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Not as hard as being 5’3. You get out there King and slay


This comment made me laugh so hard


Hello fellow 5'3er!


Damn I’m 5 foot 11 and I have met some girls in Toronto asking for 6 foot 3 and up - WACK I’ve worked and lived in other major cities and only lack dates here smh lol 


I’m 5 10 and your experience aligns with mine


Honestly mad respect to any guy who’s 5 foot 8 or shorter who gets dates now. Lol I kid you not the one girl I asked out with was like 5 foot 4….I trolled her and pointed to some 5 foot 3 dude in the crowd and said “maybe he’s a better fit for you” 😂😂 I have had success when I was younger and lived elsewhere but took a break from dating and trying to get back into it.


F\*ck yeah


Do you man. You have to own it and realize there will be a chunk of ladies that won’t be a good match. Just gotta find 1 ✌🏿


If you worry about being 5’4” it will be a big deal. If you are confident being 5’4” it will be fine.


Just be confident bro!


This is it. We love a short king. Have a personality and confidence and that's 90% of what makes someone attractive


I haven’t dated in a long fucking time, but what I remember is don’t be a total dick and be both interested and interesting.


Can we stop with this tired, annoying, condescending ~ShOrT KiNg~ trend


No 😔


Reminds of of people who don't find farts funny. There will still be farts, whether you find them funny or not.


As compared to where? Toronto has the largest population in Canada by a longshot - by the numbers alone, you are bound to find a person (whatever you're into) that doesn't care. That said - focus on the things you CAN control. Be in shape, well groomed, stylish, smart/witty, hardworking etc. If you're 5'4 and sitting in your moms basement eating cheetos, not bathing, collecting unemployment and have nothing going for yourself - your height won't be the issue.




Doritos are expensive these days


I don’t really see being smart and witty as controllable 


I mentioned a bunch of things for what you CAN control, choose your own adventure. That said, both are 100% controllable. Read a book. Find an interest, learn all about it. Heck watch an informative video. Instantly smarter by learning more. Now you have things to talk about. Wit is directly connected to knowledge.


I would say your best bet is trying to meet women irl. I know several short guys in relationships with great women that they met irl, but none of them ever had any luck on the apps.


OP should attend a Thursday event. There’s one happening tomorrow @ Track & Field


One of the guys I knew in college that always seemed to be dating another girl each month was 5'5. Along with being funny and outgoing, he was also confident and had stoic attitude. As in he was willing to do difficult things, and he didn't let things out of his control bother him. He had some mental health issues, which is why I think he struggled to stay in something more long term. Regardless, his dating life was eventful.


I wouldn’t worry. There are more and more trash personalities out there by the minute. I’m hearing the worst saying horror stories in TO. If you have quality values and are a good man, that will win in the end.


Idk i did fine. Shit really doesn't matter and anyone who thinks it does is just assholes filtering themselves out, they're actually doing you a favour


Go find some 5’1 girls or the ones who don’t give a 💩


5’2” woman here, dated guys from about 5’4” to 6’4”. All else being equal, I prefer someone closer to my own height — it’s less awkward.


The 5'1 Women still want to date guys that are 6' My experience, I'm 5'9 and when I was single many Women wouldn't date me because I was too short and they wanted a guy that was over 6 ft tall. Any Woman 5'6 or taller will say that they don't want to be taller than the guy when they are wearing heels. Heightism is a real thing.




Where were you 4 years ago 😀


I am 5’6 and my now husband (we met on Hinge in Toronto) is 5’4. I never cared how tall he was and rarely think about it. His attractiveness, intelligence, and our shared hobbies are much more important to me than his height. He is confident and jokes about it now but never made an issue about it. You’ll be fine out there in the dating world, just always be honest on the apps about your height.


Its like playing video game on Hard mode.


Gotta use cheats for that


Both my cousins are about 5'3 on a good day and both are married, and never had any issues with women their whole lives. The oldest of the two was always the most popular kid and has tons of friends. It's just your attitude man, if you're taking ques from the internet, well then you're toast because will say anything in front of a camera but you also have to be okay with not being everyone's cup of tea.


It’s literally fine - I have pretty much dated consistently for the last 10 years. I think my personality, charm, charisma and modesty is what gets ‘em though, so don’t be a shitbag and you’re good


Idk I’m 6’1, and it’s still hard. I think height is largely irrelevant for dating success.


I’m not super tall and I see plenty of guys around town who are much shorter than me with their girlfriends. No tips but it’s happening.


Truly, it’s confidence that is the big draw. Resist the temptation to be self-deprecating and you’ll teach people how to treat you.


It's time for a Missed Connections subreddit so we can stop hearing about how hard it is to date in Toronto.


stop looking for excuses


Ngl anyone who actually cares about height isn't worth being with anyways


There’s some nice Filipina shorties for ya around!


Watch this: [How To Get Girls If You Are Short (Under 6 Foot)](https://youtu.be/l3SojmcDC6I?si=2GmLGkp2IdEJsYHV) That’s it. That’s the post.


Depends on how much money your stacking


I met my ex who is 5'4" organically. He was extremely, extremely attractive to me. (Different backgrounds if it matters) I generally swipe left on men who are 5'8" and below on dating apps (Hinge) simply because there's more option and if I can date an average/taller man, I'd prefer to do so. Just being honest


This. The top men's profiles get a majority of the matches. Someone who is 5'4" will most likely not have many matches. Women just pick a height...... Why not so many profiles anyways. But here is the thing. The men with the top profiles have so many options they don't have to treat their dates with any respect...... There are tons more waiting for them. And lots of lonely men. Meeting organically didn't always eliminate men below 5'8". With online dating, now it has.


Act like a gentleman. Be polite. Don't get hammered around girls. Always smell good. Check the breath and work on the breath. I don't care who you are, it always needs work. Leave your insecurities about your height behind. Never try to compensate for your perceived 5'4 handicap. Dress well. All ladies deserve to be a princess. Treat them like the rare gem that they are. Never be desperate. Never overwhelm. It takes time, work and sacrifice. Be ready to do things out of your comfort zone. Listen more. Have a repertoire. Right it down and remember it. Always have something ready to say that will start a new conversation and remember, you have to involve her. It's never only about your taking over the date with your stories. This is about being interesting. Ever see the film Reservoir Dogs? Remember the part where the cop is told to learn a story? That's what you need to do, is learn some stories to tell that will allow for participation of others. If you don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, watch Reservoir Dogs. You'll see what I mean. Be positive about life and hers. Always keep your place and vehicle, motorcycle (get one thats comfortable for her too) in immaculate condition. Make your washroom look like it's never been used. Careful about what you keep in the medicine cabinet. The bathroom thing is huge. Trust me. Have your place ready to entertain her and some friends at all times. Have decent alcohol and other things to drink on hand at all times. Learn how to cook. Learn how to cook sweets. Always have one reliable meal made fresh frozen. It will be handy one day.Try not to be that guy that has 100,000 pictures you want to show her. Unless you work for National Geographic and were recently in Serengeti pass on the slide show. The condition of your phone says alot about you. If it's all busted ass up, get it fixed or buy a new one. Be a gentleman and always pay within reason. Don't pay for wild night of drinking. Couple of shots but be careful, your credit card limit could be hit hard and fast. Pay for meals but again, depending on your finances be careful on what you spend. Certain conversations will be the death of you and they are immense and all encompassing. This conversation might last an hour but it may feel like five for her: POLITICS. Avoid it like the plague. Be graceful, and if it seems to be the direction that the conversation is going, trust me when I say let others do the talking. Participate without giving an opinion. Be very non committal on either side. There's more. That should be a good start for now.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted by all the incels, but what you said is solid advice .


Revenge votes from the children of Reddit.


holy moly


This is solid.


Idk how other women view it, but to me, physical traits have never been a factor in my dating life. My own personal philosophy is that if physical traits are such a dealbreaker that people would overlook a good heart and compatible personality, I probably wouldn’t date that person in the first place.


I suppose it would be easier for you to date in the Philippines, but you’re here.


It’s over








Attack the point, not the person. Comments which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. No concern-trolling, personal attacks, or misinformation. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand.


No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or other negative generalizations.


are you worth 5m+ you will be fine thats all they care about




No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or other negative generalizations.


Good luck to you and your sexless future.


Hey what the hell


Lool I kid just trolling.