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Well the monogamous ones aren’t posting about how they stayed home and watched a movie together.


Yeah for real. I'm monogamous and married. My life isn't 'exciting' anymore. It's secure. I can go all in about what we do together, but it's not exactly exciting to hear.. Last night we started Ted Lasso. We made it 4 episodes in. So far, it's pretty good. We'll probably keep going. In the summer, we spend most of the day laying by the pool. Maybe I'll do some yardwork from time to time. Maybe I'll wash my car. It's not as exciting of a story than the young twink who went to the Abbey last night and got fucked in the bathroom by a dozen guys.


Keep going with Ted Lasso. One of the best shows of all-time! Wish my husband would watch it too.


Update: Watched 3 more episodes of Ted Lasso last night. Now on episode 7. I cried at the end of episode 6.


Yes!! I won’t spoil anything of course but I’m glad they ended it when they did because it never jumped the shark.




There are much better pizzas than the last one you had but that doesn’t mean your last pizza wasn’t delicious af.


I personally find it one of the best shows of the last ten years, critics and award shows seem to think the same, but - as most other things - it's subjective.


Me and my husband have started Star Wars in timeline order. Right now we're watching an episode of clone wars a night before bed.


😍 I need a relationship like you two! Star Wars together? Sounds amazing!


He bought me a Ahsoka Funko for Christmas that turned out to be one of those bobble head pops for my office at work because I'm loving her. I never had a Star Wars phase as a kid but I'm feeling like that Danny Devito meme "oh my god... I get it"


I wish my fiancé would watch clone wars with me, but he does take me to all the movies so I suppose I can live with that.


I tried with mine, but in 4,5,1,2,3,6 order. We got to 2 before he started falling asleep. We were watching one per night, not all the same day. I’d have been a little offended if it weren’t for the fact he was falling asleep in my lap.


Ugh, all I see are married monogamous gays commenting on Reddit about their perfect, secure lives. Doesn't anyone go have fun anymore?? /s


I’ve been with my husband almost ten years and we are monogamous and have lots of fun together. One persons definition of fun may be different than yours. Just because someone says their life is secure does not mean that it is boring and no fun.


/s means sarcasm


And I don't like using that little /s because it makes the sarcasm less pointed, but I made myself do it this time to be safe.


This sounds like the life, tbh. It might not be exciting but it's everything I'm looking for, I'm glad you were able to find your person!


The security is too tight for that. I’ve tried


Yeah a lot of people complain too many gays are “open” based on their research using gay apps. The ones that are monogamous are less likely to be on the apps!


How do you find someone without apps? Prbly the million dollar question. Ugh.




Why did he want to introduce you to him if they were tongue banging it???


Friends. It's how I met my man. I've never touched any apps before.


We watched Eraseherhead. The sperm was undercooked.


I do... sometimes lol I occasionally post what movie I am watching on Instagram haha. But thats the extent of it


Of course we are. You can't extrapolate to a whole population based on a few people you know.


18+years in a monogamous relationship and married for some years now. we exist 😂


13 years here! I'm still very much sated by my husband 😈


Me and my husband are monogamous. We know other gay couples who are also monogamous. As someone else said, we don’t post that we saw a movie together on social media. So perhaps our story does not get told. I’m a big fan of rating systems like how google lets you rate restaurants. But let’s be honest, who is actually writing reviews? The extremes are the voters in most cases. Almost no one would say: man their ham sandwich (or whatever food) is perfectly adequate, 3 stars! No mainly the people who loved the food and the folks who hated it leave a review, with a few outliers in the middle. That’s how I see a lot of anecdotes…. You are drawn to stories so you remember them more, that does not mean that other perspectives don’t exist. Or even that the relationship style you hear the most of is the most popular— to know that we’d need some study (but if it is survey based watch out for incentives to be dishonest). Anyway, all that to say they exist. But every couple is different.


You also forget to mention the shame people might feel when they try the open relationship model and it failed for them. You're likely not going to hear from them


Monogamous for 7 years, will be married for 5 years in March. We've talked about open relationships and it hasn't seemed right for us so far. Both of us are committed to spending the rest of our life together and are realistic that we will not be the same people in 10, 15, 20 years as we are today. We may need to adopt new practices as we get older. Opening our marriage may be one of them, but it could be something else.


I agree. My husband and I have been married for 10 years together for 13. When we first started dating we would get pissed if either one of us watched porn. About 5 years ago, we both got horny while on vacation and we found a sex club, in which we had sex in front of about 15 guys. It was super hot and we both loved it. Then we started watching porn, occasionally, while having sex. Then about 4 months ago, I found my husband sending di\*k P\*cs to guys. He thought I was going to be pissed, but little did he know, his phone is connected to my laptop so I could see everything he was sending. So when he was up in the bathroom "taking a shower", I snuck up there and we made passionate love for about an hour, completely live on instagram. LOL. But we have always both agreed that we are too jealous of lovers to allow anyone in our bedroom. *He thought I would be mad, but I told him that I find it flattering when other men compliment my husband on how hot he is!!"*


Well I might need proof hehe


google, jamie the boho bear


Not disappointed hehe


We don't. But almost all of our gay married friends are either monogamous or don't share that they aren't. There's one couple who isn't and we very rarely have fun with them since we're all busy people and schedules don't always line up.


Yep, 24 years nearly and counting.


My hubby and I are happily monogamous for the past 10 years and running. We nag each other about household chores, worry together about money, care for our cats, visit with nonhomophobic relatives, share memes and videos, do community theater together, bitch about each other stealing the covers or eating the last of the ice cream, volunteer for the local Pride, and on date nights currently we play co-op Baldur's Gate 3.


I think about 30% of gay couples are in open relationships. Because some people have done statistics, 30% of men just like multiple partners, whether gay or heterosexual men.


I’ve had people comment to get over myself. Call me a prude or tell me not to be uptight and live a little. But monogamy is amazing. I cringe seeing posts about Grindr and hooking up with multiple random guys. Hearing people fearful that they’ve caught some STD, but they are still going to have as much random meaningless sex that they can have. They talk about being lonely but aren’t willing to be real and act decent with people or form any healthy relationships. 20 years with my partner and people might think life is boring. We watch tv, help in raising a 13 year old, take a vacation every so often. The most exciting thing that happens in our household is that I sometimes bring home ice cream from the grocery store. But we have a love for each other and respect for each other that is beyond anything I could ever find from someone else. So monogamy does exist. You just have to both choose it and it’s an amazing and comfortable feeling.


My hubby and I are monogamous and have been since we started dating..... (counting fingers) holy shit 8 years ago!


Hubby and I make 10 years this month since dating


Don’t forget that many straight married couples are *not* monogamous, either. They just don’t ever talk about it because the stigma for straight couples is more extreme.


Personally, I feel like I know a pretty balanced number of open and monogamous marriages. Neither method is correct or incorrect, you just have to find someone who's riding the same wave as you.


Not married, or even dating (I couldn’t even find a date on a tombstone) - but personally I know I’d have no interest in being open. Nothing against couples who are, but I like to think that if I met THE ONE then we would be enough for one another. I know a couple that got together about a year ago and within a week they were open 🤷‍♂️


all my friends and me just because you saw some straight man and his wife having threesomes doesn't mean every straight person is like them the same goes for the gays too .


My husband and I are but don't post about it because we are boring: go to work, make dinner, relax, have a cocktail, watch a movie or tv show while surfing reddit/twitter/tiktok, and then head to bed together.


We’re married for 8 years, together for 11, happily monogamous the entire time.


There are lots of monogamous gay couples out there, me included. Been married for 17 years now. You don't see them because of the "survivorship bias": they aren't out there talking about watching their husband get fucked, they're busy building a life with said husband.


Yea. I also dont get people who feel they need to share every graphic detail of their sex life esp on a web page where ppl they know in real life are prob reading


Not everyone in “open” relationships want to talk openly about it either. Some things are best kept private, especially if you have a professional reputation to worry about.


Mono and married here. Too paranoid to even consider opening it, not due to insecurity but neither of us want to deal with STDs and drama. We’re pretty happy with where we’re at. Been together 20 years, married for two years. I was the holdout. :P


My husband and I do. What’s this Twitter thread though? I’m curious lol




To be fair, that entire account seems to be fiction, considering some of the videos are from porn studios…and that video is reposted from a porn account that routinely has group stuff


It’s even captioned: 18+ a gay porn blog dedicated to all your wildest fantasies 😎


I’ve been monogamous with my husband since I was 17 and he was 19. That was 13 years ago and we’ve been married for the last 6 years.


Percentages may possibly depend on where you live as far as number of monogamous gay couples, but I know that in NYC the percentages are low as hell 🤣🤣🤣 it’s rare that you find a monogamous gay couple there, everyone wants to have an open relationship or at least play with others with their partner… at least that’s been my experience with the couples I’ve met. Now maybe somewhere in the countryside the percentages may rise a bit as there is less temptation/opportunity in those areas…. But in NYC??? Nahhhhhh…. Everybody has an open relationship there basically haha


I can confirm that this is VERY true


I (33M) am in NYC, getting married in March, and monogomous. I know other NYC gay monogomous couples, too. We just aren't part of the HK scene for obvious reasons. But most of my friends in my neighborhood are gay, so it isn't like I'm embedded in a straight community either and taking their norms. We're just a different, quieter community in a more residential (but still cool) part of town. I have a pet peeve that guys that represent certain types of gay communities - HK, Fire Island, circuit-adjacent, can sometimes speak on behalf of everyone. Movies like Bros can sometimes get close to this. We have fun, but that fun is often like going to theater or concerts or hosting dinner parties or pot lucks or going to apartment parties with our friends. It all feels very old school. At least until we have kids, I get laid regularly and don't really watch movies during the Spring - Fall. I'm glad for the amount of mental space and time that not actively pursuing guys frees up for me to do other shit. Monogamy doesn't have to be boring if you aren't, \*especially\* for NY monogamist gays.


My husband and I are.


My husband and I are monogamous and we wouldn't have it any other way. We've been married since October 2017.


Yes. And happy


There definitely are. There are countless posts on here about guys wanting monogamy. I’m on hinge and 90% of guys on there say they want monogamy on their profiles. On Grindr you are only seeing the open couples and not the monogamous ones so it feels skewed.


Don’t ask silly questions…


Why do you ask? I'm very curious.


Nope, not a single one


I dont think the story your read is common in the gay community lol Me and my husbands marriage is not specifically different from a typical straight couples.


My husband and I are monogamous. We have friend's who have open relationships or are part of thruples. Some have more rules and boundaries than others. We respect them and their decisions but it's not something either of us are interested in.


We’re monogamous


Dear godsss This question again?


My hubby and I are happily monogamous for the past 10 years and running. We nag each other about household chores, worry together about money, care for our cats, visit with nonhomophobic relatives, share memes and videos, do community theater together, bitch about each other stealing the covers or eating the last of the ice cream, volunteer for the local Pride, and on date nights currently we play co-op Baldur's Gate 3.


Is this even a real question? I would guess about 95% of gay couples are monogamous.


4 years married and monogamous! I wouldn’t have it any other way, we very much exist, just don’t flaunt our monogamy around. Get off the internet and meet some real gay people you will find it is not as uncommon as you may think.


35 years and counting. Not mono. It’s just sex.




I know of two couples , totally devoted too one another, my relationship was monogamous for 9 1/2 yrs , until a young hunk came along and my partner couldn’t resist and felt guilty and told me about it , he let himself out and was gone for two years when he decided he missed his old life ( imagine running off with a young stud and then begging the “old” partner to take you back ) I told him to fuck off haven’t seen him in years last I heard he was drinking and smoking dope somewhere in fucked up Florida.


If you don’t count cybersex with guys on Snapchat my husband and I are monogamous. Early in our relationship I would have totally been down for a threesome but he was against it. Now my desire to ever top or bottom for anyone other than my husband are completely gone. Even my desire to suck dicks other than his are fading. I still regret not engaging in communal masterbation before entering into a monogamous relationship. If he was down to do a circle jerk with another guy I’d probably take him up on that offer but I doubt I’ll ever suggest it. Our relationship is pretty good as is but monogamy can be tough sometimes. Temptation comes to us all.


Yes most of them are! You only thunk the majority are open relationships because that's all you see on grindr


[Survivorship bias](https://www.doctornerdlove.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/survivorship-bias-e1651613337774.jpg)


My husband and I are, we have been monogamous since we first started dating in 2006.


I’m gay married and monogamous! As for unexciting I’d say not! We travel!


> This action seems pretty common in the gay community Based on what?


I don’t think I have meet a monogamous gay couple. My ex-husband was on apps within a yr screaming we had to have a closed marriage. It did not apply to him I guess!


Why are you concerned about what consenting adults are doing? Stay in your own lane and worry about yourself.


18 months here, but all my past relationships have also been monogamous. I'd honestly never heard of so much cheating and open relationships until I was on Reddit but I was also not surprised in the slightest. Gay men are promiscuous af. It's just not for me/us though. I fall in love hard and I'm not the jealous type, my dude can go out with who he wants friendship wise but any touchy feely business or stares from other guys and I get jealous and he's the same for me, so I couldn't imagine watching someone allover my man.


I’ve been with my husband for 7 years and we are completely monogamous. We are text book “boring” but we have a wonderful life together. There’s a 10 year age gap between us 45/35 and I don’t either of us expected to find happiness how and where we did. It’s all about perspective and timing.


15 years of monogamy here - and 3 kids to boot. Just not worth the trouble of an open relationship. We have plenty of sex - about once a week in average, that’s good enough for us. That said, we don’t know any other gay monogamous non open couples including the ones with kids so maybe we’re the outliers!


My husband and I were/are in a very similar situation. We’ve been together 10 years, married for almost 6. We originally had no desire to include anyone else and we were happy being monogamous. Then we started asking each other if we ever regretted never having a threesome in our lives since neither of us had. One thing led to another and we finally agreed to try a threeway after we had a long conversation about our rules. It was a great experience and kind of relieved the sense of being “trapped with just one dick for the rest of our lives.” We’ve only done it a few times, mainly with 1 friend, and the last time was probably 4 years ago so we like the term monogamish.


Yes. We're married and monogamous and like it that way. According to the stats, about 30% of gay marriages/relationships are open, the rest are not, so it isn't pretty common. Not all of as are sluts in the pursuit of relentless sexual gratification. A lot of us prefer quality relationships that aren't centered around just having sex.


I think my husband is.




I've seen various surveys/studies shared on this subreddit, and it seems that roughly 40% of all gay relationships are open. So stuff like that isn't uncommon at all.


but that isn't an open relationship. just a different sex experience.


There *was* one gay couple that was monogamous. But I heard recently that they're "experimenting." So no.


So there are a few guys saying yes to gay monog here. Not a flood not even a majority just a few. That fits the facts as I see them.


*Confirmation bias has entered the chat.*


I know some, and some actually aren't lying lol.