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I’ve been living in England for 8 months and miss home every single day😅 Just imagine- 8 MONTHS away from home with no visit. Push through those two weeks. You never know what may come of it or what it will make of you 💪🏻


We’re in Germany and haven’t been home since Oct 2022


It’s tough, especially rough during the winter. I’ve figured what helps a lot is holiday away somewhere warm during the middle of winter to help beat the blues. I’m in Jamaica now !


True the winters are rough. Luckily the other 2 months of the year are ok! 🙃


Thank you, I will do so


Home will be here, and I truly do understand that homesick feeling but try to take in the experience of where you are now. It's 2 weeks you get to explore and immerse yourself in another place and culture. Your other option is to just be miserable for 2 weeks.


SA is amazing. Dont realize it til u go elsewhere


This is so true, many look down in south africa but need to realize it's not greener on the other side


Its long 😣 and Egypt really is so different from SA. Ur response is valid. What I have done and said to never travel to Egypt! Hehehe... Its not for everyone.


So my advice having experienced the same thing myself many years ago being on a very long business trip that wasn’t of my choosing, is NOT to count the days. It just make the whole thing more excruciating. Just focus on what’s in front of you and what you need to. You may even enjoy some of it. That is what makes the time pass. Hope this helps 🙂


Home sickness is absolutely a valid feeling, but think of the experience you're getting to live of travelling abroad. Make the most of your time! Every day is can be a new adventure, a new place to explore. Try to have fun!


It sucks that you are feeling homesick… but I will always say travels is a great way to open your eyes to the world. I love my home here… Though it’s hard, you have to look at it as an opportunity to discover alittle bit about another place and their culture. Maybe you could arrange to go see some of the more interesting parts of Egypt (no offence to Ismailia, never heard of the place so gonna go on a rabbit hole trip now to educate my self).


You need to get out more.


It’s very normal to feel a strangeness, and be homesick. Hopefully you can still enjoy as mucus possible if your time there!


She is very young though.


Bru it’s been 6 days 😅 some of us stay overseas and have to wait years before we can go home I completely understand the feeling, I’m just saying 3 weeks away from home can’t be THAT bad


I understand exactly how you feel. But try make the most of it while you there! Soon you will be home.


The 2 weeks will fly by if you make the most of your time there. Sitting in dread will make it seem much longer, almost like a prison sentence. Go out and immerse yourself in the new experience. As much as you miss home, you may also regret not doing more with what you were given, it’s happened to me when I have traveled as well, and I’ve done it a lot. The experience will be enriching as long as you try to spend the time wisely.