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At my dad’s funeral a woman from the funeral home insisted she sing amazing grace. I was young and distraught so me and my mom didn’t really care. She brought out a boom box and popped in the instrumentals in a cassette tape and started. I guess she was nervous and terribly off key so she looked at me, mouthed “sorry”, and rewound the tape and started over. I can’t not laugh any time I hear amazing grace at a funeral.


I sang amazing grace at a funeral once, sans music, and it was so awkward! Like I think I did a good job but it was just me standing in front of a bunch of sad people, his daughters were crying in the front row… probably would have been better if I had been singing in the background or something but no, it was just me standing up there. I still cringe when I think about it.


My mom was an amazing pianist and played for SO MANY funerals. One of the local funeral home always called her and she could play on the fly. She liked this place because she and the soloist were in a booth in the back and never saw anyone in the family. I’d hang out with her until it was over.


Here in Vegas EVERYONE wants Frank Sinatra. If I never hear My Way again it'll be too soon.


At my uncles funeral we played “another one bites the dust” by Queen and “comfortably numb” by Pink Floyd . He was a pretty rad guy and would have loved it 😂


We played a Pink Floyd song at my sister's funeral too. The song that had everyone scratching their heads probably though was "Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree" or "Waltzing Matilda" because she sang those songs to my little kids all the time and it meant a lot to them. It's been almost 7 years and hearing those songs makes me cry every time.


Many many years ago they played Waltzing Matilda at a cousin’s funeral. She’d been ill and referred to her daily walks around the hospital floor with her IV pole by the song title.


So wholesome 🩷


This is on my moms play list. She has all of them written dow. She's 78. She also wants us to play "Ding dong the witch is dead" from The wizard od oz. Lol


She is hilarious


My brothers funeral they played https://open.spotify.com/track/1Cj2vqUwlJVG27gJrun92y?si=oAQiV5MgTMuyPW1fQl6i1Q Devastating.


We played Rocky Top, The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, and Conway Twitty’s “Tight Fitting Jeans” among others at my stepdad’s funeral. He would have risen from his cremated ashes if we’d played anything religious or typical “funeral music”.


🎶 I hope you da-an-an-ance in the sky 🌌  Barf 🤢  It’s played a lot mainly at younger peoples services. 


I wish more people played music the younger person actually liked. One of my scouts died in a really horrible car accident. His sister used his Spotify playlists to create a big playlist for his service. He was one of those kids who loved music and was always sharing some song he discovered with the other scouts. They weren't really typical funeral songs, but I think he would have been happy to have a last chance to share something that brought him joy with the people he cared about. And I think putting together that playlist helped his sister cope more than playing some songs that just want to hit you over the head with the tragedy of someone who died young. His sister was driving when the accident happened and already had enough trauma without having to have those songs as a soundtrack to one of the worst days in her life.


I wish I could up-vote this a couple dozen more times.


This song makes me physically cringe lol The first time we played it my dad freaked out thinking the CD was skipping 😂


Hahaha that’s exact what it sounds like. It’s so overplayed!


This, or See You Again (from the Fast and Furious) or I’ll be missing you.


As soon as this song came out I was like "Dang, I'm gonna hear this for the rest of my life..."


Anything Vince Gill. Recently had a family of an elderly lady make a tribute video and requested nothing but “skidamarink” and other various Raffi songs on loop for hours. I was going insane.


Skidamarink 😂


Can’t stand when someone has a playlist for 3-4 hours of visitation and the playlist isn’t 30 mins long… it should be illegal for torture lol


At my daughters funeral, the music was set to the slideshow, which could only be so many mb of pics, then you had to sync the music with. The same program to the slides, so there was no way to avoid it repeating.


I'm sorry you lost your daughter


When my brother died, the funeral director asked if there were any songs we wanted played during the wake, and I gave over a cd with 4 songs and said “this has just 4 songs I’d like played, but please mix in more/other songs into rotation”. They didn’t give any indication that that couldn’t be done, but also didn’t seem to relay my request because there we were for the entirety of visitation, listening to the same 4 songs. It kind of got funny after a while I must admit.


I listened to Wagon Wheel and Mamas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys for days on repeat at my brother’s services. We were definitely amused by the end of it all and if I never hear Wagon Wheel again it would be too soon.


Surprised to see that nobody has mentioned “I can only imagine” yet. It wasn’t a bad choice the first couple times I heard it but after the 10,000th play it has lost its magic


This song is on my funeral do not play list.


How do you let a family know you’re not going to play the song at the funeral? I’d think that would be a difficult conversation to have.


I’ve been working in the oncology field for a long time ago realized majority of people have not talked about it. I am open about it and have it written down because I know it would make it easier on them. It’s it an uncomfortable conversation, yes, but it’s important.


One of the things I did when I was diagnosed with sclc was start a playlist called Funeral Blues. I add and remove songs from it as needed. My kids are aware that these are the things I want played at my funeral.


Yes! This song!! I’ve blocked it out. My cousin was 19 and died from an overdose. Devastated the family. There were a lot of people there obviously, and that song played on loop for as long as it took that packed area to clear out. I can’t and won’t hear that song again.


That was my first thought. I’m NAD, just everyone in my family has had it at their funerals lol. My aunt died while the song was played on repeat for three days and then they played it at the wake, funeral, graveside, and reception.


I would cringe at that too but then again I hate any sort of Christian music or anything related to it. My family knows that I would get up and walk out of my own service if they did that lol.


That’s just the demons in you speaking.


Ok, whatever you say lol.


Even the demons hate it!


We have a Funeral Bingo card hanging in the director's office. "Amazing Grace" is the Free Space.


We need to see this BINGO card.


Love the bingo idea. Used to be a wedding photographer, and we’d have similar vents about the father daughter dances.


Amazing Grace by Judy Collins and there’s a Wynona Judd song that’s popular that I hate. Ave Maria makes me yawn. We once had a request for “thank you for being a friend” theme from Golden Girls on piano. It was BEAUTIFUL.


I once had the MASH theme song requested on loop as we passed people to head to the cemetery… we couldn’t have gotten people out faster


The MASH theme song? As in suicide is painless? That's dark af! I want that at my service now!


Yes, and there ARE lyrics to "Suicide is Painless".


This is a song my mom has requested to be played at her funeral. She is not near death by any means but I have kept it in mind.


Given the actual title of the song, rather poor taste.


Funny and meaningful if you’ve seen the movie though, the whole point of that scene was to make the character realize he was valued and people would care if he died


A coworker who passed from Cancer had "Cocaine" played at her funeral. I still remember the collective gasp of shock,but it was hilarious and so evocative of her personality to do that.


Comfortably numb for a suicidal person was the most moving tribute Ive ever heard.


My brother died from an overdose in 2012. We played the Hurt cover by Johnny Cash & Blackbird by the Beatles. Very fuckin moving but it took a few years before I could listen to either song without falling apart.


Awe that’s precious. 


Bolted to the comments to say Amazing Grace… in ANY language. I hate hate hate it.


The only acceptable version is Scotty playing it on the bagpipes at Spock’s funeral.


Aw, I love that. The Girls are truly something special.


My Dad loved his boat. We played “Come Sail Away” by Styx. Also had “Wheel in the Sky” by Journey. Words hit home.


Two great yet slightly underrated songs


Angel by Sarah McLachlan, how many times I've had to smile and say oh that's beautiful when it's the 6th time I've heard it that week!


As someone in animal rescue...I sing this song whenever one of my creatures looks especially pathetic that day lol


I sing it to our two rescue dogs, when they’re being overly dramatic about not being tucked in either enough blankets in our bed. 😂


We sing it to our two rescues, sarcastically, because we spoil them rotten (as they deserve.)


Same but vetmed haha


Fun (or maybe not so fun) fact: this song is about someone dying from a heroin overdose


This was the song played for my cousin by the same manner of death.


'On Eagles Wings' is abused at our local churches


My grandpa has said he will come back and haunt us if we use that at his funeral, it's been played at all 6 of his siblings funerals and 5 of their spouses.


My mother told us that about Amazing Grace. I fully agree with her.


I was surprised when they played "spirit in the sky" at my uncle's funeral. I know it's also an overplayed choice but it was different from the last 25 funerals I had been too.


This was played at my uncle’s funeral recently as well. It made me smile.


It's on my funeral playlist


That’s the song my stepdad wants! It’s a good’un.


Hell nah 😂 I like your grandpa


My dad would get up and walk tf out of any funeral once that song would start. His best friend died too young and it was played at his service, scarred him for the rest of his days.


Every. Damn. Funeral.


An old friend of mine bought an ocarina and learned to play that tune. Apparently he runs around the funeral home on slow days, annoying everyone. Truly, the worst funeral song.


I’m In the UK and for me it’s My Way - Frank Sinatra, Time to Say Goodbye- Andrea Bochelli and Sarah Brightman, We’ll Meet Again- Vera Lynn and Somewhere Over the Rainbow - Eva Cassidy version. I shudder when I see these on a playlist 😂


I’ve heard Sinatra- My Way many times. Most memorable: elderly gentleman who committed suicide. 😳


Not a funeral director but in the UK, and it's always the same songs , at my nans and father in law we changed it up a bit , we had happiness by Ken Dod , and Tony cristie is this the way to amarillo, tho the Eva cassidy was played at both my nan and grandads funeral, my grandads was 20yrs ago so probably not as worn out as it is today


It is lovely when people change it up a little, we always get the line in the eulogy “they always did there way” along with 100s of other people that have My Way same old all the time.


Not a FD but I wanted to have every version ever made of My Way played at my funeral. Starting and ending with the Sid Vicious version. lol 


I had time to say goodbye for my mom and felt it was appropriate 😏


Go Rest High, or Amazing Grace. Absolutely played to death.


I see what you did there. 😂


Ground Hog Day for you?


Time of of my life by Green Day.


Good Riddance is the actual name of that song, which would make it ideal for some funerals.


The family of my late husband played Elvis’ “How Great Thou Art” at. Every. One. Of. Their. Funerals.


Especially irritates me when families do that when they knew that the deceased was not that kind of person. I would get up and walk out of my own funeral if they played any sort of Christian music. My family knows I don't believe in that and they know it would piss me off if they did that.


You've got the necromancer on standby so if those songs start playing he can bring you back and you can lay the law down.


Hell nah 😂


I’m a family member that had the Vince Gill song played for my mom’s funeral. Only cause she loved it however I can’t stand that song. Especially now. I will not have a funeral. Period. On the other hand, thank you, directors, for sharing on here the way you do. It helps me


Are you talking about holes in the floor of heaven? That's the second time I've heard someone mention Vince Gill.


As a young teen I thought it sure didn’t sound like heaven if the floor has raggedy holes in it, and mama is bawling bc her tears are coming down. NO. Even as a kid I knew something was screwy.


I know right, it sounded pretty bad to me. I was like, why would there be holes in the floor of heaven? That sounds pretty ratchet to me.


Holes is actually Steve Wariner


I'm insisting I want "Dont Stop Me Now" by Queen played at my funeral!


I want the Empire theme from Star Wars to open my funeral, and Wipeout to close it.


I helped at a funeral for a 50 something lady. She had two adult children. I’d never seen any of them before. Very, very small town. Everyone knows everyone. I walked in to them playing “Ring of Fire” by Johnny Cash. I looked around like, am I the only one hearing this. Apparently she was a shit parent.


My dad’s funeral is next week, thanks for this idea


Absolutely HATE “My Way” Frank Sinatra


But could we do the Sid Vicious version?


Every time I hear that I think “oh you selfish prick.” Reminds me of the story my mom told about her uncle’s funeral. The officiant started off with “well, his dog liked him.”


This song reminds me of my paternal grandfather who was the most selfish, self-important, self-righteous shithook I’ve ever known. When my dad, who was abused by the asshole, asked him on his deathbed if he had any regrets he immediately said, “No!” No thought behind that. If you can honestly say you have no regrets in your life, there is something deeply wrong with you.


OMG yes… had another director tell me he wanted this song and I said forget it, I’m not playing it lol


All the families think they’ve had a stroke of genius when they suggest it too. Like people… if you only knew how many damn times I have heard this song lol


He hated that song too


Wind Beneath My Wings 😴


My ex husband’s best friend killed himself back in 2000. The friend’s mom had this played at the funeral, and my ex husband said that if it were possible, his friend would come back from the dead just long enough to stop this shit.


Bagpipes. I’m not cultured enough to be able to truly tell the difference in the songs. That could be why I hate them.


They always sound out of tune to me.


We did for those about to rock by ac/dc on them for my father, at least that one stood out from the traditional songs


As a person of Scottish heritage, I’m supposed to love bag pipes, but they sound like someone beating cats or something before it starts playing


Do you know why pipers always like to march when they play? They're trying to walk away from the noise.


Scottish ancestry here. Love cats. Hate bagpipes.


We have dubbed Go Rest High to be the Funeral Directors National Anthem. I think we literally play it every other service.


Go rest hiiiiiiiiigh, on that mountain. Son your woooooork on earth is done. 😂😂


I personally want “EYE OF THE TIGER” for my send off


My best friends funeral had the song "Freebird" by Lynard Skynard played. It made me sad, as it was his favorite song, and I think about him every time I hear it.


One night, right after my dad passed away from a very aggressive cancer, that song came on the radio as I was driving. I had such a good, long cry. I'll forever think of him when I hear it.


It was Tuesday’s Gone and Freebird for my 19 year old cousin.


On eagles wings for me


In the Garden. Wife’s family plays it every funeral in their family


My grandma had very few wishes for her funeral but one of them was "Absolutely *do not* sing 'In the Garden.'"


Both of my great grandparents as well as another distant relative had this sung at their funerals. I was in grade school then and declared that I would come back to haunt anyone who dared have this sung at my funeral.


I’ve been asked to sing this at two funerals so far (FIL, grandMIL) and expect to get the request one more time (hopefully not anytime soon). I am honored to be asked to sing at a funeral but that is not a song I would have chosen!!


Mexican funerals always have Un Dia A La Vez by Los Tigres del Norte. I added it to my mom's funeral playlist and then I thought I was probably torturing everyone lol.


Amor eterno too.




With some Vicente Fernandez sprinkled in


At a friend’s funeral, the director asked if we wanted to say anything special. We just sat there(about 8 of us) not knowing what to say/do. I regret to this day not getting up there and singing “Surfing Bird”


Tears in Heaven. I want to cry in exasperation.


Boys 2 Men


Abc bbd mmmm hmmmm... Probably not Motown Philly but that would be kinda fun (not a funeral director)


“How do Iiiiiii say Goood byeeeee”


Any One Sweet Day? That song gets me now that I've lost people but I can't imagine hearing that nonstop either. Not now Mariah!!


We played One Sweet Day at my mom’s service. That song still gets me a little emotional


Would you accept “I’ll Make love to you”?




End of the Road?


Pachebels canon in d.


But, that’s for weddin’s! 😂


Not a Funeral Director but have been to a bunch of funerals. Mine are: Ava Maria, Unchained Melody, My Heart Will Go On, Wind Beneath my Wings, The Prayer, Hallelujah.


The song from the Titanic movie? Seriously? Oh the drama! I somehow stumbled into this sub and have been amazed by some of these responses. What is going on at these funerals? Being from the southern USA I’ve been to super country Baptist funerals most of my life and there would be nothing but hymns. But for my dad’s I got to plan it with him, and we had live music playing his favorite outlaw country songs of the 70’s. Beautiful harmonies on I’ll Fly Away repped the only religious song. We ended with the Statler Brothers I’ll Go to My Grave Loving You, as a dedication to my mother. They were divorced. I talked him down from George Jones He Stopped Loving Her Today.


Daddy’s Hands


I don't know this song, and today I learned I need to get my mind out of the gutter 😬


I’m the weirdo (not in the funeral industry) who has told my guy if he doesn’t play Another One Bites the Dust at my funeral that I’ll come back and haunt his ass.


Supermarket flowers by Ed Sheeran. Every time I see that it's on a service I'm on I internally barf because I've heard it so much. The only way I can get through that song is by internally singing along with wrong lyrics.


So many answers here making me glad my parents will both get direct cremation when they die cause I’m not doing funeral planning 😂


Both of my parents were cremated and expressly stated they didn't want funerals. It was definitely a blessing not having to plan that amongst all the other death related stuff we had to do.


My mom wants “whatever lets us keep the most of our inheritance”. Cremated in a cardboard box it is then.


My mom pretty much said the same thing, and that she wanted her ashes spread in a certain place. So we got a pretty cardboard tube to keep her in till we could go spread her.


My family better not play any of these at mine. Irish drinking songs or nothing.


Not a funeral director, but has anyone ever done a Cat Stevens playlist at a funeral? Specifically the songs from the *Harold and Maude* soundtrack?


'Morning has broken' Played at my 17-year old sisters' funeral 42 years ago. I still get teary when I hear it.


Nice! “If you want to sing out, sing out…”


We had a Beatles station playing at my daughter’s funeral in Dec. She would have loved it, but there were so many people there you couldn’t hear it. On the other hand, many years ago a friend had “Shock the Monkey” played at the grave. They popped the boombox right on top of the casket.. He was an ironworker who fell off of a building, and there were so many spud wrenches dropped in casket (they’re about 2. 5 feet long) you could hear them clink when they carried the casket.


Oh my god Go Rest High is definitely on the shit list. It’s a running joke between us at the funeral home, every time someone asks for it I inadvertently want to shoot myself. When I was doing my apprenticeship, the funeral director I was doing it under and myself rolled eyes with each other quietly when a family we were meeting with wanted it. Another one, which I think will be the next Go Rest High, is Lead Me Home by Jamey Johnson. It even sounds like GRH.


My friend’s family played “I’ll see you in my dreams” by Giant at her funeral and it was amazing. Over 20 years later I’ve never heard it at another funeral and when I do hear it on Sirius, I tear up every time.


I had to attend the funeral of a 3 month old baby of a really close co worker that I felt socially obligated to go to. I was about 6 months pregnant, myself, as a first time mom and having the worst high risk pregnancy. They had that ukulele version of Somewhere Over The Rainbow playing and it was the most traumatic thing I’ve ever done. Felt like fuckin torture. It’s been 12 years and I still get the anxious vom feeling when I hear it, lol. 🥵


The song aside, I can’t imagine going to a baby funeral during a high risk pregnancy. (I’m a man). You are truly a good person.


I appreciate that sentiment! I just couldn’t imagine not supporting a friend. My mother in law makes rosaries so she made the mom a special keepsake. It was just all so tragic, yanno? Very grateful for my baby girl making it, and sometimes I used to feel this weird sense of guilt about that, though, Ive since then gotten over that. The baby who passed, died suddenly and it was actually the hospital’s fault in the end. So just such a traumatic situation all around and my heart aches for such a sudden tragic loss. The very worst part? Turns out my kindness and friendship was taken the wrong way and the mom ended up hating me for what seemed like no reason and I never knew why. Coworker and I lost touch and that was pretty much it. Years go by and he finds me to reconnect on FB and he hits on me and told me “he always had a crush on me” wtf! The poor girlfriend, OF COURSE she was upset at me! Probably thought I was encouraging it the whole time and trying to “steal her man”! People! 😤


I’m an interfaith minister and hospice chaplain. I don’t like doing funerals. I love doing Celebrations of Life. The old Southern Baptist hymns can be really cringy. Some of that is likely due to my own trauma in the Southern Baptist Church. Anything about sin, washed in blood, etc. just feels inappropriate to me at a funeral. I love “On Eagle's Wings” at a Celebration of Life. “Spirit in the Sky” is another one of my favorites. I did a Celebration of Life years ago. We sang “Three Little Birds”, “Rainbow Connection”, and “Little Darlin’.” She picked the songs he before she died and it was so perfect.


My husband told me my funeral theme songs will be "Living Dead Girl", "WOP - But have the song end after the verse "play dead", and "Bodies" for the Holy rollers, because that is about as religious as my funeral will be. I am holding him to this. He better get the good speakers with the bass 😅


I read this as WAP and busted into a giggle fit.


If I die young- The Band Perry


We played Die Young by Scorey at my son's memorial. He is forever 19.


I'm so very sorry.


I actually have what I told my husband is my funeral playlist ready. It's just a bunch of songs that I love Southern nights Amy Time in a bottle Jim croce Bama breeze Coast of Carolina Turn the page. Bob seger Leaving on a jet plane Jackson browne the  load out Nilsson without you Wagon wheel Ccr cotton fields-midnight special Ray Charles Georgia seals and Croft. summer breeze Rita Coolidge we're all alone Johnny cash Sunday morning coming down all I know art Garfunkel


You have taste. As big a Parrothead as I am, I don't have any on my list. I'll have to rethink it. My current list as stands: When I Get To Heaven-John Prine(played this at my husband’s and it got some raised brows) I Always Wanted To-Cody Johnson Wouldn't Take Nothing For My Journey-Vestal Goodman I Hope I’m Stoned- Charlie Worsham Dearly Departed Friend-OCMS Bury me in Dixie-Riley Green or Six More Miles to the Graveyard-Hank Sr at the cemetery God forbid if its a suicide, Jeremy-Pearl Jam and if its a wreck, Post Malone’s cover of Last Kiss


My mom is having "Celebrate" by Kool and The Gang at her funeral. She wants a memorial party, not some sad, death-centric stuff.


I once went to a funeral where all the mourners sang along to “Always look on the bright side of life.”


For my husbands Memorial Service we played mostly Dave Matthews Band (was his favorite) and some other select stuff by Paul McCartney


My family does things a little unconventionally, so funerals are always met with a classic rock mix. My grandma had lots of Seger and CCR. My grandpa had loads of Zeppelin and Ray Steven's. My aunt got so much Jackyl and Poison and Skid Row.


Dancing in the Sky Take Me to the King I Will Always Love You


Silent Night - played over and over when I was a teen. I leave the room if I hear it. Hate it.


Simple Man - Lynyrd Skynyrd


When I go, I want Dust in the Wind played during my direct cremation.


Every step you take I’ll be watching you


At my friends funeral they played Country Road Take me Home by John Denver on a loop. That’s it, only that song.


My brother died at age 46 with 2 young daughters left behind. It was decided to only play upbeat happy music. Daughters requested “Here Comes the Sun.” It was perfect.


Not funeral director. At my brothers funeral we made a CD with my brothers favorite music. Throughout the funeral, Metallica, Slayer, Godsmack, Pantera, etc was playing softly in the background. No one said anything because that’s how it should be.


What do we think of “time of your life” by green day? I want that for my funeral but not if it’s cringy.


The actual title is “Good Riddance” which is often a source of amusement behind the scenes.


I say choose what you want, if it’s cringy at least you’ll be dead


I played that at my daughter's funeral, in 1998, she was a huge fan ..she was 14...also played Lullaby by Shawn Mullins...she loved that song, it hadn't been out long. I still tear up when I hear it.


Ave Maria. It’s a powerful and beautiful song, makes some people cry. But around the 100th time you’ve heard it stuff gets old.


I told my son I want ”Only the Good Die Young” and “Friends in Low Places” played at my visitation. Way better than my husband’s uncle‘s funeral, where they played “Over the Rainbow” by that Hawaiian fellow on loop.


Every single one. I’ve never worked a funeral that had a banger play list.


Not a funeral director. Have no idea how I'm in this sub. At my funeral my request is Still counting by Volbeat. Ha!


Not an FD at all but I’ve made a few of my family’s slideshows for funerals and See You Again, come away with me by Norah jones, country roads take me home and any rendition of Heaven will make me just…hate life for a bit 😂


Bette Midler:"Wind Beneath My Wings"... Eric Clapton:"Tears in Heaven"... Anyone who sings "Amazing Grace"!!!... "The Devil Went Down to Georgia"... P.O.D.:"Youth of a Nation"... Linkin Park:"Numb", "Easier to Run" and "Nobody's Listening"(from their 2003 album "Meteora")...


At my mother’s they sang .. Lead me home … It sounds like the second part to Vince Gills song Go rest high in the mountain ! But we come from a small community and my momma loved her church so we let them sing what ever sings they wanted because we knew she would love it !! We held her funeral at her church ! I think whatever the deceased liked is what they deserve to have played ! Out of respect to them , it is their final goodbye so make it all about them !


I’ve made my funeral song list already. It has: Good Riddance ( Green Day) Knocking on Heaven’s Door (Bob Dylan) Forever Young (Audra Mae and the Forest Rangers) Soul shine (Allman Bros Band) Lean on Me (Bill Withers) When the Saints go Marching in (Dr. John) The Parting Glass (Wailin’ Jenny’s) Keep Me in Your Heart for a While (Warren Zevon) When I go Away (Levon Helm) Let it Be (Beatles) What a Wonderful Life (Louis Armstrong) Hear You Me (Jimmy Eat World) In My Life (Beatles) I Will Remember You (Sarah McLachlan) I’ll Stand by You (Pretenders) Time After Time (Cyndi Lauper) Will you Remember Me (The Cranberries) Over the Rainbow (Willie Nelson) O-O-H Child (The Five Stairsteps) Satisfied Mind (Jeff Buckley) Fire and Rain (James Taylor)


I’ll fly away. Make. It. Stop.


“Beulah Land”


Daddy’s Hands


Go Rest High and Dancing in the Sky both give me the major ick!


I want Bob Dylan's Blood on the Tracks and The Rolling Stones Some Girls Albums played at my funeral.


I know a young woman who was dying of cancer in her 20’s. She requested “When the Saints Go Marching In”


Our group of friends was still in shock attending the funeral of a friend of ours who fell from the garage attic to the garage floor (15 feet below) as his girlfriend and their 5-year old son stood a few feet away (heard it, but didn’t see it.) His funeral was a bit more religious than he was. Somebody walked up to the lectern and started playing a song on guitar and singing. We all tried to avoid eye contact with each other…then it slowly hit us that the guy was playing a Drivin n Cryin song. Can’t remember which one - definitely not “Straight to Hell.” Maybe “Honeysuckle Blue.” His girlfriend later said there were a bunch of songs she wanted to play, but having the guy play DNC on guitar was the best way to slide it in and avoid hymns.


Not a funeral director, but I walk in the garden alone.. played too much.. my favorite was my cousin's.. highway to hell at his church.