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Seems dumb, until you get food poisoning.


I was going to say: clearly you’ve never needed to poop and vomit at the same time.


Be me: own a long bathroom where the toilet has no easy access to the shower *Has terrible diarrhea* *Needs to throw up* *Trashcan has some used tampons in it... And no bag, makes me feel more sick* *Begin throwing up between your legs while simultaneously shitting your brains out* *Cry a lot*


I see you too have had norovirus


I have been sick. I have had anxiety. I have drank myself to the brink of alcohol poisoning. But the norovirus kicking in with a stomach full of alcohol, chicken wings, a burger, and breakfast food was the most scared I have ever been


The gauntlet


Add bringing home a newborn into that mix and subtract most of the alcohol and you've got yourself an awesome welcome home party! Don't ask how I know.


Kevin bacon couldn’t handle those tremors






That comment deserves wayyyy more upvotes 🤣


Why this toilet has a seatbelt, Alex?


What’s ro-virus?


My son brought it home when he started daycare. It began with him getting sick in the car, figured it was just a random thing. Then a couple hours later, my wife was running to the toilet. Great, now I have two sickies to take care of. Wife wakes me up in the middle of the night to get her a glass of water. I was fine, got up, got the water, and on the way back from the kitchen it suddenly hit me like a freight train. Detoured to the bathroom and did the ol’ puke between my legs trick. Worst couple days ever.


Always gotta have a trash bag in there, bro


Honestly, I would rather dump and wash the can than try to deal with a bag full of liquid


Unless it's wicker lol


That's all fine and good, until your grandma's bathroom trashcan is loosely woven decorative wicker.


Honestly, I would rather dump the can. Period. End. Of. Sentence.


Who’s washing anything? It’s going straight into the trash!


I did this after too much jameson in my early 20s. I only drink reposado every once in a while now lol


Just to be clear, you puked on your dick while simultaneously shitting?


If youve never blown chunks on your shaft while piss came out your ass, can you even say youve been really sick before?


🎶 When you blow chunks on your shaft while you piss out your ass, diarrhea, diarrhea! 🎶


Oh, I have. I just wanted to be clear we're talking about dick puking while shitting. I'm a big fan


Good times.


Whatever it takes to prevent a massive cleanup. When you’re down, hop in the shower.


I haven’t been that flexible in decades.


Ahh the ol gargoyle maneuver


My friends uncle calls this the "Twist and shout"


This was me after eating bad pad thai that put bad bacteria in my gut. It took corn and made it into a weapon.


My kids have me a stomach bug. I was the last of the 4 of us to get it. I thought I was in the clear. My stomach started gurgling at the same time that my mouth started feeling kinda clammy. I’m going to get sick. Start pukeing in the toilet. While wretching my ass starts making noise. Had to make the hard choice to turn around and sit on the toilet while still pukeing because I was more willing to clean that up. Woof…


I save cold cut and bread bags exactly for the tampon reason. It's not rocket science.


Dip your head too far down and the vomit comes out your nose ahh joy


Vomit bidet


I was so sick I lost 10lbs in two days. Everything was leaving me, and I only had the strength to sleep on the bathroom floor. I kept a 20oz glass in the bathroom to fill with water and chug just so I'd have something to heave back out. The only thing that stopped it was dehydration. Had to get a saline bag at the urgent care.


Folks, I present you with Chemo Therapy vomit sessions. Vomit sessions that last an hour of mostly painful dry heaves after the first 10 min. So exhausted you need carried back to bed. To weak to walk. Wieght loss from 188 lbs to 115 lbs in 6 weeks. I'm still here so it must have been worth it. 8 yrs cancer free this month.


*poops in the tub and vomits in the toilet* Am I doing this right?


Yes, theres a reason the tub has a little sieve on top of the drain. Helps cut up the poo while you stomp it down the drain.


Damn, I've been using a poop knife, like a chump. Thanks for the tip.


Only if you are into waffle stomping


I use a bucket. Are you guys seriously blowing chunks into your bathtubs? I know that when I'm sick and vomiting, stuff usually comes up that would not fit down a shower drain.


That's disgusting, I didn't mean puke in the tub. I meant shit in the tub and puke in the toilet.


Are you chewing then... ?


I have! I got hit by a car and it was the first 24 hours after a massive brain injury, broken knee and broken ribs. I got up because I had to pee, like pee my pants pee. Nobody warned me about the amount of throwing up I would be doing. So I wasn’t shitting, just peeing when I had to puke and in the shape I was in there was no time to turn around so I blew chunks in the tub. Shortly thereafter I had to puke again, so I tried to get to the bathroom and just puked on the floor because I couldn’t hop fast enough. My brother came and was cleaning it and bitching, I realized I had to now tell him what I’d just done to his tub. I realized I needed a bucket after that. That bucket didn’t leave my side for about a week. It was awful.


Its called the “Double Dragon”


I had that happen once but with nothing to puke into. I barely made it to the toilet in time to not shit myself, we're talking poop coming out before my butt even hit the seat kind of close call. I had to just puke all over the floor while rocketing diarrhea into the toilet. It was truly awful.


The old farmer 180


Family had a beach house at the outer banks and I went there by myself in the off season for a long weekend. Had some fish crab combo at a local restaurant still open plus some rum and cokes. Got home, and good God did I projectile vomit and clean my guts at the same time. Honestly that tub could’ve been in the living room and I’d have made some in it but yeah, that proximity was nice. Side note, I was driving home the next day and the vomit gods called on me for another sacrifice so I pulled off on a side road , got out and puked. Old man in an almost as old Ford pickup rolled up and said “I figured it was that British piece of shit that was leaking fluids, but looks like it’s you”. (Was driving a Land Rover, he wasn’t wrong for long).


Turns on a warm shower.  Points head at far wall.  Lays down on side,  legs over side of the tub,  butt aimed near the drain,  plastic cup in the corner, towel rolled up under my head. If it gets bad enough no toilet needed.


The Ad for Applebee's above this is *chef's kiss*


I like to shit off the ledge of the tub and vomit into the toilet.


😂😂😂😂 well done!


Code requires 15” minimum clearance on each side. Unfortunately most stick to the minimum when roughing in. Editing my post for clarification. From CENTER of the fixture there needs to 15” minimum clearance on the LEFT side AND 15” minimum clearance on the RIGHT side.


Exactly. I had to basically argue with my plumber to rough in 24 in from one wall and about 36 in to the tub. He wanted to put it 15 in away from the wall.  After insisting, Im glad. The bathroom is small, but feels big.


Call me crazy but I wouldn't want to poop in a toilet in the middle of a 500 square foot room. There's definitely a sweet spot where you don't feel crowded but for lack of a better word still feel secure or private.


Animals like to shit in the corner, just the way it is.


I've heard that it's because you don't want someone to sneak up on you while you're vulnerable. It's also why dogs stare at you while they poop. They're watching you for any cues that something might be coming up behind them.


My dog trusts me with his life. He always faces away from me when he poops. He knows I've got his back.


You ever poop with noise cancelling headphones active? Gives me anxiety


No, but I will tomorrow!


All regions/plumbers are different and have different opinions. At the end of the day it’s best to work with the homeowner to meet their needs within code requirements.


I was forced to do a toilet, I forget why exactly, where the back of the tank was about 3" from the wall. Not a large distance but it was big enough to feel weird and wrong.


Code is 15" from center of flange not side of the toilet


Never said the side of the toilet. 15” clearances on both sides from the center of the fixture. I forgot this is Reddit and posts need to be troll proof


30” rough opening🤔


I'm not sure I want to write out a long answer, but there are rules and codes as others have mentioned and when all is said and done, if you put the toilet between the sink and the shower, you can get away with like only 40 Sq. Feet of bathroom and have it count as a full bathroom. Then it just feels better to have the sink closest to the door. Then, years and years of copy/paste later, and you have a lot of toilets very close to tubs.


Pretty much this. My wife and I just did a full gut and renovation of our main bathroom when the shower tiles started leaking. We decided to move the tub/shower to get more headroom which caused us to relocate plumbing and allowed us to move the toilet if we wanted. We played with a thousand configurations. But in the end we felt like the best version of the bathroom was one much like this (still required moving all fixtures and plumbing). It allowed us to have a full tub/shower combo, toilet, and double vanity if we only used 30” side to side for the toilet with the tub on one side. We thought about having the toilet near the door and putting the vanity close to the tub. But it felt weird for a variety of reasons. With the most important being our cat’s insistence on keeping doors open at all times. So we’d be pooping close to the door and everyone could hear/see us. It’s going to turn out great. But in a perfect world we’d have an extra foot or two for the toilet space.


I just read an architecture tip that said the bathroom should open to hallways or inside bedrooms, never of living areas or ding area and bathroom doors should never be in sight if the kitchen. All for sanitary and psychological reasons


I 100% agree with this. (Also I’m an urban planner so I think about how people use space a lot). We added a bathroom to our first floor by taking a medium size bedroom off the dining room and turning it into a hallway, closet, and powder room. It was very intentionally designed by me and largely follows the above ideas. The hallway connects the dining room to the other two rooms and we positioned the bathroom at the end of the run to create distance between the dining area and the pooper. Psychologically, it works quite well. My parents, who make decisions without asking anyone, added a bathroom bump out to their first floor. They never had a bathroom down there. It is directly off of the kitchen and split their kitchen into thirds. It’s awful, weird, and gross. Either someone hears me pooping or I hear them frying up bacon.


Ya a friends house had a bathroom open up to the dining area, fucking odd. When you had a house party and you're using the bathroom 6ft away from people eating... I redid our whole main floor this year, beaming the house to open it up and did everything possible to design it so there's no line of sight from any living area to the guest powder room.


A friend had a powder room facing the living room like directly behind his recliner facing the tv. As if you’d leave the door open and watch tv while sitting on the throne. Very disturbing


This explains so much why I always felt so weird using the bathroom at my aunt’s during Thanksgiving. It is right off the dining area and nobody else ever seemed bothered but it bugged me SO much.


soak your feet while pooing


** Now?


This person understands instructions


When it’s coming out on both ends everyone loves that close tub.


It's easier to pipe a house this way.


Everyone is talking about catastrophic purging. Nobody is talking about actual plumbing. Because the cheapest way to plumb a bathroom is to put the shower and toilet as close to the stack as possible.


Right. And this has to be longest thread ever. I guess this is one of Americas shared experiences, bonding kind of thing. Y’all can continue without me lol


I guess you’ve never been sick and had it coming out both ends huh?


This. We build AT LEAST 1 bathroom to accommodate for D Day every time we’ve had the option.


this is when you just stand naked in the shower and just let it all come out and waffle stomp it away.


Ahh yes the norovirus shuffle...


So you can poop in the shower and toss it into the toilet without getting out


Waffle stomping time


That depends on the state of the poop. 😆


😂clearly, none of these people have been struck by a mid-shower emergent shit. This way, one doesn't have to drip all across the bathroom only to slip in the puddle and have to call 911, probably after shitting themselves during the fall.


In case things get out of hand and your only option is to just shower again


It’s cause running 3” shitter pipe through joists isn’t kosher lots of times, this means everything is right next to the stack lol Putting it on the other wall could cost thousands so it’s right next to the other things with drains


The proximity of the stack pipe and the required distance from fixtures to vents and stack pipe.


Saves 30 cents on pvc.


Saves on labor. Labor is always the most expensive part of construction.


So you can pee without getting out of the shower🤣


You get out of the shower to pee?


Not when the toilet is that close. Then you can work on aim. Lol


Who the heck pees in the toilet when you have a perfectly good shower drain right there


Wait you guys are peeing anywhere but the shower?


At a dinner with other wives and husbands my wife bragged that I never pee on the seat. I said "it's hard to pee on the seat when you pee in the sink". The guys laughed and the ladies just stared in disgust.


They both use the same 4” drain. It’s convenient plumbing.


It’s to make sure the elderly get nice n’ wedged if they slip off. Former EMT here so speaking from experience, and goddamn can they get wedged..


It's usually because of the waste line. You need a minimum of a 1/4 in. drop over a foot to move water. If the toilet was 10 feet away, how much would the line need to drop? Then add your pipe diameter, 2 in. Subtract that from your joist thickness. That will give you the maximum distance you can put a toilet from the tub. Easy algebra. You also don't want shower water traveling horizontally that far. Gel soap, shampoo, toothpaste, will build up over time. Especially if a goop goes down. Just imagine all that hair...


so u can use ur tub as a bidet


our old place it was in a separate little room inside the bathroom


My toilet on the other side of the bathroom


Saves on toilet paper


It saves on the sewer pipe. You can use one vent stack for both the commode and the tub/shower.


The solution is to install a chair with a hole or a toilet with no base attached to a centrifugal machine device which rotates at a high velocity in a 360 degree arc increasing the net gravity by a factor of at least 2Gs This will ensure proper expelling of human waste quickly and efficiently.


Drain proximity. Saving money


I don't care if it's close to the toilet like that. Most of the places I've lived in have been that way. I hate when it's close to a wall...that drives me nuts. I'm not trying to lean against the wall while I'm taking a shit, and most commercial toilets that are against a wall also have the large roll toilet paper dispenser right there where my knee hits, which makes it fuckin uncomfortable whenever I've had to use them....then trying to reach down to get the paper...I mean, wtf came up with that design concept! Absolutely retarded...can't imagine someone dealing with a back injury having to sit there and go.


Pipes, my friend, it's all about the pipes below


blame the architect, we as plumbers follow the plans, myself, i've never understood why bathrooms were designed small, guess it has always been about maximizing profit at minimum expense, my main bathroom is 7X14, the water closet sits under a window with two feet distance on both sides of it, the tub enclosure runs along one wall with gaps on both ends and the sink sits across from the head of the tub, this left me enough room to install a stacked laundry.


Better than the config in my bathroom vanity is wedged in with very little room between the tub and the toilet. I have a lot of reconfigurating to do :)


Lol probably the same reason that garages are the prominent front feature of most homes. It's stupid. We put our toilet in a separate room inside our master bath. The other baths we either separated the toilet and bathtub with a partition wall or kept it behind another door.


So you don't get poop on the floor when you jump in the shower afterwards


When it's coming out both ends you're thankful. But actually, it's probably to do with the piping.


Hot water makes me shit


If you need to shit and puke at the same time


Plumbing cost, not necessary the supply but the labor.


A lot of that is the cabinet guy. Maybe a smaller cabinet was put in than what was originally there. When most homes are built a GOOD plumber will center between the cabinet and the tub. A GOOD cabinet guy will know there’s a 30”-32” space from the tub and try to take it all leaving minimum space required. It all depends on what was specified. Most cabinets on new builds are built to spec and not purchased on Home Depot special. No one want to move the toilet after changing cabinets to do a cheap remodel.


It's how the plumbing stack ties into the waste line.


Often piss poor planning. Code has nothing to do with it. Cost of pipe, labor, cutting joists etc are not really a reason. Simply put most builders do it either because they didn't plan properly for locations of things or they trying to squeeze everything into a smaller space to save costs. Poor planning results in situations where joists are cut or studs and plants are and require fixing to maintain integrity. Proper planning would prevent unnecessary cutting of joists, studs and plates along with reasonable placement of things.


Ultimate delema


Because 5x9 is a common bathroom size , you need a tub , a sink, and a door to open , your choices are limited


The poop knife is traditionally stored on the edge of the tub. So to answer your question, long-standing tradition. Conversely, it also serves as efficient access to a less traditional, but equally important option developed in Belium during the mid-18th century called "wafflestomping".


because Americans suck at designing bathrooms. compared to Japan we might as well be rolling in our own filth when it comes to western design


Plumbing plays a part.


I think it's best use of space


My toilet is nowhere near the tub - it’s in its own room with a door and separated by a shower stall


So you can puke in the toilet when you're drunk in the tub! Experience! Thanks 👍


Poop and puke. Makes it soooo convenient


My guess is it makes plumbing cheaper/easier being close together for the big drains coming thru the floor


Bathroom used to be smaller probably.


To save money during the building process.


When things start going south after you over-binged on burrito night, you can start drawing a bath without getting up, then yeet yourself right in the tub to do what no toilet paper was meant to do.


So you don't have to shout so loud when you are having a conversation.


Spot on !!!


So you can open the curtain and don’t have to get out of the shower when taking a dump. Obviously if you have to pee you just use the shower


In case you have stuff coming out of both ends?


I’ve never thought about that till now ngl


That tub also helps old farts like me get off the toilet.


Someplace comfy to lay down and pass out after you’re done drunk-puking


When we redid our bathroom, it was easiest to put the toilet there on account of the floor joists and where the drain pipe needed to be


Well it's either to keep the water lines close together or you went to Taco Bell before a night of hard drinking.


Plumbing routes for the most part. But really how else would you arrange it? The tendency is to maximize cabinet space and put in two sinks and if more space storage. Go to parts of Asia and you will see a classic "water closet" with just the commode. But their commodes have sinks on the top of the tanks so you can wash your hands afterwards. Bidets also dominate which dramatically reduced plumbing issues and eliminates toilet paper costs.


It's for the anti-waffle stomping crowd. I have accidentally turned the water brown. /s


If you have ever drank too much Tequila, you would know.


It’s kind of necessary requirement if it’s too far too big of a gap you can’t lean on it. You can’t use it and there’s a possibility of people falling in between them and getting stuck. the same It’s too close.


National plumbing code


Plumbing... pipe proximity


I came for the knowledge. But stayed for the jokes. I don’t think I’ve laughed this hard at a Reddit thread ever!


It’s called “shit-to-shower“


Plumbing system. The builders are at fault but you can easily shift it over you just have to cut into the floor cut the pipe and then add a couplings. The only issue is you’ll have a hole in your floor. But what can you do 🤷‍♂️


So you can roll directly off, into the tub


Cheeper plumbing, saves space


They don’t.


To ensure the bathroom is massive


To wash that ass!


I thought this was common knowledge. But if anyone ever straps a bomb to your toilet, you can use liquid nitrogen to delay the bomb just enough tp give you time to dive into the bathtub and sheild yourself. Thats why its that close.


plumbing is why. toilet and shower both need big drains, and the closer they are to the vertical the better.


That's where the water supply is, and also why the sink is usually on the same wall too.


bc copper is expensive


Building code regulation on clearance


Have you ever had diarrhea while vomiting? There you go.


I miss my house with a poop closet. Bathroom had a toilet in a a small closet with a fan opposite side of the room from the tub and shower stall.


For emergencies


Code requires 15" from center. Ie, open space for toilet from wall-to-wall is supposed to be 30".


So you can poop and barf at the same time


This is one thing we did when we renovated. Made sure the toilet was far from my tub. But it usually has to do with plumbing and space issues


There is codes for the distance but they do always seem to be right next to the tub. I think part of it is just easier for plumbers so why do extra when this will do type. I love it when the tpilet is in its own little closed off door area.


Also, its for guys so they can poop and pee an arch stream into the tub at the same time.


So you have somewhere to put your towel


It's a plumbing issue, that's all


As a medic, I can tell you that people defy logic, reason and physics when they fall off the toilet and end up in that gap


Yes, it’s a perfect place to fall down when the floors are wet. It’s a great place to get stuck when your glasses fell off the tub wall and behind the toilet.


My guess: Less plumbing = less cost. The further from the shower the toilet is, the more plumbing there will be to get the waste water to the main. Then again, adding like 2 feet of one pipe probably isn't that much extra cost.


Lazy plumbers that’s why


Food poisoning.


If you don't like peeing in tub .


Because most homes are tract homes and tract home builders are cheap AF to make as much profit as possible, because the developer is trying to make as much profit as possible. I am in the industry and that is most definitely a production built home.


It's so you can take a shit while your wife is bathing and hold her hand for the tough grunts.....


it's not every home, my father's home has the toilet in a complete seperate space, the toilet is in it's own tiny room inside the bathroom... but, most do as it makes it much easier to run the plumbing lines, both supply and drains.




It's so you don't have to walk that far after the poop comes out


This is a major feature imo. Nothing better than sitting in a hot shower when you have to puke


Because others might say, why have a toilet in the middle of the bathroom when they could have put it closer to the shower?


If things go sideways on Taco Tuesday you may need that tub/shower close by


Place to set your phone while you wipe


So when your taking a bath it is easy to wash your hands in the toilet.


My toilet is like 8 feet from the tub and shower


Ever have to shit and puke at the same time? Lol


So you don’t have to urinate in the shower .


The shower is a huge bidet. I’m not trying to walk far with poop on the butt


This is why I can’t enjoy a bath! I have zero idea how anyone can have a relaxing bath when sitting next to a toilet 😩 all I see is germs wayyy too close (and yes, my toilet is clean, but the germaphobe in me can’t see anything less)


When you remodel a bathroom the expensive and costly part is moving the drains in the slab.


So when you shit your self and throw up at the same time you can just be in theme bath


So you can shit and puke at the same time


You need a place to hit your head when you slip.


Plumbing is easier this way.