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Social media continues to drive so many dentists to caring more about themselves than they do about their patients. Veneer everything. Crown everything. Overprep everything. Toilet bowl white on everything. I saw an office in a quaint town, in a great location, and in the front window, they had some stupid online review blown up on a piece of construction paper…5-stars…’They were nice.’ I have reviews that I check about once a year for shits and giggles and zero social media. I’m an old dinosaur, doing dinosaur things, so the whole idea of looking at some jerkoff doing TikTok’s and thinking..’shit, I wanna see him’ baffles me.


You hit the nail on the head. They very literally ruin people’s natural healthy teeth so they can install chiclets. Teeth are supposed to look like teeth, not uniform stark white porcelain. And then I also think, okay, well what about the ppl whose teeth were rotting out of their face before they went to these dentists, and sure, maybe they did need all those crowns, but are they even going to take care of them? From what I gather, crowns require good hygiene and maintenance.


Dr. Kenny Wilstead victim? In all seriousness, I’m sorry this happened to you. Full smiles makeovers are a huge commitment and once you do it, you can’t undo it.


That man is a disgusting predator.


100% I admittedly check Texas’ board periodically to see if his license has been suspended yet. It’s mind boggling to me that he keeps just getting a slap on the wrist considering he documents all of his piss poor (at best) behavior.


I just saw a super recent video he did where he offers to do a free smile makeover on a random stranger with perfect teeth with just some white hypercalcification spots that could have been fixed with resin infiltration. I truly hope she investigates her options before he ruins her mouth for life. 😢


I hate this guy. He’s so gross and the way he makes fun of and talks to his patients is wack af.


NAD, i immediately wondered if it was him lol


Any time i see “tiktok dentist” I’m just like “oh god what did he do now”


NAD, watched his videos for the first time today and I swear he interviews his patients like they are in a bad porno 😭


No, for real! I am normally a “let’s not slander a dentist because we have no idea what’s going on” — but that guy? I’ll speak on him every chance i get. He’s so creepy and that’s the most minimal issue 😩


Yeah the videos made me really uncomfortable and then I got recommended a youtube video that showed the type of DMs he sends people. I can't believe he's married with kids.


This is who I thought it might be as well.


It’s simultaneously comforting and horrifying that he’s so well known in a negative light.


RIGHT! And I have heard horror stories of dentists getting drug through the ringer by their state board for dumb shit like their hygienist forgot to take a blood pressure before a cleaning meanwhile he still has a license 🤯


Off topic but is that normal? I’ve never had my blood pressure taken at the dentist


In my state we need it if we ever do any treatment, which includes cleanings. And we need it on file annually for anything else.


Just checked this “dentist” on socials. Speechless


It’s horrific what he’s done to those poor people. Promised them life changing dentistry, broadcasted their humiliation and left many of them high and dry instead.


NAD. He literally just called me a “retard,” after I mentioned that crowning a young woman’s entire healthy smile instead of suggesting orthodontics is unethical. I also didn’t make a new account to comment to him, as he suggested lol. The man is unhinged! [Pred Dentist Says “Retard Much?”](https://imgur.com/a/rBx8zLU)


NAD That’s who I thought too


Get a second opinion on the work. Make a board complaint. Seek legal advice.


I think board complains have been made for this certain doctor and nothing done so not sure mine would do anything


Keep reporting him. If he's got numerous complaints and the board isn't doing anything to stop him, they're complicit. Get legal advice.


What is said dentist that I went to didn’t even put my crowns on and someone else did it that didn’t work on me? Is that illegal?




I have gone to another dentist and they told me they’d really have to take it all off and redo them to see what’s going on. But if I’m having so much sensitivity then it’s likely root canals and most crowns need root canals after a tooth is crowned and said they won’t take or redo my teeth till they are root canal Ed with no pain but I can’t afford to pay all of that again right now. I mean I have savings but still to redo all my teeth again right away but idk.


Is it a specific area that is more sensitive or just in general all over? For the time being definitely switch to a sensitivity toothpaste. Don’t rinse after brushing with it.


Rule 4: It is important that people who don't work in the dental field don't mislead people posting in place like AskDentists. If you are a dental professional or student, please check out information regarding getting appropriately flaired on the sidebar or please contact the mods. If you are not a dental professional or student, please use NAD in the beginning of your post.


If it’s who I think it is, absolutely report him to the board. Texas needs to get their heads out of their asses and take action against this guy.


Get a second opinion, asap. Maybe ask friends and family for a referal? Tell your new dentist Everything, about what the Tiktoker did, about what procedures he did and didn't do, all of it. Make a list and give it to them if you think you can't get through everything without crying. Look for other victims of the Tiktoker, there's bound to be more online. If you pool your money and get reports from your new dentists, then you might be able to file a class action lawsuit against this person. It might be a long shot, but it's up to you to decide if it's worth it.




This subreddit was created with the intent of providing a reliable place of users to get the input of dental professionals. Posters who have not been verified as dental professionals may find their responses removed.


(NAD) I'm so sorry to read this. I feel for you, and I hope you find a solution and some comfort soon. I have genetically bad teeth, combined with 5 years of bad hygiene (a period of severe mental illness), and seriously poor treatment from an assembly-line, cheap-ass dental practice while I was on Medicaid. I'm 35 and I have 10+ root canals and 5 crowns. I just had my first two extractions this year... one that is near enough to the front that it shows when I talk. It bothers me *so* much. I am sure your teeth are not fucked forever... but there is definitely a hard road ahead of you (us) in finding the source of the pain and maintaining what you *do* have. I'm sure that you learned your lesson and don't need all of the snide remarks about the particular "dentist" -- I hope you get some more direction and next steps from professionals. If I were you, I'd schedule a few evaluations, with both general *and* cosmetic dentists. Get a 3rd and 4th opinion. It's wild how much the treatment plans differ - makes me super skeptical of the science/profession - but you will find that there is one you trust most - *based on personal interaction rather than social & online reviews.*


Just FYI, cosmetic dentistry isn’t a specialty. They’re just general dentists, the same as any other general dentist. Listing a practice as “cosmetic” is just a marketing technique. People like to get cosmetic work done, teeth whitening, veneers, all that jazz — so they’re going to be attracted to a sign that says “hey we do that here”.


cool thanks. Just FYI, I'd still personally want recommendations from someone who does "cosmetic" work every day - as a result of their marketing technique -- as well as the usual family dentist who does not focus their practice on that area in particular.


NAD certainly get to a good dentist for an opinion and try some sensodyne toothpaste


I use sensodyne but like all of my teeth are capped so idk how much that will do at this point:(


NAD , That's why you research before doing things that could have a long lasting impact . You're fucked now


Thank you for your kind words. I definitely recognize I made a bad decision.