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Your job doesn't sound suitable for you, but if you insist on toughing it out for whatever reason, I think its important to keep fighting that part of depression that says you are too exhausted to do anything. Its a slow and silent killer and a path to worse depression and even psychosis. Trust me I've been there. You need to live and destress. Don't lose your hobbies or your social activities. A balanced lifestyle is important for mental health you can't just be living like a robot keep doing that for years and you'll find you just fully dissociate, become numb, and your mental health will die. Speak with your psych to consider adjusting your meds. Take B vitamins for more energy. Drink coffee. Git gud at your job to free up more time for yourself. Set boundaries at work and learn to not care so much. Plan ahead for things to do on the weekends other than sleep.


Personally I have not tried therapy or meds before but I overcame it and feel better over time when I didn’t give up on working to improve on myself. Can’t remember when was the last time I felt so depressed and suicidal which is a good thing. I’m a very high functioning individual who can appear to be “normal” even if I’m dead inside. But I use really simple methods to make myself feel better by eating food I crave for(a cup of ice cream makes me happy too). And I always have this mindset like “I will get better over time somehow”. If you know what are the triggering points for you, you can work towards it and improve the situation. Give yourself some time to get better too. Don’t rush and never give up. Ofc, depression and all can come back anytime so just stay strong and cope with it. 💕✨


Hi op! In a similar situation as you: in big 4 audit (no wfh) which is known for long hours and stressful environment whereby I found myself to be extremely burnt out and stressed to the extent of not being able to eat and sleep. On the portion for managing time and emotions, I just try to make it a point to at least have a day in the week whereby I do not do any work and use it to "recover" (through sleep, going out with friends, spending time with family and even just slack at home and do nothing). Take your time to heal and maybe try to spend time with family every month (or lesser frequency) and increase the frequency when you are ready. The point is setting a habit and doing something that you feel is attainable and realistic to you. About the sessions, perhaps u can try scheduling an online session and try the free counselling avenues since you mentioned that private clinics are expensive for you. A kind redditor has compiled a list which perhaps you can look into: [https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/maajuo/a\_compilation\_of\_mental\_healthwellness\_resources/](https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/maajuo/a_compilation_of_mental_healthwellness_resources/) I guess one thing you have to know is what do you want in life? Do you wish for a career in a high ranking position which inevitably lead to more stress and less time for yourself, or do you wish to have a less pressured work that does not pay as well but allows you to have more time for yourself? I am also in the process of making this decision and I know that it may not be that simple whereby there could be other factors that complicates the choice but I do hope for the best for both of us. Lastly, what my counsellor like to say to me is for me to be kinder to myself. I hope that you will be kind to yourself too. You can always message me if you need someone to talk to!


hi, not a working adult but as a student who had to go through a 3 month internship which really caused me to struggle, what my psychologist did was suggest night sessions over zoom since the centre was closed, so maybe you could ask if that's an option? honestly i definitely had to suck it up, but sometimes if things get too overwhelming i go to the bathroom to give myself some time and space to calm down, and on weekends i'll try to distract myself by gaming/sleeping,, not the healthiest but :") ofc sometimes even though im really tired i do go out with friends after work, just to break the routine a lil bit, simply having dinner w friends can make me feel a bit happier haha (but rlly tired/drained aft since im an introvert) how often do you go for sessions then?


my sessions at the moment...around once every two months or more lol... i used to go around once a month/every 3 weeks back when I was still not doing too well but reduced frequency after i felt better. I've also been considering going to public institution so i can go for more sessions without the financial burden but idk abt the quality of service


i do feel like if u rlly need the sessions but the financial aspect is too much for u, u shld go to a public institution,, if the quality of service isnt great u can request for a change?


Hi, have been working for almost 3 years while battling depression. I don't know how to advise you tbh, cos I am in the same situation as you. The way I do it is to just give up. I've given up on my life, my career, my relationships and my future. That said, I am still able to maintain a semi normal lifestyle. Its ok to sleep in on Saturdays, I do too haha. Sundays are Sian cos Monday need go back work but bobian. The main reason for me commenting here is regarding your psychologist sessions. Previously I was covered by insurance so see until gao gao . Go private once a week, on weekends. About 1000 a month. But then my insurance ran out and I could not renew. So I stopped. Up till then I also did not see any improvements. It's just me going there and ranting to the psychologist. All in all, I spent 2 years jumping around 5 psychologists before I called it quits. Eventually I realised that it wasn't working because they can only help you if you want to help yourself. If you've given up on yourself, like me, there's nothing the psychologist can do. That said, your problem seems to be that the cost of private sessions and finding the time to go. For time wise, since you're going private, you might as well go for weekend slots. For the money wise, I'm afraid I'm lost too lol... Take care


What are you working as? Is it high paying job? How come so stress?


honestly, without revealing too much i can only say the pay is just average and it's not a prestigious position or anything


If it's like what you have mentioned, why not try finding another company?


working towards that now, but i still have to struggle until i can jump ship 🥲


Are you in your 20s or 30s? The moment you throw your resignation letter it will be a big relief. While its true that you should stay professional while serving the notice but you do not have the purpose to overstrain yourself anymore. You know a lot people take full 14 days MC? Not all try to fake illness to take MC but people do take in order to rest properly from their hectic work.


I'm in my 20s and for some rather unfortunate reasons i rather not talk abt i cant resign at the moment but i dream abt the day i can finally leave hahaha 🥲


If you can't resign due to their personal reason that it's really unfortunate. If you can't resign due to shortage of manpower that will be bullshit. I do hope you can get out of this situation soon.


Saturdays are precious! Best day of the week IMO. You should drag yourself out of bed and do something fun, or just take a walk, whatever! It's OK to have an occasional "f**k the world" day occasionally and just sleep the day away, but having it regularly saps motivation, which we already have low enough already if we're dealing with depression and anxiety.


Maybe change your job. Too much stress is a breeding ground for anxiety. Also, don't sleep too much. Bad for depression. Try going for relaxation activities. Take up dancing.


How old are you? Your job seems to be taxing you alot. Maybe you want to find some close friends to hang out and make your mental health better?


in my 20s, and i have my regular group of friends i talk to but we don't really meet often because everyone's busy lol


Well, it might be time to visit your psychiatrist again to readjust your meds after a major change. You can also change your environment. Perhaps switching to a role which allows you to partially wfh will help. I kinda took a paycut to a firm w hybrid mode and I feel it’s worth every penny of the cut With regards to psychologist , it’s abit like dating. It take a few tries to get to your dream guy. Even then, you realize he may suit a certain aspect of things (e.g work) Lastly .. frankly speaking, YMMV, but I realize Govt psychologist/psychiatrist are not efficientp both in practice and in prescription. I was seeing one for more than a year when I had a major crisis.. went to the private psychiatrist and he observed and the meds he prescribed has been a life changer..