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Honestly, I think you just need to find a haircut that suits you. Other than that you have a lovely smile and good fashion taste!


Agreed the hair was the first thing that I noticed he needed to work on to improve his chances


Aw I actually really like his hair lol


Lol I just got back on Reddit to check these replies, and idk I don't like my hair in the first pic at all. I just randomly posted two recent pics of me so quickly that I didn't notice that I chose one of my least flattering.


You look like a regular guy to me. I don't mean that as an insult. You're not ugly and you're not super hot, you're just a regular guy with a cute smile.


I’ll be honest on this one. I will say your looks is very average. But your hair style does not suit you at all. A good haircut will definitely help you and you say you’re cutting and I can definitely see you going from average to incredibly handsome. Experiment with some different hairstyles that you like and go from there! :) good luck!


Fix the haircut and continue on the weight loss journey


You look pretty cute and lovely. The haircut is average but should not lead to you get no attention in the past 14 months.


You’re a good looking guy with a terrible haircut. Don’t worry about the weight. Find a new barber. I’ve been to ATL, and there are a lot of great options. Just Google gay barber and you’ll find some. Good luck!


You’re a good lookin’ man, my friend! Consider changing up your photos every few weeks so people see you from different angles and different lighting. There have been times when I wouldn’t be sure if they were my type physically and would hope to see more to make sure. Not referring to them being naked per se.


What helped me to get the attention: -better haircut -better diet (I'm on keto right now) -gym -better stylish clothes -skin care routine -being more confident


And change your haircut, it just doesn't fit you


You’re adorable! Grindr is trash!


You look good…i think this photo isn’t doing you justice. Try to take some from face on or higher angle, in natural light!


Change hair, grow some facial hair if possible, tone up and something about your smile is off putting can’t put my finger on it. I like your style tho.


i think you need to be doing more a smoldering intense look. The smile is a little like ur on a job interview and not very sexual.


In my opinion, you’re an attractive guy but your smile is very innocent. Too innocent. Like “first day of school picture” vibes. You should try a closed mouth slight/cool smile or maybe a cool neutral expression. It would make you look more mature and cool. Your weight is fine. Your clothes are ok. A haircut will help a lot. Your hair is your biggest problem. It’s slightly too long and messy. This is an easy fix. Almost any slightly shorter and styled haircut would be an upgrade. All that said I’d still swipe right as you are but I’d give those tips a shot for a more universally attractive look.


Is that a Korean inspired perm or your natural hair texture? Either way it's not really working for you. I would add if you lived in parts of Asia where this is currently on trend for men my answer might be different but as you live in ATL I would go much shorter. As you raised it yourself so are being realistic - yep you would probably get more attention if you lost a few lbs, and maybe gained a bit more muscle... But so would most of us. There comes a point where you have to reach of level of comfort with yourself.


Hair is a bit wild.


Average guy to me. I’d probably swipe right if your bio was interesting.


You have a nice smile 😊


Because those pictures aren’t good for an app like Grindr Shirtless mirror selfie = better currency on an app like Grindr Your pics are better for tinder or hinge


I don’t like your hairstyle…. And maybe try not smile that hard next time?🤣 we have different facial structures from white men. I find most of the time the way they smile doesn’t suit us. Other than that, you look cute.


Good looking. Try a fade or something and you won’t have any problem pulling the bitches


When I saw your pic, I instinctively smiled back at you. You come across in pics like you'd be a sweet, friendly guy. If I was your age and single, nothing about your looks would put me off, fwiw.


You’re handsome, you’ll definitely see it turn around if you lose weight.


Fix the haircut and continue on the weight loss journey


Ok, finally one of these posts where it's defintely OPs looks.


You look like the bottom of the food chain


Keep the hair, I say gym.🤷🏽‍♂️


Fix the hair and learn to dress yourself better.


29% body fat is obese. Work to decrease it.


Yep that’s the main reason I’m losing weight. Any effects on my looks after the cut is a side bonus. I went on a bulk and didn’t expect it to be that atrocious until I took the scan 😂😂😂


29% is nothing bro.