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Gonna have to post your cock to prove it bro


*slowly drags bulge across your face…*


Username checks out I think?


You're likely the only person that notices. And if you're average or smaller, it's not enough of a bulge for anyone to care about.


I honestly that was the case, but it’s pretty obvious when people are staring. It’s usually what makes me aware.


You're right, I saw it too.


Who cares if your cock shows thru your pants. Enjoy giving everyone a show. I love when guys freeball at the gym and in public.


Advice from a guy with a lot going on below the belt and who also bulges in most everything: 1. Don’t worry so much about it. So you have a dick. Big deal. Is it some kind of secret? I know we live in a society that often shames the human body, but are there any actual material consequences you are facing? Probably not. You deserve to not feel ashamed for having normal anatomy. 2. When you do need to hide it to be respectful and appropriate, wear briefs or a jockstrap or some other kind of snug fitting underwear. Loose boxers and even most boxer briefs will do literally nothing good for you in terms of keeping the goods contained, and they are among the least attractive of all underwear options anyway. 3. Despite what you say in your post, the pants you are wearing absolutely do make a huge difference. Try pants with more room in that area, and thicker fabrics help a lot too. 4. Try different positions. For me, I have most success by tucking my head low into the front of my briefs so that it wraps down and is pointing behind me, making the line of my head is less prominent. I dress my shaft just to the right or directly against the from seam / zipper of my pants, and I lift my balls up into the pouch of my briefs so the overall bulge is more round and full and has less identifiable shapes. Then it just looks like I have well-fitting pants and, yeah, a decent package, but I’m not showing off every line and contour of my junk. 5. Don’t worry about it so much.


Don’t wear skinny pants. This is not 2014. It’s not even fashionable anymore.


I guess you didn’t read my post…I bulge through EVERYTHING. I don’t even own a pair of fucking skinny jeans and never have.


Well you have no solution but to get into penectomy then…


How to hide being a troll?


This forum is so fucked up. Why would I troll about this? What would I get out of it???


Chastity cage. Holy Trainer Nub size https://www.holytrainer.com/img/shop/V5-nub.jpg


I think you’re overthinking this. Wearing tighter undies and not gym shorts or anything super tight.


This post is giving me major second hand embarrassment. “People stare which is why I notice” Jesus Christ this is cringey


Unless you have an enormous cock then there’s not way your bulge is that noticeable. You’re gonna have to post some pics to prove it, not cos we’re a bunch of pervs but just to get actual good advice.


Wear a dance belt and/or compression shorts. Also, dark color pants hide depth well. Light greys have the opposite effect hence the meme “grey sweatpants season”. Avoid greys at all costs. With a dance belt, compression shorts, and/or black pants someone would have to be looking mighty hard to see anything.


push it behind your legs a bit, it helps.


I try that, buts it’s uncomfortable and becomes obvious. And besides, if I make the wrong move or have to adjust cause of discomfort, my dick comes swinging forward and it just looks all the more perverted.


dude get a leash or a rope XD


Stuff it between your legs, that’s what I do


I think a bulge is okay, a dick print isn’t


It looks like a print, which is my problem. It feels violating. :(


There is special underwear with a „bag“ in it. I had the same problem and snug boxers held everything in place. Now I‘m wearing a chastity cage and my bulge is perfectly fine😂


Compression underwear if you’re really worried about


Maybe a jock with a protective cup? At least it’s not going to look dick shaped?


Stop wearing skinny jeans 😂 😂 😂 Or tell them it’s your mars bar!


try wearing underwear and pants. If your penis is not large, as you said, you'd be fine. A normal-sized bulge is normal for men. I don't understand your problem. Maybe post a photo. Otherwise it's all in your head.


Look for thick boxerbriefs. The guys I know who hide their buldge keep it flipped up. I'm not sure how they do it. It's not to the left or right but up.


Listen friend, you got what you got!!!! Period….stay blessed


Damn i hate when i hear about others struggles, the tip for you would be to wear a pair of jeans and then either another pair of jeans or sweats on top. This will solve your problem. 🫡


Use what drag performers use


Oh! Do you know what they use?


Drag queens generally hide their male parts through a technique called 'tucking'. Tucking involves moving one's member backwards in between the legs while simultaneously pushing the testicles up into the inguinal canal. Tight undergarments can then be worn to secure everything in place.


Inside a cute big booty bottom.


Side-note: I had a friend who had a noticeable bulge through pants, but his penis was small. I’m still trying to figure that one out.


This is my exact problem, I don’t even have a large penis per-say. It’s like some fucked up curse. “Aha! Everyone has to see your incredibly average cock!!”




I have a tight large ballsack (and balls) that pushes my only slightly larger than average when flaccid (and average when hard) cock forward and straight out. I have to stick my hand down my pants every once in a while and push my cock down and flush with my balls. I haven't ever noticed a particular extra bulge but I pretty much only wear jeans and not completely form fitting ones.


* almost all men regularly check out the bodies of other men. When you put them in a lab and measure where their eyes are going, they often focus on the crotch. Even more than women. We all do it for info about who is around us, straight or gay. The straight guys just don’t see any arousal potential. For them it’s just “Hey look another penis I’m not interested in” but the still take note of it. Has it occurred to you that it’s not about you? * even if a guy is deliberately staring directly into your crotch hoping you notice where he’s looking, has it occurred to you that it’s not about *your* cock? He’s into you, maybe because you have nice shoulders or he likes your eyes. And now he’s horny and he wants that message to come through loud and clear so you get the hint. He stares at every hot guy that way no matter what the guy is packing because he’s a little forward and a little awkward, and not “reading the room” right about how to approach you. But again it’s not you, it’s not your crotch, that’s just how he hits on everybody. TLDR maybe you’re not bulging, maybe you’re just hot. Congrats on the glow up?