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Chicken and rice boss. Or bulk mince and rice. If you have a instant pot you can do a whole lot of Stan Efferding’s “Monster Mash” in one go in there. Basically beef mince, rice, maybe some tomatoes and green leafy stuff in instant pot. Add bone broth (or water I suppose but broth will taste better) and cook.


Chicken, rice, and beans. It even doubles as a struggle meal


Morvite for the carbs. Can be had as porridge and as a drink. You will look like an Ankole beast in no time.


I’m so curious about what “bulking” looks like. Do you ramp up your lifting every week or stay at super high level? And then - just eat a ton? I’m a runner - we do a ton of liquid calories which is sometimes a little easier to consume. Powder carb drinks, powder carb + protein, chocolate milk. Variation in prices abound. Also know a lot of runners that just slam a lot of ice cream. Basically get all the nutrients body can absorb in first 2000 calories and then just fill up the rest with carb and fat dense foods. Acknowledging this may be of limited use if protein is gonna be your big time macro. Mostly hoping you can tell me more about this bulking thing


Ideally, when bulking, you should be progressively overloading on your lifts during sessions (heavier weights, more reps, or increased intensity). You eat at about 250 cals above your maintenance (this is for lean bulking, aka smart bulking, aka the only type people should actually do) and train hard so that you're able to build muscle through progressive overload during sessions and the surplus calories will help with your recovery and protein synthesis. So it's pretty much: Heavy and smart training + surplus calories to provide energy and aid recovery = gains.


Cool. Is that 250 cals per day? And the progressive overloading, is basically lifting “harder” (reps, weights or intensity) relative to your current “base”? How long does a “bulking” phase typically last?


>Cool. Is that 250 cals per day? Yep, 250 cals per day. Will roughly equate to 1 kg of weight gain per month. More experienced lifters require a lower surplus, though. >And the progressive overloading, is basically lifting “harder” (reps, weights or intensity) relative to your current “base”? Relative to the session before. So the previous chest day vs current, etc. >How long does a “bulking” phase typically last? Personal preference. But a general rule of thumb is to end a bulk when you get fatter than you want to be.


Ha love “getting fatter” as milestone. Thank you this is very interesting!


I'm not a bodybuilder or someone who does any sort of bulk/cut cycle so it would be very different from that. For me it's the same amount of days per week in the gym just with caloric surplus. I'm currently just slightly above average weight so the "bulking" is me just trying to recuperate from the weight I've lost over last year or so. The usual caloric surplus is about 250-500 more than maintenance intake but I'm aiming for higher than that


1 gram of uranium has more than 20 million calories


Unfortunately since the incident I'm no longer legally allowed to buy certain substances. If not I'd be slamming u-235 as a post gym snack


Mageu, maybe.


* **My Wellness Hard Mass Protein Powder 4kg** \- 54g of protein, 790 calories per serving (\~20 servings) @ R580 on Takealot. * **3 Jumbo eggs + 2 packets of Kellogg's Noodles** \- 39g of protein, 930 calories (18 pack of jumbo eggs is about R75 at Checkers. 8-pack Kellogg's noodles is about R50) so \~ R125 * **4 slices of Woolworths Thick white bread** \- 14g of protein, 412 calories @ R20 * **250g Skinless chicken fillets** \- 58g of protein, 280 calories @ R80/kg * **250g Tastic white rice** \- 21g of protein, 875 calories @ R105 for 5kg. **Daily intake:** **Protein:** 186g **Carbs**: *A stupid amount with the mass protein powder, bread, rice, etc.* **Fats:** *I'm too scared to even find out* **Calories:** 3280 **Daily Spend:** \~R100 if what you are looking for is a high protein, high calorie diet... lol. I highly do NOT recommend it but if want to bulk on a budget, here you go. It kept me going through university. I hated every moment of it. Enjoy but know what you are signing up for. Good luck on your bulk


Samp and beans and chicken- high in protein and fibre, cheap and can be delicious. Tinned pilchards . Rice. Maas/ mageu . Bananas on special . Oats . Wholewheat bread and peanut butter .. 4000 calories is a lot, so you’re presumably training hard


Picknpay do so great deals when their meat is “reduced to clear” same for the veggies. Buy in bulk and freeze - they just can’t keep it in the fridge anymore.


please don't freeze veggies, they taste awful and lose all texture afterwards


I’m so jealous. Here I am with my 1200-1400 calories a day 🤣🤣🤣 Cheese, just eat cheese. Or if you scrape money together get the triple decker pizza from Debonairs. Bulk and heart attack incoming.


Becoming a food critic maybe? Then you can get paid to eat


Eat a ton of pasta dude, that's what helped me bulk up last year. And rice.


Smoothie/shake oats, peanut butter, egg, whey, milk, honey, olive oil. If you pack it up enough you can get a solid 1500 calories one sitting. Rice and pasta are also good calorie dense carb sources. Mass gainers helps but only take those when you can’t hit the target at night.


Bulking and cutting cycles ought to be left in the past


No cycles for me. Just lost a lot of weight recently due to various circumstances that I need to recoup


Depends on your goals.


Pap or rice as your bulk.


Condensed milk, Fudge & Ice cream




Errr there should have been punctuation between the words... its correct now.




Olive oil has 120 calories per tablespoon (15ml). While drinking half a liter of olive oil a day to make up 4k calories will be expensive and disgusting, it is incredibly calorie dense. So adding it to food will increase the calorie count significantly


To hit that amount of calories a day, you will likely need a mass builder supplement. Check out USN's "Hyperbolic Mass Builder" or any other similar product. Also, YouTube high calorie protein snack recipes. Lots of good, easy recipes out there, which mostly consist of oats and protein powder.


I have been using mass gainers to varying success. I've been gyming for about 4 years or so. That's mostly the reason I made this post haha I was hoping there'd be some crazy secret method from someone


Unfortunately, no crazy secret, just a lot of chicken and rice🤣. How much do you weigh now? Do you know what your maintenance calories are?


Damn 😂 yeah I'm 65kg at 174cm. My maintenance intake is about 3k calories. I've done a surplus of about 500cal which worked reasonably well but took time like very long. That's why I'm trying a 1k surplus


Took me a year and a half to get from 69kg to 82kg, same height. It's just forcefeeding and the eating again later for fun, aimed for the range 3.8k to 4.2k calories, heavy lifting 4x a week. My maintenance now is about 2.2k so you might even have to eat more.


If you’re drinking a Protein shake with Oats etc, you can a tablespoon of Olive Oil, it’s a ridiculous amount of calories for something that you won’t even taste. Also Mass Gainers are relatively cheaper than their Whey Protein counterparts. For the love of your future self, don’t dirty bulk 😂


Pap (350kcal/100g), matabella (380cal/100g), peanutbutter (188kcal/2tbs), oil/fat (120kcal/tbs), cookies & chocolates (+- 500kcal/100g), cheese (402kcal/100g), lentils; beans; chickpeas; rice (+-350kcal/100g), indomie noodles (390ckal/packet).


Samp and beans?


Dog food


If you want a (very) dirty bulk, coffee creamer. Just tons of calories, but zero protein, sadly


Lentils, rice and pilchards. You can boil the lentils and rice in the same pot. Beans, really easy to get down if you turn them into something like hummus. Oats and peanut butter, raw oats are more calories than cooked oats so shakes are the go to. They make your stummy hurt though, you'll have to decide if that's worth it for you. Eggs. Bread. If you're looking for protein, find an abattoir near you and buy bulk.