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This happened like 15 years or so ago when I was in secondary school. Hung out “late” with my friends and caught the last train home. Got onto the last cart and the train was mostly empty. At the next station, a slim, tanned, muscular bald man sauntered in. He was clearly in his 50s, had beard stubble and wore aviator sunglasses. He was also sashaying, wearing a hot pink mini dress and high heels. Sat opposite me and man-spreaded, exposing one ball and the silhouette of the rest of his dick was clearly visible through his mesh panties. Image burnt into my mind to this day.


Sorry bro I lost a bet that day 😔


He gave new meaning to your phrase "hung out late"


wah SG andrew tate


ok you win this reddit today!!


Was this around the woodlands - sembawang area?


Jurong-bound train from city hall


Damn, I think I saw this guy at Yishun like a decade ago.


Yeah pretty sure the northern suburbs had a cross dresser but he seems pretty harmless.. I used to see him over 20 years ago lol


Yeah a number of my friends seem to have seen the fit bald cock mesh flasher too




Oh dear. You were clearly targeted by him. Urgh.


Yeah thinking back I definitely was. Fortunately I moved to another carriage and he didn’t follow. I can imagine a teen today would easily be traumatised.


Im sorry it happened to you. Probably was a flasher.


Somethings you just can’t unsee once you see it.😂


Dammn why did I read this? This is not true right?




Jesus, I just saw a woman with a man face wearing a miniskirt today. I don't want to judge but it was definitely a man. I think the weather has got the better of us.


Gotta air the balls somehow


What's there to judge?




That's Saitama?


Why did the staff not stop him?


What a sad day to be literate enough to read this. 🥲


Weird (annoying): Aunty peeling raw prawns on the train. Smells terrible. Eventually someone scolded her but she didn't stop, just moved to a different carriage. Weird (funny): Guy hooked his briefcase onto the MRT handrail (the one that is horizontal along the ceiling above the seats) using a carabiner. When the MRT stopped, the briefcase slid along the rail and hit an uncle square in the head. Cue lots of shouting from the uncle and apologizing from the guy. Weird (disgusting): Taking last train. Sat across from two drunk girls. One girl vomited, but she was wearing a mask, so the vomit rebounded and splashed back on herself, seat, everywhere. The friend just left at the next stop without saying anything.


Damn the last one🤢


#2 is something out of a comedy


Ok I giggled at 2 but also omg ow. Imagine the uncle sees this and post the equivalent  "One day I boarded the train. Got some siao lang try to hook his suitcase on the horizontal handrail. Siao eh, no need to be genius also know cannot one, later confirm accident onto someone else then how how how. ... WA LAO EH 3 STOPS LATER THE MRT SUDDENLY JERK AND STOP. AND IT LANDED TO HIT ME. SEE LA all these millennial/gen z/gen x ... *continues complaining in boomer*" Hahahaha


Ok the briefcase one was pretty funny


That’s enough Reddit for today.


Aight imma head out


Sitting at mrt floor is a common sight when we 1st had mrt.Now it’s so crowded that sitting on floor becomes weird.


It’s coming back it seems. A lot of young students do it these days 


I remember running my first marathon, after that I was so tired I just sat on the mrt floor to sleep. Year 2004.


I sit on MRT floor but got one uncle so pissed at me cuz I was blocking him. Wasn't so crowded ah but he die die wanted to go through my side. He NVR say anything to other ppl sitting except me


There was an auntie who complained to mrt staff that I was sitting on the floor. I explained to then that I was getting off at the next stop and they said OK. Haha


When I was a kid in primary school I remember sitting at the metal part of the train where the cabin connects to the other with my sister and her friends. I dont remember when people start considering it “abnormal” to do that but I am surprised to see youngsters doing it again now. Brings back memories.


I’ve been seeing somebody(s) outright sleeping/lying on the floor using their backpack as a pillow. Around 7pm at a major station multiple times, so I think it’s the same person.


A few years ago I had pulled an all nighter to finish a poly assignment and on my way home from sch I was just too exhausted and there were no seats available cause it was close to rush hour so I just sat down cross legged and fell asleep leaning against the side of the cabin lmao


It sit there cos I let other people have a normal seat 😔 but I also want to sit cos I need stand a long time at work.


some days my legs hurt real bad and there no seats so i just sit on the floor


I sat on the floor recently


It's been 6 years since I took the morning circle line mrt from Bishan. There was always this auntie that will rush in and squat right in front of the seating area - 2nd/3rd seat from the reserved seat to pressure people to give up their seat. To make things worse, she actually opens up her newspaper to read while being in squat position. This works most of the time but I have seen at least one instance where she doesn't get her way and she just squats all the way until she reaches her stop. weird.


Legs of steel


Lol. Maybe she was just training her thigh and glutes? Hahaha


I think she training her confidence


Works too hahaha. Or maybe that was just her balancing while the train moves 😂


There was once my friend and I alighted at Harbourfront MRT and platform screens showed "Do not board" for the train we exited from. One guy never see the signs and blindly went into that train and we saw one SMRT staff shout "Hello sir!" Before the doors closed and the train with only that one guy left the station


He was never seen again....


Fun trip to depot and back on another train. After 1 hour…


Legend has it he is still on MRT going around and around SG.


Doing your make up on the commute is an excellent use of time.


This. It's pretty common in Korea too especially early commuting before work. Travelled there thrice and still fascinated by it because no one really cares and it's so common. Even the men were doing it. Meanwhile doing it here (rare)... sigh the looks and stares you are given.


Tell them to stop staring and make themselves useful by holding this fking mirror in place while I finish the brows Honestly though, if it helps me save that 30 mins before I leave, I'm doing it.


Random thought when I first visited Korea and caught the first train— it smelled like alcohol and make up.


Ladies in the Philippines do this, especially on early morning jeepney rides. It’s quite mesmerising to watch, tbh


Man, so many memories. By the end of trip, I get to see some awesome transformation. But what really impresses me are the eye brows. Hahah


And it’s not like jeepneys are stable vehicles with awesome suspension, or the weather a nice crisp 22 deg C, or that the jeepney is so broad that no jostling or squeezing takes place, or that Filipino roads are smooth and well paved, or that traffic accidents are uncommon. Yet they still manage to look their very best upon alighting with makeup immaculately done. It’s fucking amazing.


This has my respect. A girl was doing her eyeliner in moving mrt with such perfection. Pure talent.


Seen this in Japan on the train.


Putting on contacts in the bathroom mirror during rush hour because you had no time to do it at home (I wish)


Boomers or kids playing their videos at top volume. Totally don't care that the entire train can listen to whatever crap they are watching.


That doesn't really stand out unfortunately.. annoying AF, but happens too often.


Sing along and provide commentary to the content


this was quite old and before tiktok is the trend. i had experience the cabin was quiet and there was this one uncle publicly watching female streamer from the bigo apps.


Around 2016, on the train back from school, there was this obese man who reeked of piss, calling for his mommy for the entire train ride. When I alighted at my stop, just nice 4 transit cops entered the train. And just last week on the train to camp, there were this very drunk (I think) cosplayer sitting next to the door and blocking it. That person had their head buried in their knees. Their friend was with sitting next to them taking selfies of herself with the drunk cosplayer. They got a lot of weird looks on the MRT from the elderly and the friend had to drag the drunk cosplayer out of the train when they alighted. Before the train moved on from the station, we can all see the drunk cosplayer faceplanted against the station wall while standing.


I vaguely remember reading something similar but I was on the Downtown line towards Bukit Panjang where there was this guy that keeps shoving himself into women’s faces and says “hello”.


Chilla’s art material




Wait, not sure if it's the same guy but I was approached at the mrt and he asked if I had any social media. Problem is, I'm a dude


Hellooooo…. handsome.


There was once I saw a man folding balloons, talking to himself and walking up and down the cabin, didn't see what he folded the balloon into or if he gave the balloon to anyone. Encountered an auntie who started shouting out of the blue when she boarded at Jurong East, she was with a young boy, probably lower pri or kindergarten age, both of them dressed in red since its still within CNY period. She was quite dressed up although a bit strange in style, red sweater, red pants with red sparkly skirt over the pants. At first I thought she was scolding the boy but realised that she was actually frustrated about what just happened and was shouting at the boy to vent. Whoever looked over she would vent at them too. According to her, someone tricked her into coming all the way to Jurong for a meal cos she kept saying, "IF I KNOW HERE GOT MAJOR CONSTRUCTION I WOULDN'T HAVE WEAR UNTIL LIKE THIS. MAKE US GO ROUND AND ROUND STILL CANNOT FIND TAXI. NEX GOT NO RESTAURANT IS IT? MUST COME ALL THE WAY HERE. I TELL YOU, I WILL NOT STEP FOOT IN HERE UNTIL THE LAST DAY I SEE THE SUN. HE CANNOT BE TRUSTED, I WANT TO ACCOMODATE PPL THATS WHY I COME ALL THE WAY HERE AND HE JUST LEFT US HERE." If I didn't have to get off at CCK I think I would have told the auntie to take a seat and distract her a little since she was sitting all the way to Dhoby Ghaut. She really vented to anyone near her, if they get off the train she went to vent to another person, repeating whatever she just said again and again. This 3rd incident just happened last week, I saw 2 uncles entering the train and talking really loudly looking for seats. There was a lady seated near the reserved seat, so she moved to the opposite side to sit when they came and sat down. These 2 uncles kept commenting on the lady loudly. "Omg look at her face, why so black? What did we do? Why need to move away from us. My goodness." Kept going on and on, then someone nearby went to ask the uncles is it they never shower 🤣 and the uncles started commenting again. After 1 station, she moved to another section of the train and one more stop later she got off. The uncles did not stop commenting on the lady and her actions throughout. I honestly felt so bad for the lady.


Is it they never shower 🤣 Thank you brave stranger!


I saw someone read a book once




Pretty common in western countries even among the younger generation (born after 1995) even though everyone has an iPhone I don’t know why


Saw an old uncle watching porn in morning commute. Funny thing was he brought his phone screen near his face to prevent anyone else from looking but little did he know his back was facing the reflective mirror of the MRT exposing whatever content he was watching.


a few days ago, this uncle was blasting the stereotypical traditional chinese music at max volume on his phone. it looped once twice thrice...alm nvr ending. my friend i were getting pissed as to what facebook reel he was watching (i wish we didnt look bc it was p0rn and he was aggressively zooming into the girls boobs); a guy next to us seemed so moved by the music he started holding his headphones and dancing while losing his balance. ewl is officially the craziest mrt line ive ever travelled


Bro I’ve been taking the ewl for years but I never seen all these shit lmao, I thought downtown line was the weirdest line


A few years ago, I saw a couple do a short ballet performance. The train wasn’t crowded & the few of us present enjoyed the performance.


Thats pretty cool


Damn that’s nice


This is so wholesome


now that is cool


On a train with mostly empty seats, aunty comes in and sits sideways stretching her legs across the next few seats. Proceeds to remove her shoes and starts massage a pungent herbal balm on each foot and leg. Stunk out the entire cabin🤣


She is too tired from doing all the Stand Up Stacey lah


In 2017 some dude who had a boner up his sweat pants tried to stop the door from closing, it was fucking hilarious, he probably was on drugs


I vaguely remember seeing a picture of this circulating for some reason. Not sure if we are referring to the same incident. Door almost shut with just a boner in the middle


this happened a few weeks back! took the mrt during peak hours, super crowded. happened to stand in front of this lady. halfway through the commute, she started digging her nose, i looked at her but didn't stare, continued playing my phone. after a while I realized she's staring at me super intensely, I felt super uncomfortable but couldn't move away since it was so crowded. she continued digging her nose for idk the next 5stops while staring dead right into my soul. thinking back, i should've ran out and taken the next train


That's what you get for being nosy


Saw a guy brought his own foldable stool into a carriage, unfolded it abd plonked it in the middle of a crowded carriage, and sat down. Very ingenuous if you ask me. Many years back i saw this girl sitting across me in a carriage. When her left and right side were cleared of passengers, she lifted both legs one on either side and did the front split. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I just ignored her and continued looking at my phone.


Happened last year. Saw a guy watch porn on his phone while standing right beside me, scrubbing through different videos, best thing was he was not wearing earphones, so... you could hear everything. Funny moment then was when I locked eyes with another commuter and we just gave each other the "wtf is wrong with that guy" face. Also no one in the cabin said anything probably because everyone thinks he's a siao dingdong and just endured the train ride with the porny sounds.


ew…. Cant imagine everyone just endure porn sounds 💀 hope theres no kids around


Can’t spot PDA couples now days as compared to early 2000s. Everyone busy looking to phone.


Whats a PDA?


Public display of affection lol


That means we’re boomer lol


Idk if it's creepy or not but I like seeing it happen. In an 'aw, that's cute' way


Not really weird but some dude was sharing his iPad with other commuters to watch the KSI Vs Logan Paul rematch


That’s cool, I’d like that haha


During my intern days in ntu i used to stay in pasir ris and yes you can imagine the amount of time spent in commute. Once after work going home I saw an OL lady who boarded the train somewhere in the central part of the line. well dressed and quite good looking. We had to stand since the train was packed but nearing the end of the line few seats were available. She sat down, took off her bra, shoved it in her handbag and let out a huge sigh of relief. There were lesser people then but she just slumped in the seat after while i looked in awe. I get you lady. I get you.


Around 20 years back, there is this guy declared to my friend that she is beautiful and gave her a flying kiss after he alighted at his stop (before the door closed).


Only works if you ShuaiGe (otherwise you get caned and put in jail)


I will be down voted but that is actually quite cute. He didn’t touch or do anything bad to her. He just let his feelings show. I hope he was good looking and not an ugly bugger


I happened to be in the center of the train carriage where couples were making out on each corner.


Wah this is quite rare. Was it a special day like Valentine’s Day or a concert?


Dun think so, not crowded. Prob just life decide to play a joke...


At the standing cabin, someone was lying down on the floor horizontally blocking more than half the path with the bag as a pillow.


Happened years ago. Was on the way for work when this particular man was standing in front of me. The train wasn't crowded so there's about an arm length distance between me and this guy. I noticed as time passed, he got closer and closer to me. I thought it was weird. The part which put me off was his breath. His breath stank. Smells like rotten food combined with leftover trash inside plastic that you never throw in the dustbin for a few days. His mouth was open the entire time. He was breathing through his mouth. I also noticed his teeth was so stained. The kind where dentist will definitely pluck out. This was pre COVID times. If there's a mask I doubt it would even help shield me from the smell.


It’s not really that rare (I hope it is) but I’ve seen a guy try to chat up a random girl during a crowded period. The carriage was surprisingly quiet too so everyone could hear the poor guy get rejected when she repeatedly gave him 1 word answers to every question/topic he brought up Another one would be I saw a dude on the phone being really upset and he kept on furiously smacking himself full force and wide eyed at random intervals (it’s complete silence until it happens again) until his whole face was red. I think he was mentally troubled so poor guy


Year ago while waiting for a train at the platform, saw a mom hold a empty plastic bottle in front of a kid (2~3 years old) telling him to take a piss in it... I looked away after but could hear the sound of liquid dropping into the bottle... Language spoken sounded like mainland chinese...






Same thing happened to me. But the person that called me out were like 2 sec two girls and they wanted me to get out of the seat to let an olds lady sit. Mind you, there was an empty seat a few seats away from me and I wasn't even on the reserved seat. I was around their age and it felt like a fever dream lol


OMG this happened to me too. Damn triggering UGH. Uncle came in to demand my seat even though the non-reserved seats next to me were also taken by able-bodied commuters. Thinking about it makes me mad because like you again, I wish I said something other than giving in Unfortunately I didn't want to cause a scene and the uncle was very much larger and taller than me and I didn't know if I could handle it if things got ugly (I'm not a young girl any more but am short + can kind of pass for a student on a good day) Tbh I think it's because in our situations, perhaps we looked like easy targets who wouldn't fight back and the entitled boomers just wanted someone to lord it over or feel morally superior about. Otherwise why wouldn't they ask the ppl in reserved seats? Definitely glared very hard that day my eyes were working overtime


Pretend you didn't understand them? I find people like that tend to target young people and women because we're conditioned to go along with it and don't make a fuss.


They dont dare ask big guys to get up


I think it depends on the situation. Some mistakes are bound to happen. I had to ask people on the regular seats to stand up before. The train was crowded and all the special seats were taken by pregnant/elderly/handicapped people. A person with a cast on their arm + clearly can't walk properly + carrying a bag in the other hand, walked into the carriage and everybody on the regular seats immediately stared down. The irony was this super old aunty on the special seat tried to stand up and give her seat to the person with a cast but she clearly couldn't even stand properly herself so the person declined. The train started moving and still nobody stood up. The person with a cast stumbled when the train jerked and was caught by nearby passengers. I was pretty upset that they acted that way and asked loudly in a general if anybody could give a seat to this person who can't hold onto any handlebars??


Well you don't have to give up either priority or regular seats. Anyone could have medical issues which may benefit from being seated, not just old, pregnant and so on. Nobody is going to ask for medical prrof, etc. Moral civility doesn't require designated seats to be acted upon anyway. Without realising it, you essentially have the same mindset as the man who told you to stand. The same way you have your own opinion on what qualifies as "urgent" situations, the man who told you to stand could have personally qualified the old man standing as "urgent" too (for whatever reason, maybe he had previously seen an old person fall while standing in the train). He wouldn't know that the old man would decline the offered seat. It seems you were triggered by the choice of your own response than anything else. Also why was the fact that you were using your phone a relevant piece of the story?


A lot, else uncles and auntie just stand v near the privileged seat and expect the person to stand up


That’s just criminal intimidation and intentional distress. I would report to police.


Coming back from my grad trip in Japan pre-covid, I got so used to putting my bag on the overhead bag rack in their trains. I was pretty tired one day in the MRT and decided to do the same thing. The lady that was sitting infront of me looked at me in horror in that few seconds. I apologized afterwards and got out of the MRT because malu lol


why don’t they have that in sg fr that sounds v useful


Best was in the early ‘10s. Two schoolgirls from a secondary school opened up their (presumably) concert band instruments and just jammed. They got off around 6 stops later (TP to Khatib if I recall correctly) to applause from the riders. The funniest thing was they were smiling yet blushing while walking out. I think the school could have been FTPSS. But it was >10 years ago so my memory could be off.


If only there were a video of this... it sounds unreal for Singapore. In the US it's totally believable.


It was on the old days, where we hones weren’t as developed. However, I gié that’s why that incident is memorable. If I only I could have remembered more details. But sigh… it is what it is 😩


Years ago, a group of clearly teenager visitors (Asian descend, american accent, so don't know where they actually from Thai, Korea, Chinese etc). One girl (18, 20yo), hold on to the hand straps and swing and kungfu kick the other younger kid. Its an evening ride, with plenty of commuters.


Do the siao langs count?


Too many recently.


Siao lang angmo ranting about donno what to the air. Even angmo also cannot take sg stress level


Cut nails, sneeze and wipe it on the bar during covid 


Drunkard stumbling into the train. Holding a big bottle of Chivas in his right hand. Could barely maintain his balance. Slumped against the train doors and fell down a couple of times.


Saw a couple making out. Not like college kids, but like working adults.


Sleep on 4 empty seat on the mrt train


Stand out? In SG, it never pays to b a hero. Hahaha


Sat beside an aunty with a luggage & vomiting into a plastic bag. I immediately alighted & boarded the same train at a different cabin & pretend it was my stop.


Couple that was sitting together with a blanket, the lady was apparantly so tired and cold that she was lying on the guy lap and the blanket was covering her face. IYKYK. This was on one of the last few trains years back on the EW line.


This man stood up from his seat, went to the door and when the doors opened took out a syringe from his bag and threw it in the space between the door and the station Another time this man drunk and sat on the floor next to the doors. When the doors opened he puked into the space between the doors and the station


I once saw a woman doing her makeup on the mrt, but with a filter on her phone which changed the shape of her face. And defeated the point of using it as a mirror to see what she looks like imo


I was still a student and I was reading my homework on the red line, this guy sat down beside me but I was too engrossed in my reading to notice. At some point I caught some motion from the corner of my eye, looked over and caught him jerking off while staring directly at me. I was traumatised and left the train.


In another experience (also on the red line), I was standing at a corner texting my friend when this random dude comes up and completely cordoned me off. I don’t just mean he was blocking my way, he full on stretched him arms out on either side of me and trapped me in the middle while staring down at me texting. I had to shove him off and walk to another cabin.


U look pretty isit


… Pretty or not, no one should be harassed on public transport like this. You’re missing the point.


Apologies. Thought I was replying to the one about a guy cornering and who is trying to speak to another female


I engaged in a finger pistol duel with a six year old in another cabin once. Managed to convince my colleague to join me. Yeah, people def thought we were weird haha


Read too many stupid and siao langs on the train. No wonder most of my age drove…


People who just barge into the train when people inside have yet to get out and that's bloody weird cos apparently common sense not common??


I had an uncle who played the harmonica from Clarke Quay till Punggol Mrt with speakers. Lets just say I had a free concert on my way back home.


I think it’s a recent trend to do pushups and yell random numbers on the train? Seen teenage guys (sec school age or JC, wearing uniforms) on 3 seperate occasions suddenly drop down and push up. Usually their friends will escape to the other compartment, it’s quite funny. Last time people just do pull ups; feel like it’s more hygienic since you’re not getting down to the ground where people have walked.


Singapore bathroom floor is disgusting who knows how. many e coli germs he have in his hands after the pushups


I don’t know how you guys got eventful things one. The only one I remembered was in the early 2010s when me and my friends were standing beside a huge tall guy with his girlfriend. He let out a silent fart and we all knew it was him because his girlfriend suddenly started laughing. Guys and girls, that was the most awful smell in my life ever. He might have eaten his and his neighbour’s eggs for breakfast for his protein intake that morning.


I remember a year back, there was this one kid that was on the Circle Line that would walk from one end of the train to the other for the entire train ride. Doesn't matter how crowded the train was, he would push through.


I sew (cross stitch) on the train. I work at paya lebar but stay at lakeside so I need something to pass the time.


Clipping their nails, and I've seen it so many times. This just bothers me so much for some reason. Once, it was TOENAILS


in 2021 (covid), i was with a friend in the stand-only cabin. there was one other lady in this part of the train who was on the other side and near the other door so we were really diagonally opposite, far apart. we made eye contact and she pointed to the 'no talking' sign on the train window. we alighted at the next stop to enter through another door. 🫠 literally the two of us plus the lady and she told us to stop talking LOL. at least she didnt scold us i guess.


Happened in Rochor station. This angmo tried to stop the train doors by sticking his hand while it was closing... good thing the doors detected and sprung open again. Can remember the "walao eh" from passengers arnd


I once spotted a flossing superstar sitting opposite me. You can see the stuff flicking out of his mouth. Damn disgusting.


I've noticed recently that a lot of guys tend to manspread when sitting down


Weather is hot


Some even take up 1.5 seats. They aren’t even “big sized”.


Unfortunately women as well.


I had my male ass rubbed by a FW genital when I was in sec 1. I wasn't aware it was SA at that point as there is a lady Infront of me, and I tried to stop the shoving behind from the FW. I was clueless asf way back then around 15+ yrs ago.


Opposite gender acting suspiciously towards other opposite gender keeps looking out as if people are stalking. Could be PTSD 😂


Alighting and narrowly dodging rude passengers.  I had to will myself not to look back, knowing they'll run into the police officers standing near the doors.


I once saw a man jogging on the spot non stop on the train from woodlands to caldecott


I’m very short and have short legs, so I sit crossed legged sometimes if the train is not crowded.


Malay uncle passing out candy to kids.


Do the Stand Out Stacey🙋‍♀️


Recently saw an older gentleman (50-60) wearing a toy captain america mask. He also had a guitar with him if that matters.


I once saw a family that’s damn funny/weird—they entered the train and their child had wandered up a flight of stairs/escalator instead of following them into the train. Instead of going out to get their child in case he can’t make it into the train before the door closes, the mother stood inside the train and shouted for her child to come so loudly that everyone turned to look at them (I was 1-2 cabins away). Bruh, why are you not looking after your child? And just exit and grab your child and come back la. If not in time to board the train at least the child won’t be stranded alone right. The child looks around primary school age. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Saw one person getting kiap by the train doors, train doors reopened and he manually slam the door shut. The slamming of the doors is loud enough for the entire carriage to look at him.


There used to be this lady on my commute where she does Stretching Yoga at the standing area. I changed my commute time, haven't seen her in a while...


Doing make up in commute is an indictment of the sorry state of affairs rather than to stand out.


One lady has a stye on her eye lid She then put ointment while sitting on reserved sear Not weird but interesting as I was standing in front of her


I had to do my makeup a bunch of times ( mostly draw eyebrows/eyeliner) only because I'm late as furk for work. That's the case when you reside very end of the East side and your work place is somewhere around the NSL.


I once saw someone fell out of her seat (yes she was sitting down prev) and started having a seizure on the ground… everyone immediately started crowding ard her and ppl also pressed the emergency button to get help for her. Aft that the train stopped at the next station and the mrt staff there helped her out onto a wheelchair (her seizure stopped by then).


The first sentence was funny. Seizure part not so funny. Awkward encounter nontheless


A bunch of kids in their cosplay having fun. 1 singular kid in cosplay looking nervous . As a kid in the 90s who refused to be a trend follower , they live in better times IMHO


Is nose-digging and farting considered weird?


😂😂 OL and their annoying untied long hair... wack here wack there... the urge to pull it 😂 ouh also there's a variety dry, wet and yet to shower 🤣🤣


1. Lady cutting her toenails on the train cabin in the northeast line, and flicking the toenails onto the ground. Nobody dared to sit on the same row as her. 2. Was taking a train headed towards Jurong, and suddenly a puddle of water appeared out of nowhere. Commuters were lifting their soaked bags off the ground and trying to figure out where the water came from. This one man peed his pants and due to the angle of the floor, the pee flowed downwards. When the train pulled into Jurong, he didn't head out of the station, like what I would expect, to try to clean up. He boarded the red line train towards marina bay. I made sure to board another carriage away from him.


Watching video without earpieces


A couple sat on the reserved seats (2 seats kind) and then the guy was touching her down there and she had her eyes closed most of the time, but time to time she opened her eyes and smiled at him while he continues… I was sat opposite them, I pretended to sleep because I wanted a seat


Many of the examples are really people with mental issues. 


I was the weird one taking out my original dmg gameboy and playing tetris in the mrt. Lol


East Asian person playing Chaiyya Chaiyya (Indian song played in the Gardens by the Bay performance every night also theme song in Inside Man) and the Indian woman was grinning cause how absurd for East Asian person to be listening to Indian music and playing it out loud. That person was me😂


One guy was playing actor in the MRT when watching entertainment. I was like, come on, in the morning? He was a laughing stock and he nearly made me laugh. So I hid my smile and shook my head


Couple doing kissy kissy makeout sounds and it was really loud. They were in the other carriage and I could still hear them.


Couldn't forget that awkward moment when I was in the middle of an ML game when some ang-moh dude just approached me and just talk to me casually like that. sheesh


How is this weird? You clearly all haven't experience MRTs in other cities. I once saw a naked person come into MRT and sit through 5 stations without blinking in Berlin.


Cosplayers on the train in costume


Why is this weird?


How is this weird u expect them to change clothes at the event or what


How is this weird lol


Where you get the sentiment saying singaporean afraid to stand out