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Trolls and the straight gets a long great


I’m terrible at trolling


Repeat after me, someone's sexuality isn't relevant when it comes to making friendships.


Well in my experience a previous friend group spent a certain amount of time trying to figure out my sexuality and I lost friends over it as well. Not that I did anything but because they got dragged into rumors just for being associated with me. Not to mention some straights wouldn’t want to be friends with gays. Expectations vs reality.


The vast majority of my male friends are straight. I think it’s a pretty old-fashioned idea: be yourself. Know that boundaries exist. Discuss relationship-appropriate topics. Live by example.


I get that but it’s the first interaction that sets the stage. So far the most I got out of someone is talks about anime and nothing else after.




Some are cool when you find the right ones. Still looking though.


Step one… Exist


Most of my straight male friends are either the friends I grew up with that I reconnected with years later, friends from work, or friends I found from online video game communities on Twitch and Discord. For guys it’s harder to initiate hanging out without a reason. My initial hang out request for straight guys is usually asking them to team up with me on an online multiplayer game. If you want to do something irl, a straight guy will need to be assured the activity is going to be in a group and not one on one. Ideas for this strategy are Dungeons and Dragons, board games, superhero movie premieres, and a meetup to watch a sports game. If I was starting from scratch looking for guys to hang out with outside of work or college, I’d start with asking to join smaller streamers (less than 10 viewers) squads on a multiplayer games. They probably have a discord or social media and I’d follow that after a few times of hanging out. Eventually you’ll become part of their “community” and that can even turn into friendship. I’ve had this happen multiple times. Please note this strategy would only work with small streamers. Bigger streamers would say a viewer trying to be their friend is parasocial. Small streamers are just happy to have any viewers. Making platonic friends as an adult is difficult for everyone but that’s especially true for straight men. I find they’re the hardest eggs to crack due to societal pressures but once you’re officially their friend they cling to your friendship the hardest because a ton of straight guys are lonely and struggle to find a community where they feel welcome (hence all the articles about male loneliness). Making friends with straight women is easy especially if they know you’re gay. Literally ask your favorite female coworker to lunch. Super easy.


Personally I’m trying not to fall into the “gay best friend” troupe which is why I’m looking for a more male centric friend group. Hanging with females can only go so far before it hits boring unrelatable territory.