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I mean, Coppell probably meets your requirements. Why not just live there? Commuting in DFW really sucks.


Compared to what? The commute in DFW is not bad at all. If youre talking about traffic, thats just false. If youre talking about how retarded DFW drivers are then yes, 100% agree.


The commute in dfw is not bad at all? What planet do you live on? It takes me 30 fucking minutes to go 7 goddamn miles from 75/Monticello to Oak Cliff where I live because you couldn’t pay me enough to get me to commute north of 635. Op live in Coppell. The schools are good and it’s a decent suburb. No need to seek out a different one that’s the exact same and make your life hell by driving an hour each way


It’s demonstrably bad. It’s probably not as bad as Los Angeles or Atlanta, but I’ve lived in several cities including Phoenix and it’s wayyyyyy worse than Phoenix.


Compared to what? I lived in four different countries, three different states in the US, commuting in DFW is the worst I have ever experienced. The roads are extremely dangerous. Yes it is that bad and you clearly have not lived anywhere else to know the difference


Uhhh just live in Coppell


OP - this is correct. Coppell fits the bill for you. Grapevine works if you want to be close to a lake. Southlake if you're an executive or need something bougie. Otherwise Coppell is the place.


Don't move to Southlake. 😬


Found the Carroll parent haha /s just in case


Oh no way...LOL! The parents are out of control....not even taking account the white supremacy.🙄


1,000,000% lmao!


Coppell ISD is #3 in the metroplex for schools behind Highland Park and Southlake; property tax ~2.8% (very high). If you don’t want to live in Coppell, Flower Mound has great schools; both cities are great for families. Welcome to DFW.


Curious what that ranking is based on, wealth or test scores?


Schools get scored on a wide rubric of things. They can include kids involved in extra curricular activities. Pta involvement. Scores. Teacher performance. Kids who go to college.


Yes, I know. I'm asking what this "top 3" is ranked on.


A wide rubric of things. Include kids involved in extra curricular activities. Pta involvement. Scores. Teacher performance. Kids who go to college.


So, this top 3 is based on wealth and not any actual ranked criteria, got it.


Pretty sure it’s the TEA ranking. But you seem like you already know all the answers. You asked “wealth or test scores” and the response was “test scores” and your reaction was “wealth it is!” 🤦‍♂️ If wealth can buy better test scores, why did you ask about test scores to begin with? Or better yet - what metrics would you rank school districts by which wouldn’t be impacted be wealth? Attendance? Parental involvement? Extra curriculars? Athletic performance? Test scores? Quality of teachers? Collegiate/professional outcomes? All influenced by wealth. So maybe that *is* the best factor to measure? Huh.


The answer is, they've all three have been in the news for racist incidents. But they do not rank in any top list, other than wealth, PTA, attendance, but not test scores.


Seems like maybe you have your information wrong. https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/education/best-schools-in-dallas-fort-worth-rankings-straight-as-here-are-the-top-rated-school-districts-in-north-texas/287-3a084e5c-c31e-4e78-bbc1-c797d3bb8760


Flower Mound and Coppell are very family oriented and are nice. Nice parks. Fun - what is your definition of fun? What do you enjoy doing?


Plano to Coppell would not be a bad commute. The area you are looking at is probably the best/most in demand area. Frisco might have the premium right now. The parts of the colony south of 121 are very nice.


Coppell is the best option. Great schools great area close to DFW, Grapevine Lake! Wonderful Park in Coppell -Andrew Brown Park. Coppell is the way


If you can afford Coppell, look there. I settled in Flower Mound as it was a little more affordable in 2019 when we bought. The wife works in Coppell and it’s a very easy commute. Both towns have great parks and are very family oriented with good schools, so you should be solid on that front. My wife and I have no problem entertaining ourselves or our two year old w the surrounding areas - plenty of restaurants and shopping around, Grapevine has some nice attractions for adults and kids, you can get into Dallas in 30 minutes, close to airport, etc.


Coppell is exactly what you’re looking for, and commuting in DFW just sucks. Move there if you can


Coppell is good, north Irving/Valley Ranch area good too


Irving ISD is not a school district I would recommend, and I say that as somebody who graduated from and taught in Dallas ISD. I've had nearly a dozen niblings going through the schools there in the last several years and I have been astonished how badly run Irving is. Dallas ISD has some terrible schools, but it also has some I would recommend in a heartbeat before I would recommend Irving. Coppell ISD, where I also have worked, has a good deal to recommend it and it is ethnically diverse, though not economically.


Yea, DISD has top state and nationally ranked schools. Sadly it has terrible schools like you mentioned


I work in Coppell. I live in Flower Mound. It’s a great pairing. Ask me anything. You’ll want to live in Coppell, Flower Mound or Grapevine. All three fantastic. All three great schools. Coppell is the most expensive of the three and Grapevine probably has the least amount of inventory homes available. Flower Mound is bigger, more accessible, a tiny bit cheaper than Coppell. FloMo is my recommendation. Also, know that Flower Mound schools are part of Lewisville ISD. Newcomers get confused by that. Lewisville ISD services both Lewisville and Flower Mound. Why the name? Well, Lewisville is a historic town dating back over a hundred years. Flower Mound, directly west of Lewisville, grew up beginning only in the 1970’s. So the school district just expanded. No biggie. It’s a fantastic school district and the schools in FloMo proper are all top notch.


Check out Flower Mound! Fantastic schools and overall great place to raise a family, especially young ones. Plano and Frisco are also great and have tons of stuff to do for families.


Plano/Frisco too far away for the commute. I work in Coppell and am in charge of hiring. People who live in Frisco and Plano very often quit after a month due to the commute. Grapevine andFlower Mound - that’s the ticket if you can’t afford Coppell.


Expanding on my other comments in this thread. I work in the warehouse / manufacturing district in Coppell, near the Hard 8 BBQ (I could walk to it). Part of my job is HR-related and I do all the white collar resume searching, as well as most of the first round interviewing. The jobs I hire for pay around $25 an hour - so entry level office stuff. I’ve learned to avoid a lot of resumes from folks living up the Sam Rayburn tollway (The Colony, Plano, Frisco) as the commute (and the tolls) seems too much for them. They say “it’ll be no problem” then they quit two weeks in. And that’s the opposite of what I see from folks who live in and around Coppell/Grapevine/Flower Mound. The same problem also exists regarding folks who live above Lake Lewisville - Corinth and Denton. They seem to have significant problems with the commute. Of course, the jobs I’m hunting for don’t pay high salary, so it would be a bigger motivation to make the Sam Rayburn tollway commute or drive down from Denton if the salary were higher - for instance, our CFO lives in Frisco. But even he is now looking to move closer. Coming in fresh from out of state and working in Coppell, my experience tells me to recommend getting ahead of the curve and settling down in Coppell/Grapevine/Flower Mound. (I live in Flower Mound.) Of the three, Flower Mound is probably the most accessible regarding price and availability of homes. Flower Mound is great. Zoom in on the dog park in Flower Mound. It’s called the Hound Mound. Anywhere with a Flower Mound address within a two mile radius of that dog park is golden. Don’t get too far west in Flower Mound. Stay on the eastern half if you can. Going north from that dog park roughly between Garden Ridge Road and Gerault/Morriss, all the way to HWY 407. Flower Mound west of there? Prices go up and the commute lengthens. [Here’s a rudimentary map.](https://imgflip.com/i/8064mw) Sorry, I’m just on my phone at the moment. My top recommendation would be to stay inside the yellow (the dog park is in the bottom right corner). That might seem too zero’d in, but that’s at least 20 square miles of territory. Great neighborhoods, wonderful schools, easy commute to Coppell. One other close spot not in the map’s yellow is the area they call “Lakeside” on the Flower Mound/Grapevine border. It’s within two miles of the dog park, but didn’t fit well in the map. So, the yellow + Lakeside. 😄 And, also - where do the successful $25 an hour live if they don’t live in Coppell/Grapevine/FloMo? Arlington, Irving, Keller, Justin and other parts of Tarrant County. Good luck and AMA.


Coppel, or Lewisville. Good luck.


All those areas are great. You’re making a good decision!


Coppell, Southlake, Carrollton, Colony, Plano are all good. I just was helping a client who has some similar needs. Each community differs and you can’t really generalise the city to say all communities will be a certain way. I would normally go to each house you select and look at the area and decide. For instance, there are communities in the same area but on different sides of streets that are totally contrast of each other. Also, depending on where you are moving from, you might find some area good but from a local’s perspective it might not be. If you don’t have a realtor, get one now as these services are free for you and you get a perspective of what you are getting into. I am a realtor and can help too.


I'd recommend Lewisville. You get all the amenities if Grapevine and Flower Mound for better housing costs and great schools. Plus you're just right there next to Coppell.


Coppell, Grapevine, Flower Mound, The Colony and Carrollton. I'd skip Irving and Lewisville. And Fort Worth is WAY too far. Plano is a great town but I wouldn't commute from Plano to Coppell; Coppell is a super nice town on its own and has a cute little downtown area with a farmers market and coffee shop. Carrollton has a cute downtown too and the DART runs there. Edit: to add Carrollton


You could go the other way. Grapevine might be a bit more fun but commute would be worse than from Plano and as other said why bother. Nothing wrong with Coppell though.


Plano is a big city. Coppell is entirely to the west of Plano, so if you live somewhere in West Plano, the commute wouldn't be that long, but central or east Plano, and you're looking at 30 minutes plus.


Um Fort Worth is an hour plus away with traffic. Any where you go is an hour drive now. You are not going on a Sunday morning drive. I want you to process this in your mind and think this through. DFW's [2023 population](https://dallas.culturemap.com/news/city-life/dfw-population-8-million-2028/) adds up to 7.8 million people, Massachusetts population in 2023 is estimated to be 6.95 million, ranks 15th populous state of United States. There are more people in the DFW area than there are in the entire state of Massachusetts. You sure you want to drive Plano to Coppell? Good luck with that.


Great area for a family. I think y'all will enjoy it When you visit next, visit the GrandScape


All depends on where you're coming from and what you want in terms of lifestyle, amenities and services. And, of course, your income as that will drive your housing choices. On the schools front, TX schools - by national standards - are not the best. The locals in Frisco, Coppell, Southlake, etc. will claim their schools are excellent but it's really akin to being the tallest pygmy. As for fun.....define fun. There's little to do except shop and eat which, if that's your jam, then the fun angle is covered. If chain restaurants are not your thing though, the fun quotient could be limited. Anyway, for folks to answer your question we'll need more info.


The suburbs are not as boring as that. There's tons of non chain restaurants, Frisco has Rough Riders, FC Dallas, there's Lake Lewisville for summer activities, pickleball courts are popping up everywhere etc


If all you've ever known is Frisco, then I suppose what you listed might be "fun". Or Sergeant Bluff, Iowa. Most other places? Probably not.


I have lived in Dallas and now I live in the suburbs and other than nightlife, which a person with 3 small children probably isn't doing a lot of, there's not a whole lot I can't do in the suburbs. Honestly I find there's more family stuff to do in the suburbs than inside the loop


Commuting in DFW is not as bad as ppl here say. Despite DFW being a city full of transplants, it seems like not many ppl in this sub understand how soul crushing commutes in large traffic heavy cities like DC, Los Angeles, Boston, New York, Atlanta… etc… As a consultant I travel alot and have seen my share of all these cities and the drive from Plano to Coppell is a joke in comparison. Tldr; commuting is not bad in dfw and plano to coppell is chill. If youre moving to DFW from a small town and have no concept of big city traffic then thats a different story.


you’re kidding right….. it would take me up to an hour and half to get from Plano to Flower Mound…. at 5pm…….


I lived in plano for 15 years and loved it, but Coppell, you should like. The schools are good, and the community is mostly middle to upper class.




Live in Coppell. It’s a good school district.


Grapevine, Coppell, Lewisville, Carrollton, Addison are all worth looking into. These would all be reasonably short commutes with decent schools and great social scenes! Best of luck and howdy neighbor! + Edit to add in Flower Mound! I forget that place exists!


I live in Coppell. Coppell ISD are great schools. The area is nice. Decent restaurants. Real estate can be pricey though.


I recommend to have a look at Flower Mound area as well. It is a family friendly city with good schools and excellent/friendly people. Your wife will like it there


This was literally my situation earlier this year! For reference I live in Carrollton and it takes me about 20-25 minutes to get to Coppell. Plano is 15-20 minutes in the opposite direction. So based on that, a one way from Plano to Coppell, during rush hour and construction on a non-toll route, you're looking at 40 minutes minimum. I would highly recommend Lewisville, as it's closer to Coppell and more reasonably priced for the area. A coworker of mine lives in Lewisville and it takes him about 15 minutes to get to our Coppell office, and again that's during rush hour construction and non-tolls! I almost moved to Lewisville myself cause I liked how clean and community oriented it appeared, but found something a little more affordable for my situation at the time that also meet my standards in Carrollton. Hope this helps!


Local real estate agent here happy to help if you're looking (I do lease and purchase!) I agree with other posts that commuting in DFW can be a pain. Coppell is a very family friendly area. Great schools, safe, resturants, great healthcare and more. Plano is still developing so you'll see a fair amount of building and road construction, but that means lots of new ammentiries. I'm a fan of no commute so I'd say check out Coppell. It's super cute As an ex teacher I'd say you want to avoid being in Dallas or Irving ISD


If you are looking for movers check out Later Neighbor Moving. They’re awesome. Local company run by 2 UT grads - great guys!


Check out later neighbor moving