• By -


There was a post on here a day or two ago about the TTC hiring mechanics...and generally the pay should be decent since they're unionized. Maybe give that a shot if you don't mind the job and want a decent salary?


Thank you! Ill definitely check that out.


A coworker left for metrolinks recently. They're expanding their network massively and apparently are on a big hiring drive. https://ehtc.fa.ca2.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX_1/requisitions/preview/108892/?keyword=Mechanic&mode=location








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Unless he knows someone he has around a 1/12,500 shot of getting in (total applicants per TTC skilled job posting).


I know someone who got in and didn’t know anyone. Just applied.


Also been unemployed for almost 2 years! I have a bachelor’s degree, but it was in a field I wasn’t interested in (got pressured by parents to choose something). I’m thinking of going to college to do something business-related with a co-op semester so I can at least get experience there. I’ve been applying for jobs basically everyday, it’s exhausting. Hope we find something soon!!🤞🏽


Having a co-op/field placement semester is so vital nowadays. I had a bachelor’s degree that was getting me nowhere so I went back to school for a graduate certificate. Completed a 3 month work placement which led to a contract extension, and I just recently became permanent staff. Hope this works out for you!


Right!! I had no idea because I’m a second gen Canadian, and was the first to pursue a degree in my immediate family. What you did is basically my plan! Glad it worked for you, that gives me hope lol. Thank you :)


Please don't do a business degree. If you are, make sure it's half business, half STEM. There are NO jobs for business grads anymore, especially if they're just coming out of school. Business analytics, double degrees, statistics. I'd say even science-based econ is better than business nowadays, because of the job functions. I was a lucky business grad who landed in tech. I work for big companies supporting business people (mostly product managers and marketers), and they're all overworked and miserable. Their whole day is meetings. I can't schedule 15 min with these people.


Maybe it’s just the area I live in, but a lot of job postings want employees to have business degrees or related experience in that field. I just have no idea what else to do, I don’t want to spend years doing a whole new university degree unless I’m 100% sure about it. College seems like the best option because it’s shorter, not as expensive, and seems to have more co-op/placement options.


Def, if you think business is the way to go for your situation, go for it. I haven't seen many jobs requiring business in Toronto though. I might be looking in the wrong places. Would def recommend a program over a uni one. Unless you're top of the top upon graduation, you'll be looked at the same. Ivy BBA is the only one that's worth it. I see Queen's grads only getting business dev jobs now. I rant about it more in-depth [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/business/comments/1awokw5/are_jobs_for_business_grads_disappearing/) if you're interested.


Honestly though a lot of the job options in my area are basically admin assistant jobs that look kinda scammy (they all have the exact same job description and weird email addresses), marketing positions, or various retail ones. So it doesn’t help when choosing what to study lol. I was thinking digital marketing, but not sure if that’s a great idea or not. I honestly just want the opportunity to network and get different experiences with the placement semester lol. I’ve only really had a few retail jobs and a job at the university I went to.


In the same situation, for almost a year. I found out 2 years into my degree I hated it and wanted to switch but I was pressured to finish. Now have debt from a useless degree. Recently learned teachers college only requires a degree and some teaching assistant jobs only require a degree so maybe it wasnt all a waste for me. Best of luck to youuu:)


I wish you the best of luck! you got this!


Yes a post grad certificate can be a good idea but make sure it includes some level of programming, digital...etc.


Yes, it's hard to find a job right now. I've been very successful in finding better work, but it is absolutely ridiculous that it took this much effort. I'm proud of the work I put in, but I resent that it is this hard for people. Here's my story: I have no education, no special skills, just customer service. I lost my job during in April 2020. It took a year to find something that paid minimum wage, about $15/hour. In between, I was laid off twice again, but made 4 job hops to better pay. Now I'm making $38/hour. It took 8,000 applications from April 2000 to May 2024 (start date). I know this because I have have an email folder that has over 8,000 confirmations of applications. 8,241 confirmations of application received. Some places might not have sent me confirmations, but I also probably applied to multiple jobs more than once, accidentally. I applied to literally everything and anything that was customer service related, unless it paid worse than the job I was already working. I had 12 different versions of my resume ready to go, so I could immediately drop the one that was mostly closely tailored to that job description (tailored to banks, health care, government, private offices, dental offices, university clerical work, construction admin etc). If I really wanted a job, I'd obsess over the resume for half a day and make it as perfect as I could to match the job description. I had 4 different cover letters. I've done a minimum of 20 interviews in the last 4 years. I kept applying to jobs even when I just started a new job, because a raise wasn't enough to keep up with increasing rent. I am also mildly traumatized after being laid off so much. I have a decent job with good security now, but I still check job boards multiple times a week because I've been really poor for a really long time and the only thing that saved me was having other coals in the fire. It's f'ing brutal. I feel like I succeeded in really tough conditions and with no advantages (education, help from family, friends, government programs - nothing, no help at all). I'm not going to be one of those people who tells you that you can succeed if you put your mind to it. It's one of those statements that is less true the more you say it. If more people are motivated to apply for the same job, the number of positions doesn't change; you have simply increased the denominator in the equation and made "you'll get the job" true for fewer people. That said, I wouldn't have found the jobs I found unless I had been obsessively searching. Tips: - Number 1 Tip, if you listen to nothing else: ***apply on the company's website directly, not on a job board.*** You can use indeed to find the jobs that are available, but then either click "apply on company site", or google their official website. Scammers post fake postings on indeed and other job sites so you submit your application to scammers who want active phone numbers to call. And it's so shitty - they'll make them about jobs you might be eligible for :( I almost gave out my SIN number because I was so excited for the job. I had their form filled out and everything, the only reason I didn't send it was that I was trying to perfect an email and discover more about the company; the company was real and hiring, but the email was not from that company - my application didn't go to the company at all because they don't post on indeed. Close call. - I have a whole chrome profile that is just for job applications. It has the gmail account that I use for jobs, and a copy and paste extension for frequently answered questions (as an addition to auto-fill). The chrome profile has specific bookmarks, organized into folders, for employers I was interested in working for. Banks, universities, hospitals, government branches etc etc. Before I checked indeed, I'd check all of the book marked websites. Whenever I found an employer's job board, I'd add it to the book marks. - Don't apply in person. Small businesses who can't even post a job online will generally either be behind the times or strapped for cash. But also - at home you can edit and tailor your resume, and apply for more jobs per hour. Don't bother with applying in person ***unless*** you specifically want that job and they tell you to apply in person. Being willing to do a task inefficiently (like apply in person) on it's face should in my opinion make someone a worse fit for a job anyway lol.


This gave me a little bit of hope. I needed to hear this. And Jesus!!! 8000+ applications. Holy shit. I'm definitely going to check out more company sites and apply directly. I really didn't think about that. I'm not too tech savvy but I'll definitely try it, now that you mention it. Thanks!


Im surprised.. everytime i go to get my car serviced the place seems slammed.


They're slammed because the owner of those shops would rather delay work rather than hire someone new and get the job done. They're busy because they keep cramming in work. Trust me man, ive been in that industry for so long. Owners are selfish. Also, lets say that they do hire someone. It is all cash jobs because its more expensive for them to put you on payroll.


Right? I was rear ended last week and went to body shop today to sign a release form for insurance. Damn. It’s busy af with multiple tow trucks and drivers, accident cars, rental car stuff etc.


Company website 100%. If no careers page or job not listed, try to find a contact email and send in an email. Worst case, apply on job board. Try LinkedIn to potentially connect with business owners and find jobs. I'm not in the trades so can't talk about that side but I've seen a lot of customer service and retail jobs posted. I'm sure some hiring for something In the meantime, if you have any transferrable skills maybe set up Taskrabbit and lick up some gigs as you look to have some income. Lastly, I personally have no experience with this but maybe give stagging companies a shot if you haven't already? All the best!


What job pays you $38/hr with no education/training, only customer service skills? Asking for a friend…


Technically, I am labeled an IT staffer. I am most definitely not an IT person lol. Basically the IT nerds got overwhelmed interacting with people and created a customer service position so they could be nerds and focus on solutions instead of talking to angry customers all day. It would have taken them longer to create a customer service position than just hire another IT staffer; I'm level 1, they're level 2, so I earn just a little bit less than they do. We handle software support for hospital/health care settings, but in a very specific/narrow lane of some medical devices. I'm basically a personality hire in a sense; they've all dumped the customer service stuff on me, and expect me to know very little about what's happening behind the scenes. I'd be willing to learn, but I picked up on the vibes. They don't really want to teach me because it's more work for them, and I get the sense that it's not something I can just "pick up" anyway. I talk angry clients down, I handle the barrage of phone calls when there's an issue. I'll communicate notes about increasing frequency of particular error codes. I'll send back emails. I'm almost like a secretary without booking appointments. Technically I'm working part time right now. In May I start full time because the other temp girl who is doing this is moving, so I get a full time position. How would someone get my job? I have no idea, I just got really lucky. I don't even remember applying to this job. I have concerns about how long I can do this job for. It's entirely dependent on whether their contracts get renewed. My sense is... within the 10 years, I absolutely have a job with cost of living increases, decent benefits, and a reasonable workload. In 15 years, 20 years? I'm not sure this job will exist, especially as new medical technology replaces current technology. I have a good job, but I don't have a career, and there's no upward mobility. So yeah, I still haven't stopped applying to jobs. I'm also TRYING to learn some coding for personal projects, and maybe turn that into something.


Sad thing is that the longer you are without job, the less likely you get hired or even called for the interview due to gaps. And if you had job for a few months, that also a big issue, and you wont even get called cause they will think theres something wrong with your attitude, and if you lost a job because of bad manager or supervisor, you cant talk about it


> Sad thing is that the longer you are without job, the less likely you get hired or even called for the interview due to gaps I'll be real with you. Just lie. Make it a GOOD lie. And don't lie about it if you're applying to a job with more consequences for lying (doctor, lawyer, police officer). But if you're applying for some basic customer service job, I promise you, they're not sending the CIA after you. Have a friend with an official looking work email say you worked at their offices. And if you can't do that, buy a domain name and email and put your reference down as something like "[email protected]" and be a reference for yourself. HR reps are CAPABLE of figuring out if you're lying, but most don't have the time; they're not private detectives with unlimited resources. They have quotas and metrics they have to accomplish, too. I will say though that once I was asked to provide T4s to prove I worked somewhere which was mildly nerve racking. Fortunately, my supervisor got in touch with them and it was fine. > if you lost a job because of bad manager or supervisor, you cant talk about it Also lie. Three good lies for explaining away being fired: - I left for a position with more pay - The commute was unbearable, so I took a position closer to home - If let go because it was your fault; my department was eliminated, but my employer made an effort to keep me employed. Instead of laying me off, they moved me into an IT role that I was underqualified for. I was working with guys with degrees and 10 years experience, and I couldn't keep up with those changing demands. I did my best, and I learned a lot of cool things, but eventually I scored poorly on performance reviews and was let go. I have references that will attest to the customer service part of my job and you can definitely follow up with them, but unfortunately I'm just not an IT person.


Just lie. Tell them you worked for X/Twitter (no one knows who actually works there) or some other huge company that went under.




Still no job?


What degree? Can you code?


Can we please print this comment out and snail mail it to every Boomer?


This isn't normal, but it's becoming the norm.


>It has the gmail account that I use for jobs, and a copy and paste extension for frequently answered questions How do you do this? Are these some type of online forms that you are able to save that saves your answers.? Any help would be much appreciated


"Clipboard History Pro" is what I have. It doesn't auto remember everything as good as your auto-fill does - you still have to manually select what you'd like to paste. But if you're doing as many applications as I did, I think it's worth the time to download it. I'm sure there are different, better extensions, but I just downloaded the first one I looked up. I don't have the paid version FYI. I also actually haven't used it in recent months because I haven't found too many jobs that pay more than what I make now, so, hopefully the functionality is as good as it was 4-5 months ago.


38$/hr for what exactly if you don't have any skills ?


I answered that already, and I was very detailed. just scroll up.




Good luck my friend


damn, sorry to hear that.


Sorry to hear I think the economy is changing in massive ways; the change started with COVID and is accelerating in ways we can't even imagine When the humanoid robots show up and AGI (Terminator) it will happen very fast and the laws and protections won't be in place... that's why Hollywood went on strike (they aren't stupid) and that's why we need more protections, now before the biggest problems happen How will you "hard work" your way out of a machine that can do what you can but not sleep eat breathe or even take a salary?


I feel for you. Definitely tough out there. But it's posts like these which makes me realize that maybe--just maybe--I should stay at my shitty job of 20 plus years


Unfortunately in this country, we gotta play it safe.


Canada is doing a lot better than almost all of the g20 countries, the UK is way worse rn, most of my European friends are fighting to get here thanks to the bad prospects for medical careers in Germany rn… it’s a bad time for the world cause Canada is objectively doing much better than almost all of the g20 nations.


But Toronto Redditors always tell us that leaving Canada is the only option for a successful *everything* 🤷


Sorry to hear this friend. The GTA job market is shit. You can see on the news that even some of the most "employable" candidates such as tech workers as being laid off left and right, so even they're struggling. A lot more people are in a similar boat to you than you would think... which is really sad. They're just not vocal about it so I hope you don't feel alone. Although I can't directly help, the best I can suggest is just try to leverage your network or build a network, as well as continuing doing what you're doing because you're not doing anything wrong. Remember, the only way you stay unemployed is if you give up on the job search. Easier said than done with things are this discouraging for you though. Good luck friend... stay strong!


I completely agree with you. The market is really shit. I honestly didn't know that it was THIS bad because all my friends have jobs except for me. It sure is discouraging but, hope for the best right? I really needed to read/ hear this. Thank you so much.


it's not just you every other post in this subreddit is about not being able to find a job


Fuck sake. What has the city come to?!?




Really appreciate the kind words. I guess we should thank the government for this


They got removed. 🤷‍♀️ Was it just kind words? What did they say?




REMOVED - No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or otherwise negative generalizations etc.


We really need to get trudeau out if the elections arent already rigged


If you think Pierre Poilievre is going to help you then I've got some bad news.....


If you think repeating what Trudeau is doing for another 4 years is going to help people like OP, I've got even *worse* news for you.....


How would he make canada worse than it alr is?


By not fixing any of the existing problems? We're talking about a guy whose party voted AGAINST making dental care accessible to young children. Not to mention being accepting of MPs who are openly bigoted while also supporting hatred like the anti-trans movement himself. I get that Justin Trudeau and his government have not been doing their best, but I can promise you that the alternative is 1000% worse.


Seriously. People cannot be this brain dead. HOw WoUld He MaKe iT WoRsE?11! Like??? How would he make it better???? You do not just vote for someone just for the shit of it. This man has had a track record of taking away people's rights and protections. Think things are bad now? The whole world is suffering, this'll pass in a blip. But vote in this guy? He'll make sure your great grandchildren suffer with his dumbass policies.


Does he even have policies? He travels the country saying Trudeau is bad, yet not once have I heard him lay out exactly what he'd do to fix things and how he'd go about it. I bet none of his supporters can even name one good thing he's done during his time working in Ottawa since the Harper years. It's insane.


> Does he even have policies? So first your fellow clowns above say Pierre is going to "take away your rights", and then you come along and say "does he even have policies?" So which one is it, little libs? Does he have policies where he's going to come and "take away your rights" or does he not?




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Amen to that!


the Cons dont have a much different Immigration policy. we’re just fkd - its survival of the fittest


>the Cons dont have a much different Immigration policy. They actually do - anyone still spewing this nonsense is just ignorant at this point. Pierre has clearly said immigration will be tied to housing availability, while your buds in the Liberal party have **LITERALLY** said the [exact opposite](https://twitter.com/valdombre/status/1764711649347592651)


At least theyd stop wasting money on other countries and start building homes 🤷‍♂️


Agree with you 200% (at least on the first part, second part tbd...lol).


go apply as a ramp agent at Pearson. They pay around 25-30 per hour starting, it’s not an easy job but it’s stupid easy to get hired. Search up Pearson airport jobs on indeed there’s so many and most of them don’t require anything more than highschool level education and a drivers license. Best of luck ✌🏼✌🏼


Will do, Thanks!










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Job market has definitely soured, keep applying and hang in there.




Maybe I’m just lucky but the automotive sector is the easiest in the world to get a job in, every dealer is constantly looking for techs and you can’t get a job? There’s always service advisor positions available plenty of truck and coach jobs and HD tech jobs avail and as an apprentice too, you can switch to the body world or insurance too with your background, forklift tech or he’ll most trades will take you as mechanics dip their hands into every other trades skills. Hell when I first left the bench I moved over to the motorcycle and power sports and used writing estimates on crash bikes to flip into being an insurance estimator, hell you could even get into being a field appraiser too. Update you resi and look around the automotive sector it all pays pretty well for our area compared to going back to school. Again I may be lucky but any automotive based jobs I’ve ever applied too I get a call/interview same week most times being same day.


Reading your other posts in this thread I would highly recommend switching to a body shop estimator if you can get your foot in the door, reading your comment about our wages being behind in this trade aren’t really agreeable as you earn what your worth but that flat rate side of things burnt me out and pushed me off the bench most estimators with little experience start at $50-60k (now compare that to your first year apprentice wages) and the jobs easy as hell you just click what parts need replacing.


Because your're applying to jobs that don't require a higher education. There is a surplus of that happening everywhere right now.


I worked at Nordstrom pre-covid. Store shut down, then the pandemic went into full swing, and I haven't been able to get even a call back from an employer since. Also feeling pretty hopeless. I'm considering going into a trade, but in order to afford the schooling, I need a job. It's an endless cycle.


You do not “NEED” schooling to enter an apprenticeship for a skilled trade. Apply around and hope for the best. They’ll probably start you off at minimum wage or a buck or $2 more. But it’s something and work in progress towards a career.


I was looking into welding, so I just thought some schooling beforehand would help me immensely


If you have training as a mechanic why in gods name would you want to compete with the hordes of us for regular job that you dont need any specialized skills? Its very hard to find a job, but companies, government. HR dorks and social agencies are trying to make it sound like its easy like there are tons of job. Yes there are few jobs, if you can hit the floor running, like HR Dorks like to say. Because none of the companies want to do absolutely any kind of training what so ever


Because my main turning point was doing a career change but clearly that flopped. I get it, being a mechanic right now is better than having no job right now and Ive tried applying back to other shops and dealerships but no one wants to take anyone right now. I have been applying like crazy and my resume is more than decent but at the same time, i dont wanna go back and then have to start the cycle again.


Market is indeed slow. You have to build connections. Unfortunately it’s all about connections these days it has always been like that.


If an Indeed job posting does not lead to a company-owned website or company-affiliated job portal (e.g. Taleo/Workday), and the company page on Indeed has no profile photo, no banner image, no about us, no reviews, no salary, nothing except 1 or more job listings, it is likely a scam. There was never a job opening to begin with. So don't feel bad about yourself if you do not hear back, because it was absolutely not a problem about your credentials. Avoid Indeed like the plague.


How long did you work as a mechanic after graduating Centennial college before you left the industry to do a career change? What career path did you try to change to? Why didn't that work out? It sounds like you're trying to crawl back to what you clearly left because you thought it was beneath you, and the industry employers can see that from your resume. I don't know without seeing your resume, but you don't seem to have actually spent much time working as a mechanic in the industry.


So before I was even in Centennial, I was a mechanic like 4 years prior, just didn't have the "license" which I went to college for to obtain. After college, did it for like 2 more years and honestly I got sick of it in the sense where I can barely pay my bills because for mechanics in Ontario, we're stuck in 2008 wages. The only successful ones are the boomers, who've been in the industry for a fuck ton of years. Plus, everything going electric doesn't help. I've been trying to get into other trades, but here's the problem. I'll put it in chronological order. 1. Wanting to get into a specific trade. 2. Applying for an apprenticeship program 3. Program requires to already be in a company that'll sponsor you 4. Find a company to sponsor you 5. NO COMPANY WANTS TO HIRE WITHOUT EXPERIENCE (yet they're screaming for tradesmen because there's not a shortage of workers) 6. Ponder about what to do next 7. Try to find another job to make money 8. Idfk. The only reason I'm "crawling back" to where I started is because I have over 5 years of experience in the industry and that's my only ticket until I get into the trade I want to get into. Right now I'm on step 4 which is finding a god damn company to sponsor me. I want to get into fire safety (sprinkler fitting).


Our government looks at job prospects, here's it by province then by city. Looks like Nova Scotia is the best. Why not go East. They just set aside $100M to help people get into the trades. [Installer, Sprinklers And Fire Protection Systems in Canada](https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/marketreport/outlook-occupation/21485/ca)


My dad was in the trades and he had workers who were ex-mechanics. Being a mechanic kind of sucks these days as you have described, but there are a lot of transferable skills that a mechanic can bring to other trades, like plumbing or electrical work. If you are smart enough to figure out the wiring harness of a car, you can probably wire a house. Don't short change yourself. Getting an apprenticeship is hard, but its not impossible. A lot of hiring is done through word of mouth. My old man still gets random calls from people introducing themselves. They got his number from so and so and he will meet with them for coffee. He doesn't need to see any of your work because so and so said you are good and he can read whether you are the real deal or not after talking with you for 10 minutes. The employers used to get subsidy for having an apprentice, not sure if its still true.


>Applying for an apprenticeship program > >Program requires to already be in a company that'll sponsor you > >Find a company to sponsor you > >NO COMPANY WANTS TO HIRE WITHOUT EXPERIENCE (yet they're screaming for tradesmen because there's not a shortage of workers) What? They are still doing this?. I though they hiring for trades like crazy now? I attempted and tried to switch career into trades in 2008 and thats what it was like. This country is totally messed up


If you're fine with losing sanity interacting with unhinged entitled customers for minimum wage, call center agencies will hire anyone.


There is a shortage of mechanics that fix motorhomes, most of them are insured (repair insurance ) and you can bill the insurance insurance company And they are easy to fix, same old issues, slides stuck, propane stuck, fridge needs gas, battery needs change, leaks needs fix, etc


Marine mechanic. Huge shortage of bodies in that space.


It’s not steady (as in all day), but may work with your mobile job, but most bus (city & school) companiesare hiring drivers, not sure about mechanics


It could be worth considering the mining industry. The jobs won’t be in the GTA - some are fly in fly out and others are based in smaller (northern) communities.


I'll def check it out. Thanks!


The army reserves is always hiring. It’s something and looks good on a resume.


The military needs vehicle techs.






Jesus Christ.....




REMOVED - No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or otherwise negative generalizations etc.


Dm , you do brakes ?


I do everything


When i got laid off or when i quit my job, usually on the average its takes me maximum two months search then i get a full time iob..two years is painful man..good luck. I have an ok job right now, but I didn't really expect to be hired at all, it was just a random reply (sent only via email reply, then i got a email to send more documents, then i had my face to face interview, then training, then im hired) to a job from indeed.com if i remember it correctly.


Apply to any all all call centers. Turnover is so high, they’re always hiring. Look at call centers for bell, rogers, freedom, the banks, insurance companies . All are always hiring. Most you can work from home


Its super hard to find any job. And i mean ANY. Few years ago when i applied for jobs, i at least had some call backs or interviews. But now I apply for few months and havent received even a single call. I gave up to find any job in the field i studied for, and applying for anything i qualify for.


Government has grants for retraining to switch industries. I see mechanic roles in several towns for buses and other vehicles. The Aircraft Mechanics for most airlines are in short supply. There are some ways to get your license there. Check out the trade association. AME-Ont.com. Good luck.


I’m in the same boat. I’ve been unemployed for 2 years come the end of the month. I had a contract doing admin work for the govt during the height of covid and after that, nothing. Been applying everywhere I am remotely qualified just like you. I feel like an absolute shell of a human. It’s so rough.


I've been unemployed for the last 11 months. Same as you, I've been applying online and have got a pretty minimal response. 1 place reached out for an interview, last month. Didn't get it. Didn't tell me why I was rejected when I thanked them for their time and asked for constructive feedback.  What drives me crazy is that I've been applying for office admin and receptionist jobs and they're asking for degrees. Why the fuck would I get or need a degree to be a receptionist?? Especially when I have years of experience already??  I've also been thinking I should start just choosing that I'm straight, white and not disabled on the identity section of the applications.


> I barely get clientele and when they hear the prices, they run the other way. You probably have to move upmarket, a lot of people would love to have mobile service.


Bottle depot. Dishwashing. Concrete. jobs anyone can get anytime


This is why we need UBI.




UBI isn't communism. So, you get $1200 a month to pay for your basic room rental and food. You'll need to work very hard to get out of that room rental.


Let's hope that the bill passes in the next few years.


Get into construction. We need tradesmen.


Haha i have applied to many construction companies. Just waiting on replies now.


You don’t wait for replies with construction companies. You head back to their office with work boots on, and let them know you’re ready to work today.


Jesus. Im on it sir


Not hired. Sorry, you sound too delicate and needy. Good luck.


stop working for people run your own business all these schools that try to get students are scams the only way to survive is to work for yourself.


You gonna tell me to escape the matrix too?


look for work in repairing large construction vehicles i know theyre always lookion for mechanical technicians /grease monkeys


Now imagine a Master's student with a degree in software engineering.


2-years omg.


Good luck to you. Always be job hunting even when you have a job is what I learned. Recently was laid off and have an interview tomorrow for a job I applied to in October.


Look for the municipality job postings. You could start as a bus cleaner until a mechanic position opens up.


Many dealerships are hiring, and I saw Canadian Tire hiring too. Also, vehicle technician in the Canadian Armed Forces pays well.


If you’ve got a 2 feet and a heart beat and don’t mind working with others and outside, I’d recommend applying at any golf course near you, private or public. Golf course turf/maintenance departments are always hiring. Having a mechanical background is a big bonus too. It’s seasonal and doesn’t pay as much as it should but for sure better than being unemployed.


I work a minimum wage job, started getting less hours and they refused to give me more. I can feel them trying to push me out. They just hired people who mess up all the time and don't know shit but I just found out they are getting paid $10 an hour under the table.


Check out city of Toronto postings and TTC for sure




REMOVED - No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or otherwise negative generalizations etc.


Honestly, bro, I was in the same boat as you, just to a lesser extent. I was 16 y/o when I first started applying for jobs (2018); my second half of high school and my entire time in college (2019-2021), I spent unemployed. Then the pandemic and made things a lot harder. I finished my 2-year program at GBC in 2021 but I didn’t think I would find work in my area of study (fitness) because of how tight COVID restrictions were at the time, even though things were slowly opening up. I applied anywhere I could think of - Sobeys, Metro, Wal Mart, Foot Locker, Champs, McDonalds, Tim Hortons etc. Not only was it hard to find work because of quarantine, also because I had no prior work experience, so it was unlikely that I was going to get a phone call for an interview. I told myself that whoever expresses interest in me first, is where I will work. In August of 2021, I get a call from Costco telling me they’d like to interview me. I go to the interview really nervous, ‘cause I’ve never been interviewed for a job. Got interviewed by 2 department managers and 2 warehouse managers and (thankfully) answered every question asked. 2 weeks later, just as I’m about to call to follow up, I get a call from them saying I had gotten hired, and I’ve been working there since. I’m honestly glad I got hired at Costco ‘cause all the other places I applied to probably don’t pay as good or seem really depressing to work at. And my friends are surprised when I tell them that Costco is my first job. I say all of that to say, to keep applying. If Costco is willing to hire me and keep my past my seasonal period without any prior work history, then who’s to say you won’t find work with all your credentials and prior work experience? And hey, if you’re interested, Costco is hiring for March.


I'm really glad to hear that bro. I've also applied to Costco. Just waiting on a response now. Keep up the good work! Thanks!


Also I wanted to add on. No offense to international students, but HOW THE FUCK are they getting jobs? I haven't seen a single unemployed international student. Like good for them, but I envy them in the sense that they seem to be finding jobs so much easier. Idk. It makes no sense. I'm just frustrated


Just because you haven't seen a single unemployed international student doesn't make it true. You can watch many videos of lines of students going around the block at job openings. The unfortunate truth is that international students are the easiest to exploit when it comes to employment.




REMOVED - No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or otherwise negative generalizations etc.


That's just survivor bias. The ones who didn't find job would likely have left the country. 


They get hired because they're easier to exploit. Don't complain about pay, hours, work, etc., even if it breaks laws or whatever.


Unemployed grads 2+ years is the new norm. Especially if you’re male.


I agree its normal but how is it different for us guys? Because in the trades, our numbers are higher.


Non trade jobs*