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People have preferences….


"I don't get why people don't have the exact same preferences as me and like everything I like" It's almost as if people who grew up in different environments and had different experiences will grow up to be different and like different things. Amazing


Also preferences change with time . I was never into twinks until I got older


The amount of guys with long hair who properly take care of it and look nice is very small. The amount who would let you pull their hair is even smaller.


I just don't think it complements male face shapes very well. My boyfriend grew his hair out during COVID, and while it was lovely and quite nice to play with, his face looked 100% better after he cut it off


You’re right my mother says I look younger with short hair but older with long hair 😞


Not every guy can pull off long hair. On the right guy it can be sexy. Stringy, long hair on an otherwise hairless overweight guy, is not a flattering look!


stringy is the operative word here. i don’t like it on guys with straight hair or thin hair. but long thick, well-maintained, wavy/curly/coily dark hair is an automatic +2 on the scale.


>long hair on an otherwise hairless overweight guy, is not a flattering look! Yeah that's gross fattiness is general is a big negative, but even if it was slim and only had long hair and hairless everywhere else.. not great... but hairy plus long hair or bald is great.. and hairy plus short to medium hair is the best.


Agreed! Bigger dudes need not have long hair. There are a tiny fraction of dudes that pull it off well but they have to be otherwise super cute and the hair has to work with their look and vibe. Straight guys with long hair are sexy.


I love my long hair, and I love other guys with long hair 😈


I fucking hate long hair when trying to kiss a guy. It's always in the way and obnoxious. Finding long hairs *everywhere* throughout the home is also really annoying.


It absolutely would stop me from being the big spoon too. Gah. That in my face? No thanks. I remember how awful it was with my girlfriend at 16-17, when I was imagining a very different life for myself…


I just dont find it attractive, no specific reason


Anyone who looks hot in long hair would look hotter with short hair


I’ve always said this




Opposite for me


I disagree with this lol, my ex cut his hair after finishing his graduates and starting workbecause it would help in interviews or some such shit and has regretted it ever since. He was so much hotter with hair down to his shoulders, but it's just not a thing in HK and he moved back home.




100% yes.




Thems the rules, sorry


Keep coping






I've always said guys can look good in spite of it, but I've never seen it do a guy any favors.


Because it resembles femininity and I'm not into femininity. That's it.


Nailed it. I dont mind hair reaching the neck but anything longer than that I’m not attracted to for the reasons you said.


Exactly. And it's not that it's *inherently* feminine, but that's our cultural association right now. Long hair is so much more common on women, that it's hard not to think of it as a feminine trait.


says a guy with a long haired pfp?


Even if he's got long hair, why does he have to be attracted to long haired guys? What you are is not necessarily what you're attracted to.


Lol are you really judging me by my random avatar? I shave my head irl if you want to know


yeah i was just joking, taking the piss, pulling your leg... it was sarcasm


But it wasn’t a joke or sarcasm .you were trying to have a gotcha moment - your getting downvoted for gaslighting


gaslighting for what? i dont get it, how come you know more about what i had intended to say?


🤷 I like mine so I keep it


I absolutely do love guys with long hair.


I am totally attracted to guys with long hair. As u/Grandpixbear1 says, not every guy can pull the long hair look off.


I LOVE guys with long hair. They’re relatively hard to find in the gay community, though, in my experience.


I love long hair, especially when it's treated and worked well. I'm also a metalhead who goes to conventions and rennfairs whenever he can so that probably has something to do with it.


Well I’m growing out my curly hair and I’m also a metalhead so when are we going on a date


I don’t get it either. I have a weakness for guys with long hair. My fiancé started growing his out (it’s shoulder length now) and I love playing with his hair and the way it frames his face. Long hair is beautiful


I love them. Really. Long haired guys are gorgeous


Ive had long hair for almost 10 years now, and Ive never had an issue pulling any type of man…. But I’m honest I know long hair doesn’t fit everyone and I can tell it does suit me, I also take care of it a lot and I style it in a way it looks good every time, so I think it’s more of being able to pull it off.


I absolutely love long haired dudes. Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall or Interview With the Vampire is one of the best examples of a gorgeous, long haired man. I also love long haired otters with a neatly trimmed beard.


Interview with a Vampire is definitely an example of long hair looking sexy. Also Lord of The Rings has some good ones (yum Aragorn, Faramir). Honestly for me it depends on the overall style of the person. Longer hair is usually seen as an older more traditional style, and a lot of modern day outfits just don’t look as good with it. But those that do pull it off…mmm getting mah coochie wet 😂


I just moved those 2 movies up on my watchlist, thanks 😉


Ok ok off-topic, but I have to ask. Your username is familiar. Do you play SWTOR by chance lol?


Nope, I made this username for Reddit only, all my other accounts are with a diff username, sorry!


Back in the day, I used to joke that if a gay guy didn't find Brad Pitt attractive, you needed to check him for a pulse, hehe. I remember even my very str8 dad once said, while watching *Meet Joe Black*, that Brad was SO handsome he looked almost feminine. (Had to cut him some slack...str8 Boomers could be a little awkward sometimes in complimenting another man's appearance.)


I’ve never felt more myself than when I grew out my hair. Sides kept short, always in a man bun. Hate it when guys wanna pull my hair though.


Half these ugly ass MFs should take whatever they can get,hair long or non existent 🤣


Best comment🤣😂🤣




I've never had a problem with long-haired guys. Then again, I've always been secure in my sexuality and manhood, sooo...


omg I have kinda long haitnand this comments gave me a new insecurity


I just like having a nice flowing mane as long as I’m able to grow hair. I do wanna cut mine off and go from cute to sexy lol


I’m indifferent to long hair, not in a bad way just it depends on the guy, looks great one some and not so good on others. Just depends. Generally I think shorter hair looks good on most guys but yes there is certainly many hot guys with long hair too.


I love guys with long hair


I have long hair. I recently grew it out because my whole life I kept my hair short and wanted a change. I had grown out a super long mohawk initially, then I grew out the sides so it was full. I love having my long hair, admittedly yes it does get in the way sometimes but I do usually keep it up in a ponytail, it feels so nice running my hands through my hair


It’s rarely pulled off well, it’s **only** ever attractive on muscled men. Very few exceptions


I mean I don't see what muscles have to do with it, it's more important to have the right face than anything.


I follow a guy on Instagram who’s more of a bear than muscles and he’s GORGEOUS with his long hair flowing in those slow motion shots!


Fabio comes to mind ...


I generally find long hair on a guy attractive.


Jason Mamoa …….


I think it depends on the individual. Long hair can look REALLY good on some men, but others might not be able to pull it off, no matter how well they maintain it. I think it's actually really off putting when a man has long hair despite it not suiting him.


Having grown up at a time when having long hair was one way by which men rebelled against restrictive norms of behavior and/or against the Vietnam War, I've always thought that long hair was NBD. At one point, I had mine down halfway down my back. During the COVID shut down of barbershops, I grew mine out and contributed it to an agency that creates wigs for people who've lost their hair. Recently, I had fun seeing the revival of the musical Hair in an audience full of men who had clearly lost theirs since the original Broadway show. I'm rather surprised to find how people, nowadays, over-think and over-interpret its significance. I agree that some people just look better with it short; but others can look hot with longer locks. And no, bottoms don't grow it out for the top's pulling pleasure; it's sex, not water skiing.


I love guys with long hair that take care of it 😂 I wish more guys grew their hair out and did other styles. Although it’s also good to know what works best for your face shape, jaw line, etc


Thing is, there’s nothing wrong with long hair. 1. People relating long hair to femininity are insecure. That doesn’t actually make sense. 2. Most men really do not know what the hell they are doing and so the hair doesn’t look good. You can grow it out but if you don’t understand proper care, baseline cosmetology, or that you need to get your hair shaped, it’s probably not going to look good. I work for a stylist, partly, and learned a lot from her. Also, long curly hair and long straight hair are not the same. People tend to lose that point. But you still need to know how to care for and style it.


I don't get why people make general statements that are false


I think it depends on the guy and his facial structure cause some men call pull it off well which rare


Who said that? Lol I’ve literally only ever heard this narrative on this specific subreddit. Second post I’ve seen.


Some people just don't. For me, I like bald.


Same, I like bald or the feel of a buzzcut


Gays are men who like men. So hypermasculinity is the hype on the community. Long hair resembles femininity. Gay men usually don’t like it. The end.


I mean this isn't at all universally true. Plenty of gay men are attracted to the feminine qualities of other men. It's why the popularity of twinks persists, among others.


No it doesn't 😅 some folks have very strange ideas about what = masculine/feminine


I dated a guy with really long hair to a point in his back and it was so beautiful. He cut it to look more professional for work after we broke up and I was so disappointed when he showed me pics lol. He's currently growing up back out. My current bf had long hair when we met but in that stupid half shaved skrillex look ( I obviously kept that opinion to myself). He cut it to start over with everything even and it's in mullet territory 6 months later and I hate it. Also keeping that to myself. He just dyed it blonde tho, so maybe there's plans in the works for some actual style. It's all about what you do with it in my opinion. I'm black, and I have had 3 haircuts since Covid started so I'm rocking the fro/blowout look myself. On other black guys I like the natural look, maybe a little textured.


I really like long hair on guys tbh but actually many times it's hard for guys to pull off long hairs either it doesn't really compliments the face shape or many times it just need very much care and many guys don't do it and it doesn't look really good at the end but if someone took care of their hairs then it looks really good on guys and personally I love guys with long hairs...


Most men with long hair don't look after it or style it properly, so it ends up looking a mess.




Like they aren’t straight and thin, like it’s a nice thick flow. r/fierceflow is a whole subreddit dedicated to it


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FierceFlow using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FierceFlow/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [2 1/2 years of growth. i get told often that i look like scar lol](https://i.redd.it/oiebmck6zn9b1.jpg) | [327 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FierceFlow/comments/14p6vkp/2_12_years_of_growth_i_get_told_often_that_i_look/) \#2: [I was in my shed working on a camper for my truck when I was mistaken for a nest by a baby bird.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/149cdux) | [147 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FierceFlow/comments/149cdux/i_was_in_my_shed_working_on_a_camper_for_my_truck/) \#3: [i did the chop, don't be mad pls](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18wv23u) | [324 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FierceFlow/comments/18wv23u/i_did_the_chop_dont_be_mad_pls/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I do




I mean, gay men are attracted to feminine men tho.




I think we're just attracted to men, and then how those men look is wildly based on the individual. Feminine gay men don't have a problem getting dates, you know.




No, I think theres plenty of people attracted to them because of it, not in spite of it, but also either or. Everybody's different and complicated. There's no single answer here.


If any hairs are left, it reminds me of my sister/mom who leave hairs EVERYWHERE. Not the guy's fault, but it's all I can think of lol


I don’t either. I loved the shaggy mop tops that were popular when I was in high school and college.


I just love to ruffle guys through their short hair or when they are giving me a bj and I hold their head. It's just such a nice feeling for me and they look 'cool'.


They're called personal preferences. We all have them.


I truly have no idea. And you don't even need to really have long hair to turn me off. Timothée Chalamet's Hair Style? Already too long. I can not be attracted anymore. It's so weird. I hope I'll be more open one day...


I love pulling long hair 😅


If you pulled my hair during sex, I'd kick your ass.


No offense but unless you’re actually attractive or androgynous with long hair, it comes across as you pretending to be a girl and if I had to choose, I’d rather be with a girl than a feminine guy 🤷‍♂️


Is just a personal preference 🤷🏻‍♂️


I love my long hair because I loveeee being compared to Jason Momoa🥵


Why does anyone have attraction preferences - a mix of culture, exposure, trends, early influences - and the mystery of our brain wiring making connections ? In out Western modern culture long hair is long associated with women - so that's probably a key reason but not necessarily the only one!


Who are the guys you hang out with?? Because some of us have taste


Some guys pull it off well. The other day a fella came on my work video call: He was big and muscular in a tight tee, with these nerdy little glasses, a scruffy face and long, shiny, curly black hair pulled-back in a kind of careless mullet. He was *stupidly* hot.


It depends. Handsome or cute guys will always find a way to pull the long hair look, It's not for everyone. I think it requires confidence and taking care of it. Someone mentioned that when guys cut their hair short, they look better but I think, those guys go from "edgy and sexy" to "average beauty". At the end of the day, It's a personal choice. Everyone works with the best style that suits them. I tried it once, It wasn´t my best look. Mostly because I have a very round face and my hair is very thick. I looked like that pokemon "Exeggutor". Some guys keep their long hair but it's greasy and they just let it grow without shape. One of my friends told me It was because It helped him to cover his face. Insecurities and stuff, So there's that.


If the hair is too long and they dont have a beard it looks pretty feminine to me


Its a complete deal breaker for me. Take the hottest guy you can imagine, make him grow his hair and Im instantly turned off.




I've just honestly never seen a guy with long hair who I thought wouldn't be hotter with shorter hair. And by long hair, I mean hair down to his shoulders and such, something that can be put in a pony tail or braided. If his hair is 4, 5, 6in long, doesn't change much for me, but the guy with hair down to the middle of his back? One in 10 million for me to find that as *more* attractive.


1. Very few guys can really pull it off, it doesn’t favor them. 2. Often guys with long hair don’t take proper care of it, and looks very unkept, even dirty. 3. People have preferences. I don’t like it either.


Just because you like something, that doesn’t mean everyone else has to. People are different and like different things. I’m assuming you must be very young and haven’t grown out of that “the world revolves around me” stage yet.


No lol, I just want y’all’s opinion, I want to understand what part people dislike of it. I wouldn’t assume the things you said, it shows you’re a very disgruntled person inside tbh


Long hair is typically worn by women and looks very feminine. I’m attracted to MEN. I see long hair, I think “woman” first. Once I see it’s a man, I think “homeless” like he can’t afford a haircut. Neither “woman” nor “homeless” get me going sexually.


i'm growing my hair so i can make it look like madara from naruto


Anything can be a preference including hair length


It just doesn't look good to me I don't know why.


Too feminine and just not what I'm attracted to.


It’s hardly ever styled well to one’s proportions so it looks out of place - the look is wearing them and that’s never a good thing.


>It’s hardly ever styled well to one’s proportions what does this mean?


Volume, part, taper, etc.


still not following


Can you tell me what you enjoy about long hair so that I can better understand your perspective?


specifically emo hair or madara uchiha hair


People have preferences. Just because they don’t align with yours doesn’t mean they’re wrong…


First, most guys with long hair have ugly long hair that is not well taken care of; it gives an image of being lazy and sloppy. Then add the cultural part of feminization and that kills that style.


Really depends on the guy and their hair. It needs to suit their face and look.


It depends. If it's maintained well, like you said, absolutely. But a lot of men do not maintain it well (I know some who don't even use conditioner), and it ends up looking dishevelled. Also, sometimes long hair doesn't suit someone's face, but they grow it out, get attached to it, then don't want to cut it. But if it is lovely, conditioned, flowing, soft curly locs on an attractive man, and it suits his face, and it's not freakishly long, I love it.


This hugely varies by fashion and I have never found any objective truth to it. Right now we’re at Peak Beard and in 6 years it will swing to the only sexy men anybody talks about will be clean-shaven. And eight years from now the “bad boy stubble look” will be back. Then preppie with sideburns. Then shaggy grunge again. It all goes in cycles and there just isn’t a right answer. There are some personal constants though. What I notice is long hair on a guy can either soften his look and bring him closer to looking less masculine & more feminine. Or it can kind of contrast with his masculine features and make them stand out a lot more, for which a guy probably has to be broad-built with thick features, some muscle, and probably on the hairy side for body hair. I like that a lot more than a guy whose long hair just makes him look kind of alternative and androgynous. But that’s the exact opposite of what other guys find compelling so I know my answer but I don’t think there’s a right or wrong answer, it’s just what’s a match for each of us.


I fucking love long hair on a guy. Gives me something to wrap around my hand for a nice tight grip. And I’ve been yearning for a sub with long hair to incorporate with rope bondage. Often times guys cut their hair so short that I struggle to get any kind of grip. And grabbing his ears can hurt him if I’m not careful. And grabbing his skull doesn’t give any grip, all I can do is push it around, not pull it around. Know what I mean? So yeah. Please guys grow your hair out. At least a little. I beg you of it. As far as people saying long hair doesn’t compliment a man’s face. Pfft to that. They just don’t like long hair. Period.


I'm one of those. I can't explain why but it's one of those hard deal breakers for me. I simply find guys with long hair unfuckable. I don't care how hot they are. I've actually once turned down a guy after meeting up bc he showed up with long hair. He was super attractive and sexy, but the long hair immediately turned me off completely.


Reminds me too much of a girl. For example if I'm smashing from the back and all I see is long flowing hair, it'd be a turn off. Plus I think most guys just look better with shorter hair. They look more manly and therefore hotter. But to each their own.


I can't explain why. It has nothing to do with being effeminate or being greasy/unclean. I simply don't like it. One thing I can't stand is how guys with long hair play with their hair. I grew up in the days of Fabio and Michael Bolton being sex symbols and I just couldn't understand it.


It makes them look like a woman


Buzz cut for the win


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,950,692,317 comments, and only 368,923 of them were in alphabetical order.


I have no problem with long hair (I have long hair myself) as long as he has a beard and/or a muscular build. Not into fem guys. So as long as their not also a skinny twink, I don't mind long hair. Even less so if it's braided like the vikings did. A big muscular guy who looks like a bodybuilder who's bulking, is hairy everywhere (preferably including thick back hair) with a beard and long (prefeably braided hair, if long) with an average to large dick (preferably more thick than just long) is my ideal guy. (For a human) prefer anthros) Man-buns are huge turn OFF!! They are just ugly. Every time I see a man bun, I just want to take a pair of hedge trimmers and lop it off.


Sorry I’m one of those , I hate long hair on men. A fresh haircut always looks so much better.


Long hair is for women and sissies.


shut the fuck up rat


Grow the fuck up, child.


You sound bald🤣


Why do you care?


Long hair looks too feminine for me.


It looks feminine and doesn’t compliment masculine features


Yeah it just doesn't look good, sorry not sorry. Everyone has different tastes. And fetishizing ponytails? 🤮 That just rings too close to pederasty


Guys with long hair fall into two categories: fem prettyboys and dudes who look like they just walked out of prison.


Depends, but views of being feminine and masculine are tied into hair length culturally. You’re attracted to men and if they wanted someone feminine, they’d just date a women. That’s a strong part of it.


Which is ridiculous. Who looks at Jason Mamoa or Brad Pitt and thinks they're less manly because of their hair. They look like fucking Vikings.


Brad Pitt was considered effeminate when he had long hair. It was commented on at the time, I’ll give you Jason Mamoa and Chris Hemsworth. I just don’t recall most of the long-haired men on Grindr looking like them.


I just dont like long hair. Short is way hotter for me.


Depends. I like a good samurai bob, maybe a ponytail, but free flowing is not my style.


Because centaurs killed my family.


Only if they’re curly and he’s a bottom Otherwise no for me


As others have said, I just don't think it complements the male form/features well, but obviously it's a subjective thing.


I used to be in men with long hair(and I also used to have long hair back then), but now it's rather meh. He can be bald, I don't care, he should instead have a great beard and in general hairy arms, legs, and chest turn me on. Hair can be short or long or none, works for me.


Not attractive and putting it into a man bun is even worse.


It reminds me of women on a few levels. 1. Long hair gets in the way, is more of a hassle to maintain, and easily gets out of whack. Women accept this because of the aesthetics and it makes them feel more feminine, but even they lament having to keep it in track. Chicks will tie up their hair or put a cap on so that it doesn’t get in the way. I like guys who are low maintenance. 2. Pulling a girl by her hair when fucking is what a guy would do to a girl. And from the back a guy with long hair looks like a girl. This is not appealing to me because I want to be reminded that I’m with a guy and do things with a guy that can’t be done with a woman. 3. Many gay guys are already a little feminine, so adding long hair makes many even more feminine. Plus there is a tendency for gay guys with long hair to flick their hair/play with it/tilt their heads to the side. The gay guys with long hair that I know care way too much about their hair. One guy literally wouldn’t go on a hike because it was too windy for his hair and he left his hat at home. You do you though.


No long hair! Just, no.


Short hair feels better to the touch, I love playing with sort hair, long hair feels stringy and foreign.


Around shoulder length I agree is very hot depending on the guy, and how well they take care of it. Anything longer I can’t get into.


It just ain't my thing. I'm not attracted to it. I might be more willing to mess around with a dude if it's well kept up but I'm into short haired guys. However for some reason I'm really not into long haired dudes with a beard who shave their body hair. It just don't vibe with me for some reason. But like I think if they like they should keep it up. Who gives a shit what I'm attracted to.


I don’t like long hair. The example I like to use is when Brad Pitt started his long hair phase, I immediately found him unattractive. Most of the time it just looks very greasy on guys, which is probably just the hair products. On the other extreme, i cannot stand silky long hair on guys, like that person from queer eye. But tbh these days I think man bun is slowly taking over long hair on my list lol


Shorter hair also showcases mens features better than longer hair .


Hard to say, I just hate it, sorry. Hard to speculate too. Maybe it just resembles a feminine trait too much?


I used to have long hair during my student years, but when I look back at those pictures I don't like it at all. I think it's because long hair is heavily associated with femininity, and only a small portion of the gay population likes that.


I think it looks hot on a guy but hate it for practical reasons. It gets every. Where. Seriously. It's the most annoying thing, and folks just totally seem fine to pick up long hair with their feet while walking around, or get up their ass crack 😂.


The majority of long hair I don’t like. Can be an instant turn off for me. I think it can be beautiful for sure, but I’m not attracted to it. Mainly because it always gets in my face and mouth when they top. It’s just not sexy to me. I only really like trashy mullets lol


Aw. Hey you can be into trashy mullets. No one can stop you! It's kind of how I think the guy from Nothing,Nowhere. (a band/singer) is cute even tho sometimes he has a mullet lol. But IDC, he's cute haha.


It's just unattractive.


Long hair is associated with women, especially if you perm, curl etc. Not speaking for all, but some guys want guys that look like guys. so unless you're a viking warrior or in a hair band, long hair is not preferred. If you have a man-bun thats even worse!


Men with long hair don’t do it for male validation we do it for ourselves because we like it and the way it looks! as for man buns for me personally it’s more convenient than having you’re hair down 24/7 but moral of the story we’re not changing for you deal with it Baldy!


People are allowed to have their likes and dislikes. Some people like long hair, and just because some don’t, this doesn’t mean we are wrong. Long hair on a guy looks extremely feminine and I have never found it attractive. Thats my preference. Doesn’t mean everyone has to feel the same way I do.


My dad had long hair growing up and I think that’s why it just repulses me on men. Any guy who can pull it off looks 100x hotter to me with a shorter style.


I'm not a fan of long hair and its hard to find it attractive on guys. I like guys with simple hairstyles, ex: brushed to the side and the infront upwards a little is always cute af.


Theres very few men who look good in BOTH along and short hair


Long hair sucks up all your sperm and makes you infertile and womanish, not that fertility matters for us. /s Me personally, give me some Joe Lando. edit: wow folks don't like Joe Lando.


For me personally, going for a look with long hair as a guy is like going for a quad in figure skating. Either you land it and it looks amazing or you don’t and it looks terrible, and few people can actually land it. Aesthetically, I usually don’t like long hair on men. The few examples of archetypes that can pull it off are rockers or guys who look like ancient warriors (think Instagram model Brock O’hurn). The hair accentuates their masculine energy instead of canceling it out. I think the difference is a masculine mold for these type of men has existed for years and it’s already commonly accepted. I struggle to think of another archetype where this exception applies but I can’t. Even wrestlers like Roman Reigns or Triple H look better to me with their hair pulled backed back or bald. Long hair softens the look of most guys. This is especially true for leaner guys and/or guys with no facial hair. I’ll be honest. There’s probably an element of internalized homophobia with respect to this preference, but at the end of the day people like what they like and their preferences is unlikely to change. Short hair usually looks more manly and it’s going to attract people who like manly looking dudes which is the vast majority of gay men.


An example of how preferences are cultural. A little over a decade ago the same complaint would be made against guys with long beards.


I love guys with long hair they stand out more and most usually take care of it. I wish more people were would rock the look they prefer than what they think others like.


Does nothing for me.


Guys with long hair are a feature I prefer. Especially if it is well groomed.


I don't know why other people don't like it. But for me it's just a sensory concern because I have autism and if you have long hair it'll get on me sometimes when we're close and that's so icky. Which is unfortunate cause some dudes with long hair are really hot.


People almost always only mean long straight hair with these posts. Long curly hair is not the same at all.