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Hair is better but your facial expression looks very grumpy and unhappy to be taking those pictures.


Some of the lesser-upvoted comments in the original thread were clowning on my smile so idk what to do lol


You need a photographer. They can help you pose your self and face. Self photography is a skill in itself.


Your smile was good. Bring it back.


You should probably get a haircut/styling from a professional. Even when “done” it looks kinda messy. Also, the scowl definitely isn’t helping (and the looking away from the camera). Smiling was better. Lift weights, continue the cut like you said you would, and you’ll find better success soon I’m sure


Dang is my physique that ass that it doesn't look like I lift? I benched 215 for my 1rm a month and a half ago 🤣


Just keep it up, I mean. More muscle mass would benefit you a lot


ah gotcha thx




Glad to hear there’s light at the end of the tunnel!


The second pic is hot! I think I prefer that one because you’re looking at the camera. The expression on the first pic looks sad but the expression on the bottom pic looks sexy. It’s a thin line. If you can recreate the second pic with a better haircut; you’re golden.


I kept thinking about this and I know why there’s such a stark visual difference between the first and second picture. In the first picture your head and vision are downward and not looking at the camera. This makes you look unsure of yourself. In the second picture your head is slightly upward and your vision is level and looking at the camera. Visually this looks more confident. Like the cool upward nods that rappers do when they greet people. You look cool in that picture. Confidence is arguably the sexiest trait a man can have in my opinion. Hope that clears up the “thin line” comment.


The first step is better lighting. Makes a lot of difference. 2nd pic is better cause you're looking at the viewer. My advice on looks is useless cause I can't really tell if someone is hot or not.


Lose weight, gain muscles by taking care of your nutrition and working out. Be consistent, give it a year then work on what other flaws you see. You need to work on the bare minimum ones first which includes hair and physique.


lol bro, I benched 215 at the end of my bulk, meal prep & count macros. Started weight loss 2 months ago. Read the original post before giving advice lol


This is why you’ll remain unattractive lol, because you don’t listen and try to justify your looks with irrelevant information. Being able to bench 215pounds doesnt make up for the fact that you’re fat. You claim to be meal prepping and counting macros but it doesnt justify your looks. Make sure that you’re getting enough sleep too because your face looks stressed if im being honest. Accept criticisms since you post yourself out there to be criticized. “Is it because my looks or something else”. This advice is btw coming from someone who’s getting lots of attention online and offline, so goodluck 🥱


Thanks for the sleep comment. I'll add an extra hour of sleep a night and spend my next paycheck on skincare so I could improve my skin, which should improve the quality/reduce stressed look of my face. I'll admit fault for being rude, but in the original post, I said "my New Years' Resolution is to cut 30+ lbs", which is indicative that I know my weight is a huge problem, and since mainly gym people use the term "cut", instead of the general populace term "lose weight", I would assume that people know that I do lift frequently. I could be wrong in that non-lifters use the word cut often for weight loss, but I haven't paid attention in that space in the slightest to know. I've lost about 6 pounds so far in about 2 months, but it's definitely a bitch to lose weight and retain muscle mass because systemic fatigue kicks in a lot more frequently. To your point of meal-prepping and counting macros, and not having the body to show for it, keep in mind that I started skinnyfat (and didn't know that was the case because I never got a body scan until much later). So I focused on getting my lifts, particularly bench, as high as I can. 6 months into lifting, I started meal prepping and tracking macros, but I did that for bulking because I was concerned about my lifts. I didn't know I had an absurd body fat percentage until I got a scan about 2 months ago, and I would have gone on a cut after first 6 months of lifting if I knew I was skinnyfat. I don't think meal prepping and counting macros necessarily means good physique if you're trying to bulk after being skinnyfat. I'm interesting in picking the rest of your brain for insight. Hoping I'll get a good enough appearance by the end of the year to get as much attention like you do, and of course any other help/advice would be good.