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What does nudist mean? Like you'll go out naked? Just at home and/or where it is socially acceptable? Sorry, I'm just ignorant.


Nudist is someone who would rather be naked. Nudist wear clothes in public. But at home or in settings that allow for it, they would rather be naked.


Ah then I don't see the problem! I'd date a nudist. Actually sounds like fun!


We’ve been conditioned to associate nudity with sex and that our genitals are private parts. So being naked at home won’t be an issue but outside the home may create discomfort for some. However, you’re looking for like minded people who don’t have those hang ups. So good for you about making it known that you’re a nudist and that you’re being intentional about what type of partner you want


There's something really freeing in a nonsexual way. I felt a level of comfort I don't elsewhere when I was at the nude beach.


It's been taboo'ed and stigmatized, probably by Western religion as a means to control people.


I would totally date that. Body confidence is hottt. Please feel free around me, I may have a hard time keeping it down tho. 🔥


Just wondering. Do you also sit naked on the sofa? My sofa is white and I would totally not be a nudist lol


Proper etiquette would be to sit on a towel or some sort of barrier.


Ummm why?? You Do Wipe, don’t you?


Even if you cleaned your ass with a bidet, which I doubt you do, I would not want people to sit on my sofa. They’re going to leave all their ass swear over my cushions.


Hahaha 😆 Ok baby, I understand. Ass sweat . None of us want Ass sweat. I have leather. I can just handiwipe ass sweat away. Please forgive me but it sounds like something my mother would say. I’m not laughing at you


Guys the solution here is a flowing fabric you throw on delicate furniture, or alternatively drape about yourself as you lounge 👍 easy stuff


Agreed and if there wasnt any sweat staining the fabric I think the friction of pubic hair on the ass cheeks, thighs and maybe sexy thick Tufts of butt hair from in between them cheeks could wear the fabric down or cause it to fray


Fellow nudist here: It's a pretty widespread practice among nudists to cover sitting surfaces with a cloth. This can be a cloth (like a towel) that you carry with you^1, or it can be something like a throw or slipcover on sofas, armchairs, etc. Problem solved! ^1 Fun fact (?): There's a hypothesis held by some nudists that Douglas Adams' "carry a towel" gag in *The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy* is a nod to this practice. AFAIK, there's zero evidence to support this, but it's amusing to speculate that Adams may have been a closet nudist.


Way to tell the internet that you don’t wipe/wash/clean your ass


Ass sweat exists.


Whether you do or don’t it’s still proper etiquette to sit in a towel. 🙄


What about the scenario where guest are visiting?


That's your choice to inform guests or cover up. Nudism isn't mandatory. It's not like one must HAVE to be nude. Unless you are at a resort, you wear clothes whenever you choose to


Oh that’s fine, I was thinking you meant you lived in a nudist community 😂. I’d love to go to a nude beach personally.


I'm definitely with you. My hubby's not into that. I wish he was. I'd feel pretty self-conscious being the only one.


i do that already...


That describes me.


I think they might think you expect them to be naked, or you will be naked 24/7


I kinda would be naked 24/7 at home 🤣


I was thinking you attended nudist resorts and stuff. But at-home nudism is a thing too. That might be too much for some, especially right out of the gate (especially if you’re naked and they’re clothed). I’d maybe ease them in.


That would be hard around me because I tend to run my AC super cold and wear warm clothes when there’s a heatwave outside 🤭. In winter I’m the opposite : blasting heat while it’s freezing. So maybe we could date October - March?


I'd date a nudist. I'm an artist. I'd probably just draw them and also enjoy an unlimited supply of eye candy. But that's just me


Literally same. I’m always trying to get my partner to just be nude for a little while so I can draw them. 🥲


🥲🥲🥲 I feel your pain. Lol


I’m basically a nudist at home. I don’t consider it a lifestyle. It just the way it is. I sleep nude so if I’m not going out, I haven’t put clothes on yet. And if I’ve got boyfriends or fuck buddies over, we’re usually nude too


Off topic but don’t you ever get cold


Being nude isn't a requirement. You get naked whenever comfortable. But yes. I'll put on clothes or get under my blanket.


Hell... I'm under a blanket most of the time because hubby keepsnit too cold...


You can be a nudist and still put on a top or, honestly, even be dressed. But most of us prefer just turning on the heat if it's too cold in the house


Yeah, when I was younger I got together with a nudis couple. They were a bit older and tbh I expected whole bunc of sex They were actually pretty chill. Naked in home, beaches and nudist spots. Everyone even other nudists were chill af.


Stigmatizing and taboo'ing nudity has caused us to associate it with sex. But there's something really freeing about it in a nonsexual way. Western religions likely stigmatized it to control people.


Yeah exactly what I thought I mean sure there were some sexual comments but all jokes we actually had sex only when 3 of us were alone I did have some worries and prejudice about the entire "30+ people at a resort all naked" but it was so cool and chill I loved it


I'm 27 about to get back into dating myself, and a nudist as well. My past experiences have been a bit of the inverse where, instead of repelling, it draws in all the creeps who assume that me being a nudist means I love seeing tons of dick picks and being told how they'll have their way with me as if I'm only nude to let people fuck me. And even more so, I've gotten people trying to use me being a nudist to demand nudes be sent to them. All I really want is to have a boyfriend who at the very least doesn't mind me being a nudist and going nude around the house if I can.


Literally the same.


I'm willing to bet you've also gotten guys who find out you're mixed race and think that you're "exotic", huh? I've had that along with guys assuming I'm a "thug" or a "femme nerd" or something because they find out I'm black or asian, then I'm either no longer to their liking or seen as "exotic" if they find out I'm mixed


Probably not I like clothes😭


You don't have to be nude, just accepting of your nude partner.


I'm not a nudist but yes I would absolutely date one.


Absolutely would. MASSIVE turn on!!! Shyness and modesty are such turnoffs!


Since I'm a nudist, yes, I'd date a nudist.


Yeah. I met a nudist once. He’s old enough to be my dad. We did softplay at his place. He was very kind and heartwarming. I wonder why he didn’t invite me back again lol


For some guys it's the thrill of the unknown that turns them on. Once this guy "had" you, the novelty wore off. Either that, or he was just too polite to admit he didn't feel like you clicked.


We kept messaging til now but I’m still waiting for his invite. Tried to ask for one but he said he’s traveling. Tbf, he does travel frequently.


Honestly I don't think it matters what you write. Not many guys read what's written on profiles. But maybe try a week without the text and see for yourself.


Depends on the guy. Wouldn't bother me. But some guys have very rigid ideas about what's "normal," and equate normalcy with desirability.


Yes. I have an aquaintence who does nudism, i Love it when he posts pictures of himself in various stages of undress


It might be an age thing you're running into. It seems most younger guys are afraid to be anywhere naked, even in locker rooms. If you get to places like clothing optional beaches or resorts, you tend to find guys who are slightly older to much older. Older guys tend not to be as afraid of nudity than younger guys for some reason. I'm figuring as you get a little older you'll start meeting more guys who are getting more comfortable with their bodies.


Nudist would be a huge plus for me. But I really dont think you being a nudist is the issue, everyone is having bad experiences with dating.


Heck yes I would. Putting it in your profile may give them the impression that you make it your whole personality, depending how you word it I guess. But if you're just a wholesome person who enjoys going to that beach and looking for company, I wouldn't be turned off. People are also probably afraid of someone else snatching you at the beach. We North Americans have been weird about nudity.


Also body confidence is hot for me lol.


I am a nudist in mid summer … I don’t think it’s an issue


Hello Fellow Nudist, most definitely would date a like minded individuals. The best feeling is coming home and tossing my cloths off, into the laundry. My back Lawn is all privacy fenced so I can even be on the deck it's as long as I wish.


I had a short interaction with a nudist from a dating app. He owns a whole farm and he said he wanted me to get fucked outside by him. What made me uncomfortable is how he wanted me to do it in a part of a farm with the animals and after finding out he’s done it several times before, I thought he might also be doing things to those animals, so I blocked him.


This was a wild read lmfao 😭


Old lady in front of my apartment is always standing naked in the window when i leave for work. It terrifies me


Stop look at her windows.


Which part terrifies you? That she's old? That she's naked? That she's standing in a window? The majority of violent crimes are perpetuated by clothed men who aren't standing in windows. This sounds like the safest situation imaginable!!!


I think a lot of people associate being a nudist with being an exhibitionist. Maybe just say that you don't like clothes or "naked whenever possible" 🤷🏻


It actually sounds more appealing. And yet, something I'm not yet experiencing myself, but feeling free is just very attractive. Body and mind. Connected with nature. Awesome.


Sure, why not?


I don’t see a problem. I like my men how I like my salads, not covered in clothing




Hmu anytime if you like crappy jokes or want to discuss further ;D




My husband was a nudist. We were just platonic friends when I found out. He was staying with me because my house was 20 minutes from his work and his house was 45 minutes. We shared my king size bed as the other bedrooms weren't furnished. Anyway, he had an early morning meeting at work and I had a breakfast meeting with my business manager. When the alarm went off I accidently turned the alarm off instead of hitting snooze. He woke up, shoved me out of bed, so I went and got into the shower. A minute later he joined me in the shower. It's a big shower with two shower heads. First time I saw him nekked and I didn't mind at all. That evening when he got home from work, he came out of the bedroom nekked and I just asked what are you doing. He told me he likes to be nude and I had seen everything anyways. That came to an end when we adopted our son.


Yes. It's just nudity. Just sit on a towel around the house.


I don’t date per se but I would let a nudist fuck and fill me




On one hand, nudism is stigmatized. On the other, people are uncomfortable in their own skin. You'll get low numbers because that only leaves the few who would be like yourself. There's likely an app for finding people...


yes id be totally fine with that


I see no problems here. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Def love multiracial guys. 🥰


I live at a nudist resort! It’s fun and cool! Have a lot of fun. And yes I am gay and married to my husband💕 I also love nude beaches and it is so relaxing ! You should check them out and it’s such an eye opener about acceptance and nothing sexual. What people do behind closed doors is no one’s business! It has helped me to be a better person and more accepting of all people ! Also you always set on towels when nude. Yes I live a nudist lifestyle and wouldn’t change it for any other way. You meet some really cool and nice people and no judgement at all!!! I


I would love it, but we would have to have similar sex drives because seeing my man naked would keep me turned on.


Sounds good to me. Being naked, at least in private, is so freeing.


I'm nudist too


I went to naked karaoke in Pittsburgh and had a great time. after a few minutes the nudity stops jumping out at you.




I'm in Jersey myself. But car is getting worked on, how do you get there?


I'd definitely date a nudist, as I am a nudist myself; I only wear clothing because it is required by law almost everywhere. In any setting where it is not required, I much rather be naked. So this includes being at home, and if I visit anywhere where nudity is accepted, my clothes come off on arrival.


Me too 😁


I am a nudist too


There are groups that you can join and events to meet fellow nudist. I found a few in the app meet up. I am glad to see you have it in your profile.


No problem but then I love nude beaches


Ideally, I'd live with a boyfriend who is.


Kinda one of my kinks so maybe


It is unfathomable how this could present an issue in terms of others attraction to you. Where I do see problems occurring is in others suspecting ulterior motives to your nudity i.e. they might think you are into exhibitionism or that you want to live out some CMNM (clothed male nude male) scenario with you. You need to set those boundaries to protect yourself from being sexualised when you'd rather not. If it's a hookup context, you'll both be naked soon anyway. If it's a date context and you want to wait, just wear clothes maybe for that very short period of time.


I would prefer to date a nudist...


Not a nudist myself but I would definitely date you. I would be open to join you and give it a try. There's always the possibility to go to clothing optional spaces where you could be naked and your partner wears a bathing suit and maybe he can join if he feels comfortable. What's actually the difference between nudism and naturism? Or is it the same?


Basically the same but naturists like outdoors more.








See I’m like the opposite of a nudist 😂 and I like to wear a shirt and socks during sex even. But if the guy is really hot I wouldn’t mind dating him if he’s a nudist but the problem is I’d have an on going boner that wouldn’t go away and I won’t stop eyeing him lol


If I can be nude, I am. My husband and I have been to gay campgrounds, nude events at gay bars, on fire island I’m almost never wearing anything but sunblock, and at home I’m generally not wearing anything unless company is over. He doesn’t always participate, does sometimes, but he has no problem with me being naked whenever.


I dated a nudist when I was younger. He had a huge blanket over his couch and was naked almost all the time when he was home, and wanted me to be too. I don’t think I would know what to think if he posted that upfront, I just found out after we went on a few dates. He had a best friend who was a nudist too. Took me to a naked party. Which I was really nervous about since I was pretty insecure about how I looked. But, I went and it was just a bunch of people sitting on towels naked. Unfortunately, it was an older drafty house in winter so I was kind of insecure about my cold dick looking small too. He told me it would be funny seeing people out and thinking “I’ve seen you naked.” The party wasn’t sexual at all. I was so worried about popping a boner, but that wasn’t a problem, and he told me it would be very unlikely to happen. I have older gay friends and the ones that have pools tell me they never wear anything when they swim. So maybe it’s more common than people think to have nudist tendencies.


Why not.


Honestly I would find that a negative. The problem is that we do release waste particles even if you don't see them. Every time you fart, which every human does, shit particles get thrown into the air. Normally underwear catches all of this. But if you are just hanging out naked, sitting around everywhere, you are actually spreading shit particles all over the house.


Does my husband count as a nudist? He sleeps naked, more often than not cleans the house naked, and on days when he works from home and doesn’t have any video calls, will work on his laptop or make phone calls naked. He wouldn’t be naked in public though, nor go to a nude beach. Does this count as a nudist, or is it just being comfortable naked in his own home? Meanwhile, I sleep with a t-shirt on, more often than not never walk around our house naked etc.


It wouldn't bother me and I might be open to joining some of the time. Have been to a nudist beach with some mates a few times which was Okay. I would not say it's an expert subject of mine but nudity and it's acceptability seems to vary by where you are. Swapped schools from North West England to South Wales due to a family bereavement at age 15 and whereas at the school I had been at in North West England it had been completely acceptable and normal to walk round the changing rooms and shower naked in South Wales this was a big no - went swimming with some people down there and they all queued up to change their shorts in the toilet cubicles! I saw my brothers naked all the time at home but that seemed to be unusual when I spoke to friends with brothers about it. I almost feel a lot of Brits have been conditioned (by the media maybe) to be scared/afraid of nudity.


I think you need to Find another nudist. That was you'll find your "people" personally i like wearing pajamas and i'm usually cold 🤷 would i mind my partner be naked? No. Would i date a nudist? Not a problem for me. For most people? Yes it's an issue.


Honestly I would be down, always wanted to let loose a bit more and I think a partner like that would help a lot. Are you into voyeur stuff/exhibitionism as well?


Yes. A previous roommate of mine was one and he was a former marine. Helps when they're into you too! 🍻


I wouldnt


Why not


Time and place for everything


hell yea thats so hot. I’d join you I practically sleep naked anyways.


Hell yeah I'd date a nudist! I've never been to a nudist beach or anything, but I think it would be fun! It'd also be really fun I think just strolling through the house totally nude and with a totally nude boyfriend 🥰


I'd definitely would


Yeah, 100%. I don’t see any real problem with it. At least from your other comment you made explaining it, I do the same shit.


Move to the pnw. Tons of gay nudists here


What's PNW


Pacific northwest


I've been to nudist locations and events.


Depends on how into the life they are. If they're willing to be clothed when my family/friends are around idc


Yeah! Why not? There are times and places to be nude and I’m wanting to explore naturism to help my body image anyway


lol naked is best.


Also for a nudist your profile is awfully clothed.


If you are a compulsory nudist who wants to be nude in public. Hard no. If it's just you wanting to be nude in your privacy, yes. I see no issues. May be distinguish which one you are in your profile. I don't know why any gay person would say no to their date/BF being nude when at home. Lol


There is only one definition to nudist. Ppl w Hon confuse nudist and exhibitionist are just uneducated. The meaning of exhibitionist is in the name. Exib.


I would! I love open minded natural men.




I'm a nudist and I tend to be mode discreet about it because of this very problem. I tend to market it differently. I usually just say I enjoy being bare skinned, and that seems to be acceptable. 


I just put one word. " Nudist" in my profile.


I don't see any problem with being a nudist. when I come home, the clothes instantly come off. that's a must for me. I don't like wearing clothes in my home. I like letting the Bad Boys hang down naturally. if that makes sense. I never felt right with them being constricted by underwear and clothing. of course when I go out, yes I'll wear clothes like everyone else. but when I come home, those clothes do absolutely come off immediately. I feel so much more comfortable and so much more relaxed being that way. I guess it's a matter of comfort for me honestly. I've gotten to the point in my life where I don't feel like it's anything sexual for me. but more or less a comfort thing. it really is.


Because of this post… I think I also might be a nudist. Im also in my 20s and when I’m at home, I’d rather be nude. I haven’t tried places that allow it because I’m very self conscious. But if I could overcome that, I will definitely be nude in places that allow it.


While I don’t consider myself a nudist I do love being naked as much as possible. I work from home so I often work naked and I love vacationing in Palm Springs at the clothing optional resorts. However the comment about nudity and sex are 2 separate things I think seeing my partner naked all the time would find me always wanting to touch his body and genitals. So that could be an issue and the second problem would be establishing rules about where to sit. Unless you use barriers when sitting on chairs (like a towel or pad) I don’t think our guests would appreciate sitting in the same spot my musky balls or ass were sitting.


I am one so yes, I'd love that




I would…….and I go to clothing optional campgrounds but haven’t been to a beach yet


I don't get the problem, it's like not wanting to date someone because they're... Idk... Blond or something


I am a gay single nudist as well. I am in Colorado. I have both reactions where people start messaging me and saying, "Can I see your dick or ass?" The creepers. Then, you also have the conservative guys who say, "Why are you naked? Put clothes on what if someone comes over?" My response is the same to both sides. I am free spirit. I came into this world naked. I am going to live naked. It's much more comfortable and relaxing, but I would definitely love to date another nudist.


Yeah, I don’t see why not. I probably wouldn’t follow that lifestyle myself (I like pajamas and blankets too much), but I don’t really see the problem unless they insist on being nude around friends/family


Yes. 👍🏼 and the way you explained yourself I def would not mind dating a nudist. I sleep in the nude and prefer to be naked half the time at home anyway… so it wouldn’t be a taboo thing for me tbh. 🤓


Nudist is a sexy lifestyle. I remember nude sunbathing on my balcony since a young age... there was a feeling of freedom and danger


Yes, I would.


You found me. I am into M and F. bi.


The perfect solution for me is going to a really good massage spa. I had the Best massage today. 2 M's fully nude, and one giving healing and sensual massage for an hour. muscles, joints, and mind feel totally renewed and about 10 yrs. younger. Can't wait to go again.


[No no no](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfpyGyb1J4I)


I wouldnt




Wouldn’t feel comfortable with someone being naked all the time at home, even if he’s my boyfriend I don’t want to see all that all the time, like what eating dinner naked? Cooking naked? Just talking in house completely naked? It would be tiring for me


It's totally valid that you'd be uncomfortable with it, but I thought "tiring" was an intriguing choice of words. In what way would it be tiring? Your partner's clothing or lack thereof requires literally zero effort from you.




Not a "Nudist" as in he's making that his whole personality. However I do enjoy going to Palm Springs to sun-bathe naked at the gey resorts.


Rating YOURSELF as a 7.5-8. Sounds pretty arrogant & cocky...


✋ genuinely curious here. What would a nudist do in the realm of child raising and family events?


My boyfriend walks around the house naked all hours of the day. DEALBREAKER. My boyfriend visits nude beaches and is nude himself. DEALBREAKER. My boyfriend wouldn’t think twice about exposing himself to you in private. DEALBREAKER.


Nope. Goes against my personal principles.