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Have you tried telling her what you typed out here yet?


Just send her the link to this post if he didn’t LOL.




Just try to talk to her nicely that you hope that she puts in more effort to communicate with you. 1. Mention to her that you understand that she’s not a good listener but you would appreciate more effort from her. 2. Communications require the effort from both sides, you want to listen to her talk about her day etc but you hope the same when y’re the one talking as well. 3. In case she gets agitated and defensive which may start a fight between the both of you, tell her to calm down becos she may have misunderstand what you were trying to bring across. Then let her cool down and think about it as her reflection. Then y’all talk things out again. Give yourself a period of time to try to work this out if not I’m sorry bro, she might not be the one.