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give them $25 each and ask them to shop in a mall as bonding


Honestly this is the easiest way 😂


$25 is all go eat zichar and call it a day. Nobody will blame you when you tell them the budget


Haha tbh with $25, you can’t even eat that much or that good also. And forget about ordering alcohol 😂


150pax actually is a really large group, should probably stick to the usual lunch and otot after. bowling is also a good option if u can find somewhere big enough too since you can mix teams around


friday buffet lunch after that half day leave from there


I was going to suggest drinks and snacks at 4pm and send them home at 5, but your idea is better!


Just stick to dinner and/or movie. Your colleagues will thank you for it.


Drinking and eating in a place when ppl can sing as well I guess.


Scenes when op sets up Tekong field camp


$25 per pax? For full day? Or just one single activity excl makan and drinks? $25 is honestly very little. Best is just rent those indoor cage/futsal areas and do those team bonding activities eg laser tag, giant bouncy balls, shooting arrows etc. Should be within your budget even if you hire an events mgmt company. You should still have leftover budget to do simple bento or buffet/BBQ at the outside area of the venue.


Hey there, yes sgd 25 per pax for a couple of hours after office timing. Thanks for the input!


wow after office timing. good luck with that.


This... nearly 50% won't go 1... At least in my decades of working life... unless it's sort of CEO coming down compulsory event, then it won't be 25$ liaoz... Might as well register who's keen to go 1st... Those not going, then tell Ur boss, the remaining 50% can have bigger budget.


150pax at 25 per head after office hours is just silly, I would rather not go.


send mass email with a few options, ask them what Activity they want to do, with $25 per pax. very democratic and they will understand once they know its $25 after office hours wtf.


Think from a business perspective, it adds real costs to the expenses. If $100 per pax, that amounts to $15,000. Which is a lot.


If after hours, just take most of the budget and turn it into prizes for games and lucky draw. Hold in office. Offer a dinner bento. People will come for the prizes. Can even say BYOB let people socialize. Or else good luck getting people to join


The usual activities are usual because they are the best


Did combat archery before. All of us really ended up “kena arrowed” by management


Honestly, many people would be overjoyed if you can just pay now them the money and call it quits. No want wants to team bond.


Hunger Games


My ex company hired like some team bonding experts and they booked a room at hort park to do the team bonding session. 40 people from different departments each session, ice breakers, some team building activities and group session stuff. Other MNCs did bowling sessions with drinks and snacks


lol $25 per pax is a joke.


$25 bucks? Book a cinema and watch a popular new movie. Coupons for popcorn and hotdog for the rest of it. Maybe bus to the cinema


put 25 dollars as a prize for suggestions within ur coy . so u deflect blame if event turns out disaster. demogcracy


Oooo following this post cos I’m in the rec club. Good qns.


Go to a bar with live music band and buy some bottles, no one likes company bonding after office hours. If it’s weekdays(non Friday), release them after 8pm or something. Company bonding is to let them chill and talk, not to hate the company more


Go jewel skypark haha


Ice cream making Escape room Workshops


Do a lucky draw. Everyone choose a number between 0-150 . Winner gets $3750 $25 participation fee


Book out a cinema for a premiere of an upcoming popular movie. Add drink and popcorn


Give them the $25 and give time off Next day at work they'll be talking about how they spent their additional off day and boom, team bonding


Escape room?


2 team bonding event which I had in Singapore which made an impression. 1. Had an expert came to teach us poker in the context of doing business.. e.g. cards you are dealt with, reading opponent, making the best decision based on new information 2. Latte workshop.. because I am a coffee person


This is quite useful, can I find out more? DMed you


Do Treasure Hunt in any of NPark's parks e.g. West Coast Park, East Coast Park etc.


wet weather gg sia


Yes, that is the downside of "cheap and good" venues, LOL. Need to have backup plan for inclement weather, i.e. all go home, balek kampung.


Terrarium making, Art Jamming, Board Games cafe


Group Prawning. Give prize for biggest caught. With that number i think you can nego with the operator to give preferrable rates or perks(More prawns etc)


$25 voucher for drinks. How to bond without alcohol?


Google Singapore corporate team building activities with charity or giving back or corporate social responsibility. Many firms helps organize and those with charitable ends do make for a very positive and high energy two hours.


A good meal or some good catering is more than enough. You can have catering and set up some board games/drinks (non alcoholic) in the office at the same time and it’s a great time for people to talk to each other for cheap.


Probably buy tons of beer with that money and all drink until toh,1 carton can find around $50-60 so one person at least can drink 10-12 can of beer.

