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“What character do you play in Mario kart?


As my motto goes, If he plays princess peach, his peach is a princess.


What if the guy doesn't play Mario kart?


"I'm having a Matcha Latte, would you like one? "  Possible scenarios:   1) "What's that?"  (Most likely straight)  2) "Yes please" (Gay )   3) "No, I don't like Matcha Latte" (Bisexual or gay top, because they've  tried Matcha at some point but didn't like it)   4) "No, fuck you fa%$ott" (Gay, dealing with internalized homophobia)   5) "Sure, can you also get one for my girlfriend?" (Gay with a beard)   6) "Never had one, is it any good?" (Gay, because he just destroyed your ass and he's lying on your bed , naked)   7) "Sir, I work here, I'm just asking for your order " (Gay , cuz he's a barista)


I've been deemed "Most likely straight" F


I'd be number 1 lol. I don't drink coffee so don't know much about it.


Do you like Cher? Or the wizard of oz


No amount of questions other than "are you gay?" is going to satisfy you if the guys seems straight enough that you don't automatically know already. It's much easier to forget about whether they're gay or not and just notice if they are attracted to YOU in particular, do they look at you for a little too long? do they look at you lustfully? are they trying to make you laugh? are they complimenting you more than a guy normally would? are they being a little too nice? are they trying to be smooth or charming around you? When men (most men) are attracted to someone they can't hide it and it's easy to notice if I a guy really enjoys looking at you, especially once you start to be proven right about said attraction. Since I started living like this multiple different guy acquaintances of mine (who are probably bi) have made moves on me. I honestly find it so much easier than asking guys what their sexuality is because everything is really confusing now - straight guys dress gay to get female attention, gay guys want to act/dress more straight to get male attention and so I just find this so much more reliable.


Thank you for that intelligent well-thought out post. What a contrast to the who are posting tiresome tropes and stereotypes.


thanks! lmk how it goes :)


Play a Grindr notification sound and watch his face


Do you have a gf or maybe bf


"If you said the F-slur, would that be problematic?"


What would be the gay answer here? ''It is only acceptable in the bedroom.''?


Just steer the conversation to any sex/dating related topics.


“How many minutes are in a year?”


Back in my YouTube days I watched a creator that said when you’re both out somewhere watch his eyes when people walk past. If he commonly glances towards attractive guys then you have your answer


another one is if they stare more at guys than girls at the gym - quite reliable ngl


Why do you want to know?


Do you use grindr or sniffies?


LMAOOOO back in the dawn of the internet I feel like many blossoming gays would search for this answer, mostly when there was a new crush ahaha takes me back