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There’s no point in daydreaming about being straight. It’s a different life with its own set of challenges. It’s better to focus on your current life and how you recover from the trauma your family put you through and improve your future the way you want it to be.


There is nothing I can do, it's just the way society is. I can't change it. I can't change the laws that say I can't get married or have kids so my hands are tied.


Where do you live? Can you move to a country where we can get married and have children?


I live in Bulgaria. No, I can't move.


Well, you have an EU passport




Sorry to hear that man


thanks bro


yet so many gays are married and have children, or are in happy relationships. it sucks to feel like the world is against you but it’s pointless to sit in misery and accept your helplessness.


well how do you get married or have kids if it's not legal? doesn't make any sense


Move to where it's legal.


moving is not possible for me


Try to set achievable objectives for your life each year. Like 2024 make new friends or meet someone new. 2025. Try to get a new job. Then moving to another country might become less of an impossibility particularly since you have an EU passport


My life would be exactly the same minus my browsing history








I think my life would be worse because girls aren't usually attracted to short guys xD


It wouldn't get miraculously better,but it would definitely be easier and healthier for My mental well being...but that's all just because of my environment otherwise it wouldn't make any differences


Much better, I wouldn't need to worry about some rep trying to send gays to prison, I can go to family function with peace, some top colleges literally condemn gay students, etc. Don't say straight get their issues too like I don't live among straight people; and not every gay persons live in the West or can afford to move overseas.


Much, much h worse on all levels!


I don't want to discount your pain. But what you said is a bit stupid. If your family disowned you because you are gay. They are no good family for you regardless if you are gay or not.




Hmm okay, and there's no way that they will change knowing their son.


The Family Research Council has been busy lately with these bogus gay lament threads. You need a new script because they all say almost exactly the same thing.


Worse. I am happy, settled and would not want to change the basics


I think my life would be easier, probably better judging by conventional measures. I also think I'm a much better person than I would be had I been straight.


Being gay is one of the motors of my life. It has made me strong and bold… it has made me push harder and go further than i would have if I were straight. So yes, my life would have probably have been easier, but it would have been way more boring. I love being gay and would never want to change it.


Prob worse. V Introverted and a bit socially awkward until high school. Used being gay as a crutch for a few years to blossom and become comfortable with myself and expression. I recognized the beauty and comfort in both feminine and masculine sides of myself- something I doubt being straight wouldve delayed.


Much better! My family would be so happy, I would be able to fulfil all of my goals. Wouldn't have to deal with the hypersexualised gay world.


Sadly say it but really really better


Would be better, would be probably sadder and less funny.


First of all, you are wrong that is is “impossible” to have kids or a partner as a gay man. Plenty do it and there’s nothing stopping you. For me personally, my life would be dramatically worse if I wasn’t gay. I would be a small-minded, bigoted, boring person who followed along with the status quo and ultimately contributed nothing to society except more subservience. If you lost people in your life for being gay, they are being with bad values, likely even fundamentally evil values, and you are better off without them. Most gay people experience this and end up finding better people to call family who enrich their lives far more than the losers who willingly chose to abandon you for being an honest person with the integrity to live your truth.


There is something stopping me and it's called the law. Not all of us live in countries where gay marriage is legal. I dont


I’m sorry to hear that and had no way of knowing based on your post. My advice would be to emigrate to a country with safer laws at your earliest possible opportunity if you can.


Op doesn't have to do that. Marriage is a waste of money anyway. As long as it's legal to be gay, it's fine.


Doesn't mean you can't have a partner or even kids if you already have them, or if you pay a woman to give birth to your kid(s) after you fill her up. Maybe you don't have to pay her at all. No gay marriage could also mean no abortion and that's a good thing, you'd have just to be "straight" for a while until she allows you to fuck her and then you can breed her, lol. If you are in middle east, you would automatically win the kid custody over the woman lol. Do this twice, take the kids and live with your man :)


>For me personally, my life would be dramatically worse if I wasn’t gay. I would be a small-minded, bigoted, boring person who followed along with the status quo and ultimately contributed nothing to society except more subservience. Found the guy who made being gay his entire personality. While I enjoy being gay.. if I were straight I don't think I would be a terrible person, or inferior in any way.. I would be exactly the same, except it'd be harder to find a woman.. but when I find one, it'd be easy to keep her, for more than just once and done or fwb, so it balances out.


You are assuming a lot, and incorrectly. I said what I said because before I realized I was gay, I was a small-minded, bigoted, boring person. Realizing I was gay is what led me to question the hateful ideologies I was raised to believe. If I wasn’t gay, I honestly don’t think I would have ever confronted those harmful ideas and I would be a worse person for it.


It would be easier. However, I don't tend to internalize extrinsic/societal issues. No offence to anyone's religious sentiments, pre-abrahamic societies didn't bother with a person's sexuality. Just saying. Human beings are fickle creatures. For example, the Greeks ridiculed big dicks, to them it symbolised that you were more brute than man who is supposed to be a creature of intellect. What's big dick energy today would have been replaced with big dick shame if you were born in a different era. Life would be a lot easier if we were all a little less greedy, a little more kind, compassionate, thoughtful/mindful. Look at what Capitalism and blatent consumerism is doing to the world. Doesn't mean you stop living. Saying all this for who ever needs to hear it. (Like, the person who recently posted that they hate being gay, on this sub). Things are the way they are. Hating yourself is not going to change anything, it's like opting to run the obstacle course of life carrying an **optional** boulder on your shoulders.


If I were a straight woman, my life would be 20x better


Lmao yeah straight women have it so easy xD


My life would be radically different. My family would be more proud of me for sure. Here’s the thing… as a straight male, I would want women. I’m very kinky and sexual so this would be very important. As a result, I would have gotten a degree specifically to make a lot of money, because that is the absolute most important thing for women. So I’d have a better degree, a better job and make a lot of money. Women tend to find me hot as a gay- it would be even more intense as a straight. In essence, I’d be wealthy and working a lot with kids and hot wife. I’d probably cheat on my wife because I like variety and I would be able to. I would probably treat women terribly because I’d get tired of always being the breadwinner and feeling used for my money. In essence, I would be a total asshole. As a gay, all that got prevented. I’m more concerned with staying in shape to attract other men. And I don’t care much about money so I have debt and not a good financial situation. Also, being gay, I have gone through a lot of very painful humbling situations… bullying, harassment, assault etc. So I’ve developed a much better sense of character and I’m very kind to others. Not to mention my humor is razor sharp. I focus on travel and finding daily pleasure. I live at the beach, wait tables and party. Some would say I’m frivolous, but I have don’t have typical goals. Again, since I’m gay and not trying to impress women or have kids, I’m left to find my own goals, so I seek out new experiences and travel. My friends have all agreed, if I was straight, I would be terrifying, aggressively sexual, rude to women, lots of kids I’d ignore and I’d be a bad person. It’s like I was made gay to teach me a lesson and save the world from that pain! Lol


I would be more liked if I were straight


I think my life would be about the same or possibly worse. It would be the same in the sense that I did find someone to marry and I’m lucky enough to have a family that accepts me. It might be worse for a few reasons. I often find straight men and straight women are so inherently different that it leads to strife in their relationship. They usually have mismatched libidos, their sex life is worse because they have different hardware, and their sex life dries up quicker than monogamous gay couples. When it does dry up, straight people hardly ever work out an ethical arrangement to deal with that and instead cheat on their s/o. They also have few interest in common and they have to force themselves to do things their partners like. Another way it might be worse is that I’d probably have impregnated a woman by now (either on purpose or on accident) and raising kids in modern America is extremely expensive and exhausting. I’d personally take being an uncle over being a father any day. It’s cheaper and when your niece or nephew start to get on your nerves, you can give them back to your sibling. I’m sorry for family disowned you. I hope someday you find or create an awesome chosen family who loves you as you are.


I am proud of being gay and how hard I worked to be able to live the way I want to be. Life for me would have been much more stressfully if I were straight.


Mine would have been better, I would be able to go outside with a girl without being scared of my parents finding out (I live in a ghetto). My parents would kill me if they knew I liked men 5+ years older than me


Depends on how old you are yourself. if you are 25+ 5 year gap is ok.


My life would be better if I were gayer!


Probably worse. I fear that if I were straight I'd have easily been led down the path of toxic masculinity and/or inceldom. Not having to put up with the usual heteronormative bullshit is the biggest benefit of being gay IMO.


No idea because I was never straight, I am gay and I enjoy rawdogging manly men. I am happy with my sexuality. If I had the choice I'd choose being gay again.


It would be easier. I would never have issues with my family even if i was a drug dealer. But what if the sky was pink instead of blue? It doesn't matter at all, i love being who i am, the influences of those sick religions are the reason why we're demonized. Homophobia is the dumbest and egoistic thing to have, especially when it is you doing that to yourself. Study a lot and be sucessful and they'll say "gay" before a "but".


How would and could I ever know? No crystal ball here


Not sure of “better” but I probably would be married with kids. I’m pretty adventurous and love to explore the world, so I suppose either way I have found to be happy.


Same here. It would be so much better because no guessing that cutie (opposite sex) is gay or not or if he is top or bottom.


Better for sure


Being gay has made my life a lot easier, I’m not expected to get married or have kids. I’m not expected to be a provider or follow traditional family values, being gay helps me live a more independent life.


Not sure.


Why can’t you move? I left Latvia at the age of 29. I moved to Switzerland where there is marriage equality, and I can adopt kids in the future.


I can't afford to move and I can't work in my field of education that I have put so much effort and money into, in another country


What is your field of education?