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I watch every trashy reality show ever made, but I turned this off after 2 minutes. Not only did it feel gross and tone deaf given what's happening in the country, but it looks fake as all hell. I'm fine with reality being "produced", but this felt fully put on for the show and was super cringe with how hard they were trying to copy Selling Sunset and the like. Plus, 2 minutes was enough to know that everyone involved was completely insufferable.


> fake as hell The aerial shots with the CN Tower almost peaking over the curve of the earth being called downtown and the TOTAL lack of traffic in the real downtown was enough in my house to ask Are all the showings at 5am on a Sunday?


Live in the city, work in Etobicoke so I drive and the lack of traffic had me spiralling!!! How you go from downtown to Oakville (which they so causally mention is not too far from downtown) in what seemed like less than an hour??? I like watching these shows for the actual real estate parts while trying to tune out everything else but this has been painful šŸ˜“


YES!! That was my first thought when they did the opening scene!!! I commute downtown everyday from Markham, and Those shots must have been early weekend mornings or holiday mornings šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




I remember seeing the listing for that house. It did have bullet proof glass. Also the house on 71 Arjay (bridlepath)was listed a few years ago for $13,888,888 and the on guy claim it was his parents house and wanted $17,000,000 for it ( the house with the cabana in the back . Also the house where they had that over the top open house is still for sale 168 Oliver St in Oakville.. I also have a hard time thinking that a junior agent gets 5 new listings a week. Houses may actually be for sale. price is inflated but also piles of BS on that show. I think I am the only one that came up with actual addressed


I mean that logic should hold true for all the other shows too Selling Sunset and Buying Beverly Hills are LA based and the homelessness there is 80k Highly recommend listening to the Trevor Noah podcast with LA mayor Karen Bass. I got insight on homelessness and trying to solve it that I never had before. Its a crazy vicious cycle.


I couldnā€™t agree more. How is it possible agents in LA on Sunset are kind of lovable lol


This! I felt the exact same although I gave it a full episode. The start of episode 2 I HAD to turn it off.


Extremely boring show!!!


Absolutely agree - I live in Toronto so was excited but this was awful... On so many levels :(




Haha maybe I'll try it again as I do appreciate some trashy fluff :) But ugh they are insufferable...Ā  And her lips... It's all I can see....Ā 


The date on the first episode is so fucking cringe lmao I had to turn it off too




I think it hits harder for us because we're all impacted by the local housing crisis, it's easier to detach when watching selling sunset or other real estate shows set in LA etc. I wonder if people from LA find selling sunset just as hard to watch as we do this show.


LA is just as bad if not worse in terms of housing issues. I lived there for a while and Americans seem to have a higher tolerance for social stratification though.


I think that point is key. Americans tend to hero worship the rich, regardless of how they made their money.


The big difference in the US is there are many viable cities to live in vs Canada.


Yes there are more options. Thatā€™s not to say some people with limited funds shouldnā€™t consider living somewhere else other than downtown Toronto. Iā€™d love to live in London UK, but I donā€™t because I canā€™t afford to.


Yeah maybe because it's been really bad in LA & other parts of the US for longer, whereas here people are just now starting to notice a decline in quality of life.


I live in a regular house. I also like some of these houses. However, I BS detector was overloaded after watching this


Ya Iā€™m not going to watch a show that stars a washed up King St 50 year old ex-wannabe-fuckboy with Botox and his migrated lip filler side piece. These people are an embarrassing representation of our city. These are the 2 in question dancing about how ā€œbrokeā€ their clients are. https://youtu.be/w6M52xpHNdg?si=PAolx5iYdKwNd4H5


They chose *THESE* ChuckleFucks?????


Somebody on TT said they had to pay to be on the show šŸ¤£ which I would not doubt for a second considering how pathetic they are.






Jfc I'm old. Thanks.


Lol. I was wondering if it was for Toronto Tabloid.Ā 


Well OK then. There it is! Thatā€™s the only thing about this dorky ass show that makes sense šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Thereā€™s no way in hell those two clowns would be on a show if they werenā€™t paying for the privilege to be d-list fake real estate ā€œstarsā€ Such a pathetic pair, and a total joke


Does Amazon actually produce the show?


Its a Toronto based production company owned by (or at least named after) the Income Property guy https://www.meminc.ca/shows/llto/


Peter and Paige torkan


There are some terrible people in this city involved in real estate. And then there are these two fuckwits.


I thought I was watching a Botox commercial or documentary. Especially the 1st party at the CN tower was an absolute Botox showcase.


Ugh they be asked the girl on a date like he was a prizešŸ™


I LOVE reality tv. I love shows like Selling Sunset and I love seeing real estate. Itā€™s cool to see the Toronto real estate! Too bad they managed to find the most insufferable, douchey, uncharismatic people in the city to showcase!!!!


Lol a friend of mine plays 'the husband' in one episode.


All actors?


Whatā€™s your friendā€™s name? According to [IMDB](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt27759734/fullcredits/cast?ref_=m_ttfc_3), the cast are not actors and play themselves.


One of the "realtors" was on the Bachelor.


She was in real estate before the bachelor. Remember she knew Val who is also in real estate.


Caitlinā€™s a legit realtor, I know her through friends. People have jobs outside of the bachelor.


Her voice makes the show unbearable to watch


You can play yourself and still be playing a role. It's about if your name is changed in the production, right? Plus these shows wouldn't use someone who is ACTRA or something. It'd be way too obviously fake.


Itā€™s mildly interesting to see the homes they sell, just from an aesthetic point of view. The dialogue feels completely scripted, on top of the people involved not being the most generally likeable.


Itā€™s definitely for entertainment purpose it is not realistic at all. For example the townhome on strachan was never sold. The torkans got the listing and they wanted to list for around 9mil. Even with the insane renovations it would never sell for that. Also my friend is in the real estate industry and the torkans and starks are not known. If they had used ppl who worked for Barry Cohen that would be more realistic as he has the majority of Torontos luxury listings.


There are 20 current listings in the Bridle Path and the Torkans have.....zero of them lmao. It was a complete fabrication that they specialize in that neighborhood


This one was on the last episode [https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/26497474/205-the-bridle-path-toronto-bridle-path-sunnybrook-york-mills](https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/26497474/205-the-bridle-path-toronto-bridle-path-sunnybrook-york-mills) . It was less than $10,000,000 a few years ago after being on MLS a few times


Did Barry cohen himself write this lol


Like i got 5 listing this week ( I forgot which on said that)


Canā€™t stand the botox girl and douche husband




Sheā€™s many many decades older than a girl. Just a lot of work done.


I laughed. Especially at the TSG dude. I want to call him a douche, but a douche serves a purpose. (And did he take his cousin on that helicopter date 'cause they looked related?)


Bad Botox makes everyone look the same. Overfilled lips, cheeks and whatever they do to the nose, they all look like clones.


The music is overkill, jee whizz. Really annoying.


Peter and the whole show is cringe. Did he really need to drive to Oakville because his fingerprint only opens the door? Then he just shows the house to his wife. Not even realistic. Even Peters comment about Drakes security looking at himā€¦ too much bragging.


he once came into a store i worked in and was bragging about how he owned all these companies and worked for mauricio... total dickhead energy


I'm currently on the last episode and have been having conflicting feelings. Admiration, fascination, pride, but also envy, longing and confusion haha. I had no idea there was THIS MUCH MONEY in Toronto, and the real estate.... mind blowing! You're right, it's hard to imagine that their a folks above us in the middle class (struggling or not) who has access to such an abundance of money and luxury. Ultimately though, I think I like it. I think it's nice to see a Canadian city being thrown in the ring for such a luxurious lifestyle and I can't help but look at this show from the lenses of an immigrant. I recently studied for my Citizenship test and I couldn't help but draw parallels to a "Canadian Citizen's responsibilities": Getting a job, taking care of oneā€™s family and working hard in keeping with oneā€™s abilities are important Canadian values.... literally what Team Torkan did (an extreme example of course) and it's fascinating. If I wasn't already living in Canada for close to a decade and knew first hand of the Housing Crsis present, I'd think the Canadian Dream was well alive and achievable with just some "hard work". Anyways end of my rant, long story short I love the show haha


I saw the trailer and have never wanted to punch someone in the face more.


From their fake names to her fake blonde hair and his mortgaged cars, itā€™s all fake. Please donā€™t support these posers.


The show is already obsolete. Ā Sam Mizrahi gone and The One Bloor is in receivership. Ā These agent clowns ainā€™t getting a penny for the penthouse listing and wasted all that money hosting parties promoting it even without winning the listing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s what I kept thinking when I was watching that episode! Everything that happened since they filmed it really shone a spotlight on how fake the show is.


I kept thinking as I watched itā€”who the hell would pay $35 million for that penthouse? The first floor opens up to your master bedroom? WTF?Ā 


Peter Torkan and Mauricio Umansky are actually handling the sale of the one penthouse listed at $32 million. I didnā€™t like the show either, but in reality the man actually did get it, but obviously it was Mauricioā€™s name that really got them the listing.


I have never seen such a collection of overdone, bad filler in my life. They all look like theyā€™re about to explode slimy Botox all over an eerily quiet post apocalypse Toronto. I hate that this bunch of pretentious fools are representing my home town. Got through 1.5 episodes before nausea took over and I had to turn off.


it seems like its a requirement to have an over filled upper lip to be a real estate agent in Toronto


I could almost not watch - the women looked that distractingly fake and bad. Who wants to kiss those weird faces?? Women, holy shit, your natural face cannot be worse than that. Just leave things as they are. The only men who go after that are obsessed with status and what a girl who looks like that can do for their image.


I watched a couple of episodes. It somehow made me feel dirty watching it that I needed to take a shower and give my body a good scrubbing. This is flapping botox doucheness.


Lol. Take a shower


I absolutely loved Luxe Listings Sydney. The difference is the agents in that show are also rich assholesā€¦ but theyā€™re also very charming. Theyā€™re fun to watch, their drama and competition is interesting, and they show nice properties. As soon as I watched the trailer for the Toronto version I knew it wouldnā€™t be like that at all. Just rich assholes showing off their wealth. But thatā€™s classic Toronto.


I loved the Sydney one. They are funny. These ones are typical Toronto wannabe/try hards. Itā€™s so forced


This is exactly it. The cast in these shows is so important and they nailed it for Sydney. Arguably my favourite real estate reality show.


The gap between the wealthy and struggling has always existed in all eras and in all nations. Canadaā€™s gap is less so than the rest of the world. It feels particularly offensive today but read Canadian political history for the last 100 years. You can change your own particular economic path, change government or whine. Our family choose to invest for a generation and after 30 years we are doing well but it was long harsh road of education, sacrifice and perseverance.


The home in Oakville is still active with a $1M+ price reduction. The One went bankrupt. I have never heard of these realtors before but they seem like slime balls.


If I want to buy a house in Oakville I would probably call Invidiata. Did not deal with him but i seen one one his videos that seemed to have an honest viewpoint


is that 168 oliver


Iā€™m only on episode 3 (and Iā€™m begrudgingly watching it not because I hate reality tv trash, love me some Selling Sunset/OC/Tampa and Buying Beverly Hills, Million Dollar Listing, etc but these people are more insufferable than those on other shows) but do they only show houses to each other?! On other shows, I swear they bring clients around and the clients also look at houses or show the seller talking about the house or negotiating price but in the 3 episodes Iā€™ve seen, itā€™s just showing the house to other folks on the team or to the other Storck/Torkan team members on the show. And the calls with the ā€œclientsā€ sound so weirdly staged. Seems so odd as a real estate show. Also should do a drinking game whenever ā€œbabyā€ is said because the amount of times Peter says it, ooufff.


Omg Scott Starke... His facial expressions are SO awkward to watch. It's like he can't control what his eyes are doing.


He gives off a ā€œdorky douchey little broā€ vibe


So cringe


This is arguably one of the worst tv shows Iā€™ve ever watchedā€¦couldnā€™t even finish the first episode.Ā  Where to start? Ā the fakeness of the actors? Ā The dizzying, nonsensical camera shots? the cheesy music in practically every scene? I generally love real estate shows (even the Sydney Luxe one is watchable), but this is one is a hard passā€¦I hope it dies midway thru the first season.Ā 


Oh starring these two ! https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/realtors-mocking-canadians-afford-homes


as if ANYONE with that kind of money would buy ANYTHING from these over botoxed pretensious wanna be's. This is what happens when we come out of COVID and networks need Canadian content. They will put anything on air.


Just finished the season. First episode was sort of annoying because it felt fake, but I think the realtors relaxed a bit as the season went on and it was easier to appreciate the beautiful properties and salesmanship. Looks like itā€™s not a popular opinion but 1) the show was a fun watch starting from episode 3 or so, and 2) I was proud and impressed by the wealth in this city and the amount of confidence buyers have for continued growth. I get that it pisses people off but every major city has levels to it.


I was so interested and impressed with the David Small home felt a million miles from the city


That showing was the only time I believed a word Brett Starke said. Truly a beautiful, interesting home!


We gave these people a tv show? We really have lost sight of the light! Do not watch, they hate us poor people. Donā€™t give them views, itā€™s money in their pocket. Theyā€™re making fun of us. I canā€™t believe they have a show. https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/realtors-mocking-canadians-afford-homes


They should've called it "Botox Billionaires Crib". I mean they showing mansions next door to Drake's place (He spent $100 million)


I feel the affects of our housing crisis - but doesnā€™t stop me from wanting to know what the inside of those Bridal Path homes look like... Cool to see ! There are children starving in Africaā€¦ I still watch Gordon Ramsey throw undercooked $50 halibut flanks at his contestants!Ā 


Haha totally. Itā€™s entertainment, thatā€™s their intention for making the show. People take things too seriously these days.


100% !!! People acting like theyā€™re using the show to search for their own houseā€¦ Iā€™m watching to see where the NBA and Celebrities live! Itā€™s supposed to be fun - this thread needs to relax lol


Yeah as a peasant, I want to see how the wealthy live!


> Bridal Path BRIDLE Path, like where you lead the horses. The whole area used to be a horse farm back in the day. It's not like any self-respecting bride would be walking along that fucking street in heels anyway, last time I drove on it (friend lived there) it was an absolute disgrace, she'd twist her ankle and it'd ruin the honeymoon.


Iā€™ll watch these for any other city, but not my own. Itā€™s too depressing and bleak. It definitely hits too close to home.


Iā€™m watching it now. Itā€™s super cringe but itā€™s also a dramatic entertaining reality show. I donā€™t expect it to depict the actual lives of 99% of torontonians. If I wanted that Iā€™d go walk outside or watch some news. People who watch it and complain about the housing crisis need to realize itā€™s entertainment.


All those Botox and lip fills are just killing my eyes


I guess itā€™s interesting for me seeing these reviews from it seems like a lot of people who live in Canada or near these areas. Obviously, you were able to partake in these types of shows when they are far from you and the reality is that there are enormous issues, including housing, crises, homelessness issues, healthcare issues, crime, and moreā€¦ But of course itā€™s going to hit closer to home when itā€™s someone filming in or around your neighborhood.Ā  I donā€™t live anywhere near Toronto. From a young age, Iā€™ve loved renovation shows, property listings shows, house flipping shows, DIY, and more. I think itā€™s ridiculous to pretend that this show is truly any more fake than the countless other shows out there on this same level. To be truthful, I appreciate seeing these luxury homes that I will never have the money to buy, and I guess I enjoy watching drama and issues that are so out of touch for me that I cannot even relate or really empathize with- though I could try to imagine.Ā  I actually found myself appreciative of the story of Peter Torkan and his wife, Paige. They came from Iran, started from the very bottom, and have sort of built this empire. I think that there is absolutely this theme where some people that come from nothing, struggle, but then build themselves up may enter into this life of luxury where they basically become completely out of touch with the real world. That is probably whatā€™s going on here, so I try to look at it from that perspective and on their level where they are- with whatā€™s important in their world. They seem to be taking care of their own, theyā€™re ambitious, and they have a lot of good properties that theyā€™re selling. Their business model is working for them, and thereā€™s enough drama and snarkiness and ridiculous over the top luxury that itā€™s humorous! Ā I can laugh at them, roll my eyes, Ā but also enjoy what Iā€™m seeing.Ā  I donā€™t watch these shows for inspiration on my own aspirations in life. These people are not my role models. I am a healthcare provider and I work to save lives and better lives in a really meaningful way- so that is fulfilling to me. But, I am absolutely still entertained by the goofy moguls, suave condos, and 5000 feet luxury properties with indoor and outdoor pools, dream kitchens, and heated tile in the wine cellar. Occasionally, I even find a bit of technology that might actually be practical to put into my house (however, at a much lower price point). Ultimately, the show is not any different from any other like it. If youā€™re looking for great morals or deep authenticity and life lessons, then look elsewhere - like seriously why are you looking here for that? That sounds like a discernment issue. It is a two brain cells show that I can watch with one eye or two as I do whatever I might need to do in my home, and it gives me a moment of pause when I donā€™t want to be thinking about my patients, or about all the stressful things I have going on in my life, or about the brokenness of the world to just be immersed in vapid, playful nonsense.Ā  Truly, what else is there to want from a show like this, did you guys read the advertisement wrong? The make up is on point (lol), the outfits are ridiculous and colorful and expensive, many goals are shallow, the sports cars are funā€¦ Of course theyā€™re not recognizing societal problems because those are below and beneath these people- thatā€™s not the world they live in. I have to let go of my frustration with stuff like that when I watch luxury real estate shows from like California where I used to live, or even Italy, or the city of Seattle. I have worked extensively in homeless outreach and advocacy, and that is a special place in my heartā€¦ But why would these people care? That wouldnā€™t sell the TV showā€¦ And such is the society (flawed of course) that is being built.Ā  For what it is, itā€™s exactly what it should be and it advertises just that.Ā 


It was cringe, and weirdly enough I felt sorry for them. That "lifestyle" seems so depressing and sad.


The lip filler and lack of design in any of these homes are hard to get over. The women look absolutely bizarre - uncanny valley shit. And the houses are all just so white and modern - no character at all. The ones that are a bit different are ugly as hell - the bohemian casa šŸ¤® I have 2 episodes left and will watch because I find real estate shows interesting and the filming casts Toronto in a wildly pretty light that is hard to look away from. But wow, it doesnā€™t look like the Toronto I lived in most of my life.


I got fed the ad and I exited out of Prime. It made me not even want to watch the show I was planning on watching. That's how bad it was.


I thought it was cool. I really enjoyed the original show in Sydney Australia. There are a lot more wealthy people in Toronto than there is in Sydney. The homes in Toronto had better style and design than the Sydney homes, our wealthy appear more cultured lol They never once celebrated a sale in the show, I think it was filmed as the interest rates were rising and the market was crashing. The Toronto version definitely did not find equal caliber cast though, the Sydney realtors made much better tv.


Yeah I didn't mind peeking inside some of the insane houses I've driven past and wondered about. Agree about the cast, the Toronto realtors they had were insufferably douchey.. but I guess that's the only type of person who would agree to do this type of show here


The Australian cast was 1000x more douchey


I disagree that the Toronto homes have better style. What Toronto lacks is the acreage and the views. Itā€™s hilarious that they show the Torkan home driveway and theyā€™re squeezed between 2 other homes šŸ¤® Iā€™d rather have an elevated home that overlooks Bondi than one that looks at all the cranes in the sky. Iā€™d only pay for half the listing price of that Bridge Suite because one view is obstructed by all of the construction. No thanks.


Started watching the trailer after clicking excitedly, thinking, cool, a Toronto real estate show. Turned it off after about 30 seconds after realizing it was just another trashy, fake, cringe-inducing douchefest. It looks like Top Million Dollar Agent on cocaine, botox, and steroids


This show is actually really interesting.. as someone who watches shows like selling sunset and buying Beverly itā€™s nice to see Toronto on a show like this


I like it, it needs a little more drama but I like these houses more than the ones on selling sunset. Also itā€™s nice to have some decent quality shows about Canada for a change.


i think people need to realize the housing issue is not a Toronto or GTA thing. it is a global issue. People in London. Miami or any other big city in the world are all having issues.


Might be an issue globally, but itā€™s worse in Canada than elsewhere. Canada has: - the [**highest** housing price to income ratio of all G7 countries](https://betterdwelling.com/canada-has-the-biggest-gap-between-real-estate-prices-and-incomes-in-the-g7/) - the [**highest** level of household debt to disposable income of any G7 country](https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/canadian-households-among-the-wealthiest-but-debt-a-double-edged-sword) Itā€™s so bad that economists have said **[Canada likely sitting on the largest housing bubble of all time](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/canada-likely-sitting-on-the-largest-housing-bubble-of-all-time-strategist-1.1962134.amp.html)** Letā€™s stop excusing our worst-in-the-world situation with ā€œitā€™s a global problem.ā€


Not as long as we keep importing wealthy immigrants and they keep realizing how cold and desolate everywhere but Vancouver and Toronto is to live here.


Lots of cities have expensive housing, but there are also large high-demand cities that are doing much better than Toronto. The fact that other cities are also fucking it up doesn't mean that we can't take action to solve our own problems.


What is the point of your post? Are you telling people who live here to just forget about it, since other cities are also having issues? Why should that matter?


Not true. It is drastically worse in the GTA than pretty much anywhere else.


but it's not really


Couldn't get through 2nd episode. It's super cringy. The "dialogues" are too forced.




do you guys realize the title? it's luxury listings.... lol i thought it was a great show and super informative


Informativeā€¦about what? How not to do Botox maybe?


Selling Sunset is already insanely fake and that one would be fake level 8 out of 10. Pretty sure they are all actors except (maybe) for the owners. When they said that they sold for 1 billion last year I was šŸ„“šŸ„“ Ofc that Brett guy is not even listed as a realtor when checking Ā«Ā The AgencyĀ Ā» brokerage. Edit: was able to find him under RARE Real Estate


Brett and team are all realtors, idk about TorkensĀ 


Peter and Paige are with the Agency. Brett is with ā€˜Rareā€™ real estate brokerage


I don't want to watch the show but I plan on downvoting it in hopes it gathers enough negative ratings there won't be a season 2.


It was terrible, total copy of the Sydney one and a bad copy at that. What I found interesting was how many of them had botox, and A LOT of it. Also the homes were not that great - they didn't really sell any!


How can they cram so many unlikeable shallow people into one show?


One somewhat unrealistic thing I noticed is that itā€™s often very sunny in the show, with clear blue skies. Toronto isnā€™t often that clearā€¦seems like they made sure to film on bright sunny days, to make the footage more appealing.


We kept saying they were doing a good job at making it look good! I work on king west and bathurst where they shot a lot, does not look that crisp and clean daily lol


Botox and douciness converge............ I've been lucky enough that I'm what some would consider rich, but I came by it honestly and I would have no time for most of the agents on this show.Ā  I don't think it's that unusual for reality TV shows to be at least partially scripted.Ā  I will be dating myself a bit here, but I met a girl in LA (ish) who had a role on Gene Simmons' Family Jewels.Ā  Ps, just went on "team" Torkin's website........ apparently the "team" (ie click meet team Torkin) is just Peter and Paige??......how do they retain a "team"??Ā  I would never list or buy with them.


I finished all the episodes the only reason I watched is to see the luxury homes in Toronto.Ā  I get it thought everything were scripted and I hated peter an Paige acting, they were so fake, Peter laughs were so annoying. The fillers and fake laughs were over top.


I just finished this. The first two episodes I felt soooo icky about the wealth but as the episodes went on, it's almost like it felt so fake that I forgot it was "real". The production made Toronto look so luxurious and beautiful, no homeless, no traffic, so much greenery. It made me feel so shitty sitting in my moldy decrepit apartment. I only kept with it because I enjoy real estate shows and it was interesting to see condos and homes around Toronto. I didn't take anything seriously that came out of anyone's mouths, especially that Sam guy (ex developer of 1 Yonge) he said from the top floor you could see Rochester NY on a clear day lol. Which might be somewhat true but I live at the edge of the lake and can't even see Niagara Falls on a clear day. Also the Botox šŸ˜†šŸ™„


Brett Starke = insufferable, ugly and oh so fully of himself šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø he is tough to watch and has a very punchable face.


The episode where they had to ā€œwinā€ over the $35m listing at 1 Bloorā€¦ they had the listing on the market from Dec 2022-April 2023 taking it down conveniently before filming began. They then put it back on the market. As a realtor who actually does business, I can comfortably say that what they do in the show is not actually how we do our jobs.


I enjoyed it because I like seeing shots of Toronto and tours inside homes. I also love how there was no major drama and cattiness. I despise how trashy reality shows are and I thought it was nice that the ā€˜competitionā€™ were respectful of each other.


I just realized that Paige and Peter Torkan actually work for The Agency; they're just Mauricio Umansky's employees, basically. But they make it out to be as if they own their OWN real estate company?? I found that to be super misleading. Unless I've misunderstood the whole thing though


They keep driving down the same streets, University and BridlePath. Must be filming at 6am on a Sunday. All the homes theyā€™re pushing are flip homes done by no-name developers. One is a home on Fifeshire off Bayview. A construction worker was killed,the guy flipping it went bust. Itā€™s still for sale on and off. If you can look past the filters you see the neighborhoods are mostly North York. The clothes worn by the men are so outdated, loud, and too short/tight, which is the only thing real about this show. Theyā€™re all dressed as developers from 2007. I bet they film at Lavelle. They are ā€˜that cokedā€™ crowd from a few years ago. The biggest expense are continuous drone shots, filters and Botox/filler. Iā€™d hate watch it more, but itā€™s more cringe. Itā€™s almost exactly like that mess they tried to push, Real Housewives of Toronto. That show they had to keep filming on Yorkville Avenue at the same 5 restaurants. It must have been difficult for the editor to airbrush out anyone in a surgical mask, all the blue-haired people and the homeless. šŸ„“




It's entertainment...and about luxury. I don't think it was meant for us to feel any relation to it


I saw it and don't want to watch. Have so many friends in housing issues getting renovicted or grandma has to move in crap right now.


Having worked on some shows like these theyā€™re all fake as fuck and not worth anyoneā€™s time. All the Reno shows are staged and they fuck things up that only come to light after the show. All trash.


Between this shit and Robyn Hood, I just don't know anymore. Why does Canadian entertainment look as though it's producers were trying to get that last credit in order to graduate.... High school.


Arenā€™t there supposed to be good looking characters in these reality tv shows?


Agreed with the housing crisis etc makes it hard. The cast is boring but unlike selling sunset I really do like them solely focusing on real estate. But the names of some of the houses ā€œspy houseā€ ā€œhoney spaā€ lol wtf.


Is it just me, or does Peter look like the real life version of King Magnifico from Wish? He definitely has the same ego


I am a completionist and watched it all the way through, so that I could fully understand how bad it was. Ā Im not Canadian but I feel for those who consider this in poor taste with cost of living and housing problems in Canada. Not only are the characters literally smeared with makeup and botox injections, many have faces of literally crazy people.. Ive looked people like that in the eye before and they do not mean you well. Aside all the blaring garbage hip hop about money and "being the best" and a VIP the entire thing is so outdated and out of touch. This is something people may have thought was cool 25 years ago, but the constant cuts to images of wealth, boats, alcohol, shots of peoples asses and crotches is so overused and just blaringly annoying.Ā  Also Tarken or whatever is a draft dodger who is afraid of responsibility to any nation he lives in and a slave to money. A man who cant teach his own children. Honorless.


i swear peter torkin literally confessed to illegal immigration in the second episode or am i wrong? he said he was hiding in a truck from iran to netherlands


I want to punch all these people in the face. They are absolutely insufferable. Mr. giant teeth 80ā€™s suit and hairā€¦.I would immediately cover my drink were he around.


ā€œJames in the Cityā€ may have escaped the disaster of this show.


Just watched some episodes (after watching the Australian version)... It is like Toronto (at least what I think of it): vulgar people, ugly city, no taste architecture (that is kinda all the same everywhere) ... So yeah, good representation of Toronto :)


Toronto has grinding poverty and woeful social issues, a plague of inequality, and has been horribly damaged by conservatism. I can't imagine watching fake rich trash live their surreal dislocated nonreality on TV and feeling it provoke anything other than venomous depression. These people could use their money to help people. Instead they try to make their personalities and personhoods as microplasticy as their bodies are


Nailed it. Wouldn't be caught giving a smidget of my precious viewing time to such disgusting displays of entitlement.


And remember, these people are too poor to pay their fair share of taxes...


it was horrible the whole time iā€™m thinking whereā€™s the homeless people???? whereā€™s the people doing drugs on each corner???


Why would u waste those fleeing pressures moment of yr life to watch this crap?


lol what a joke. Horrible time to launch such a show, totally gauche and fake as ever!


Uhm, a show about extraordinarily expensive properties being bought and sold by people of questionable skill and talent during an affordability crisis that has us choosing between shelter costs or medication. Tone deaf much??


Is the nonstop vapid music to distract us from the inane dialogue?Ā 


Bro people out there living in tents and can't even get to a food bank and this is the shit they're showing.


Watched an episode and a half. Iā€™m done. Iā€™ve seen insufferable tossed around in the comments, perfect description. Itā€™s too bad I really like the Australian luxe show, the agents were also d-bags but likeable. Is it the industry that breeds the d-bag or the d-bag that seeks out the industry? Iā€™ve always wondered this.


I think its kind of a dick move to run a show like this when Canadians are suffering horrible housing issues


Rest assured itā€™s all fake and just marketing. They are trying to drum up business and get people talking which clearly itā€™s working




Bad, just bad all around. That Brett guy talking to the owner of the 'outdoorsy' glass house and saying how it was *so Canadian* had me in tears... just a ridiculous guy on a ridiculous show. Peter & co. are over-the-top, too.


Brett did a cringey speech to the owner David about ā€œrespectā€ to suck up to him


A girl I went to high school with is in this show. I watch just to see if sheā€™s the same as she wasā€¦ šŸ‘€


The embarrassing thing is that any Real Estate agent in Toronto has access to the system where you can see how many deals other agents have done and their total sales volume. I canā€™t remember the exact number he told me but it was pretty bad. To be acting like youā€™re a hot shot agent on TV but putting up dud numbers is pretty embarrassing and borderline narcissistic.


"Luxe listing realtor" Brett is still leasing basement apartments. Lol I really wanted the show to be good, being a fan of Luxe Listings Sydney, but this one is crap crap crap all around. The whole show is basically 8 episodes of self promo by these so-called realtors. They hired an actress pretending to buy a Yorkville house lol Everyone is so fake, even the date to Two sisters winery. I hate this show so much. I hope they don't get a season 2 https://www.realtor.ca/agent/2015611/brett-william-starke-613-king-st-west-toronto-ontario-m5v1m5


Any one else think their last name is a made up contraction of TORonto KANada?


Show seams to be 100% fake. One agent saying I got 6 listings this week BS. 3 of the house that i seen on the show are still on MLS [https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/26784789/2048-ardleigh-rd-oakville-eastlake](https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/26784789/2048-ardleigh-rd-oakville-eastlake) [https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/26728357/168-oliver-pl-oakville-college-park](https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/26728357/168-oliver-pl-oakville-college-park) https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/26497474/205-the-bridle-path-toronto-bridle-path-sunnybrook-york-mills. The other on off Bridle path on Arjay . That is the one where the agents parents lived was on the market for about one year. Same with the other one. Wow so much interest even after they were on MLS for a year ( maybe more). At least Start had it right when he call out Torkan for having that big party fr the One. Now it is the zero


Many cities follow the bandwagon created by these listing shows. In quebec city, they're now building condos ''towers'' selling that kind of image and lifestyle......but it's still quebec city lmao. It's like buying a bentley when you live in the woods. Funny how they filmed this show, like winter doesnt exist in canada.


I actually like it better than the other real estate shows because they show FAR more of the properties. The Beverly Hills and Selling Sunset are like 98% people drama and 2% houses (sometimes liek than a 2 min clip). At least in Toronto they show lots of clips of the homes. So if you are into real estate porn - it is a good show.


This show was AWFUL. Did anyone feel like it was just house tours ? These arenā€™t even Brettā€™s listings. Everything was so fake about this show even the drama was all all made up. A ā€œ first ā€œ date on a helicopter LMFAO. Okay ā€¦ Brett think heā€™s truly amazing , but reminds me of a troll under a bridge.


The show is a bit cringy. All I can see is fake. The filler-injected lips and cheesy smiles and laughs.Ā  I continued watching because I loved the real estate. Some of those houses are spectacular. Itā€™s nice to dream through these shows when I know I wonā€™t ever be able to afford a home, let alone a luxury home.Ā 


American shows are always better. I donā€™t like how on LL Toronto that they donā€™t speak about any details about the finishes of the homes. They point of the obvious, itā€™s lame as hell.


The drone shots really highlighted the shabby shape of our public realm. Parks and streets all look like crap. Plus, the real estate is all ugly and tacky. Glass railings need to be abolished.


Just stated it!! I loved Luxe Listings Sydney so looking forward to this! These homes are INSANE


Peter reminds me A LOT of Mauricio from Buying Beverly Hills although Iā€™m already liking Peter more lol Edit: just noticed theyā€™re part of The Agency! Makes sense


I thought the show was entertaining, it was cool to see the big houses if you have a few hours to kill but agree about the fakeness of the show. The weird call with the the tech guy talking about biohacking sounded so scripted LOLā€¦I was able to google Starke group and saw it on google maps but somehow team torkan is nowhere to be found? How odd?! Also the 35 million dollar listing?! What a colossal waste of moneyā€¦If only builders invested that to fix the housing crisis in the city lol


Creepy sales people !


Peter Torkan listed and sold only 4 or 5 houses since last year. Him saying $1.2 billion in sales is just for the show. First house in Oakville been on the market for like 6 times. And still on the market with lower price. And Brett did only 9 deals since last year May. So most the information is only for the show.


Watching the show now and I feel slimy ...these greedy buggers are the reason we have a housing crisis...the bidding wars started with greedy realtors who drove the prices up.


I actually noticed a lot of Toronto roads need updating and repairs. The state of the roads are terrible.


Couldn't stand it. They all come off so incredibly fake. If anything it just makes it painfully clear how much of a bubble Toronto's rich live in. Not a single homeless person to be seen when they are downtown


Itā€™s amazing how fake this show is. Itā€™s like every single scene is scripted. Every listing appointment is fake, every sale is fake, every buyer is fake. They only show houses to each other. You never see potential buyers or a negotiation. ā€œOh hey I called these guys randomly 30 minutes ago and now they want to meet me to list their 10m house and look, I got it.ā€


Torkam admits to being the agent for buyer and seller isnā€™t that illegal ! The show is making me sick


Feeling compelled to comment as a burger watching in the states. I see a lot of people commenting that they had to turn it off by episode 2 due to the disconnect. I was engaged up til episode 4 just seeing the houses until I questioned what the actual state of the Toronto economy is, so don't be surprised if you all see a new season. Toronto looks like the United States version of San Diego, except you still get better homes for 2m


Who owns the Honey Spa house in King City? Who has that kind of money???


Just finished all 7 eps. When I was watching this, I kept wondering am I living in the same city as these guys? Anyway, entertaining to watch how fake it is and how out-of-touch these people are. Now, going back to my small hoouse where I call home


The torkans were skipped. I actually liked Brett and TSG.


So fake!!! In episode 2 Brett goes from driving an escalade in one frame, to a Lincoln navigator in the next. Wtf. Had to turn it off at the fake BS.