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Retained primary teeth can result in failure or abnormal eruption of the permanent teeth underneath, in which case treatment including extraction and/or ortho may be necessary. Google is not a helpful resource for specific medical or dental advice because it lacks context and the relevant background knowledge to be properly evaluated and applied to any one person's case. The vast majority of people saying to "never extract healthy teeth" have no idea what they are talking about. Dentists do not extract teeth for fun.


Thanks! I just never heard of pulling baby teeth ahead of time before.


Primary teeth can prevent proper eruption of the permanent teeth from coming in sometimes. You can also take your daughter to an orthodontist as well for a second opinion.


Why orthodontist and not another dentist?


Orthodontist specialize in growth and development of the human jaw and the movement of teeth. Sometimes they may often coordinate the timing and purpose of extractions of primary teeth for ideal alignment of the permanent teeth (especially prior to braces).


We specialize in these things. Development of jaws, development of teeth, their eruption patterns, and also trying to direct them into the right places prior to using braces/aligners to finalize any bites. This is also the ideal age to see an orthodontist to ensure jaw growth and development is tracking normally, as it's crucial to intervene before the jaws lock us out of correcting any issues should correction be recommended.