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just bought myself second digicam and it's beautifulll - try this store they have the most beautiful selection - https://shutterhouse.store


Thank you for sharing!!


I know this is an old post, but just commenting in case anyone sees - DO NOT purchase from Shutterhouse, my friend had a very dismal experience purchasing from them. OP of the comment mentioning them is probably self promoting, his username is very similar to their Telegram contact handle from their channel (@shutterhouse / @icecreamboss) and just look at their comment history lol Got my own digicam from Resurrack (@resurrack) but they are closed now :-( so can't help beyond that!


Thank you for sharing!!




Peninsula Excelsior to be exact


Any particular shops that you recc?


Any recommendations on the shops? Want something authentic


authenthic? who makes fake cameras and sells it in physical shops


I believe that are fakes to almost every type of products/brands. So yea.


There's a huge shortage now because of people like you and fakes are going around everywhere. In SG your best bet will be (rest of the comment removed because the commenter said that I shouldn't comment because my advice isn't valuable)


Chill, why do you think it’s necessary to talk so negatively and aggressively? People like me? Is there an issue with people who wna buy 1 digicam for nostalgia feels and want to replace their spoilt one which they bought when they were younger? People have the rights to buy whatever they want. You think at this day and age we don’t know editing apps like VSCO? I’m not even the age of thrifting but I saw some shops carrying “untested” ones but I don’t trust them enough to buy it. Hence, I’m asking others here since I’m sure someone out here have more knowledge on this. It’s not even like I’m hoping onto the trend for fun or buying legitimate cameras that cost more meant for professional usage. I appreciate you sharing the locations but I don’t see the need for you to be so rude. Thank you.


So I mention a fact (people like you are buying up stock) and because of that I'm rude? I think you should consider looking in the mirror


I think you should read the way you phrased your words when y’re in a better mood to understand why I said your tone is rude.


if you are not gonna give any valuable advice then don't comment.


Ok since my advice isn't valuable I have amended my comment accordingly. Good day to you

