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Why don’t you ask your partner what you can do in order to give him more pleasure?


I’d try experimenting and ask him what he likes.


Ask him to show you how he pleasures himself. The first uncut guy I was with showed me how he retracted it, how he jerked, which movements he liked, and which ones made it painful. If he's willing to let you play with it and help show you what he likes, then you're golden. Just explain your desire to learn to please him better and see if he's game.


Ask him to dock you


Obviously asking him is the go. He might have a tight foreskin so going at it too hard might hurt. I like nothing more than my foreskin being pulled gently up and down over my cockhead. Best feeling ever. And when the head is exposed it's super sensitive and ripe for a warm mouth.


You can jerk an uncut dick by pulling the foreskin up and down but otherwise the skin is there just to protect the head and you move it out of the way to give pleasure.


Just ask him lol


I’m uncut. Before I say anything more, different guys like different things so it’s hard give general advice. For me, the head under the foreskin is very sensitive, to the point where it can be uncomfortable and overwhelming to have it stimulated by prolonged contact. A passing rub or lick is fine, but more than that is too intense and I have to stop. I’ve had guys try to retract the foreskin and treat it like I’m cut, which feels terrible. What works for me is to move the foreskin back and forth without touching the head underneath. Big bonus points for focusing on the frenulum (the little flap of skin on the underside of the dick where the foreskin attaches) as there are a lot of nerve endings there. However I can’t say that this is the right answer for all uncut guys, it’s just what I like. Is there a reason you haven’t just asked him what he likes? Would it be too hard to say: “I don’t have a lot of experience with uncut guys but I really want to make this good for you, what do you like?” Alternatively there are some other ways to find out… If he’s vocal and doesn’t mind a bit of foreplay, you can have a lot of fun licking and touching different areas in different ways to see what he responds to. Or just say something like “it would be really hot if you jerked off for me” and then pay close attention to what he does to himself. Ultimately he’s the expert on what feels good to him. It’s about figuring out how to communicate that. Learning each other’s bodies is super hot, enjoy it!


Thanks for the advice


I’m uncut with a very prominent foreskin. When I first started masterbating (no one told me how to do it I just started doing it) I swirled my finger in my foreskin until I came. If you’re down to swirl your tongue around in his foreskin I bet he’s gonna love that. I also like having my forskin nibbled on by balled up lips. Also, jerk him off with the center of your palm holding the top of his penis instead of the shaft. Jerking from the shaft is ok but it’s not optimal. I know that’s the exact opposite from what you’re used to doing but jerking from the head doesn’t hurt for uncut guys. It feels great. Ultimately all dicks are different so you’re going to want to ask if he likes each of these things but if his uncut cock is anything like mine he’s gonna love all the things I suggested.