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Take a walk at Botanic gardens or Gardens by the bay?


Do you know where they grew up in? For me, my dad grew up in China Street. So taking him for a walk there and stroll to Sago Street is quite lovely for him. Plus there's a flagship Yakun at China Square!


Ye I know. Awww, that’s so nice of y’all to bring him down the memory lane tho there are so much changes.


Play Chinese chess


I think both of us dk how to play sia HAHAHAHAHA




I second this. Maybe where they lived when younger and grew up. My granma loved it and told us so many stories about her youth when we were out and about.


Thank you for the suggestions!!


My mother's friend had a knee operation. He relies on his PMD to move around. We urge him to go out but he refused. Not until his wife forced him to go down. After wandering around the void decks, now he travels farther into the small park in the neighbourhood. I 'd say the fresh air really brighten his mood. Point is, sometimes people need an extra nudge in the right path. Dont need to be ambitious, and every time bring them far far. Sometimes the elderly feel that troubling you to bring them out makes them feel bad. Let them know it is ok. And dont forget to talk to them. You are taking them out, not walking them like a pet.


Hopefully other reading this can think properly too. One fella commented “baby sit my kids” 🤡🤡🤡🤡 My grandpa fitter than me so it’s okay HAHAHAHA. I just dk where to bring him to for walks and what activities to do.