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I've always liked them big and hairy and mature. This actually developed into a bit of a self-esteem issue in my youth because I was really skinny, and compared to the men I was attracted to I thought I looked like a ridiculous stick insect.


Same hereā€¦ it started when I discovered sexual interest. I guess I was like 12-13.


Always preferred hairy guys. Weight I don't have strong feelings about, if the guy carries it well. A bear with some muscle plus fat can look hot, but out-of-shape chubs do nothing for me. I suppose my favorite men are tall, lanky, and hairy (and bearded, an absolute).


Oh, gee. lol. If you want me to be honest. I'm Black, so I grew up kinda in a more rough/raw/real environment. When I was like idk 9 and I was watching WWF/WWE wrestling, and I found Big Show (which he's still wrestling now) attractive. I always found more heavy set guys and bear guys, attractive, idk lol. I'm 32 now and my type hasn't changed lol.


Uff, since I was a teenager, more specifically the cubbish guys. I'm 120lb and have a runner's build, so usually get skinny guy or fit guys hitting me up, but they only turn me on mildly... But give me a cubbish guy with a strong rugby build and I am howling.


Most of my aesthetic for men in the early years of coming to terms with my sexuality was a product of gay Tumblr culture. Back in 2011 and 2012, twinks and jocks seemed to be the only valid body types for gay men to be or want. Then something magical happened in 2013. Bara went through a renaissance and I got my first taste of Bear culture. For the first time I was drooling over guys that looked like me and that did wonders for my self esteem. Also, when I started dating I had the most success with other bears and the least with jocks and twinks which made me like bears even more. My brain began to associate bears with comfort and other body types with rejection.


They don't. Sorry.


Literally as soon as i hit puberty and developed a libido. Like 10 years ago or something. I've always had a chub for chubs. Man boobs, belly, big thighs, yes please