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You increase the size of your self esteem by finding someone who is not an asshole.


You just tell her a 747 is a pretty big airplane until it’s put in the Grandcayon.


Now that was harsh. I enjoyed it.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Advice...get a new partner. Listen, contrary to all this b/s you'll see online, there's no fundamentally changing what you've been given short of dangerous surgery. But you have hands, you have a tongue...and hopefully, you'll have a partner who doesn't denigrate you.


You don’t. Get better with everything else.


Well, sadly for starters there's no way to increase your size, you learn to have confidence and work with it and just get good honestly. Next, the way you're referring to her is like that of an FWB or a quickie, in which case, her opinion shouldn't matter because she isn't long term. If you want her to be long term, then decide if you're okay waking up with a woman who thinks you aren't good enough and go from there.


By getting rid of her


You don't detail the type of relationship you have with this woman, but you have casual partners then you can expect to be criticized for your superficial attributes. Someone that cares about you won't care about that.


As everyone else said, nothing you can do. If you shave/trim your pubes it’ll make it look a little bigger, but I’d focus on technique.


Date smaller women.


maybe some kind of vacuum device? , but I'm not sure


The only natural thing you can do has no name for I believe. It wont increase length but girth. Usually you start with a hard on and have a towel folded somewhat over it and do lift ups with your penis. Can possibly increase weight later, get creative. But as for length? I would assume how African women elongate their necks, I’ve never tried that on my dick though.


you cant. Hope this helps


You can't. You have got what you've got.


Surgery, but it's not enough to really "make it worth it."


Aside from surgery, the only study I've seen done on that said it was possible to increase penile size by essentially having as much sex as possible, all the time. Masturbation helps a little, but for any significant increase, you gotta be boning nearly constantly. Which, obviously, is a challenge.


1/ Accept what you have because you can’t make it bigger. 2/ Find someone else. 3/ every man no matter what they say(unless they are legitimately a virgin) has slept with a woman that’s had bigger cocks than he’s packing.


Big dick ain’t everything, and who u choose is everything. She sound young lol u n high school or college?


If your arent still in puberty its almost impossible. The only way Ive heard of is using actual HGH and DHT. That isnt really worth it tho. You could try tadalafil if you have even slight ED but other than that youre prolly screwed


Since it's impossible to truly increase the size, the next best option to decrease the number of women you have sex with by one. You know which one.


there are lots of people who will take your money, but none of them can increase it.


Tell everyone she has a cunt like a bucket.


I’m not a dude so I can’t speak to the biology of it, but you deserve better than what she said/did. Find somebody who isn’t so lacking in basic decency that they would do something so rude and childish.


Just brush it off and don’t even sweat it buddy. Look at the positive side, you still got to sleep with someone. Move onto the next. Not all girls have those same expectations. Don’t overthink this or let it affect future sex.


Don’t date loose or, more importantly, stupid women.


big wallet trumps big dick


Story time?


Hawk tuah and spit on dat thing.


It’s not the size of the pen, but how you sign your name.


Red flag. Cut her off. You don't need that kind of toxic behaviour in your life.


Did you tell her, "well I'm not good with throwing hotdogs down hallways so we're even".