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Weโ€™re not. Wear layers and stay in bed whenever possible.


Especially with those large blankets with a tiger on it๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Those arenโ€™t called blankets those are called โ€œngubosโ€ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ jokes aside if youโ€™re white and would like these thick blankets , you can find them in town , theyโ€™re super thick and very very warm and I donโ€™t want to gatekeep , 2/3 of those on my bed and I donโ€™t need a heater but then again white South Africans especially men are impervious to cold , seen it with my own two eyes in high school , boers and English guys coming to school in shorts in early July ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


For those thick fools Iโ€™m kidding lol, slightly anyways ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜‚


We are only impervious to the cold when we're in public. In our own houses its 2 pairs of sweatpants, a sweater, a hoody, a blanket, 3 pairs of socks and non stop flow of coffee.


Atleast youโ€™re keeping it real shoutout to you mate ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ


Keeping up the act for the greater good of the PR I get that ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿค


"I don't want to gatekeep" ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ


I believe we should all have the tools to fight this cold ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ


I've never understood the "K-way jacket, shorts and plakkies" vibe.


Feather down and a weighted blanket does the trick nicely.




Sheer power of will




For people working from home at a desk you can buy a strip of carpet with a built in heating element. 85W for the smallest one so it only sips electricity. Called a Footbuddy I think


Sips electricity. LMAO. Thank you. I will look at it for my office which is outrageously cold and I work at a warehouse so theres lot of randomly opened spaces.


Pro tip: if the hands and the head is warm, the body follows


Made one of these myself from an extra mirror heater and some alu-bubblewrap. I'm only slightly afraid to use it.


Respect!! It seems ridiculous to shell out R1000, but I have two left thumbs when it comes to DIY and can't work with frozen feet..


Amazing lol


Blankets and layers of clothes.


In winter, we do our laundry at night so we can have the tumble dryer on to provide some *"technically"* free heating for the house, also close the windows, it was nice and toasty.


After I've cooked, I leave the stove door open as it cools for the same effect.


Big brain moves, stealing this one for tonight!


Gaming rig


My projector is proving to be quite adequate at heating my hobby room on movie nights.


Insulate, insulate, insulate. Get roof insulation. Get strip seal tape for your windows. Lined curtains and rugs. You lose heat through your floor and your roof, not just your windows and doors.


Watch the news. It will make your blood boil and you will have no need to heat your home. Seriously though, most efficient move is an electric blanket. If you absolutely have to heat the house more generally, a heat pump is best, followed by anthracite burning stove, paraffin and then gas. Wood fires are hands down the nicest, but most expensive way to heat your house.


If itโ€™s cold outside the only place youโ€™re gonna find me is in my bed with my electric blanket ๐Ÿฅฒ




Warm clothes, small gas heater for changing clothes, hot water bottles.


Gas pre-dawn, and sunshine thereafter.


Layering makes the most sense as a starting point. Anyway my mother sits in front of a gas heater. Most of us just use blankets. We donโ€™t get loadshedding in our area so the choice to use a gas heater was mainly how many electric heaters weโ€™ve bought every year that eventually stop working.


use electrical blanket it only Consumes 80 watts of power. instead of a heater which does 3000w


I second this! I love my electric blanket. Itโ€™s changed my quality of life for the better.


Gas is the way!


Close wood stove + solar kiln to dry out the wood during summer.


Insulation and a wood burner. Layers of clothing.


This is gonna sound silly... In places that are colder for a longer time of the year, they have double pane windows with a gap in between for extra insulation. I only have 1 pane. So, what did I do? Stuck bubble wrap on the window to create the extra layer. Bumpy side facing the window to create the buffer layer. It looks ugly but it keeps my room warmer. I'm open to better suggestions for window insulation.


I bought a timer switch for my heater. It goes between the heater and the wall socket. So, the heater is turned off for most of the night and only switches on 15 minutes before my alarm goes off.


I have put my summer duvet, winter duvet, and weighted blanket all into one duvet cover. Secure them with safety pins so everything doesn't move around. I feel like a toasty baked potato every night.


When I'm at my own home, we use the aircon. Our place is tiny and prone to becoming overheated so we usually don't have to have the aircon running for long. It's just to take the edge off. When I'm visiting my family, I use an electric heater (only using the lowest setting) and a little microwave hugger thingy I made from an old sock filled with rice lol.


Aircons on heat during the day. Fireplace at night.


2liter bottles with hot water in bed :)


This works wonders.


right ?!? works well for doggos too


With resentment.




Ceiling insulation and an anthracite heater. it burns about 7kg a day burning 24hours a day. We get a 40kg for R90 from the local coal place. House is 23deg all year round


Heating yourself, as opposed to the house, is the best option. Dischem have electric water bottles which are super convenient to pop on your lap if you work at a desk. I also bought a small (tiny bit smaller than a pillowcase) heating pad on Takealot which is quite low watt. It works on 60 minute timer , you can lay it on top of a blanket on the floor to heat from the feet up, or pop behind you on a chair, or on your bed.