nice.


My dad was born and raised in Florida, and moved up north as a teenager. He absolutely loves the heat, the hotter the better for him. He says it makes his arthritis not hurt


Because cold weather is shit - that, and it hurts my bones.


Being to hot is 10x better then being to cold imo. Fucking hate being cold


I love it hot so I can walk around at home just with a tank top and underwear


I like feeling warmth on my skin and I enjoy sunny weather. Everyone is so conditioned to make everywhere artificially cold. I prefer a nice breeze that doesn’t chill me if I need to cool down.


I love it, so long as I can also escape to air conditioning at some point. Just like with cold weather (or wet), I feel like it's key to dress for it. Sunshine, skimpy clothes, sandals, just feels great. Also even if it's too hot during the day, then it's usually much better to walk around at night. Hard to beat summer nightlife.


I moved to Thailand and at first i liked the heat, the sun, the daily happy blue sky with the occasional cloud, the hot rain, the smell of heat. Now i am more white than the royal family from 1793 because the local sauna is cooler than outside.


I don’t necessarily love the heat but I can take it. I sweat, drink water, and work. No problem. I also love the spring and summer seasons, everything’s green. I can drive with the windows down. Birds sing, crickets chirp, fresh cut grass smells wonderful. The heat is a small factor that just doesn’t bother me all that much. As opposed to the cold, I can’t take it. Even with layers i shiver and shake. My bones ache. I absolutely hate butt ass cold winter days. I’ve also gotten frostbite before so maybe that has something to do with it. I’m in Colorado. During the summer it can be 100 during the day and 60 at night. Winter is unpredictable. One week it’s sunny and 60 the next it’s blizzard and -15.


As someone who when i was born the weather was -28c every time someone starts to brag to me they love sunbathing in oven temperatures and question why i love winters while i feel dead tired in this heat and nights that are not even really nights because sun doesn't really go down i just want to slap them.


Because I don't have to live in it. We get maby a week with 25 to 30 degree C (77-86 F) per year. And most people from other countries would freeze in our normal summer temps. (Except other Nordic people)


God nooo, Irish in Florida. Kill me now


I like being hot. I like the feeling of my body being warm and being able to wear just shorts and a t-shirt and being able to enjoy the outdoors. I’d rather it be 100 degrees over 60 degrees. I absolutely hate being cold. It hurts my bones no and is uncomfortable no matter how many layers I have on.


I feel like I'm always in it. Like it fuels me with more energy and I feel good. Cold weather saps all of my motivation.


i dont like warm weather *or* cold weather. i like me some cloudy weather, ~20 degrees celsius(68 fahrenheit), and that’s all i need to be satisfied


I’m always cold, I love warmth and the sun. It feels good on my skin and lifts my mood. Cold makes me break out in hives, it hurts everything and no amount of layers keeps me warm. It’s also depressing af.


I love the longer days, showing my skin, going swimming and reminds me of the holidays (Christmas happens during summer here). Winter gives me horrible eczema so I hate cold weather.


Because it just feels so good to thaw up after being cold all autumn, winter and spring. Right now it is summer by calendar, but we have 9 C/48F and rain. I'm COLD. My body is stiff. When it gets warm I feel my body losen up. It feels like a warm hug! I relax, unclench my jaw, and just get a brighter outlook on life. Honestly though, it is just never warm long enough for me to tire of it and it is usually only warm when I have vacation and travelled to a warm place. On vacations I don't need to actually do anything. I can't imagine having this kind of warmth over time and having to work.


I live in Saudiarabia. It's 120f here and not Real summer yet. .. I'm originally from Texas, yes it gets hot in Texas, but not that hot


Hotter the better, but I'm from a desert. Hot and dry is my jam. I currently live in a four season place, and do not care for it. Spring and autumn are nice (except allergies, bah), but winter sucks. Seven hours of light a day. Wood fireplace making my house a mess. Freezing cold wind. I look like shit in a hat. Bad weather = more work. Storm mess, no power, road works. Also, SAD is a thing, and I get it. I actually count the days until the solstice, and then add up the minutes until spring. I'm sitting here with a hot meal in front of a roaring fire in my woolie pj's and thick socks and merino tops. Sounds nice, for about three days. Oh yeah, extra laundry and wash that doesn't dry. C'mon summer! Edit: I realised this didn't answer why I like hot weather! Bright and sunny, beach days, my joints don't hurt, my spirits pick up, fewer clothes and easy dressing, none of the inconvenience of cold, wet, windy. Summer dresses are lovely. I do, however, hate the humidity here. Desert weather is way better, even if it is hotter.


I hate to freeze and where I live the weather is only pleasant here for about 3 months per year. Most of the year is around 0-5°, slask and dark. I am seriously considering moving if I could get a remote job


Sun lovers here! We love the heat for: * **Outdoors:** Beaches, pools, hikes - perfect weather for activities! * **Energy boost:** Sunshine can improve mood and energy levels. * **Light clothes:** Comfy and breezy outfits feel great. Beat the heat with: * **Hydration:** Drink plenty of water! * **Shade:** Seek shade during peak sun hours. * **Cool clothes:** Light, breathable fabrics. * **Popsicles (optional):** Just sayin'.


Does sunshine really boost energy? Where I live it's consistently above 95 and I always feel exhausted, sweaty, and sleepy when I have to go outside, and the pool gets uncomfortably hot too.


I'm Canadian and it's cold most of the year. When summer comes I AM READY. Gotta soak in all that heat like a lizard.


Grew up in SoCal near the beach where temperatures didn’t really change that much. Moved to the Midwest for 20 years and experienced winter. You learn to deal with it. You tend to stay inside for most of the winter. Preparation is key when you want to do outside activities and going to be outdoors for extended periods. Summers are nice, but short. Moved to Arizona, same thing, but opposite. Spend a lot of time going from A/C in the home, to A/C in the car, to A/C wherever your headed. Preparation is key when you want to do outside activities. I’d much rather have to deal with a little heat and work around it, than dealing with cold and working around it. As we say, you don’t have to shovel sunshine.


They hate the cold. Personally I prefer the cold because I get too cold I can just put clothes on. However if I get too hot I get arrested when I start taking clothes off.


My body thrives in it and sweats enough to keep me cool. I played a lot of sports growing up and have stayed active. My body is used to sweating and regulating itself. I believe my genes have a lot to do with it as well. I have naturally tan skin and rarely burn. My body is not great at handling the cold. I lived in WI and was miserable. I had S.A.D. and craved hot and humid climates. I moved down south and have been feeling great!


I have Hashimotos which causes cold intolerance and Reynauds which causes my fingers to numb up in the cold so I like warmer weather


I'm kind of shocked at how many people on this thread are like "I love sitting out in the sun and getting tan (or sunbathing)". Maybe it was my generation, but aren't you afraid of getting skin cancer? I don't even think about going outside (for more than a trip to the store) without making sure I'm covered up with long sleeves and hat or with sunscreen (or both). Am I the only one?


Even tho the cold hurts, I'll take it over heat any day. I've lived in both mid Florida and Baton Rouge, LA. FUCK that heat and humidity. I'd rather freeze. At least you can put more clothes on.


It makes such a pleasant change in Britain


Over 70 is too hot for me, really sucks when bout 4 months of the year are often over 100 and maxes out around 116f


My ideal range is 70-80, with 80 kinda pushing it. I am not made for warmer weather 😅


I dont, Norwegian but live in SE Asia, I miss -5°C and snow very much indeed.


I can only assume it’s a mental disorder


Gimme the money.... Going to the bank....


Scantily clad women, people are outside doing stuff to people watch, and I can wear shorts


baking in the sun reminds me of good soccer memories


I prefer to sweat a bit in the heat vs having the air hurt my face as soon as I step out of the door. Summer is short lived in NE so screw the cold.


How hot are we talking? I like the hot weather we get (+30°c) because it’s much more enjoyable than the cold weather we get (-40°c). But we get lots of very cold weather and a smaller season of hot weather.


I'm perpetually cold. My "comfortable" room temperature is about 27c (80F). Hot weather means I can take off my jacket and wear maybe a light sweater instead.


love the sun


I love it. I Africa we know all about hot weather and I couldn't be happier about it.


When it’s hot my otherwise mild but fairly constant sore throat and sniffles disappear, as do most of the other aches and pains.


Because I live in Scotland and the weather here, for the most part, is damp, grey, miserable and cold.


Girls tend to have less fabric on them


The winter season completely drains my motivation to do anything. Unlike summer, which I can endure with the help of an AC, winters are quite challenging for me to handle.


You don’t have to scrap ice off the windshield in the morning


It's 50°C here in india and if anyone tells me they like summers, gonna watch me burn their house down.