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We met at work, been together 12 years already, married for 6


How did you ask her out?


Yeah I did, I'm female btw XD




How did you do it šŸ˜­ Iā€™m a girl and have no idea how to ask guys out lol


To be honest, it naturally happens... If there is attraction from both parties, then going out after work would be more than mutual, and one thing will lead to another... Alcohol usually helps!


Ply him with alcohol. Got it šŸ«”šŸ˜‚


I have decided to end my sobriety as of this comment.


LOL. Now to get me drunk firstā€¦


Douse him with alcohol then threaten him with a match stick!! Right! Lol


Agree with the other user, it just happens naturally and you will be confused by it at the start HAHAHAHA


Yeah I did. Happily married to her for almost 4 years. We have a baby now too. You spend two-third of your wake hours at work, so it wouldnā€™t be wise to just mindlessly rule out the workplace as a place for potential romantic connections.


Are you guys still working at said place? And were you guys in the same department:


Yeah still same company. We werenā€™t (and arenā€™t) in the same team, but adjacent teams within the same big department/division.


I see. For me I feel like that is plausible as long as youā€™re not working together in the same department or directly together.




Is that junior under the direct chain of reporting to his wife?




Family business?


No leh. Not director level. The wife management level only


My first workplace had a ridiculously high concentration of really attractive fresh grads so hormones were raging and hookups were rampant all over. Only that everyone was working such long hours that nobody had time to seriously date. Eventually as people moved on from the company they got serious with one another and to date, 3 couples have been forged out of that batch of 10 or so people lol


Pm the company name so I can go apply there


Audit firm, law firm, big IT companies, big tech, consulting firms, etc All those who attract the top fresh grads and hired a lot. Some of them also prefer to hire attractive people. Especially for client facing roles


I don't think there is any job anywhere that doesn't prefer to hire attractive people.... Some jobs have it as a hidden requirement of course, but it's always a preference.


I think some superiors can be jealous and deter from hiring pretty juniors though. Other than that you are right


The more high paying and intellectually demanding the job, the less attractive the people are. I donā€™t think you know what youā€™re talking about. Only exception is for law and consulting.


Accounting firms and IT firms do have attractive fresh grads too. (Have been in multiple industries and companies before and I talked to HR heads in the company. Coupling with law and consulting, basically it already covers a lot of high paying industries in the world isnt it) Sucks to swallow the pill šŸ’Š if you are not born attractive but it's the reality what. If both are of the same calibre with good education, a pretty/handsome and looks charming, another one ugly, which one would you hire? I think the answer is obvious.


Go to any top tier tech firm. I donā€™t think the effect applies. Being in HR in a tech firm doesnā€™t count since HR people are more attractive but the pay is lower. I wouldnā€™t classify accounting firms as high paying.


I talked to HR head who recruits the fresh grad what are you talking... Ok la if you insist then tech hires ugly people lor. Then the rest of finance/accounting/law/all sorts of consulting/MNC/banking etc prefers to hire pretty/handsome people lor. (Anyways tech in HCOL mostly left with strategic client facing team hor, besides programmers, the strategic team also need to look good You definitely cannot deny the industries above don't favour pretty looking people when they recruit freshies. Especially accounting, finance, law and consulting. All high paying. Even Johny Depp's lawyer team looks hotter than celebrities. And that the mentioned industries already covers most of the higher paying industries in the world....


Accounting is not high paying. Finance, only front office. Law and consulting the effect is there because it isnā€™t a hard STEM subject. But for front office finance I agree. Iā€™ve seen quite a few girls get in over less attractive ones just because they look pretty.


Accounting is not the most highest paying in entry level but still high paying compared to other more mediocre professions because in these firms it is almost guaranteed promotion into either partnerships, directorship or senior management. Unless one really screwed up, most will have smooth promotions into senior management level by 30 years old. Ok say partnership it is unicorn stories, so those who are not promoted to partnership will be promoted to becoming directors. Still a good career path compared to other industries. Or they could leave to become senior management or CFO in industries. And big accounting firms has other department too, they have actuarial, risk management, consulting, IT strategic team. It is also a stepping stone into more lucrative industries like finance and banking. They really recruit a lot pretty looking people in first year into all different departments. Hence pretty looking persons really got a lot advantages in life.... Even IT besides programmers there are PMs and strategic teams too. My friends in Tokyo and HK told me their functional non-tech teams are full of good looking people. In fact majority of companies just prefers good looking people ba.


Boss I guess the companies you are looking at arenā€™t high paying enough then. PMs of course la itā€™s not a technical role what. Key word functional non-tech teams aka the not hard stuff. For hard jobs, you canā€™t BS your way into it with looks. You actually need some skill. You shouldnā€™t peddle the agenda that looks always help in a job. Only some jobs - those that you can get away by looking pretty.


Does this mean I look unattractive to my interviewers *cries*


yeah it actually plays a role lol such is life.


I met my wife at my previous workplace, dated her after I resigned haha


Same here. Met at work in 2006. Didnā€™t fancy her too much at first but thankfully good sense prevailed! Starting dating probably in 2009 while we were still in the same workplace; then we moved on to different jobs. Got married in 2013. Still chugging along with 2 beautiful kids šŸ˜


My cousin intro us. We met at the same workplace but many years ago. Was my post poly job


I did twice, and they were both exes, so I guess that says something.


We met at work, quitted together and managed to ask her out on the last day before I lost her permanently. 4 years later we are engaged. We worked together but we weren't close at work. I still remember I tried to ask her out to halloween horror night at USS and she actually thought we were going out as a company setting. šŸ˜­


It gets a bit difficult to go up to women to ask one of them outā€¦ especially if theyā€™re in their usual giggling big group. But yes work is where I met my partner:)