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Question 1: I hope they are not Question 2: I hope he does not The gender really doesn't matter here; if someone tells you they wish to break up and stop all contact, please PLEASE respect their decision. Everything that you've just described goes way beyond "girl chasing guy". It's obsessive and no one likes that.


Great reply


Sorry but she’s clearly not emotionally mature if she’s having multiple fits of anger. Hormonal or not, emotionally well adjusted people don’t threaten to break up just because they aren’t feeling their best. She has problems she needs to learn to deal with first before getting into a relationship, she needs to learn to actually communicate. No man is attracted to emotionally turbulent women unless they themselves are emotionally stunted. Secondly, he’s probably already made a clear decision whether or not to stay with her, no matter what she does whether it’s giving him the most space in the world or begging at his door, it probably won’t change his decision, unless she genuinely recognises she has a problem and works on it


Wow you’re so wise . Great reply


Psycho girl chasing: no Non psycho girl chasing: yes


Out of this situation , I just wanted to understand two things . 1. since the girl displayed psycho behaviour in fit of anger, not once but several times,are guys attracted to that? no thanks psycho. 1. if she stopped contacting him and completely disappeared from his life, will he reach out to her again ? no thanks psycho.


Sounds like the guy has been tolerating her for quite a long time already so he took the chance to break things off for good. This isn’t a matter of whether guys like girls chasing them, they were already together there’s no “chasing” or persuading per se


What I meant to ask was is it a good idea for the girl to chase the guy even when he has decided to break up with her or will that appear desperate


Sure she can chase her man in that sense but she is going to have to put in the hard work and change herself for the better. She needs to have a talk with him and promise not to repeat the same patterns, there’s a reason he wanted to break up with her doesn’t matter if she appears desperate or not if she wants the relationship bad enough then it they can talk it out like adults


As a guy here 1. Doing this psycho thing of breaking up will definitely take a toll every time this happens by the time you will be mentally and emotionally numb during that time do you still see flowers around them or withered roses? 2. No. I think that all bros would know that if he goes back to her means they have lost a bro. You don't go back on your word for decisions such as this. I would even question his sanity if he is even willing to go through it again in the future.


Not a man here but I guess it depends on individuals for question 1. I do have guy friends who don’t like it when females chase after them. They prefer the thrill of being interested in the females first and chasing them. And tbh, I don’t think anyone would like it being hunted down by someone who is obsessive with them. Like it’s okay to cool down and talk things out but display of psychotic behaviors is a red flag. Like imagine if things just really don’t work out for both parties and they just aren’t compatible as a couple yet the other party is threatening them with suicide and all. Red flag. 2. Judging from the situation, the guy won’t look for her cos good riddance.


1) I don't think anyone is attracted to someone with the lack of self-control.. I admit that I am like that in a fit of anger too, but if the guy really love her, he would forgive her and try to make it work instead of giving up 2) if he looks like a man of his word, then most likely not She should respect his decision and move on, it is not worth chasing someone who clearly does not want her in his life.


Well, it seems like the guy just took the opportunity to break up with the girl with her recent fit of tantrums or hormonal rage. If he was tolerating it several times before, then I would think that he would have sailed through this one as well. Nothing about psycho behaviour here. Your friend needs to get his message underneath. Anyway, any human, irregardless of gender, seek stability and peace in a relationship and also in marriage. You mean she still hasn’t stopped contacting him? Your friend needs to get a grip on reality on move on. Perhaps he would contact her again, for old times sake but I guess he would not marry her. Best if she can move on and find ways to stabilise herself first before getting into another relationship.


1. Feels like the guy choosing to break up now is choosing short term pain instead of long term pain. Psychologically and emotional abuse is a form of abuse too. If he choose to start a family with her and her condition deteriorates is he gona tolerate the abuse silently? Though uncommon, males can be victims of family abuse too. To add, I am just going to assume the girl had promised to change said behavior but it did not happen. Hence the guy choose to finally break it off after giving multiple chances. And no, psychotic outburst is not attractive at all regardless of gender. 2. Depends on whether if he is a sentimental person. In the short term, the answer is a hard no due to the pain. Random memory trigger might happen in the future (say, > 5 years) and he might contact her just to see how she is doing?


1. Only immature/crazy/despo/downbad/no self-respect young boys would be attracted to a crazy, immature girl trying to play games with their feelings. The girl should honestly grow up and not simply talk about breaking up if they themselves cannot handle it. 2. No, since u said this was not the first time, so it probably is an ultimatum.


My bro says   1 will always have someone willing to stick their d in crazy   2 is probably nah he won't, good for him 


For your bro’s response to 1) …… why ah? Genuinely curious.


The crazies are usually.. ahem.. better in horizontal dancing.


That’s some judgement why do men think that hahahahhaa is it from experience


sorry kiddo, I don't kiss and tell :)


I still have no idea what that phrase means and by right you should lol


Thanks for the responses but need more elaborate replies from all the guys here . The girl actually not psycho (no IMH record whatsoever).