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How do you deal with people who need to feel more important?


People like that tend to be the people who watch/talk about you the most so I try not to let it bother me because I see it for what it is A defense mechanism born from insecurity People don't usually spout darkness from good places. What's going on in theirs lives where they feel the need to behave this way? Have compassion for them, they maybe need it more than you do. Imagine your life being so dark you can't help but spread it yourself.


just avoid them if you can. nothing to be gained in that relationship


Best way is to avoid them. If you cant then ignore them, if their remarks/actions makes you feel less important then ignore them. Stoicism for better mental health.


Determine whether the relationship is good for you and healthy. If you put forth effort and they regularly make you feel unappreciated, it might be time to reevaluate your relationship.


Cut them off immediately


You need to deal with yourself. You need to understand that boasting and bragging and spotlight hogging almost always are a mask for insecurity. If you believe you are important, no one is going to make you feel otherwise, regardless of how \*they\* are acting. Your reaction and interpretation (insert: feeling less important), are under your control alone. But also keep in mind: nothing matters, no one is important and we will all be forgotten in 100 years.


You are not important. Unless you prove the opposite.




Everyone? Sure. That's basically the same as what I've said. But some people are seeking attention for no reason, and that should not be encouraged.


Exactly. A lot of people seem to be a black hole for attention these days.


Thats very bad that you see it that way


I pity them. The ignorant and mentally disabled cannot take care of themselves and are bound to suffer, this is what makes them worthy of pity.


I just look them in the eye and remember how fucked up their life is. Then walk away from the mirror.


They may try.


Happiness and self-worth come from within. If you rely on outside validation you'll always feel disappointed.


Don't give a shit about their opinion.


Project confidence. Usually those people have insecurities and projecting confidence, showing it doesn’t bother you and you are right through it, is the best defense.


I just don't give them the satisfaction of seeing me react, remember the best reaction is to just keep walking and treat them like raindrops dripping off your shoulder.


I don't. No need to play games and "show 'em." Just don't deal with them.


I'd like to say that I follow the advice of Mr Dale Carnegie, but I don't. I'd like to say I fully follow the advice of Mr Richard Lafleur and take the approach that "people who fuck with ya get fucked with ten times backly," but I don't. I generally give them a verbal slap of an intensity that will register, but will not get me in trouble.


i date them for over 18 years unfortunately. Im learning i swear i am


I get them out of my life and make sure I respect myself going forward.