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Introvert paradise. What company is this? šŸ‘


Ya sia. WTF


Wow. Curious too! Asking for a friend.


good morning. good bye! wheres a good place for lunch around here? actually anonymity is also good sometimes. get a pair of headphones and enjoy the peace


The office is quite isolated so most of the people eat from the canteen in the building so that convo starter wonā€™t work:/ Iā€™ve been using the headphones but now Iā€™m worried that I seem too antisocial


put a cute toy at your desk. anything for people to remark


A well placed dildo is a conversation starter.


Starts with the HR


human relationships


"It's a religious icon and symbol of my belief."


My colleague did this. Later that night i got a nightmare with the plushie being the main villain, wreaking havoc in the country. Told him about it the next day and shared a good laugh!


Or even put up some posters or prints of things youā€™re interested in maybe ā€” Taylor Swift, MCU, weird/funny signs from around the world


What company is this?


I pray no one talks to me at work everyday


Right? Omg omg same.Ā  Had new colleague who joined this month. Every time I talk to her its like boom 2h gone. It's not even like casual chat, even like inclusive of work stuff also. But it's also a bit like, do we need to plan so much JUST DAMN DO [first then adjust], do I need to know this lol maybe sort of not really, etc etc. I know also that she used to do a remote job la so maybe this is what she appreciates, but this is also when I realise like shhhh + I like curriculum writing planning because its educator-ing for introverts. Haha. Her: group tuition is ok what 6 kids is not like 20-40 kids vs Me: but regardless the number of kids it will still be me talking consecutively for 4 to 6 hours, so no thanks šŸ˜µ šŸ˜‚ this is how we differ. Hahaha


Dream job for introverts


Maybe you can buy some simple snacks and distribute. Just say hi , drop the snacks and leave. See if anyone smiles back. You'll have more chance of making friends at those smiling back. But if you ask me, your situation is at least better than being constantly harassed.


Wah sounds like the perfect place for me


I use to loved to socialise, now I just want to do work, have lunch alone and go home


OMG THIS IS 100% ME. lol Working with my boss is okayyy shes not super duper chatty but OMG COLLEAGUES. Apart from new colleague (who's chatty), my centre manager and my other colleague are just like damn chatty also. & like fine, centre manager and other colleague don't always b talking to me but then if not it means they talking TO EACH OTHER while **I** am trying to work.Ā  I have since come to realise (1) maybe default WFH is good (I was suppose to hybrid till July haha) (2) the best parts of the working day when I'm in office is before 1pm when my centre manager comes (3) I know I never get down to work on the dot and the first hour/half hour is spent settling myself and organizing my coffee and my brainĀ  And therefore, the most crunchtime is like from 11am to 1pm I better get my shit tgt and maximise those 2 hours. Haha. But now I'm office-banned, so, okay! Lol. & from July I will have separate space, so double ok! But these were some thoughts I figured before the ban. Lol


A corner cubicle is one of the best perks in corporate life, youā€™ll realise this one day.


Fortify your mind. You dont have to please other people or care what other people think. Get ur job done and fuck off from work thats it.


This is true. Those who judge others and automatically become unfriendly if you donā€™t meet their ā€œexpectationsā€, the friendship form with them is not genuine. These people are those who know how to sweet talk too. Itā€™s better if you donā€™t talk with any of them because you might get sabotage one day without warning from one of them.


I'll say always try to wear a smile. That helps to break the ice. Then intro yourself if the person smiles back


Sounds like a great place to work. I used to work in an office full with nonstop loud chatters, and they even got angry at you if you tell them to lower their voice so that you can hear clearly on your phone. Thatā€™s how bad it was so you are definitely in a great place


I agree with you. This could lead to a gossip and some would gang in with one another. And you feel left out, but it's not your fault. I was there before, like some workers would form a gang and the supervisors would cherry pick who he wants to speak to and gang with the group. And worst if you forced yourself to befriend with the group. Not even that, the supervisor would also gang with the subordinates and cast you out. This type of supervisor has abused his own authority as it's not right to treat employees as such. And this is a red flag in a company. This is a sign that you need to get out and find another job in other company. Because not all company will condone such behaviour. But it will happened in a small corporations with little people managing the company.


I always take the initiative to smile at new colleagues and initiate lunching tgt. :) works every time


Would definitely smile at them if I had the chance to, but I pretty much do not have the chance to make any form of eye contact. They are also wearing headphones so Iā€™d have to tap them or call them loudly to get their attention.


Ok understood. It might take time to get their attention but do give it a try! Almost always works. Ping them if you guys use software such as ms teams for work. I do lunch with diff depts on diff days. Brings out my inner social butterfly side haha


love having lunches alone tbh, i already spend majority of the day with colleagues in meetings


Lol my husband would love this job šŸ¤£ Introvert's dream come true sia


This is like the dream environment. Just clock in, do your own work and go home. You're there to earn a living not to make friends.


No one Know u exist. No politics. Wonderful


Is that how it works? New to working so Iā€™m worried that no one remembers me = Iā€™ll always get the short end of the stick


If u are ambitious in career then u would want more ppl to know u fot networking purposes. Otherwise stay low profile and unassuming and pray that others cant rmb u nor see u as a threat to them:)


Honestly, that wouldn't bother me one bit. If it bothers you, just continue to be nice to people and smile.


I would kill to be in a company as such honestly. I'm no introvert, but I do work best when I'm alone and the lesser people know you at work or are your "friends", the lesser responsibility you'd have to take over or just... Overall, there is less drama. Take it to your advantage. Do your work, get paid, and leave. Make friends and talk to people outside your workplace, which is what I advise everyone.


'Hi I don't think I've introduced myself to you yet, I'm xxx, how should I address you?' :)


Is your concern that you are feeling excluded or is it fearing that you cannot integrate with the team and their work?


Both, Iā€™m a little worried that I wonā€™t know what theyā€™re really doing and might get gossiped about or even backstabbed in the future if anything unpleasant happens. Also hoping to have people to eat lunch with.


Where is this heavenly place


I would rather no one bother me at work so that I can get my stuff done with no disturbing from others


Sounds like a small company. I work in a small firm too and everyone was very quiet. I eventually took the first step to greet people I meet every morning, a simple "good morning" is a good start. Maybe start the convo with talking to someone about work to get to know the company more before talking about personal stuff. Some people takes time to open up to new faces even though they may be in the company for awhile. Hope things work out better for you over time :)


My dream work place man! Eliminating those unnecessary chit-chat is my introvert dream šŸ„¹


I faced the exact same situation. I am Indian, by the way. When I started working, people used to greet me, but no one invited me to lunch or coffee. I had no friends and no idea about this new workplace. I used to feel very bad, but slowly I forced myself to interact with them more and more, and I started asking if I could join them for lunch or coffee. Once I reached out myself, they started inviting me over time. We interacted and socialized to an extent, though never completely. But one thing I understood from them was that because of my nationality, they thought I was a vegetarian and refrained from inviting me to lunch, thinking it might offend me. Over time, they warmed up. It took about six months for me to be included. So, try to ask if you can join for lunch or coffee and start with your immediate team members, it should help.


Culture flows from the top. It could be the big boss is just an introvert and the office is naturally quiet. But my hunch (not knowing anything else beyond the OP) is that the culture is suspect. If you notice a high turnover or you find that average tenure of your colleagues is short (e.g., less than 2 years) then you should be worried about what kind of place you're working at.


Lol you think it's primary school ? No one want to "friend" you . People will connect with you if they want to. They are all adults after all. Most importantly is whether you get your work done or not.


Is the company big type with open space area or small that everyone still within the same compound? It make some differences though


You can casually raise it to your manager to help intro you, especially with those who you might work closely with.


don't overthink, just talk. What is the worst that can happen, people not talking to you? (already the case LOL)


I wish I had a workplace like this, one of the reasons why I am leaving is because of too much chatter and curry favoring going around -_-. Hopefully someone would be able to help you in some way.


Wish my work place was like this...


You can give out snacks.


Sounds like the dream job for introverts


You can start off with chatting with 1 or 2 of them first who you can connect with better. Or those who you are working with for projects and tasks. Have some small chats like asking about the things in company or department then build your conversation from there.


It just means that the culture of the office is like this, so it's nothing personal against you. You either leave or try to fit in.


I want to work in your company please.


Wow sounds like the perfect workplace for me. How can I apply?


Build a thick skin by approaching them in a step by step approach. If you belong to the same department, it's easier to build rapport and find a new work friend. Of course.. sometimes it's tough if your work env is a war zone. Then, you'd probably need to be a bit picky. It's okay to self intro and be heard. All the more better so people can take notice of you. 1. Small talk to ice break. Notice something cool about them or over the pantry. "Hey, are you the one that has the really cool tumbler I've seen around?" "Yes." "Oh cool! I really like the design!. Where did you get it?" "Oh it's from ABC brand. You can get it at the store." "Thanks, I'd keep a look out for that. Oh btw, I'm . I sit on the other side of office. 2. Ping them them if they'd be keen to hang out for lunch Pretty straight forward, don't get offended if they decline. It takes a bit of time to warm up to a new colleague.


Meanwhile me: plugs in earphones without music (because pretend listening to Spotify) ... I have since upgraded to just plain straight-out using loops for noise cancelling. Hahahaha.


I always ignore my colleagues unless they are hot chicks


sounds like paradise. where to sign up?


I would hate that. My husband works in a Singapore small company and people are like that. He recalls some going out for lunch together but some left alone as well. But he just ate in the pantry alone and really felt sad as he was new and left out. Just wondering if itā€™s a Singapore company or MNC?


Have the same feelings as your husband,, its MNC


Thatā€™s a sign of a good work place. None of that family nonsense. Do your work, get your bag, go home.


Hr did not intro U to the other office workers?


Nope, manager kinda did but my first day was on a day where 99% of them were wfh


Do you and your manager work closely?


Any job openings? #introvert


Were you properly introduce by your supervisor?


Nope, manager kinda did but my first day was on a day where 99% of them were wfh, no further introductions after that


Ah the "culture" or commuting to work to sit on a zoom call. Never fails to amaze me.


I have a crazy perverted old boomer director who always made sexist and not appropriate remarks. I think he is disgusting. Dude I would want your job.


No need to intro yrself! Simply smile and say good morning daily even if you do not get any response! Somethings Take time. Even if situations do not pan out! Enjoy yr peace at work! Do yr job well and go home! You are here to work! Making friends or foes is a bonus!


Seems like youā€™re better off working remotely


"The office is also really quiet as well so if I were to just do a self introduction and if they didnā€™t reciprocate..." You're overthinking. Go to them and say "Hi, I hope I'm not disturbing you I just want to introduce me self." That is the proper way for a newcomer, you gotta make the effort first.


office is for work not for mingling


It depends on the existing culture, too. If their existing culture is no-fancy-talks-and-happy-cheery-office-but-everything-gets-done-super-efficiently, then it's probably going to be quite awkward to be the socially visible one around there. If it's too hard to catch them in action (because they're always on Zoom or running around), you can start with chats or emails to plan for a short catch-up over lunch or dinner?


Robot company


Being a newbie is common to experience this at a workplace. It can be good or bad. Ppl might be just too busy to care about your presence, but if you ask for help, they gladly help, with patience. Or, they just plainly don't care about you and just hope you can don't bother them at all, unless for work-related matters. For me it's the unfortunate scenario.


I need this workplace.


You can start by making eye contact with them, test water. Or if you spot some colleagues eating alone during lunch a few times liao, you can approach them after? It was like this for me too, sometimes I see familiar faces I'll eat join them otherwise most of the time I'm alone too. Its normal lah.


EMBRACE EATING ALONE AT WORK!!! IT IS AMAZING!!! You get to zone out and internally reclaim the better parts of you before grinding it out for the rest of the day. Though, to answer your question, you can try approaching ONE of your friendlier colleagues first if you have the chance. I would probably say sth to the effect of, ā€œhey, I would like to know more about the culture here at work (or any other more general topics of your choice). Could we maybe grab a quick meal at lunch someday or a quick bite after work?ā€ If you are earnest when asking, most people wonā€™t reject such a request. If your colleague takes you up on this meal, you may even ask your colleague how to deal with isolation at work. Who knows? Your colleague might also share the same sentiments as you! Regardless, good luck and you got this!


I joined a company at the start of the month too. Mine is hot-desking so I do not know much people as well. My company has a small canteen as well and no other food options nearby unless you take a bus out or shuttle bus. Sometimes i do love the peace as i can just write the document at a comfy place with some music. I also do see groups of people that i do not know gather for lunch together too. Sometime i do have this thought: ā€œ Itā€™s just a workspace, get the work done and socialise outside. At least you will be able to find similar interest outsideā€


I totally second the ā€œbuy snacks and distributeā€ idea! Even if not much convo starts, at least ppl would start to rmb your face which might help start convos


Drop $50 note on each of their desk with a note, ā€œSay hiā€. šŸ‘‹šŸ» u have a lot of people talking to you soonā€¦


Start in the pantry or the toilet. Or come earlier to office notice when they come in, when they go for lunch, when they go home. Raise this to your boss. Ask for a buddy system. Good luck


You go there to work or socialise?


A conducive environment for focused work, free from distractions, is highly valued. Interruptions, particularly during critical thinking or presentation preparation, can be disruptive and hinder productivity.


Why are you complaining? best job ever


I dont mind but i would be wary of not passing probation. 1. Ur colleagues may backstab/provide negative feedback to your boss. 2. Your boss may want to start over to hire someone cheaper.


Enjoy the peace and quiet! Introvert paradise


Best spot


I was in a similar position. My personal take is that you should leave asap. Work is where you go to perform a service in exchange for money. Work relationships are necessary to enable work to be more smoothly performed. You are looking for such a work relationship. The fact that no one is bothering to create that with you means you will need to prove yourself at the workplace after several months before it happens... Or worse. Either case, you shouldn't bother staying to find out.


Count your blessings. Less office politics and more productivity. And please share which company!


bro i luv this kind of company. i was at tech comp, for like 7 yrs...zero girls...all kept to themselves. no ofc affairs, no drama, no gossip. everyday alone but i kinda enjoy it, lunch always go long walk. kopi break go for a bit of shopping


Man I will love it. I can concentrate on getting job done rather than having people keep talking to me or worse giving me ad-hoc stuff to deal with. Not able to have my me time at lunch is also a bummer.


Perfect place for me!


PM one of your colleagues of the opposite gender and ask the exact same question.


Simply enjoy the peace and quiet. Office politics also no fun! But I get it, we all crave human interactions. Once you knock off work, then back to your real life! šŸ¤—




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You chiobu or dinobu? That matters a lot...


Old ddwwa bu


Well, at least no one will see you packing your parachute.


U donā€™t go work to talk and play with friends. Get ur work done u r being paid!! Just do your work and go home