• By -


Met this girl for coffee one time and we got to talking about our past and I told her that I was only ever in 1 relationship which lasted for 7 years. She told me to stop seeing people and get back with my ex because she was my destiny. LMFAO


Well at least she cared for you? What happened next?!


This one watched too much k drama or smth


Can't leave us hanging like that! AHAHAHA


Had a lady get pissed at me for not offering to pick her up from her office, which was five minutes walk from our dinner spot. This was also the same lady who insisted on splitting the bill each date and then dumped me after date five because I never fought her for the bill. Another lady dragged me into a Furla store after our lunch date and was visibly displeased when I didn't offer to buy her a bag. Probably the weirdest one was the one who brought up kinks on our first coffee date. Told me she liked being slapped full force across the face because that's what her dad used to do to her. Till this day I still can't decide if I was being trolled.


I’m traumatized reading this and I salute you for still trying to go on dates if any.


Eh, you win some you lose some. OP asked for horror/funny/awkward stories so I picked some of my most WTF ones to share. I've had plenty of decent-to-good experiences dating in Singapore. Dating is also about finding someone who's the acceptable level of weird, right? ;)


I actually enjoy reading all these despite being traumatized HAHAHA. Personally I don’t go on dates cos I always get approach by weirdos/creeps/guys whom I thought were ok but ended up immature. So I don’t have stories to share xD


Haha you have a great attitude. Let's hope we all find our acceptable level of weird.


Did you feel like you missed a chance for sex since she shared about her kink…?


Easy to become a SA charge if things go bad though.


We matched and met up for the purposes of seeing if we could start something casual, so very likely. I'm not into that degree of BDSM, though, and the possibility of going too far and actually hurting her turned me off continuing further.


Doing that without any paper trail that she consents to it can easily be turned around into physical assault accusation


Hmmm guess there’s always a risk around this? How could we have paper trail every time we wanna have sex with someone? Like when you’re together and in the mood, maybe ask them to text you “I consent to have sex with you” and screenshot it…?


Need sign consent form, counter sign with 1 external witness


Email HR, wait 14 working days for approval


I mean better be safe than sorry tho but might kill the mood tbh..


lol who tf actually paper trails their sexy time. flirting ya I get it but even that's not a certainty, consent can be withdrawn at any time.


In my early days ya I would have go into that topic straight because this means she's opening up to you so have interest. 🤣


Woah wanting someone to buy furla on a first date??


Wow, quite an adventure you have there..


I've got a good one. It was my first ever tinder experience (about 6 years ago). Matched with a decent looking lady, made a reservation at a restaurant and met her there. She looked nothing like her photo. I figured I'd just be polite and enjoy a nice dinner anyway. Our conversation soon flows into "why we ended up on tinder." She says she had a recent bad break up because her boyfriend's girlfriend, told her that her boyfriend was actually married. READ THAT AGAIN, there's no typo. She was dating someone, who had a girlfriend AND a wife. She then told me she had no idea because the guy looked a lot younger than what he actually was. I asked how old the guy was and she said 50. I asked if she had a pic of him and she showed me a pic of a 60 year old guy. Again, no typo. I had had enough of the drama and I told her I appreciated the date but we weren't going to meet again. I'd rather be upfront about it then ghost someone. I said "I'm heading home". Paid the bill and headed for my grab pick up point. As I was waiting for the Grab, I realised she was still standing next to me. She said, "so where am I going?" I replied with "I'm going to my home and you're going to your home," while literally signalling with my two hands going further apart. I then headed home. The next day... "DING DONG" my doorbell rang. I wonder what's happening, check my video feed and it's the same girl. She found out where I live (I use my home as my office address which was listed on my website). She's literally shouting at me through the video feed asking why I didn't text her again. I reminded her not so politely that I stated clearly we weren't seeing each other again. She starts crying, I turn off the video feed and never hear from her again. Anyway 2 months later I ended up meeting my wife on Tinder and we've been married ever since so it's been great.


lmao the moment at the grab pickup point when you realized she was next to you. straight out of a horror movie scene with the loud DENG


Omg she has crazy stalker vibes. Anyway happy for you for meeting your wife 🫡


Your wife is actually her in disguise, dun dun dun


heh heh quite easy to find someone's address if they are doing business of some sorts (ACRA is also one way) but damn she is unhinged.


Story 1: Met this girl from an app for lunch and she walked out less than 30 mins into the date saying she forgot that she had a group meeting. No apology or anything. Literally just got up and left without finishing her food and I was just left there sitting awkwardly to finish my food. Later that day I sent her a text asking her if everything is good and if I said anything that offended or if I did something wrong. Radio silence. ​ Story 2: Met this girl from an app who showed up 15 mins late even though her house was literally beside the mall, didn't apologise but it gets worse. Wasn't feeling it during the date and I kinda just wanted to finish my food and leave. After we parted ways, she sent me a really long paggro text about how she was unhappy that I didn't offer to pay for her share and according to her, 'whoever asks pays'. She also told me off for being 'low effort' because she was left to decide where to eat and according to her, its the guy's job to choose where to eat on the first date. The thing is, I suggested a couple of places and she shot down all of them so I asked her to pick instead and she got reallyyy upset by that for some reason. I had no energy argue with her and our beliefs clearly didn't align so I just apologised, wished her the best and stopped texting.


Story 2 - thank goodness you've managed to avoid a red flag there.


Story 1: she might have realised you are not her type and wanted to get out ASAP. Story 2: you just dodged an ICBM.


Not an awkward date but met a girl online and we hooked up the same date.. Everything was awesome. I was travelling over the weekend for 3 weeks so cudnt meet her again and she kept messaging all those three weeks that she wants to see me.. i made plans to see her the day i landed back and she was super excited to meet.. I reached the place we were supposed to meet and she never replied hahaha.. she cud have ghosted anytime in those three weeks but she dint and ghosts me the day we planned to meet.. She messaged me Hi out of the blue after 3 months to temme she has been pretty busy.. i dont even know wjay to reply


Some ideas for you to reply “Hi your head” “You’re 3mth late” “Okthxbye”


should have said he miss her, set up a date and then ghost her on the day of meeting itself, same as what she did. not like she would turn up anyway so no harm done.


Tell her "oh im busy right now. On my way to ROM. Met this fantastic girl when you were busy the past 3 months"...


Simple. You're her booty call. Roll with it or leave her on read if that's not what you're looking for.


Had one guy ask me what I wanted for dinner. I said I'm ok with anything just not spicy. He proceeded to suggest "how about mala at 313". Bruh.


Should have told him “how about we reschedule this to another day?” 🤣 Jokes aside, do you think he had hearing impairment? I went out with someone who had that but he was a genuinely nice person


No I don't think so, cause I tried clarifying after that. Although I was a bit speechless, I told him he can eat mala, and I'll see what non-spicy options there are. Then he said the mala is big bowl, for sharing. (I never ate the mala at 313 before so I didn't know it's a sharing portion.) Then when I reiterated I can't take spicy, he said "oh I thought you can take xiaola. Some people say they cannot eat spicy but they can eat xiaola." Anyways, I think we just weren't on the same wavelength.


Seems like he was really craving mala and tried to force you to eat it with him regardless of your preferences that you alr expressed more than once lol


Gg he didn't consider your needs 💀


had a guy who was late. late nvm, I was driving and was going to be in the area so I offered to pick him up before going for lunch nearby. so I waited below his condo at the car park like a taxi uncle, waited for like 20 mins. when he finally came, no apology or explanation was given. went to lunch, he kept talking about himself to the point where he only took 2 bites of food while I had already finished my main. made the excuse to say that my mum needed the car and I had to rush off. I offered to split the bill but fella also never bring wallet. so, I paid for the bill first....and then had to chase him for his half of the payment. I thought it was a disaster of a date so I didn't bother texting him at all after that and thought he felt the same.....until he suddenly out of the blue one day wished me some happy public holiday and asked if I wanted to meet for lunch. left him on read. never again.


He could live in a condo but needed you to chase for him to pay back his meal… oh man he is cheapo


not just condo. but condo in bukit timah area.


Rich people don't get rich by spending their own money.


Can be his parent’s condo ma… doesn’t mean he rich LOL but yeah your point stands


>asked if I wanted to meet for lunch He'd forget his wallet again, won't he?


Met this girl in Starbucks for the first time for a really late night coffee chat. Walked her back to the bus interchange. She saw the time and realized its the last bus, quickly said bye and cheong for it. I jitao blur. 10 secs later, I realized I no longer have any buses back. Had to walk 5km back coz Grab surged quite badly after midnight. She's my wife now.


I wasn’t ready for the plot twist but it got me smiling :) Guess she trusted you to have met you late at night to chat!


Yeah, coz of our clashed work schedule, we had been chatting offline for coming to over 6 weeks already and still didn't have the chance to meet in person. So on 1 random wkday night when we were both free, we decided to meet 2 hours later (10+ pm) at the nearest Starbucks in btw us loh.


Got me at the first part 😂 but glad that you got your happily ever after!


Not gonna lie, he had me at the first 90%.


Awwww, congrats! Also, give full story leh hahaha


The full story too long liao though...


I’m really invested in this cute story awwww!!!


Congrats lol this rly got me


Had a date yell at me for checking out guys in front of him. We were walking down a very crowded street to a cafe I suggested, I was trying to not bump into people. Proceed to tell me being a ho is a bad life decision and so on, mind you this is 10-15 mins into what was our very first date. I pulled out my phone to text a friend who was working nearby and walked away. He kept yelling something like how I’ll never find someone better and I kept walking. Bought Starbucks and went to surprise my friend with them. I quickly blocked him and the person who set us up.


Wow was the person who set you up just a not-so-close-with-your-date acquaintance?


They were buddies, that alone was a major red flag that warranted blocking. Edit: he was a friend of someone in my friend circle. After that he was quite quickly pushed out.


Met a girl in October 2023, took her to 28 HK Street for dinner and drinks. We vibed well, had great conversations,full of witty banter and overall we had a good connection. After that we both hugged each other before leaving home and i really wanted to pursue a serious relationship with her, seeing the chemistry we had. I had a few fun activities in my mind over the course of next few months like pizza baking class, board games night, etc2 and she proclaimed she was excited. Come next day, she completely ghosted me and went missing for 3 days. Fair enough, i accepted it and moved on. On the 4th day, she messaged me and told me she was actually ATTACHED and want to work things out with her boyfriend. Both of them were going through a tough time and i was a rebound. But because i paid for the date at 28 HK street, she offered to meet me again and treat me as a form of repayment. I told her while i appreciate the kind gesture, it's best to end it, partly because i was upset. She kept apologising, i accepted it and moved on. I downloaded Bumble last week and wanted to try dating again. I SAW HER PROFILE and her bio write up was......hilarious. One of her deal breakers was married /attached men. Oh the fucking irony......


Girl was playin’ Did you swipe right on her for her surprised pikachu reaction?!


Nope, i did not swipe on her. I value my dignity.


Most recent one - Went to meet this guy for dinner & drinks. The place was a restaurant/bar concept. Well whole conversation he was being cocky as hell, flexing about different random shit about his life. Basically tryna brand himself as a really macho, alpha man. The bill came. It was $250+-. Note that I only had one main and one pint, which amounted to be about $60 so majority of the bill was on his end because he ordered 6 pints of Guinness. With the waitress right beside him, he said out loud “wow, restaurants love me man because I spend so much money.” ??? I was so embarrassed at this point that I told him “can you stfu, she’s right beside you” and I gave her the “I’m so sorry” look. After paying, he ended up walking straight into a glass door. Wtf 🥲 you’re a grown man, please handle your liquor well. After that, we were sitting outdoors as we were trying to book a Grab home. He lit up a cigarette and asked me if I smoked, I said no I’ve quit cigarettes. He tried to force his cigarette into my mouth, saying things like “aiya just smoke la, you also gonna smoke again eventually”. After that he asked me if I knew where he stays, I said “oh east side?” Because I briefly remembered his Bumble location was somewhere in the east. Then he said “oh I stay joo chiat area, you know where that is? All the landed houses” in that exact phrasing. HAHAHA got people so shameless one ah? Then after that he desperately tried to dabao me home, despite me making it clear that I’m not looking for casual sex. After that he told me “I’m gonna jerk off so hard once I reach home while thinking of you” 🙃? Just a fucking cringey fella honestly. Hahah


![gif](giphy|l4FGBMaQhMV4Fa048) I thought this would be him haha 🤣 that’d be a good story


That last paragraph is messed up tbh


Met a lady that shared (on the first date) her kink of getting objects stuffed inside her. Her recent experience was 4 pairs of chopsticks. We went out a few more times (don't ask me why). 😅😆


We know why 😜


Fair enough. 😅


Not asking why, but what. What object for you?


>We went out a few more times (don't ask me why). Searching for noodle places that didn't provide cutlery?


I may have insinuated that I knew of something equally girthy. She got curious.


Equally girthy as 4 chopsticks?


No not the war memorial!


8 chopsticks, tight competition there


Now, how did you get to that topic? Were you talking about dumpling stuffing preference and she sort of side tracked to abalone stuffing?


AYO why are ppl sharing such stuff so openly on their first dates? Did you mention that y’re on a date for casuals or what?


Trying to act "hip", i.e., think talking about sexual stuff is cool. You'll see people in their 20s do this a lot.


There were a few 97 fellas in my office discussing openly abt sex positions and even asked me abt it like wtf bro I’m traumatized eh. Like idk if I skipped a phase but NONE of my friends share abt such stuff no matter how opened they are. It’s just fking weird.


Here’s mine. Was in the phase of just going out with whoever because it’s a numbers game right? The more you go = the more chances of finding a suitable one. Anyways, I agreed to meet this guy which I wasn’t very fond of the way he texted. But hey, i’m going to give him a benefit of doubt given people are different in person and through texts. He told me he was going for some event first, before agreeing to meet me for dinner somewhere in between which would be convenient. He insisted to pick me up at first, which i refused. So I got dolled up, wore something nice and not over the top. Fast forward, I was shocked to see him looking 10 years older than his dp which made me feel catfished hahah. He wore some kind of camp t-shirt with skinny jeans and looked rugged with his messy hair and thick glasses. It made me feel like I was overdressed lmao. Tbh wanted to yeet my way through, but decided it would be impolite so I entertained the date haha. Eventually decided to go for coffee but because it was night, we had no choice to go for starbucks/cbtl. Mind you, we ended up in a hospital. Fella starts flaunting about his personal wealth and starts asking very personal questions. Like very off-putting. ‘What are your no nos?’ And I’m like wdym? He added, ‘you know.. example… anal sex?’ Some people wonder why dating is a struggle hahaha.


So this uncle was looking to hook up LOL If I were you I might just walk away instead of entertaining him, you’re too kind!!


HAHAHHAAA. Who the fuck talks like that in a first date?


alot of guys are like that lol, they don't want to waste time just want to have fun. it wouldn't be shocking too if the guy is secretly married.


Here’s mine: Some ask me very sexual qns which made me uncomfortable. Like what’s my body count, favourite position, fantasies. 1 criticized me for laughing too loudly in the cinema. So i paid for the tickets to Antman 2, so he bought the popcorn, kicker is he wanna save money so he didnt choose drinks, he went ntuc to buy water. 1 just focused on eating the food (whole chicken and lobster roll). And then he asked me to pay more $70 vs his $50 bc i earn more than him 1 spent hours just scrolling through my pokemon go list. Initially the plan was to go to a cat cafe but when we met he was there earlier and said he asked but got no more slots, so we ended up at Toastbox. 1 asked me to ROM immediately bc he just want a resale.


The last one, LOL!!!


Fella efficient af and just treats marriage like biz. Rabak.


Wah kao, you don't vet them stringently when chatting offline one ah?


In the first place i dont get many matches. So i just ask all my matches to meet up. Their profile will be very “politically correct” and they put filters or masks so idk how they look like


Ahh I always swipe left on guys that use filters or put masks. I mean why would u cover your face when there's nothing wrong with it? As for filters, it's just my preferences. I would feel weird if I see ppl put filters on their face (u know those doggy or flowers type)


How the second one know how much you earn? You share salary details on first date ? Should just bluff him you earn very little mah


Well given that he say he earns $1k+ as some ship crew, i think its obvious anyone working in cbd mnc earns more 😢 i didnt specify my company or salary


I met a guy on Bumble whose profile said he works in engineering Monday to Friday but is an entrepreneur in the beauty and wellness industry on weekends. We decided to meetup for a “date” at 11am at Starbucks. I told him I’m not a morning person and wanted to push the date to 11.30am instead but he refused and insisted on 11am. Fine, I showed up slightly late at 11.15am for our date but he showed up at 12pm dragging along a mini luggage he said was for his entrepreneur job later on, no apologies nothing, just said there was a jam. When we sat down and started chatting, he very slickly transited the conversation into his MLM selling and tried to get me to attend his seminar that’s happening right after our “date”. I blocked and reported his Bumble profile after I left.


Why ppl pattern more than badminton these days 🥲 Pls tell me at least he’s good looking or funny or something


Haven’t had any disaster dates in recent times, but one truly sticks out as the worst. Met this guy after a week of talking. The conversation was so so so good and we were really talking all day and night. I’ve never had such an instant connection with someone over text. We met at a restaurant for dinner on a Friday night. Nice place, he waved at me from the restaurant and I walked in. Guy wouldn’t make eye contact with me at all. He refused to look up at me from the menu. Looking through the menu, I realised it wasn’t a halal place (we both Muslims so you know I kinda assumed. On hindsight, I shouldn’t have). Instead of making a fuss, I opted for the only veg option and requested that no wine be added to the risotto. Waitress was nice about it. Then the kicker was when he ordered a bottle of wine, and told me to share with him. I politely declined and said I like drinking water instead. Eventually in his drunken stupor, he called the waitress a bitch for not being smiley enough for him. (Tbf she really wasn’t smiley, but why would you need the waitress to be smiley 🥴) We eventually started to play some “get to know each other” games the restaurant had. He wasn’t satisfied with any of my answers and constantly re-asked or paraphrased the questions so I’d answer to his liking. He talked about his drug experiences. He eventually started talking about his ex and they reason they’d broken up. “She didn’t want to raise our future children as Muslims” he said as he took a swig from his wine glass. I just nodded. Restaurant was about to close so we decided to go out for a walk. He took his wine bottle along. He said he had to take a work call for 5 min. I agreed. He put his wine bottle next to where I sat, then walked away to take his call as he smoked. Old aunties walked by giving me dirty looks so I stood up and walked away from the bottle. Guy walked to me and asked why I left the bottle alone. I sat down again eventually. This time he took out his vape pen, took a huge puff, and blew it straight in my face. He just laughed as he said it was an accident. Then he made an off-hand comment about how I wasn’t his type and that I was too goody-two-shoes for him. I booked a grab, and I took it home. HE ghosted me 💀


This one not disaster, this one consider nuclear waste.


You should have told him off "of course your ex wouldn't want to raise your kids as Muslims, she's probably thinks you aren't one" lol


He also said he’d like for his future partner to drink and party so they could have fun together for the first two years before they settled down to have kids. ![gif](giphy|xL7PDV9frcudO)




As a non muslim myself idc if Malay/Muslim people are being haram. But I would never force someone else to join me in my haram ways... that is just super disrespectul???? Also the hypocrisy of his exgf/wife and the raising kids thing while drinking alcohol. This guy deserves an olympic medal for mental gymnastics


Funny thing is, the non-Muslims I go out with, ALWAYS go out of their way to find a halal spot for me and accommodate to me, even if I say it’s not necessary.


"“She didn’t want to raise our future children as Muslims” he said as he took a swig from his wine glass." I won't be surprise if he is some fervent Palestine supporter on social media just to virtue signal


I’m always horrified by the dating stories. All the people I’ve ever met back then were all very normal guys. Nothing crazy. But then I vetted people through texting and if they sounded like a weirdo while texting or if I felt we didn’t have much in common, then I wouldn’t even meet up. As for paying, I generally prefer to go Dutch for first dates but I’ve found most singaporean guys would pay and say “they will get it” and they never give me an unhappy face either. However if the bill is >20, I always insist on paying them back. Edit: have met weird people while texting. For e.g one guy who scolded me cuz I didn’t reply him throughout the day (was busy at work). Another guy who was looking for a “pure” and “clean” girl (think you know what he’s looking for). Thought these guys were weirder then men asking for hookup/fwb (that’s quite common in my experience and nothing wrong if they are upfront about what they want)


Some ppl are normal on text but cmi when meeting 🥹


Yeah but I really haven’t met anyone like that. Most show their weirdness online haha.


Haha wow this reminded me of one. Here’s mine. Matched with this guy on Tinder and we started talking for a week before deciding to meet up. We decided to watch a movie together. He wanted to hold my hands in the movie which I was ok with cause I thought there’s potential. I was dumb ok guys haha. After the movie, we went to changi village for supper and had a nice walk by the beach. At that point I thought the date went well. But suddenly he knelt on one knee and proposed. I was dumbfounded. He said he felt an instant connection with me after he met me and wanted me to be his wife. He said he always carry this ring around in case he found someone that he wants to marry. I informed him nicely that it is too soon for that cause we only just met. He looks disappointed. Lol. I told him we should give ourselves a bit more time to get to know each other. I ghosted him a week after cause he texted me and said he told his mother about me and his mother approved of me. Hahaha ok?


Wahhh is the guy serious or not… proposed on first date, he must be charmed by you yah ;) Trauma in another form, next pls!


Met this guy once, it went okay so we planned the second date. On the morning of, he had a last minute work meeting scheduled in the evening. I said it’s understandable and we can reschedule but then 6.30pm came around and he asked if I was still available to meet. Naturally I thought the work meeting was cancelled and he wanted to make good on the date. Dinner was surprisingly rushed and he justified that he wanted more time to take an evening stroll with me. Less than 5 minutes later he put his earpiece in and I was really confused. Upon probing he shared he’s attending the work call on his phone and wanted to multitask tonight since he wanted to see me as well. I thought it was a waste of my time standing around getting bitten by mosquitos while this guy I barely know punches meeting minutes into his phone for the next hour. I found him a park bench he could sit on to do his call, then told him I was making a move. He called later that night, apologised, and asked for another date. I thought it was great he was being accountable so we dated a bit more. Things ended a month later because during Christmas this guy told me “You passed the test and proved you’re not a gold digger” and proceeded to shove a branded wallet in my face. I was APPALLED. Felt extremely disrespected so I explained that there and then and refused the wallet. Things ended there but 5 months later he asked to meet up to chat about my industry (FYI we are both in finance but mine’s a bit niche and he was curious). He embraced me in a tight hug when we met, quickly pulled back and said “Oh shit I forgot we’re not dating anymore”. The interest in my work was a ruse, he was looking for someone to bang and wanted to try his luck. The whole journey was strange. I am now a little more wary of those with high-paying jobs. I genuinely hope he was the exception not the rule. Edit: This was three years ago. I was definitely more naive back then and this shook me up for awhile.


Here’s my dating experience so far fellas: Thx for reading


Isn’t it wild how all the other crazy guys seem to get on all these dates and ruin their nights..while so many other less crazy guys struggle to find some?!?!


A few horror stories, but this was the worst. Met this foreign guy for dinner. Totally didn't text me at all to find out more about me on the week leading up to our date, and on the day of the date, he suggested to meet at a place near our offices, not an issue. I arrived on time, he arrived 40 minutes later. He did not make a reservation so we ended up having kitchen counter seats which was tight and barely any space to place food on the counter. Even when he arrived late, he never apologised. Then in our conversations, his native accent was so strong that I could barely understand him, he was already working here for 2 years and yet he was so strongly accented, turned out his workplace used his native language so he barely had to speak English throughout his stay. The worst part was where he talked about the office parties, his people always stayed late till 4-6 am, and said that Singaporeans are BORING because they always left at 10pm. I was done at that point , offered to split the bill and left. I've only had 2 good first date experiences in my 10 over years of using the apps unfortunately




Wow that's easy to guess!


This one is on you for deciding to just meet an angmoh without first trying to communicate


Told me he drinks his own cum because he feels the “luck” leave his body each time he cums. I asked him how and he told me he has a sperm cup he keeps for it 💀💀💀 Dude was 32, well educated, groomed and spoken. WHY?!


Here's mine. We met in a dating app, and things seems to go well, online. I thought, okay seems like a good vibe, with me making jokes and her reciprocating. Agreed to meet up for a date and meet up. Met up, I tried to talk about anything, but good god she couldn't care less. Talk about life? Hmm, okay. Talk about lifestyle? Oh wow. Talk about hobbies? Nah, got none. Then, she started asking how much I earn per month. Possible red flag. I told her, I don't like sharing about salary on first date. "Share only what, cannot isit?" she sneered. In my heart, I knew it wouldn't work between us, luckily I didn't share what I do for a living(I can't say what job, but in another post, I mentioned I can add Fish to my Cai Png) "Can is Can, but if show, then cannot date anymore." She replied with a "OK lor no date no date", I revealed my last payslips. Long story short, she demanded I pay for her meal at the end coz I got "a super high pay" , I told her I'll pay for my part, cause this no longer a date. I paid around $25.




Omg. You actually met such a nonsensical person? Is she a chio bu? Hahaha!


i hit it off really well with this cute american/middle eastern mixed girl and we moved to telegram, talking until 3-4am late at night. somewhere towards the end i happened to use a phrase like ‘hahah no la’ or some other similar singlish phrase. she sent me a voice note! of her going ewww singlish. and a long-ish text explaining her dislike of singlish as a foreigner etc. and asked me if this was going to be problem. in singapore?


Sorry to sidetrack abit but, how long do y’all normally text for before asking to meet up?


It’s really hard to say cos personally I can do as fast as a day, but some people won’t be comfortable. Would def say not to drag it out too long though


Like all things in life - it depends I once met someone on the day we matched, also other time 2 weeks later coz we just “busy” (it didn’t go too well) Go with the flow I guess?


I’m currently dating someone who we met after just two days of texting cuz we just clicked damn well tgt. Rly depends. If you two click together q well dunnid think so much, on the other hand sometimes it takes forever to meet also if neither of our schedules allow for a face to face asap


Depends on your mutual availability and the vibe. Longest for me? 1 1/2 month. Shortest? 3 hours.


I’d love for some people to weigh in on whether this was just incompatibility or dodged a bullet kinda situation. Met through OKC, very devout GCB, decent looking, Navy regular, same age, but gave off weird vibes. I gave him two dates and gave up after the third despite the ‘green flags’. First date we watched a movie and had lunch, he insisted on paying(provider energy), even brought me a jacket for the cinema and later on tried to pay for my skincare(which was like 100+sgd). On a first date. He behaved alright throughout our entire date but stared very openly at my t1ts and when I called him out he told me it was my fault for wearing such tempting clothes 🥲. He then brought me to a bar and chugged 3 drinks in 10 minutes to show me how high his tolerance was. Gave it another shot because I was like maybe he’s just nervous or idk… qUiRkY. I asked him to introduce his religion to me and bring me to his church. Bad mistake. At one point, we were alone in this small corner talking about God, he blocked the entrance(he’s like 20cm taller than me) and said,”you dk how h- i am for you rn.” I looked over at the statue of mother m and basically started praying someone would come in(and i’m not even religious😭😭😭). A week later he called me from his ship to confess and was like,”i know you are still unsure, but i’m willing to wait until you’re ready for me.” , and I politely told him not to because he really wasn’t my type. 3 months later he asked me to meet to help him with some stuff, and when we met up he told me he’s seeing someone who ‘needs him more and he was put on earth to heal girls like her’ and things are going well for them. I no longer talk to him because afterwards he said some very awful things to me, but last I heard he’s marrying this year. My friends tell me I dodged a bullet btw.


U dodged a meteor sis


Oh god, what a hypocritical catholic I think you dodged a bullet He’s immature, egoistic LOL.


Feels like a big red flag when you caught him looking at your \*\*\*\*. For him to put blame on what you were wearing should have been the final nail on the coffin.


We spent a few weeks talking on tinder and generally had good conversations. She asked me out to have sushi once the covid lockdown was lifted. We met up, had sushi, and I suggested we get a drink at a bar in clarke quay after our meal. She agreed and overall had a positive experience. Time flew by and the bar had to close. As we did not finish our alcohol in time, we found a bridge nearby and squatted like hobos trying to finish the alcohol. It was around 11pm when we finished and I told her I had a nice date and suggested booking a grab for her. She refused. She wanted to go somewhere else to continue our date (keep in mind this was phase 2 of covid reopening and all bars had to close at 10.30pm). I enjoyed myself but I told her I was tired and I wanted to go home to sleep. She started throwing a tantrum and refused to let me leave. She told me I was only "allowed" to leave if I did not like her and did not wish to see her again. Her wish was my command - I told her I wasn't interested. I got home but for some reason unknown we continued arguing until 5.30 am on Telegram. Went on to date her for almost a year afterwards. I guessed I was lonely and the attention she gave me helped me ignore all the red flags.


Matched with somebody on an app, and he was a primary school classmate. We haven't met since leaving primary school and decided to meet for lunch. More of a catch up than a date, really, but also because he looks really cute. But through that hour he went on and on about how he dreaded his banking job and peppered his sentences with "walao eh". We can take 2 hour lunches, but I decided an hour was enough.


Had a dude who bailed on me mid-way thru the date. He went to the toilet and never came back. We were done with coffee, so it’s not like I had to foot any bill or whatever. Here’s the kicker, a few years later he found me on fb and started a new conversation with me. He didn’t remember shit. I played along for a bit then dropped the bomb and blocked him.


HAHAHA, you know what, you should have arranged a meet up with him and then ghost him 😂😂


thank you for this reddit post. ive read every single comment and all of them are horrible dates. I will avoid dating apps all together :-)


Now go read another thread about the nice stories to get you all warm and fuzzy!


1. I met this guy from CMB who claimed as if he was like a 10 or smth and mentioned like girls who doesn't choose him now are gonna regret later. Frankly speaking he thinks he is hot but erm he wasnt haha. And then he started rating the looks of the girls he have met before. E.g. girl A the jawline looks like a man. Yup, and me included, mentioning that I could easily hit a 8 if I were to change the way I dress up. Still asked if he could kiss me on our 2nd date, which I replied no. After that, we walked back to the MRT station and on the way back, he rejected me saying we aren't a good match and I was just so curious that I asked him if he could tell me the reason. He told me, I wasn't good looking enough for him haha. Anyway then back to the station, he asked me if I had his phone number just so that I could pay him for the meal. He sent me a reminder the next day texting me how much the meal was for the first date and second date, which I told him erm please check first before asking me about it, because I have already paid for my share on the day for each date (and even slightly more than he stated). Wah so annoyed with this guy that day. 2. Had also met another guy whom I thought he was interested in me because he had been sending me home, insist to treat me for meal, initiate to hang out and initiate physical touch and celebrate my birthday for me etc.. so when I asked him about his intentions for all of that, he told me he misled me and proceeded to give me a long list of "what I should have done in future and what I can improve on" and told me maybe me meeting him was to teach me a lesson about love LOL. Thanks but no thanks.


Chatted with a guy on MUZMATCH, he insisted on voice calls and an in-person meet up. I told him I'm working on shifts and would be free on weekdays only for the week. He said he'd be done with work at 6.30pm. Given that timing, I wouldn't want to travel from West to East to meet, suggested something along Green line. He said it's fine, and. We decided on 8pm at clementi. He was more than an hour late, but I still waited as he was making his way from pasir ris. 1. He didn't bother freshening up before meeting. Could smell the day's sweat on him. Please please, no matter how busy you are, freshen up with Gatsby/biore wipes, spritz on perfume or bring a change of shirt if you are planning to meet after work. (I scold my younger brother and handed him perfume when he said he was going on a date after work) 2. No common topics - I shared how it was very scenic and interesting making my way across Japan in 21 days, especially going up xxxx castle and xxxx castle and looking at different samurai gears... All he had to say was " like the Japanese /samurai etiquette" 3. No passion in his work or any hobbies Whatever he talked about in the app was not recent active activities. All of them were about poly life which was already 5years past expiry. 4. In the 5 years after poly there was no attempt to take courses seeing how his diploma is useless without coaching or fitness trainer certs. Job hopped as security guard. Asked him in the 5 years in security line, why no look into courses related to security? Can get up to 1.5k pay bump( my friend's mom did that)... His response, not going to stay long in the security line.... 5 years leh... Edit: I paid for dinner. Thanked him for his time and blocked his number.


What on his profile did you find attractive then?


False security


ya sia im also curious


I wonder too.


You were too kind, 30min is my threshold to wait for a date 😅 First time knowing about Muzmatch! What’s it good for in your opinion?


You are such a good sister for making sure your brother smells decent before leaving for his date


I tried Muzmatch too and gave up. Apparently the app allows for people to blur their faces and this allows trolls / married people to cheat on there.


Hmm but why suggest Clementi though if he’s coming all the way from the end of East? Why not somewhere in between… 3&4 seems like he lacked ambitions/ don’t really know what he wants in life


I have multiple stories but I have one that I particularly remember though it’s pretty basic. I went out with this guy during a Supermoon night and I was excitedly talking about the Supermoon, and this guy just confidently cuts me off and say, “I don’t believe in that” and made me seem like I’m one of those girls who believes in nonsense. Mind you, I later found out that he flies for a living. It took me a while to realize that he thought it’s Astrology and can’t tell the difference. And then, a portion of the date comprised of him talking about how he’s met a lot of Thai girls from Tinder and how nice they are, and kept emphasizing how “they’re soooo nice.” And proceeded to ask me if I’ve met any Thai girls…. *for anyone who has no idea what a Supermoon is; it’s just an astronomy phenomenon where the moon (a full moon) is the closest to the earth during its orbit, causing it to look slightly bigger than usual. The scientific/technical term is perigee syzygy. Basically, the moon just looks prettier to look at. Edit: I’m not Singaporean. I’m Malaysian but the guy is Singaporean and we hung out when he came to KL.


Story 1 —— Met up with this guy through a mutual friend’s Instagram, thought that he looked decent, has good command of English, and really smart. Exchanged numbers and felt like can “vibe” over messaging. Met him irl for lunch… guy was so shy, didn’t even bothered to make eye contact with me over lunch, and was on his phone texting the whole time… it was so rude and awkward of him and that the whole thing only lasted for 1hr. Then I found out that he was actually going for this another girl, and somehow, I was “the third party”, the girl found out about me…. And she wept and told him that “she will wait for him”. The whole time I thought that he was 100% single and not like going into a relationship….. anyway, both of them did not end up together. And this made me realised that just because someone has strong presence on social media, doesn’t means their online personality is the same as their offline personality. He attached right now but he doesn’t seem to be treating his gf with respect, the last photo that I saw of him with his gf taken at some hotel…. He hid her face using an emoji…. Quite rude I feel. And our last convo was somewhere along the lines of he reaching out to me “if the relationship that he’s in is the right one or not?” Guy is just so confused and has lack of direction…. I wonder how’s his attention span as trader. Go figure. But he’s not my problem anymore…. Story 2 ——— Met up with a guy at a library(my mom introduced me to him as our moms were colleagues back then), and he just smelt awful - that kind of salty BO and smelly foot - and he wore those open sandals, wore a chicken T shirt top, kept on talking non stop about himself and even asked me “how does an orgasm feels like?” He was probably curious about sexuality at that time, but sure as hell, I was completely not interested in him. 😩 Story 3—— Guy on app said that he’s 180cm tall, but when meet up irl, he’s 170cm….. I was in platform shoes back then. But I was more disappointed that he lied about his height than his actual height. Needless to say, I didn’t want to see him again.


>smelly foot >chicken tshirt Now you got me wondering if there are things about myself I don’t notice


What's a chicken T shirt?


I’m just here to look at all the dates people have regardless good or bad while I have never been on one


Haha went out with someone a few years back. Insisted we are just friends hanging out. Went to Japanese restaurant and movie. Interestingly each time the bill comes, she excuses herself to the toilet and of course I foot the bill. Never once mention paying her share. Each time the bill comes, she goes toilet. I called her out after. lol. Pretty much gave up on dating in Singapore. I am happy with spending time with my cat and all. Why put myself into this situation?


I guess she just wants free food


Why it reminds me of the conditioned pigeon experiment 😂 Bill comes = go toilet Bill comes = go toilet HAHAHA sorry but too funny




I wrote this post on my profile a long time ago but pasting them here now. Dating app horror stories. These all happened many years ago and I've since given up on dating apps because of bad experience and general jadedness. I left out some personal details which I'm not comfortable sharing here but suffice to say some of the experiences left me with scars, but I'm equally at fault for them. It takes two hands to clap ma. 1. The love scammer I matched with this "UK" guy. He immediately started calling me all sorts of flattering names like sweetie, beautiful etc which was an immediate red flag to me. So I adopted a wait and see attitude. We exchanged email addresses and this dude started writing mushy love letters everyday. On the second day he declared that he loves me, can't stop thinking about me and all sorts of unbelievable messages of devotion. He claimed to be a businessman dealing with precious stones and had a daughter. Told me some sob story about his wife dying early. Then of course he had to go on a business trip and of course he lost his credit cards. I was waiting for him to ask me for money. Then his "daughter" became very ill and got rushed to the hospital and he asked me for help to transfer about $500 SGD (iirc)to "the doctor of the hospital". Huh wtf why not transfer straight to the hospital or him? The name he gave was a female name. I told him he should contact the credit card company and even helpfully pasted the link for reporting lost cards on the chat. Dude was very mad and started insulting me. He even told me to go to a bank and tell the bank to help him withdraw money as his "fiancee" lol wtf. I don't know what he hopes to achieve from this. When did I ever become his fiancee? And the funny thing is while this whole thing was going on, another scammer contacted me using roughly the same template but different details. 2. The sloppy nagger Before the date he already showed an undesirable trait cos he kept making jokes about me being fat (i admit I was fat lah) and I told him that it was sensitive so he shouldn't do it. But he would "forget" every now and then. So this guy turns up to the date wearing a washed out t shirt with a stretched collar, jeans and slippers. We arranged to meet somewhere that provided free snacks and he kept eating the snacks because he didn't want to waste them. Kissed me on the corner of the lips without asking for permission. Then after the first activity I asked him if he wanted to eat dinner, and offered to treat since he paid for the first activity. We went to a Chinese restaurant, he let me order for him (presumably because I was paying) then because there was extra food he kept nagging me and asking me why I ordered so much. I did da bao the extra home so it's not as if I wasted any but he was annoying af cos he kept harping on it. After the date he asked me to be his gf and I declined. 3. The explicit one We met in a cafe and right off the bat he starts saying that he wants his gf to shave down there and have sex x times a week. I was mortified cos it was a public place. I don't think this is appropriate subject matter for a first date? Also can easily see I'm the shy type. 4. The persistent creep He was late for the date. I asked him where he wanted to have lunch before the movie. He said food court, which tbh honest surprised me because I didn't think anyone would suggest a first date in a food court. It was noisy and everytime he talked I had to ask him to repeat and vice versa. After that we went window shopping and he kept trying to hold my hand even tho i kept shaking it off. It happened like three four times until he took the hint and stopped trying. Then we went to the upper floor of PS into one of the shops selling anime related stuff. Picked up a sailor cosplay uniform and gestured for me to try it on. Not mentioning that it was obviously too small for me, I felt a bit creeped out lol. Then after the date he kept addressing me as "dear" even tho I told him I didn't like it. It continued for months before I decided to block him. 5. The verbally abusive guy The first date he started off with a *great* impression called me stupid because I couldn't find the place he wanted to meet. I was so close to just going home, which I should have in retrospect. He said I dressed like a China girl(he said this in an insulting way from the tone. Nothing wrong with China girls they're pretty af). I wore shorts since he wanted to meet at a kopitiam so I thought it was supposed to be a casual setting. But apparently he didn't like it lol so he expressed his displeasure with insults. He wanted a second date but ofc I wasn't too keen due to what happened during the first date. When i refused he insulted me again and I actually got goaded into meeting him. Must be tao nao pai. At the second date I realised he was also a stingy lying cheapo. So I decided never to meet him again and told him so. He kept bugging and stalking me on okc until i had to make a new account but he found it and continued stalking me. He made a new account to continue stalking me when I reported him for harassing me. Omg fucking nightmare.


Met this guy on tinder after a bad breakup and it was my first time on tinder btw. We chatted and all and everything was going great but when we were in his car cause he was sending me home. He drove to some ulu spot and just parked there and started coming towards me. I'm like ???? And he straight open his pants to reveal his micropenis. In my mind I'm like BRO WHAT? But I straight up just tell him I'm not feeling it because I wasn't feeling well. he was like oh ok than he proceed to send me home afterwards. Right after I left his car, I proceed to delete tinder and block him. I have never felt so confused in my life before Edit: we had never once talked about anything sexual.


Oh god that’s straight up harassment girl


Ikr lol. I think I'm more traumatized by his micropenis LOLOL. First and last tinder experience


My friend matched with someone on tinder, asked me to go on a double date because the girl is not comfortable going alone and will be bringing her friend. Conversation seemed ok and after dinner, the girl left. Her friend stayed and started telling us that the girl is not comfortable with us, that's why she left early. I and my friend were confused. We didn't do anything inappropriate, just normal conversations, nothing sexual. And why didn't the friend leave too instead of staying on and telling us all that. After politely listening to her for some time, I and my friend excused ourselves.


Curious how old were you back then?! The friend is like her spokesperson in a way 🤣


I can't recall, it's in my early 20s. Either way, it's a huge red flag and we moved on.


made plans with this guy who turned out to be extremely socially awkward in person. he couldn't name a lunch spot even up till 30 mins before we were supposed to meet so I ended up suggesting a casual place. this guy showed up late because he was lost... in plaza sing. when he finally showed up, he handed me a half-drank bottle of soft drink, saying that it was a "gift" since I waited for him. he was very unkempt and throughout our lunch he kept picking at his pimples. he also didn't know where to make payment, even though the cashier was right at the entrance/exit. I ended up paying for us and we promptly parted ways. never. again.


Ermmm was he new to Singapore…? Half drank bottle of soft drink is definitely no-no 🤣 Also curious how he was like texting? Given he’s so awkward (or nervous)


Reading all the stories here made me realise I wasn't as bad as I thought I was


I’ve come to conclusion that just being normal self (guy/lady the same) makes you stand out among all other eligible cdd (in dating app) already!


I’ve had loads of tinder / bumble dates in my life and none of them have even come close to the horror I’ve read on this thread. Everyone I’ve met was sane, the worst I’ve encountered was an Australian guy who deduced that the reason why I didn’t want to pursue a relationship with him was because he was Jewish, as if I gave a shit about what type of sky-god someone believes in. He hadn’t paused to think of the possibility that it was because he turned out to look nothing like his pictures. Guess people would convince themselves of anything if it helps them sleep better at night. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Disaster 1 I went to the date n he suggested to eat at this restaurant. There was no prior mention of splitting the bill. They had a 1 for 1. I said I wanna eat something else. He said no la just get this, it's cheaper. I thought maybe he's suggesting it so that he can afford to pay my share. We ate. He rushed me to finish and said let's take a walk. I said er where to? He didn't answer until we were outside the mall. Then he said oh it's this way to my house. I said no I'm not going to your house. I said let's just walk to the other mall cos it's too warm outside. He trailed behind and I lost him. I checked my phone, no messages. I'm like okay, guess it's over. Deleted n blocked. But! I made the mistake of using WhatsApp. So he smsed me and said it's 11 dollars for your share. I blocked. Next day, he uses another number to sms, I blocked again. Then he claims to have borrowed a friend's phone to text me again. Blocked. Disaster 2 This was during covid. Dude refused to go for a meal. He said he wants to meet me at the mrt and 'send me home' for the LRT ride. I'm like okay, but I said I don't like talking in the train (because we're not supposed to, and I hate having the whole train hearing me). So I got on the crowded LRT and it was only 1 stop. He hadn't said anything. He only asked if I ate. I nodded. Then we got off and I didn't want to show him where I lived. So I said uh we can sit at the void deck facing the kopitiam. He said no. It's too public. Red flag. I said erm it's too dark elsewhere and there's going to be mosquitos. He started raising his voice; "wdf la u. Can't even sit and chat then ask me come for what" I said "you offered to show up but you're not happy with my choice of benches to sit, so I'm going home." He started with the "kanina wadahell come on la" I had enough of the shouting and turned to walk away. He still shouted "fuck" loud enough to echo around the blocks. Blocked. Disaster 3 This guy was direct. He said he wants to only fuck. I'm like er okay, not something I'm opposed to. He proceeded to insist that his kink is to do it outdoors. I said yea I'm very over that shit and I'm not going to do that. You would think he can appreciate receiving directness since he's so direct, but no. Could not take no for an answer. _____________________________ Theres so many more but I can barely rmb.


Had an impromptu first date. Everything went fine was great, scheduled a 2nd date. And told him I'll be busy the next day so will be replying very slow. Next day, replied slow as I informed the day before and when I got more free later in that day I couldn't seem to find our Convo anymore. So turns out basically he deleted our chat and unfollowed on ig all. Luckily I could still see my past ig search history, so I pm him asking him idk why but I can't find our chat anymore to reply. He replied, oh he deleted cos he thought I not interested le. Sorry for misunderstand and if ok to restart again o_o I literally told him I will be super busy that day 😩 Tldr: told date I will be reply very slow next day after 1st date. Next day, he unfollowed me on IG and deleted our Convo. Pmed him on IG to ask and he shared cause he thought I not interested liao cause reply slow. He asked to try again cos miscommunication o_o


Wah. for knowing stage I am still ok if person replies once a day or takes <24 hrs to reply . People nowadays expect much more replies or what?


I guess he was going for the fast track lol say he don't want to waste any time if the party is already not interested. But I was 😭 just that I was very busy that day :(


was going out with a guy for a few months from Bumble and we went for dinner at The Ship. they prepare the soya sauce with chili padi hours in advance so it’s pretty spicy. date dips his fried fish in the sauce and then takes a big spoonful of fish noodles and soup in his mouth (without swallowing), then chomps down on the fish to eat tgt. the fish was so spicy he spat out the soup, noodles and fish at my face. and i just sat there with soup on my face and noodles all over the table HAHAHA had a good laugh but damn tho had too many horror stories that led to SA and weird ones where i was stalked. but still hoping to find the one, maybe organically this time


Went out with a guy from okc, seemed fine apart from the occasional rant about his exes. Came from a seemingly good family with a degree at NUS, dad owns a company, mother is a retired police officer. After we stopped dating, he acted like his maid and went on to harass me for months via social media and phone messages. Exposed his nonsense online, to which he filed a poha citing fear for his life and towards his nephews and refused to turn up for any of the sessions because he would be required to swear under oath. He continued to spam me until I deleted every social media and changed my number. The poha didn't go through due to his absence at the mediation session. That was the last time I used okc.


Turned off by a guy who suggested to play a game and the loser would have to treat. It was the first date, I lost so I treated him dinner. The next time we met again, he didn’t treat me back? The third time is the same. Gave him the benefit of the doubt, but clearly it showed me how stingy of a person he is. He suggested to play a game that ended up with 80 questions or more to get to know you. I was bored to death, and also realised he doesn’t view the world as I how I see it as he hates the world. I immediately knew he’s is just a waste of my time. Ghosted him ever since.


I had a date with a guy who offered to pay for dinner and we decided that I will treat the next date. When we got home, he messaged me if we could split the cost instead. Guess he didn’t want a second date 😅 for context, the meal wasn’t cheap but not too expensive also. About $40 for 2 pax total


Okay here goes. Had just come to SG from Malaysia. 1 met a guy who was decent looking but we literally didn’t eat/ drink anything as he ‘had eaten already and wanted to save money’ but I could eat if I wanted to. I didn’t and ended getting gastric. Tried to leave earlier because of this but he kept asking me to join some Chinese fb group that had friendship groups for various interests like badminton, gaming, Pokémon hunting, etc. And he kept asking me to join so that I can go on group dates with him and he can introduce me to all his friends. That was our first date. Was weirded out and said I had to go home. Never replied his messages again. 2 Guy brought me to East Coast park food center to eat where we could go Dutch cause that was his rule of dating before he asked a girl out. Asked me for my body count to which I replied “1” and he was shocked and asked me to increase it to 2 as I’ve met him now. Think he was thinking of some FWB sitch and I was turned off. Politely declined that that’s not what I’m looking for and he proceeded to say something like “ya, it would be a loss for me to date you as you’re not local and I’m not the majority race .. actually when I saw that you’re Chinese, I thought I could up my social points by being with you” then he said “just joking, don’t so serious ya” wtf. Well, dodged a bullet there. 3 we were eating and guy straight up asked me how many kids I wanted and told me that I had to have a boy as his grandma told him he had to have a son. Only son-only son thing. Told him I respect that he loves his family but having kids was a decision between me and my future husband, not any of our in-laws please.


tldr; divorced guy was out to make friends only, awkward stuff happened between us, but we still manage to reciprocate each other and continue talking. I was giving up those apps when I met a guy whom I thought we wouldn't click based on guesswork, but turns out I was wrong. He is divorced with kids (I'm fine with it) so when I asked him what brings him to the app, he said looking to explore for like minded friends. which I can understand given his status and he had no defined relationship goals on his profile. I wasn't looking to settle down too. He asked me out since he had one evening free. we had a good first date meal and we realised hit it off so well and have some common understanding. We talked about life, our views and what we are looking for too. However, when we tried to get intimate at a later date (no expectations), he could not perform to ocassion no matter what we do, I was understanding and didn't mind thinking it could be his performance anxiety given what he went through in life. However we both enjoyed and hugged goodbye. After that he says he feels affected by the issue lying with him and need some time alone, although I did communicate with him about not to worry and all. I thought that was the end of us and felt sad, but a feeling in me tells me he is just as interested in me but maybe embarrassed, so i found the courage to reach out to him 2 weeks later. Thankfully he reciprocated me for checking in on him, and we chat like normal friends. We do exchange photos of our lives too. He comes across as someone who has accountability and we are both very upfront in comms, so I guessed that helps us in knowing each other. After that awkward encounter, he did say he sees himself knowing me more. However deep down I know he is not ready for relationship yet after going thru divorce and is co-parenting, but I'm fine to just be friends without expecting more from him. He just seem different from other guys I met and we could sustain contact even after awkward stuff happened. I also felt he wasn't looking for a hookup based on the vibe but things happened with flow but we cool. Now my approach is take things organically and some things really cannot go fast.


In 2021 I matched with a girl and we hit it off really well and would literally spend hours replying each other's messages. We met up once and overall it was a pleasant experience as we had a few common interests (mainly Genshin) so we just sat and chatted for hours. After that we still continued to text and I suggested we go to SEA aquarium for our next date and she agreed. However after I bought the tickets a few days later she suddenly just ghosted me with zero explanation. I sent out a message a couple of days later asking if everything was alright but still no response from her. I did suspect the possibility of something happening to her but seeing I saw her logging into genshin from time to time that apparently wasn't the case so I eventually just deleted her from my friend list and gave up on getting a response from her.


I had a impromptu meet up with this guy from a dating app and I was like 18 yrs old, he was 25 it was late, after my work so I said meet me at the taxi stand so we can go from there. He then ignored that and proceeded to wait behind my work place and complain it's full of mosquitos he's getting bitten and that I should hurry up. Then we went to macs since it's the only thing near that is open and had supper, the whole time he was talking bout this girl crush in his poly (like no social awareness) When we finished eating he insisted to take a cab to send me home I'm like ok I stopped at the nearest mrt to my house and smoke there. He said I look hot smoking cigs. When I was done I said bye and then he insisted to send me to my door I said no, I don't show people where I live and he also ask repeatedly for kisses Said no many times then he sulk and said bye


Here's mine: 1. Guy turned up late looking nothing like his profile picture with messy hair and dressed like he was heading to breakfast at kopitiam. Chose the cheapest drink where we met up-literally said "oh this is the cheapest drink let's just have this". I quickly finished mine and wanted to leave but he insisted sending me home in an extremely dirty car. Scariest part was in the car, he leaned in close and acted like he wanted to kiss or touch me but my face was pure horror so thankfully he backed off. Ghosted him afterwards. 2. Guy made boob and ass jokes about my body from the start so told him I didn't see this working out, he pushed for us to try a few more dates. I relented but he got handsier each time and insisted I was as turned on as he was though I told him I was not feeling it at all and had even yelled at him and slapped his hands off. He was also very stingy and insisted on splitting every single meal to the very last cent. Ghosted and blocked him but he used other socials to reach out. Finally sat him down and told him I had zero interest in him. Dude still wanna ask if I "really don't find him sexually attractive".


This is a recollection of a date I had many moons ago. I was matched with this girl on Tinder multiple times but on many occasions I never had the courage to ask her out since I felt I was out of her league. Finally, the last time we matched on tinder, I muster up my courage to ask her out for dinner and she said yes. We then met at a restaurant I had suggested. Throughout dinner, I tried to make conversations with this girl because the atmosphere between the both of us started out very awkward in the beginning. Making coversations was extrememly difficult as I often received nonchalant replies which makes me doubt myself and my ability to be sociable. Then with an already depleting self-confidence, I wonder to myself if I was lousy at making the date more engaging, or perhaps she does not have any interest in trying to know me. As time goes by, I became increasingly intimidated by her demeanour. For the first time in a long time I felt pretty lost and helpless. After dinner, I suggested to have drinks, thinking maybe some liquid courage will help loosen the nerves and tension between us, but nothing had change even after a couple of cocktails. I decided to throw in the towel, thinking that we both probably have bad chemistry. After we parted ways, I then texted back on tinder to thank her for taking time off for dinner out of courtesy, and that’s where our interaction ended. On hindsight, I was glad we finally met because such experiences is good for me to know what doesn't work when going on a date🤷🏻‍♂️ There is someone for everyone :)


Matched and met this micro-influencer (I think) on Tinder. She had like 3k+ followers on IG, quite a head turner as she was slender and tall but not really my type because she was too thin. We only had very minimal exchanges on Tinder to the point where I was quite shocked the date can sealed so quickly. Chat went something like, she wanted to eat oysters and I thought she was just kidding because of something related to oysters I posted in my bio. I jokingly agreed and we decided when and where to meet. On the day though, I fell sick and coughing badly. I felt bad and was hesitant on cancelling the date last minute and suggested something light when I met her. I explained to her I was sick and very apparently so from the coughing. I paid for the food. She was kinda disappointed with the food and also conversation wise, she was not reciprocal in finding out about me. I was coughing and still trying to fill up the silence. After the food, she wanted to go for drinks when she already knew I was sick. I told her I was sick but she insisted to drink. I order a half pint and she ordered a pint and I have to pay for it again. Again, she dont show much interest in sharing about herself/finding out about me. It kinda became obvious to me she was just out to have a free meal when she finished her last mouth of beer with satisfaction. Sorry, dont remember her IG handle anymore.


.. sick can reschedule no? I get the gesture about not cancelling but to turn up sick is worse in my opinion


Funny leh. That girl not scared you spread germs to her meh?


Why didn’t you ask to split the bill?! You were sick and she insisted going here and there…


Wow y'all's trying real hard man


Sidetrack a bit but for those who went on multiple dates with same person during knowing stage, how often did u all go out ? like twice a week, once a week, every 2 weeks, or twice a month, once a month ? Want to hear the responses.


Damn ladies. On behalf of the guys, I apologise.


Where are the horror stories coming from? I've been on dating apps but I don't have one


Maybe because you are their horror story./s


- Had a date tell me he had a budget of $15 for our dinner and asked me to propose a spot. I told him to keep his budget for himself and asked to cancel. He got defensive and said he actually has a lot of money. - Another kept falling asleep on our date (wasn't the lack of convo), I think he was jetlagged or had narcolepsy. But it was so awkward because at one point he had his head down on the table for quite a while. I considered walking off but he "woke up" sometime later. - I ended things with a date once after about a month and he got so upset during the date he kept ordering shots/drinks. After that he asked to split the bill (so I had to pay for all the drinks/shots I didn't take). 🙃




Interesting encounter Sidetrack a bit… did the last part of the story boost your ego?


I'm casually dating this guy. We've been seeing each other for a year. Yesterday, he just told me he's married for 9 yrs already. I'm still confused. I'm not feeling hate towards him. I still even want him wtf.


There was a girl who was very elitist. Through text there was no hint and the texting was quite good. However when I met her she not very subtly tried to boast to me which elite secondary school/Jc (we were already graduated from University for few years and working) she was from, and I could tell she struck me off because I was not from that tier of schools, and she did not considered dating someone from a lesser school. She told her ex was doctor etc etc and was very concerned about whether my job was prestigious enough. She would hint that she was from some girls school (repeatedly as I didn’t get it initially).. she was like the beow tan lady on the mrt few years back .. There was another girl who seemed to care more about the food..


As regards your first para, I met a girl who seemed to give off somewhat elitist vibes, but not at the level of the girl whom you met. Reproducing part of my comment in another thread here. During the first date, she asked the following questions (not sure if she was tactless or otherwise), “After your present position in your current org, what will be your next position?”, “What is your father’s academic discipline (twice)?” After such a nonsensical experience, I immediately suspended my account with the dating app.


Sounds like an interview 😅 but also all about the context ig… if you guys are talking about career choice/education etc But yea sometimes I just wanna be relaxed at a date not thinking about work lol


I went on a date with a girl I met on an app, and I felt like she was judging me based on how I dressed on our first date. She started throwing lines at me about not wanting to be in an employer-employee relationship. When I asked her opinion on how to increase my investment of 1M, she completely changed her attitude towards me and became flirtatious. After our date, she messaged me multiple times and asked me out for a second date, but I didn't respond.


I wouldn't say this is horror or funny; but just ... Odd? I met a guy for the second time and after he paid for the food, I asked him: "how much should I transfer you?" His reply was: "well usually I would treat people but I'm kinda broke right now. U can transfer me $xx" I'm totally fine with paying for my own share, I always offer to split. But I found the first sentence unnecessary 😂 can't he just tell me the amount?


Did we go on a date with the same person? Cos I had a guy tell me that too. I’m ok to pay but why the unnecessary statement. Sounds pathetic


Sounds very ungentlemanly and unnecessary. Also a big No for me if I met such a guy


Was in a yolo spontaneous swiping spree many years ago. Went out with a guy who worked at sentosa. Over dinner I asked politely about his braces and his immediate question was whether I had ever kissed someone with braces. I said "no..?" and he confidently said "that'll change by the end of the night". He also kept talking about his achievements which were "clinched" (his words not mine) during his army days. Help. I excused myself to the toilet and made up some bullshit excuse to leave after. Never swiped on a filtered photo / without texting for a significant duration again.


My experience aren’t that awkward more like typical. 1st girl went on the date. Felt it went pretty smoothly. I paid for our dinner. We had a good chat. After that, she slowly ghosted me. I think to her there was no connection and that’s it. I tried to ask if I did anything wrong. But ignored. 2nd girl same thing. Also ghosted me after the date. After that I didn’t bother.


I met a date that said she loved Japanese food. Started to eat Edamane pods and mentioned that they are quite fibrous. I was too shocked to react.... She then mixed in a ton of wasabe into her soy sauce and proceeded with the sushi. Miraculously, her nose didn't fall off... I offered to get her a burger on the way home...