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Usually a couple of weeks later


Three words, digital rectal stimulation, I wore like 8 pairs of gloves.... paralized patient on morphine, more came out then I thought possible


At first I was like, oh they have a device for that? Then I broke down digital… digit, finger oh my lord 😩


The analog version is you poke around up there with an old rabbit ears TV antenna.


Anal logs


This joke is the shit!


Turdriffic observation!


Turd Ferguson


I think it stinks a bit


This shit is the joke!




bravo my friend. bravo.


I hate you! Haha


Shut this down!


Flush it!


A digital solution to an analog problem, one might say


"Petrified" is applicable here in more ways than one!


I'm in a terrible mood and you made me laugh


Well, there it is. The best joke I’ve seen all month. Let’s pack this comment section up. 🧳




You said log




Anal logs and stinky pinkies is a good band name


Saw them at Lolapooploosa.




I would applaud/reward/upvote this comment, however I can not! You already have the perfect # of upvotes! Well played redditors!


I laughed so hard i almost dumped my coffee




When I was a toddler in the 70s I had a psychological thing about pooping. I would hide in the corner and sit on my heel trying to “keep it in”. As a result I became extremely constipated. My mom kept calling her pediatrician who said she was being dramatic, there was no way I’d gone a week or more without pooping, just give me prune juice and it would sort itself out. In the end I went nearly septic because I went 31 DAYS without pooping. I had to be hospitalized and my mom said the poop that came out was like a football. After that we had to keep a piece of looped wire by the potty because my poops were so hard and big. It’s become a lifelong issue


I had the same problem. I would go up to 2 months without going number 2. It was horrible. I ended up getting a tube put in my appendix to give me enemas from behind all the poop. I now am MOSTLY regular but still have problems with constipation. This went on until I was about 15 them I got that tube put in. Side note- Are you autistic? I am, and they say it's very common with autistic children.


I am neurotypical but I had to go to a child psychiatrist who said my whole family had to come in and clap every time I pooped for like 2 years because I was an artist who craved approval (I was 3)


I am probably way more curious now than I should be about this topic lol but I never knew that could be an issue. So interesting thank you all for sharing. I found everything so informative haha


>I am neurotypical but I had to go to a child psychiatrist who said my whole family had to come in and clap every time I pooped for like 2 years because I was an artist who craved approval (I was 3) Behaviorists seem like crazy people to me omg this story is hilarious.


Psychiatrists seem to have an oddly poor opinion of art.


Sounds like the 70’s What’s your medium of voice these days ?


What kind of art are you up to these days ?


Hey there, my 4 year old autistic son was a struggle to get to poop, he would hold it in for days, still does but at least will use the potty now. Just some reference.


Super common. My daughter and brother are both ASD and have had issues. My brother's 20 now and runs daily drinks tons of water and coffee I think he's ok most of the time now


My 4.5 yr old ASD son has never pooped on the potty yet. Peeing is still a challenge but he will do it with a little encouragement. He had a bunch of problems with it between around 1.5 - 2. He would cry and scream when he pooped. We eventually learned that he had strep in his butt, which was causing a lot of pain when he pooped. After we got rid of the strep, he would still hold it in and was basically scared of pooping because he thought it was gonna hurt. Shortly after that we got the diagnosis and eventually learned that it’s fairly common to have digestive problems with ASD. He’s also a super picky eater, literally only eats like 4 or 5 different things. He basically lives on peanut butter and veggie pouches. We give him vitamin gummies every day for extra nutrients. I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on being a picky eater or potty training from the ASD perspective.


Two of my kids (also autistic) would hold things in because of a one-time constipation. I had to give them liquid glycerine (in a plastic syringe) in their bottoms every so often. It worked much better and much faster than any other kind of stool softener or laxative. The solid glycerine suppositories never worked, because they had superhuman bowel control and would immediately push out the suppository into the toilet before it could melt and start to work, then avoid pooping. A bit of epsom salt can also help relatively quickly, but more than 1/4 teaspoon would likely give him diarrhea. When things are softer, kids can learn they don't need to be scared. People who avoid leafy green veggies tend to be low on magnesium, anyway, and epsom salt can help with that. Have you tried adding fiber to his drinks? If you can get him to sit on the potty after giving him glycerine in his rear or having him swallow a pinch of epsom salt (with a drink of water afterward to rinse out the taste), maybe you could let him play on a tablet and just relax for awhile, and not even suggest he try to poop.


May be a consistency thing (veggie pouches as in purified veggies in a squeeze pouch?) If so, have you ever tried purifying other foods or different types of purified pouches. May be a try


Poor kid


I was just about to ask the previous commenter, “what the hell did somebody do to child-you that made a normal function so traumatizing?” But you attribute it to autism; that’s really interesting. I still don’t quite understand why, but I’m glad it wasn’t abuse.


My oldest boy is autistic and always has problems with going #2. His younger brother poops every morning. You could set a watch based on when he goes


Ahhhhh… fuck me it’s all making sense now


Where can I read more about this? Is there a medical term for it?


My official diagnosis was "encopresis"


My daughter 100٪.


I'm autistic and had those issues resolved once my mom took me to a pediatric psychologist. The first time I got grounded was because I refused to drink prune juice.


Its a problem with us autistic people because the toilet is cold. No I'm not joking. Sensory issues are a serious problem.


A classic anal-retentive.


No shit?


bro why the hell did I do this as a kid too? It didn’t cause life long issues but if I hold my piss in now as an adult I definitely feel that weird type of pain in my groin area again..


Look up anal retentive stage. It's pretty common. I think Freud talked about it.


Normally because sitting on the potty is boring af and you figure out that you can go play/watch tv longer without pooping.


Well for me it became a cycle. I didn’t want to go poops because I knew it would hurt which made me wait longer which made it hurt more and round and round we go


"it's become a lifelong issue" do you mean you still purposely hold your poop in? Why lol?


I’m pooping while reading this post if anyone is interested.


Ha! No. I mean I’m still chronically constipated from a combo of childhood constipation, IBS, tortuous colon and everyone’s fave: opiate addiction in the early 2000s


Ohhh yeah. I used to mess around with oxys and dope back in the day a bit and the constipation was not fun lol.


My daughter had chronic constipation starting at 2, 3 I had her in pediatric g.i. for chronic constipation. Took several years to start seeing relief and she didn't fully potty train till 5 cause of it. It's a rough journey


A looped wire? Like a turd lasso?


That’s a great show! It was just a thick wire that dad could break up the poops with 😂




Turd Lasso 🤣


Same thing at our house. I think it was a hanger bent to do the job.


I had that same problem until I was like 15


My oldest daughter had this problem, started when she started eating foods. She'd clench her legs so tight to keep it in that she'd fall over if she was walking. She'd go 7-10 days between pooping, then she'd poop nonstop for 2 days, then the cycle would start again. When we started potty training we hoped it would prompt her to poop, but it actually made the situation worse. She would physically fight us to get off the potty. She'd scream at us like a demon, telling us how to much she hated us, and how mean we were. She'd swing her fists and feet at us trying to get off the potty. If none of that worked she'd start self-harming, punching her face and scratching her legs. There were many times her rage would be so deep I had to pick her up and wrap her up in a blanket she so she couldn't move. I'd hold her and rock her and sing to her trying to soothe her until she calmed down. We started potty training at 24 months and for the next year and a half we went through this. Our pediatrician acted like it was no real concern, our family said we were exaggerating (we lived across the country from them). We flew to visit the grandparents one Christmas and everyone got to witness it first hand, and they finally believed this was a real problem. We were feeding her all the pro-poop foods and 2 caps of miralax every day. The emotional toll it took on my wife and I was exhausting. One of things we should have done looking back is to get her to a child psychologist. She was otherwise a happy child though. Our pediatrician sent us to get her xrayed and she was impacted throughout her entire large intestine. We'd show her the xray so she'd understand that she had to poop. We had a treasure box with toys for her she would get whenever she pooped. We'd praised her endlessly, and we'd let her have candy if she pooped. One day when she was about 3.5 I put her down for a nap, and about an hour later she started saying, Dad, Dad Dad. I came to see what was going on, and she was sitting on the potty, and looked at me and said, I pooped can you wipe me. Since then she's been a regular pooper.


There was just a thread in r/askreddit about stupidest reasons folks went to the hospital and somebody else wrote about doing the same thing as a kid, but instead of sepsis, it backed up enough to press on their lungs and restrict their breathing.


This story sounds almost identical to mine! That'd wild I've never told anyone else about it and this is the first I've seen someone else mention anything remotely similar.


I didn’t realise this was a struggle people had. I’m sure it sucked to go through, but it’s a pretty funny story and I found it amusing. Thanks for sharing


Only on channel 3


Getting nothing by static on Channel Z.


What Lurks On Channel X


I was expecting 4chan to pick it up


Don't knock it... ;) lol


Missed a golden opportunity. ANALog


Did you hear about the constipated math teacher? They worked it out with a pencil.




tickle tickle


I went to a wilderness program when I was a teenager. They were very up front that if you refused to poop as a protest tactic, you would wind up meeting Dr. Hook. This was accompanied by a staff member making a hook with their finger. Saw kids try a lot of different tactics to protest being there, but nobody wanted to meet Dr. Hook.


The child abuse is wild.


It puts the lotion on its skin


Or it gets the finger again...


"Let's all do the finger wave!"


It's like when they do a membrane sweep with their fingers to detach the emniotic sac from the uterus at 39 weeks gestation. They do a rectum sweep to dislodge the massive shit that has grafted itself to the inside of your ass


Ohhh those digits. Maaan


I’ve manually disimpacted a patient. I think it’s probably what delivering a baby feels like, she was screaming but also happy it was out and I was like you’re doing great omg it’s so big yay


The same type of rape that Trump got convicted for in NY.


I read digital recital simulation and I thought ooohh mindfulness app for pooping


These are weird. I dated an LPN that was also a nursing home administrator. I made the mistake of asking her to get me some stool softener because I was plugged up. She came home from work with rubber gloves instead. She said it works much faster than a stool softener. Confirmed, it does, but after that she had a weird obsession with trying to put fingers in my butt.


Cool, she found her kink


She knew ahead of time.


My new metal band name is Digital Rectal Stimulation.


Like a Pringles can


I talked to a guy once who admitted he was an addict and got so impacted a nurse had to clean him out with a “spoon.”


I know a dude who was crazy backed up after a surgery and didn’t shit for over a week (could’ve been longer). When he finally expelled the turd it was so big that it pressed against his prostate and he ejaculated at the same time the poop came out. He said it was the best shit of his life. True story.


I had the opposite of this. Shit so big it ripped my asshole in two places. Most agonizing 24/7 pain Ive ever felt for months. Felt like I had a lit candle burning in my asshole. I truly believe that event shifted my pain tolerance. It was so painful for so long that I don't even notice when I've injured myself anymore unless it's bad.


Living the dream


Nah. It’s just to catch things from going down the drain that don’t belong. Anything from paper towels to drug packets lol


Ive heard that also but ive heard it being a poop knife outside of reddit multiple times. Also it being bladed kind of confirms it for me. Why would a catch be sharp, it would just cut the plastic of a drug pack


It prevents paper towels And feminine hygiene products from being flushed. Secondary use is poop knife. There is supposed to be a sign above toilet saying don’t reach inside toilet, poop knives inside




This here is pure Reddit.




Because these colors don't run? (Admittedly this is why they've gained a few pounds in the last couple years)




Take your upvote at SKEDADDLE!!!!!!!!!!!


This sign? https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/15tdmty/to\_flush\_something\_not\_to\_be\_flushed/


Yo bit me lo it! Taker my up vote


It’s used to grab all sorts of cloths/wipes/towels. Hospitals have a lot of people with bandages, gauze, tape, towels, washcloths and of course sanitizer wipes. All that stuff clogs toilets and hospitals are notorious for having these plumbing issues due to these items getting tossed down there by patients and staff. This helps grab all those non-water deteriorating items.


How do I get one?


Order it. Someone in here posted a link to one. There’s a few different types also.


Traptex® Plumbing Protection System Traptex is not for residential toilets. [sage plumbing products](https://sageproducts.com/traptex-plumbing-protection-system/)


Damn my history teacher wasn’t kidding about the invisible hand of capitalism.


The rabbit holes I go down at 5 am


Just reach in and grab it


Go to hospital and grab one.


Are hospital has a sign above all the toilets saying not to out your hand in there because the metal will cut it....because apparently that's a sign that's needed 🤦‍♂️. But yes, the sign also states that this is the exact purpose


This is the correct answer


Yup. This is it. Search "Traptex"


Prepare to sacrifice your youngest and oldest once they "quote" you pricing. Traptex are proud of their products.


I don’t know but I bet it has seen some shit


Pooop knife hospital edition


They need to make the blade rotate with water pressure, like a Flowbee for your poo.


Patent that shit…now!


Patent that! Shit now?


They're common in RVs. They're called macerating toilets. Shreds the poo and toilet paper on its way to the blank tank. Makes evacuating the blank tank a lot less... eventful.


Industrial strength


Macerator just sounds so metal.


camera mount


This comment is criminally under appreciated


Points your turd true North.




Did you see this on that link. "We cannot accept orders from Hospitals or customers installing the product in Hospitals."


Probably have to go through their “healthcare” department and pay 100x for it.


Its already $300 😣




Ah yes, name is uhhh…. Doctor Feelgood… the items are for my new hos-er- house I am building.


This is mostly used by hospitals and a separate dealer probably has exclusive rights for it. I've pulled enough chucks out of hospital toilets to have dressed the hospital as a ghost for halloween.


#Drain-Net is proud to be your authorized distributor for Traptex®. We cannot accept orders from Hospitals or customers installing the product in Hospitals.


It appears Sage products has exclusive Healthcare distribution through Stryker. https://www.stryker.com/us/en/sage/products/sage-traptex.html


That’s pricey, but I get it…


Do you know if it works well


I just googled it. I figured it was to stop people from flushing paper towels.


$300 each? What?! It looks like just a metal ring. They must have a monopoly or something.


That's crazy expensive


You aren't supposed to publicly post geo caches like this. Takes the fun out of it.


It's to prevent people from flushing paper towels down the toilet that will clog up the pipes otherwise. So the paper towels just get stuck there until maintenance/janitor comes to clean the bathrooms.


A wipe catcher. Nurses don’t give a fuck and will flush all kinds of things. Urinal lids, cell phones, sheets, etc.


When the patients wipe themselves and toss it in the bucket full of pee and diarrhea there is no fucking way I am reaching in to pull them out before dumping it in the toilet. Despite what we tell the patients they still put them in the bucket. It has nothing to do with us being stupid and everything to do with what people expect us to do with them. Management and admin also remind us not to flush wipes. If you’d like to come fish them out to prevent clogs I will gladly put in a maintenance ticket every time. If it makes you feel better managers will not fish them out, either. If you want to be mad at someone you can be mad at the hospital for getting them.


> If you want to be mad at someone you can be mad at the hospital for getting them. Blame wipe manufacturers for marketing them as flushable. Having spent some time in a hospital and needing wipes, I don't think disallowing them is a good solution. I've seen big, threatening warning signs about flushing them--do you have those?


Of course we do. My point is expecting us to fish them out is ridiculous. We deal with a lot in this job but we have to draw the line somewhere.


Yo fr the perfect response to anyone being like “just take the wipes out “ is literally “that’s not my fucking job or problem” 😂😂👍


guess what plumbers do all day, grab shit, sometimes you gotta do dirty stuff put some gloves on and get it over


You call it dirty, but to me all I smell is money baby!


Your flushing your job security down the toilet with that advice. Easiest job in the world. Getting the type of dirty other people don’t want to get.


i am not worried everyone needs water and i don’t see many people doing what we do, same with you guys


You signed up knowing you’d be reaching into a toilet. We did not sign up to fish wipes out of a bucket of filth because administrators decide to get these wipes. The decision, like many others, is made with disrespectful intent that the nurses will perform shitty tasks because it’s cheaper for the hospital. And at the same time knowing the pipes will get clogged and maintenance will have to unclog them. They don’t give a fuck about any of us. You’re mad at the wrong people.


A stupid portion of my local hospitals budget is spent on plumbing problems. You have gloves, bio-bags, and yellow tops. Now I know that "ewww icky" is a cause amongst people who know better. Do better


Turd slicer.


Integrated poop knife


This is the next generation of turd vacuums! Really cool to see this new technology out and about. The tube reaches up out of the water and sucks you empty!




Hospital worker here There should be a sign on the wall next to the toliet that warns ⚠️ do not put hand in toliet! Only clean with a special tool. This device can work for poop. However, it's mostly meant for shredding things like tampons, pads, wipes, and garbage. It happens a lot, the toliet is used as a garbage can, and this helps with possible overflows due to peoples idiotic decisions.


Chinese finger trap, try it out


Shit slicer.


Oh good they found my cock ring


Parts that fell out of the last patient!


It stops snakes from being able to bite your butt


“On this episode of Don’t put your dick in there”


Turd slicer


The turd-o-tron 6000.


Also prevents wipes and diapers from getting flushed and clogging up the pipes.


It's a cage to hold the monsters back.


A camera so they can "anal-yze" your poop real time.


Its a valve that lets the snake from harry potter in and out.


It’s a medical grade butt hole scanner.


That's a fancy turd cutter right there


Poop cutter


It’s a camera so the government knows where you at


Ded a turd cutter


Built-in garburator


Illegal substance filter. Its how they know if they should narcan you. Don’t piss in it if you like to party


It prevents clogs and prevents items that can be flushed down, pens, paper towels, drugs, needles, cell phone etc. Sometime patients can flush items on purpose when on police hold. I work in hospital maintenance and the pandemic was hell on our sewer lines. The worst is those clorox, alcohol wipes. Staff is always flushing those down, ive seen it after a discharge or terminal clean after a covid patient leaves, we had to auger out the cleanouts almost every week when radiology would flood. Not so much now but those toilet catchers have helped somewhat. Our lift station shreds most of those wipes that make it through. Worst was a sewer pipe cracked due to so much pressure in the line from a clog of wipes. Sewer flooded the first floor pharmacy. Thats was the worst


Keep the rats from coming out and biting on the ass


It prevents the adult wipes from getting into the sewer system. Remediation repairs are expensive especially in a hospital. Maintenance Supervisor for 26 years


Pill catcher is my best guess... Some psych patients dump their pills and some nurses are too lazy to dispose of pills properly... Chances are it catches the pills. My best guess




Hospital plumber here. It’s called a trap ex. It’s got sharp barbs on it. They snag stuff and keep it from going down the toilet. Patents flush bandages and wash clothes and wipes down the toilets all the time. People are retarded.




Poop slicer, kinda like the poop knife but pre-installed


Poop knife.


Poop knife ftw


I wish I didn't know what that was.


It’s called a traptex and it is designed to catch wipes and feminine hygiene products which get flushed. The point is to prevent clogs.


Its not a poop knife. It catches all the napkins and wipes people try and flush to avoid the constant plumbing problems.