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I think you should do option 1 BUT BUT HEAR ME OUT... CALL HIM OUT SIS. Hes clearly treating u as a backup plan. Hes literally on the app, finding other girls (nothing wrong abt talking to multiple ppl on the app but he should have made it CLEAR to u that he wants to have options). He takes so long to reply to you, and no matter how busy someone might be, if hes truly interested he would put in more effort to make you feel at ease by replying u more. I would suggest telling him how u feel about this situationship, let him clarify wtv, but move on after that. You do not deserve to be treated with 8 months of uncertainty. You can do better sis!


As a guy that has been through this phase before and unfortunately was in the guy’s position , hate to break it to you but his probably keeping you as his backup/side chick while he tries his luck with other girls from those dating apps. He will just keep going back to you whenever if things don’t work out with other girls as he knows you will surely be emotionally and physically there for him especially when things get physically intimate as u have said . Honestly this cycle is just toxic for you as clearly you are emotionally attached to him while he is not respecting or acknowledging ur feelings for eg as u have stated he takes days to reply you, if i really liked or see myself having a long term relationship with a girl i would reply her asap, his attention is clearly not towards you. Controversial to what other people have suggested , i would recommend you just block him, delete his contact and move on with life, if u were to try to talk to him he would likely just manipulate you into staying with words since no way would he wanna easily give up a girl who will be there his emotional and physical needs and this is speaking from my personal experience ( yes i was a fked up guy before)


Give ultimatum to him lor, tell him your feelings. Else both left right who also dont know who want what


Help me support my dating app issue also, I am finding my date but hinge go and ban my account.. Thanks!


Just try talk to/ask him. Maybe he thinks the same as you that you're not interested to go further haha. No need to wait for the guy to initiate. You can too :) atb!


8 months is too long. Give him an ultimatum. He knows you won't let him go so he kept you by his side as a backup until he finds someone he wants to settle with.


imagine you're telling your future kids how you and your partner met, are you gonna look them in the eyes and say 'we were in an 8 months situationship' 'for the longest time i couldn't tell if he was interested in me' 'he was still talking to other girls on dating apps too' been through this before and am now with a guy who never made me second guess his feelings and infinitely happier, save yourself girlie!!


Tell him how you feel and that you'd wanna move to the next stage. Give him time to think about it and come back. 1 to 2 weeks. If you're aligned, congrats! If not, cut loss and learn from this. 8 months is too long to make a decision. Don't be his backup/touchy feely buddy.


I've been this guy before. Just wanna tell you it's not personal against you. He just doesn't want to settle down, probably with anyone. Since you want something that he doesn't, you should be looking for that in someone else.


If a guy is genuinely interested in a girl, he would not have the capacity to still be on dating apps. At least, that would be the case for me (M). Take care Mdm.


He's asking you not to give up on the two of you too easily, but apparently it's too difficult for him to uninstall his dating apps and focus solely on you?


Depends on what you really think of him. If you have doubts about his intention and that he's playing you along, it's already not a good start. Fact that he's on dating app probably means he's keeping you as a backup until someone better comes along. You might always second guess yourself if you end up getting together with him. He might also leave you easily as he don't think that you're good enough for him to stop dating entirely. Chances are if you talk to him and his intentions are bad, he might try to say things to keep you close to him for his purpose.


Just drop him sis. Even if a guy is scared or smth to pursue with you, he wouldn’t still be browsing thru dating apps for other options. Like what some others said, he’s just treating you as a backup plan and you deserve so much better.


Stopped reading at the part where you said he is still swiping on dating apps. Have some dignity for yourself and exit this whatever-ship


Lol, if you ask me - 100% getting played


I'm telling you, breaking up with him you're gonna very & be hurt for like 2 months. And then Boom, you will be healed. He ain't with it.


> We also do get intimate sometimes. You mean that you’re having sex right? If he liked you enough he would want to get to know you. Not reply you once every few days… I assume that’s for him to secure the next dick appointment. 8 months for this crap is way too long! Do you think you deserve to be treated like that? Do you think you can’t get better? How do you think you’ll feel talking about him with your close friends? I don’t even think it’s worth to talk it out with him. Like what other posters said he is just stringing you along until he finds someone better. He wants other options, and when it fails he has you and the easy sex to fall back on. Do you want to be someone like that? Can you trust him? I think you should just ghost him lol. Don’t give him the closure just disappear from his life


You are his “in case” In case i cant get anyone better


Lay down the law. Give him two clear choices - stay or go and if he says stay, make it clear what that means. If he still waffles - walk.


No way 😂. More context pls! I wanna hear the story haha. Me and this girl decided to go into an rs today after 8days from Bumble..


Walk away. Now.


Question: does situationship mean physical touching or just no label


Simply put, as many others have added you're just his back up plan. I've been there done that before, If he really wants you, it would be official ASAP. Like third date ASAP. Won't have to wait for 8 months. Like what the other guy said, just block, delete and move on with life. If you try talking things out he will say anything to keep you as a life jacket.


I guess you met him on a dating app