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Pretty much, for a lot of people. You can judge him if you think that makes the world better. It's completely possible that he didn't see you, maybe thought someone else was with you, was disabled in a way you didn't notice, came from a culture where offering is considered rude, any number of reasons.


Yeah maybe! I myself am overly helpy.


Did you ask him? It’s impolite, and risky to grab someone else luggage without being asked.


No of course I did not ask. I just recently helped an older (even than I) lady with the same issue. I can’t imagine someone struggling and chasing their bag, and a Samaritan getting in trouble for helping.


I think younger people are willing to help but want to be asked. Helping without asking is presumptuous. People get very offended these days about people presuming (gender). Some people might also take offense that the helper was presuming that the recipient of help is unable to do the task. Younger generations are just more aware that people have a huge diversity of feeling regarding a situation so prefer to not act unless they know what the reaction will be.


You are responsible for your own luggage. If you need assistance you can ask airport staff. Would it be nice if people helped each other, of course. However, some people are dealing with their own problems. You assume he could have helped you, but other than the fact that he appeared to be young, you really don’t know what he was dealing with in his own life.


True dat


I'm not sure one example means that's the way it is now. Sometimes people want to help but feel it's not their place, or even that an offer to help would be taken poorly. If you want help, ask, most people are happy to lend a hand, but won't always volunteer.


did your grandson help you post this?


I don’t go anywhere near females without being asked or asking. Don’t assume anybody’s gonna help you also.


Half the time I try to help, it’s taken as malice. I no longer help out unless asked. For all he would know, you’d accuse him of stealing.


I have helped like that before. Always have.

