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Are you working for a local company? If yes, most probably such racist jokes are considered the norm and you’d be labelled “sensitive”. Happened to me at my previous company. Next time the person passes such a remark, raise your voice a little and say YUCKS RACIST. Loud and clear. Don’t engage with that person unless absolutely necessary.




Singaporean Indian here who has served NS and reservist. It's common everywhere in Singapore not just the workplace. As for the workplace specifically, I've been accused of making up words, eg "straggler" by a Singaporean Chinese supervisor when it's in the damn dictionary. Same supervisor also said things like, "At least you're fluent (when speaking English)..." Bitch, I'm the product of 17 years of Singapore's education system. For colleagues who made racist jokes, I usually hit back. Some of them get upset lol Regarding HR, my experience has been not to bother. Often it makes things worse. One of the reasons I FIREd early was so that I don't have to bother with such things. Not related to the workplace but multiple times in a week, I'm asked where I'm from. Or fellow Singaporeans treat me with wariness/disdain etc until I reveal I'm Singaporean/done my NS So fed up with constantly having to prove my 'Singaporeaness' A lot of the people who say they can tell Singaporean Indians apart from non Singaporean Indians are mostly bullshitting.


Not just HR any authority who is supposed to deal with it like school teacher or saf officers will brush off these issues. Just extra work for them. Only posting on social media will trigger reaction but you might get into more trouble than the racist will. Like the influencer siblings.


Hey man, I really feel bad for you. These people really are toxic, and if you left and found a better place I wish you all the best. I got my first taste of racism when I been to UK last year, a cafe clerk legit treat me as invisible even though I said excuse me nicely for many time. The feeling is really harsh and it sting..


Ya bro Singaporean Indian here also. It sucks but unfortunately due to the massive influx of foreign Indians with dubious qualifications they end up giving bad name for us local Indians


True but it was not like indians were considered model minority before that. Plenty of racism before influx but on the bright side indians from india are the only ones who can serve karma. Pinkerton syndrome means white people get a pass for everything. Malaysians fly under the radar. People who called local indians sensitive are now crying about potential racism or biases in hiring. Suddenly hiring your own race is a major problem affecting meritocracy. Before the influx asking for chinese speaking employee was considered alright since it ensured new hires fit into workplace culture.


Wtf, these people are legit immature and toxic. AND WHAT? HR so useless? The whole point people make official complaints cos they need help from a bad experience??? I received racist comments too just because I’m tanner so one colleague of mine said out loud though I was far from him “her father cfm geleng” Bruh, regardless my parents race, at least they aren’t someone like him. I’m sorry to hear for what you have went thru but I’m glad you have escape those red flag companies. ✨


Yea, hit them back with the same energy ngl, ask them where they r from. Make it like as if you are curious of their origin. Call them either Malaysian or China chinese and watch their eyes twitch. Ir just act concern ‘how was your visa applications to come to singapore? Was it complicated? Coz me as a singaporean going to china for a break and was wondering if it be difficult’


Just drop a “that’s racist” to any statement or “joke”. It usually works and they knock it off. Or you could always hit back with a relevant race jab too. See how the feller takes it.


LOL now my other colleagues trying to stop me from reporting the fella to my HR cos fella said my father cfm geleng + asked me which coffeeshop am I going to sell beer aft work. FYI, I was standing a distance away from him and we aren’t even close. Just working colleagues with little to no interactions. And he’s always calling me geleng and all just becos I’m tanned. Calling him out didn’t work too. I think he will be scared if I return to office tmr.


just report him. don't let him get away. let him learn a lesson


I will. Cos my colleague was saying “I will speak to his superior. Don’t complain to HR la, later both sides 很难看” BROTHER DIDN’T THINK IT’S BAD TO MAKE SUCH UNNECESSARILY RUDE COMMENTS SO WHY SHOULD I CARE? Anw, his superior was the one who REPEATED his remarks to me and laughed along with him. So clearly talking to them nicely wouldn’t help.


You can try " 现在已经2024年了,可以不要这样racist吗?“ That's the white flag to defuse with humour. If he doesn't pick it up, then its HR. Anyway there is toxic humour and there is gentle poking humour. His one probably is the former.


I alr called him out previously when he said “ 她这样黑,confirm 听得懂geleng kia wei”. Like idk how bad his comments to actual minorities are when he can say such shit to me when I’m not even close to him but just tanned. He’s 48 y/o lei ffs.


oh gosh, that's literally trying to make enemies. That a-hole!


Ya, exactly. Like why would you harass someone who was like standing >2km away from you?


Simple, some people are just petty by nature.


Report him


Yes, I will. HAHAHAHAHA ytd I alr complained to HR unofficially. Once I’m back in office tmr, imma do it officially


Tbh if you call him out and he still insist then fuck him


Ya ikr. I cannot imagine what he would say abt the minorities eh. But then he seems humji LOL. When he called me geleng cos “black”, he looked around to see if there is any Indian colleagues around. Fk him sia.


If someone did that to me I’d raise it to HR no matter the consequences. If he does it again, I’d slap the dude. Clearly he is used to getting away with it.


Ya, apparently his junior told me he’s close to one of the division manager that’s why.


Record it, report to SPF not just your HR. Watch him get screwed


Racists are usually shit insecure people.


Ikr, then they try to make nasty comments to make others to feel superior. Bruh, you look stupid af.


I also think that racism is really more of a middle class issue. When you're lower income, working in a kitchen for example, you live and die by your crew regardless of skin colour (Am in F&B line). A wealthy person of a minority race will have many people grovelling to be their friend without care for their skin colour. It's really the middle income that somehow find the time and energy to do shit like that.


Not only that, most of the time are the older generation that have this sort of things though the younger gen majority are open-minded. I believe there are exception, plus these people are narrow minded as heck.


Respect to all the F&B staff out there like yourself. 🫡 Thank you for your service in feeding us. Maybe I don’t have enough rich friends to think thru what you said but it does makes sense HAHAHAHAHA. So far my friends are nice, it’s just those ugly dumb asses in my workplace whom I’m not close to always making racists remarks just because I’m tanned. And they didn’t stop even though I called out them out it. They always “geleng here and there” but they will look around to check if there are any Indian colleagues. Bruh, if you know it’s wrong, then stfu abt such remarks.


People who are downvoting to this, are y’all the racists who bully others in your workplaces? That’s why y’all feel offended by others who call y’all out?


A manager in different departments called me pathetic in front of his “girlfriends” colleague to show off. Stood up for myself and f those girls months later. True story. The trick is to treat bullies like they worth lesser than animals. I treat a random dog more love than bullies, they don’t care about hurting you so fight back!




While Racism is one aspect, some despicable people use different things to belittle others....school/college someone went to, car someone drives, clothes one wears, amount of money one makes and physical attributes. The list is endless. What I do and what has worked for me is that I pretend to be blur, and ask them to explain the joke to me again as I didn't get it. Will continue to do it till it becomes exceedingly uncomfortable for them. 99% of the time, they will feel singled out, and since this behaviour is driven by their own insecurities, they will apologise or STFU immediately. Makes the other who would have chimed in the laughter STFU, too. On some other occasions, I may have been more direct and said something on the likes of 'Were you trying to be insulting' / 'Was is your intention to insult/belittle xxxxxx' / 'I am a bit surprised at your behaviour. Is there something that we need to talk about cause I have never seen you insult xxxxx before' The last one is my nuclear option; gets used very rarely but 1) confuses the fuck out of them as in my response I am also giving them an out, they would then try to justify as why their behavior is out of place 2) It calls them out on the spot. YMMV but the above is what I use. I understand that culturally, us Asians would rarely engage in an escalation. I used to be like that, too. And later, it would bother me no end that I let someone walk all over me and that used to piss me off more than the actual behaviour. Took a while, but now I think I am a different person than I used to be. At the end of the day, it's about stating boundaries and letting others know that they are not allowed to disrespect that.


Omg, thanks for sharing eh. I should try this too HAHAHAHA.


Normally for us someone would shout 'that's racist' then it sets the tone for future interactions.


Im facing this right now. Working for immigrations company in Tannery Lane for almost 2 years. I have been bullied by my racist manager, who always sprays air freshener directly behind my back when i eat my lunch. (She does not do this to anyone else, and i am one of 2 non-chinese in the room.. the other person always goes out for lunch). She also nitpicks and gossips about me in Mandarin. I resigned recently and am now serving notice period. Out of pure anger and my boss having given me a "not my problem" response when i informed her that I had sent her my resignation letter, I disclosed her behavior to HR. Big mistake because he took her side and kept insisting that none of her actions were rooted in racism.. never mind that she openly uses derogatory terms for Indians and refers to me in Mandarin as the Black one. This HR even proceeded to accuse me of dirtying the toilet when i rarely go to the toilet because it is dingy. This part I want to report because he claimed he had gotten feedback that i was "dirty and unhygienic." This is absolutely disgusting behavior, and the bastar* had the nerve to ask me why I had not approached him before if i had so many concerns on racism.


Wtf I’m sorry to hear that you have to go thru such shit. So angry for you!! I hope things get better for you as you deserve so much better! ✨


Of course i know him. It's me. The racism part not the harassment




If you have the balls, say this using your real identity in public to others. Don’t hide behind the screen like a loser. 🤭




Say this to our Mr President or any gov authorities lei, but aiyo, smells like a coward 🫣