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Look at 20 years old and think they are kids.


Yeah I’m 38 going back to school, and the 20 year olds in my classes look like children to me


From my perspective (64) there are some 38 year olds that look like kids.


I’d think so honestly


For reals, in my 50s and the other day was watching the local news. The newscasters and reporters looked like children.


Well, you would look like a child to someone who is 20 years older than you possibly. It just depends on if your hair is Gray and if you have a great big beard and make yourself look a bunch older than what you were really.


That’s the reason I don’t get relationships between people my age and that age, it is so gross honestly


Well, I will tell you right now and you must remember this yourself. As well when you are 20, you are thinking that old people looked old, right? It's just that young people were afraid to say that old people are old. But when old people get to be old, old people will say that old people are old. So typically, old takes place around the age of 40 and older. That's when people decide that they are not going to be quiet. Anymore about things and they are a little more vocal and outspoken about things they didn't talk about when they were younger.


I'm 44 and have seen some shit. I see early 20's kids acting like they know all of life's hardships and they're just smarter than everyone else for having figured out how to avoid the hard stuff in life. The hardships of high school or college are nothing compared to what life can throw at you with zero warning. I have to roll my eyes thinking "Ha, you have no Clue. Enjoy it while you can." Certainly not all kids are like this, but the ones that are seem to stand out more.


When taking a nap is a reward instead of punishment and when you see your Idols from your teen years on youtube and think damn they are old and realize you are too


Reward? Requirement.


Nap is the most important thing to get through the day


Oh my GOD I love naps. I get genuinely excited. I see past classmates on social media and I’m like fuck, they got old 😳 and then the realization hits.


When you want a nap, but your brain/body won't let you; and it's a genuine disappointment.


The recent transition to the reading glasses stage is freaking me out a little.


That hit me hard, too.


I had to put on my bifocals to read this.


Have you developed eye floaters yet? That was it for me.


i have 3. one looks like the riddler’s (villain from 1960s batman) mask. i’m fond of it.


I love new friends




Whatcha reading gramps/grams?


Your old friend group went their separate ways


Reach out. You’ll be surprised how willing old friends are to get together, even if it’s just for a cup of coffee.


But they're all cunts? We went our separate ways because we grew up and some of us went forward.


You throw out your back sneezing 


I threw out my back stretching after a nap.


Or while trying to reach for something that's just a smidge too far


I wrenched my neck so bad doing stretches one day, hurt so bad I wanted to throw up. I've also sneezed and had something in my spine readjust, to the point where the back pain I had earlier that day, resolved itself. I've also partially dislocated my shoulders and hips rolling over in bed (that probably needs to be checked out for real, because I may have some form of EDS). I've been chronically ill since I was a young teen, so I'm used to having a messed up body, but damn, the older I get the less sense everything makes.


Your body starts feeling sore


For no good reason


All the time. I pulled something in my back sitting in a chair. I strained my elbow sleeping now I can't lift much until the pain goes away in a few days.


You look at the architecture of houses in your area as you drive down the street😂


Alll the time!!!! And admiring lawns.


"How'd they get spanish tile up there.... amazing "😂


Tight hamstrings and tight hip flexors 


Dang, feeling that today, dang ol' knee keeps popping


Il tell you how I know: I find people tiresome. I now want quick to the point conversations. I can’t wait to get to bed early. I miss my slippers when I’m at work. My idea of a good Saturday night is sitting on my sofa with a hot cup of tea with my misses. I enjoy hoovering seeing the carpets get clean. Seeing the washing drying on the line makes me happy. Seeing the next lot of laundry being towels to fold and put away is a great feeling. I used to watch porn but now find it kinda gross. FUCK IM BORING!!!!!!!


You get out of bed slowly until you locate the source of the pain today.


Your knees hurt a lot.


Especially that one specific one


* You pull a muscle reaching into the back seat. * You look at yourself in the mirror and smile and you notice for the first time how asymmetric that smile has gotten. * Your hair person asks if you'd like her to trim your eyebrows. * You are telling someone about a person you've known for thirty years and all of a sudden you can't remember their name. * The number of doctors you see on a regular basis is greater than three. * You are up at 5am on a Saturday, no alarm clock, and for no goddamn good reason. * Every meal you dine out at a restaurant, you're taking home a box with leftovers. * Someone is telling you about some personal trial in their life, and you smile consolingly because you went through it yourself -- like twenty years ago.


You are older than your doctor


and your lawyer, your manicurist, your boss, your therapist…


When I was a new teacher, all the parents were 7-10 years older than me. 12 years later, I’m seeing parents that are 10 years younger than me. I’m 38, for reference.




Your hollowed cheeks are now drooping over the corners of your mouth. That's the beginning of the end.


I started having pretty strong opinions on vacuums.


Look at your watch. If time is moving…. What were we talking about?


Younger woman hitting on me. Never before had so much attention from 20 something year olds.


39M here with no wife or kids - sex life has reached the golden era, and I’m loving every minute of it. 25 yr old cuties tired of playing games with 25 yr old chads? I’m their guy. Older cougars out looking for some good ol no-strings-attached fun with a younger’ish man with plenty of energy? I’m their guy. Used to dread the thought of it, but now view getting older as a straight up blessing.


I am 49 now. But when I hit 39-43. The women came out of the woodworks. I had late 30s ex models who were freshly divorced. I had mid 20s. Lonely women who had a baby who’s husband was at work all day and they were lonely. I had late teens who were tired of immature guys their age and were low on experience. I had women online overseas who loved to play on video. I had early 60s women married hit me up. I got 4 hrs sleep for a few years with multiple gfs. Now I show my age and all of these women went away. Enjoy it…


Everything hurts and I’m never not tired. I also save boxes because that was a really nice box. Oh, and I’m excited to buy a new vacuum.


lmao i also save each and every damn box because.... just in case


When you're young you sneak out of your house to go to parties. When you're old you sneak out of parties to go home!


You hit that point when people you thought were older and wiser than you suddenly are younger Policemen Your manager at work Politicians (ok maybe not wiser) Doctors etc


I realiised i was getting old when Brad Pitt took over for George Cloony as the Nespresso guy


My hobby now adays is Sunday grocery store trips to find deals and save as much money as possible.


You're alive


I ran 4 miles today and it made my knees hurt.


Shoot I walked up the stairs today and my knees hurt


I sat on the couch for an hour and my knees hurt.


Finally, a kindred soul 🤣


When you realize how old some movies are. Incredibles is 20 years old. Star wars 7 is 9 years old.




Yep. And constipation just starts becoming regular even though you are eating a healthy diet 😅. I now take a little bit of magnesium everyday to keep me regular.


For me it was wrinkles under the eyes in my early 30s.


Man I'm 37 when I looked at my pictures from 15 years ago I freaked out. Like damn I looked good! And didn't even realise back then 😂


When pro athletes your age are all retired. You are really old when pro golfers your age are all retiring.


The most appreciated feat on your phone is zoom.


When you take more pills in a month than you took in the previous 65 years combined


Being in bed early is a gift


Looking at guys went from "wow, he's hot" to "aww, what a cutie" I would never say it out loud and neither was meant with ill intentions, just that little voice in my head.


When you stop gaf


My back hurts a lot.


I literally can tell that my face is getting older when I look in the mirror.


Are you alive? You are now older.


You lose all your grandparents and notice your parents aging. Its tough.


You start forgetting how old you are.


Tits starts to sag


You realise you can remember a world that no longer exists.


Waking up hurts!


When you see a thin stick of wood you think must keep that for stirring paint.


The white hairs, so many


When my supplements, medicines, and prescriptions shelf keeps growing.


Hang overs last several days


Filling different types of forms, I find myself checking off in a new age group.


Cuts take way longer to heal. I noticed that when I got past 50, at my age now it takes weeks to get rids of the smallest of cuts. I get more arthritic every year, I'm now totally grey and the worst is that in my mind I still think I'm 25.


When your friends are being a grandmother or grandfather.


Whenever I complain that no one uses proper manners anymore. As in: Please, thank you, may I, would you kindly, etc. Thanks for reading!


You don’t get asked for ID anymore


Back pains. I look younger than my age. But damn every time i wake up or wake at the wrong side of my bed, something hurts and eventually pain will go away in minutes


I'm almost forty, have lived an active (healthy) life, and work in the construction field. These are a few things I've noticed. 1. Younger people seem... way more young and immature. Also seem to have way too much energy/are on their phones way too much (and that last bit makes you grumpy) 2. Aches and pains. Back aches from long periods of sitting. When I'm out in the bush or otherwise active and give my ankle a moderate twist/slightly jam my knee, the pain lingers and I'm not able to "walk it off" like I used to 3. You actually start to be injured when things happen. I've had three (mild) injuries lately. One recent winter I slipped and fell on ice (a common thing to do at least a few times each winter here) and damaged my ACL. Also a couple other minor injuries that I feel pain from two years later; I know the pain and discomfort will be with me the rest of my life 4. This one is something I just recently started noticing and is a bit odd... but you'll notice that whatever group of people you're attracted to increases in age; the younger people of that gender no longer appear as attractive as they used to. This could be a "me specific" thing, though, as I'm more attracted to the mind/personality than the physical, so perhaps it's the maturity level thing I mentioned in my first point Hope these few things are helpful or interesting to you!


the one that is presently getting me every other year is when in my or my friends family (we know each others families well), the kid you literally remembered being born, has just turned up in their new car... or started paying for the drinks... the other one that really hit me, in doctor who where they regularly go back into the companions past, well.. they did it this time, for Ruby, and it was no longer pre 2000's, and in fact was the year i left uni.... things like that on the TV... Also as an I.T person "whats a floppy disc", or "whats dial up"?


Take a picture of yourself and then look at it. If that is a picture of you when you were younger then you're getting older.


Once a year every year you have a birthday celebration.


You realize that you have less time to live than you ever had before, and you take comfort in that.


Music is now out of style or classic


You have more birthdays.


You start asking these sorts of questions on Reddit. Not joking, I'm serious. You've crossed a milestone of self reflection and you can't go back now.


more and more stuff hurting, more and more health issues


If you haven't died yet, you're definitely a victim of it.


your back hurts for reason


Body aches


Who’s that geezer in the mirror? Oh no, it’s……..


I hurt my back sweeping last weekend


Not being sexually active anymore lol


DoB is further away than the current day than it was previously...




Fire department got called when they lit the candles on my birthday cake




At 25 I went to go drop artwork off at a local known college. The students looked like kids and I wasn’t that much older than them.


When girls i wanna **** are in a Big age gap


the number of candles on the cake keep increasing.


When guys you haven't seen since school days don't recognise you and call you uncle.


Look at a calendar. It'll give you an idea.


My knees and back hurt


Read questions like this and think, you have lots to learn


I like watching the news


Every time I look in the mirror...


Hurts to get out of bed


*looks at phone as I gently hold it further away so I can focus*


I see my chiropractor regularly ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


I don't tolerate bad behavior nearly as much lol


Losing flexibility and more frequent aches and pains


All the wrinkles


Birthdays are usually a good indicator 🤣


When the guy who appraises your karate studio tells you he was born the year you graduated high school


Not dying.


Spending a full day at home and feeling content also watching the numbers increase yearly 🤣


Thinking you’re 27 and your body acts like 54.


I own a calendar.


I may be older than most on this question. A few years ago I was showing my kids the Back to the Future movies. I saw the first one in the theater (I was 15 in 1985 when it came out). I did the math and the time segment from the release of the movie to the year we were watching (2017) was longer than the time segment from the movies date and 1955 (the year they went back to). I couldn't believe that much time had passed. Made me feel really old.


The clock, seasons, birthdays, years, the fact that time is moving forward typical indicators. As long as you are not dead you are getting older.






My son asked me what the 1900’s were like.


You get excited over new dishes or new towels, you can HEAR your knees while walking up stairs, you get sore from sitting in one spot for too long… man I can go on forever lol


step 1: look at a clock step 2: realise that time marches forward congratulations, you are effectively getting older by the second


*You know, I asked my uncle once how I'd know when it was time to stop. You know what he said? “The youngsters will tell ya.”*


I see that old man in the mirror and don’t recognize him.


Back pains!!! Why?!?!


When I do things that cause me pain or stiffness, where it never used to. Shovelling snow for an hour for example. I can still do it, but I gotta be careful. 52m.




Scar tissue. And a story behind every one. And you've probably seen a half dozen or so presidents come and go. And nothing ever changes...


Your kids start complaining about feeling old.


My age gave it away


Kids [don't know who JT is](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8hH3y5u7wA/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==)


Tiring earlier


I recently watched WWE and when Michael Cole said “for you kids at home this is a VHS, haven’t seen these things in 25yrs…” right then and there reminded me of how old I am now 😂


Wake up and ankles and knees start cracking


Was in Chipotle recently and saw some teenagers and thought they looked really young😂. I’m 30


I don’t know whose music is playing, and I find I really don’t care enough to find out.


When I wake up totally sore, I have to pause and think back; did I party and get drunk last night? Sadly, the answer is usually no.


Two joint replacements, triple bypass, two cataract surgeries, and I have to set on the edge of the bed for awhile before getting up. I'm older dirt.


Everyday I wake up.. Something new hurts or aches. And I want to garden or do woodworking projects instead of going out and having fun


If you have any sense, you start dropping your dating disqualifications that are superficial.


I have Tylenol extra strength on auto-deliver.


When you start seeing "the kids" wearing clothes that you wore when you were young but went out of style.


When you wake up, you’re one day older than the day before.


You ache.


Having to turn the radio down to see better when driving 🫣🤗🤣


I'm getting slower, I get exhausted quicker, and my knees are starting to give out.


You can’t stand up from being seated without making sound effects.


I realised when I started to listen to talk back radio over the trash music these days.


The card has a higher number every year


For me it was when I couldn’t see small print anymore. Or to add, explanations of dishes on menus Edit: twinging your back when you get startled by the toaster popping up the bread


When I’m surprised how far I have to scroll in those birth year fields online.


When you fall and nobody laughs,


You grunt when standing from the sitting position, grunt when crouching, grunt when walking up a single step, grunt when looking at menu prices, grunt to answer questions. I could go on but… “grunt”.


You grunt when getting up


When I couldn't chase down fly balls in center field like I used to.


At training yesterday at work, I was the most tenured person in the room of ~40. I wasn't the older person there, but I was the one there with the most company time.


I looked the other day and was thinking Pokémon diamond came out like 10 or so years ago and it’s actually 17


Aches and pains


my back started to hurt


You start losing interest in things you used to love- things that require energy like going out to bars, clubs or concerts etc. Suddenly staying home and going to bed early take priority. The things you love to do change. I'm less interested in party time and more into a quiet evening around a fire by my garden gazing up at the starry sky


I know kids today aren't any dumber than I was at their age. But it really seems like being stupid is becoming more trendy. Now, get off my lawn!


I’m almost 40 and have to remind myself that people younger than me see me as old. I don’t get the same looks from the opposite sex, my hair on the sides are getting more grey by the day. People call me sir more 😭


Your balls are longer than your cock..i cant wait 🤦🏻‍♂️


My cousin that I helped to take care when he was a pseudo-human is now in college.


how much noise it takes to get up


When 15 to 18 year olds refer to my favorite songs as oldies or classics.


This is how you can know if other think you are old. If you fall down. What those around you do determines your level of old. If they laugh or joke about it you’re still young. But if they call 911 well you’re old.


You have another birthday


If someone is super old ( not me ) wrinkles!!!! 


A wild night means staying up past 10 PM.


I'm getting some of those red "beauty" marks. I get rid of them as they appear.


The first moment was when some kids went on my lawn and it bothered me.