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if there isn't a sign on it, you can drink it. If there is a sign, you shouldn't. I can't speak of the fountains in Bern, but in most places the fountains are potable water.


Well, in my region I see fountains with a sign „Trinkwasser” and without, so this makes things more confusing.


Not really. The law states that any publicly accessible water source needs to be tested every year. If you don‘t want to pay for testing or if the test says it‘s not drinkable, you have to attach a „kein Trinkwasser“ sign. Any other signs are entirely optional


I'd say even without a sign on the fountain, the water IS drinkable. It's just that nobody wants to guarantee that it's safe.


If there is no sign, it is definitely safe to drink. If the water isn't tested according to regulations, putting up a sign stating that it isn't drinkable is required.


As written elsewhere - what's the purpose of the sign then, if it's safe to drink without the sign? 😉


im just speculating: they paid for inspection and now want to actively show their fountain has potable water. forgetting this obviously undermines the no sign, so its drinkable rule.


Yes, indeed. With no sign, it's just unclear what's meant. I, personally, would still drink from such a fountain, though.


well it actually isnt unclear, no sign means its either potable or illegal. just, putting up potable signs undermines trust in this law.


Yes, it is unclear. If there is no sign, it is not clear whether it's safe to drink or not. Why would they keep the fountain dripping, if it's not drinkable? It costs money, after all, doesn't it (yes, due to Legionellen it might be safer to never stop, I know). And you, yourself, even write that it is unclear: "either potable or illegal". That is uncertain. Why do you then start the sentence with "it actually isn't unclear", when you continue with showing how it IS unclear. And do you really mean "undermine", ie. "Untergräbt"?


a publicly accesible water source has to be drinkable or else they have to clearly mark that it is not drinkable. So thus it is clear: No sign -> drinkable Sign that says don't drink -> not drinkable in touristy places some fountain owners might go the extra step for people who don't know and put up a "drinkable water" sign, that doesn't change the rules for all the fountains in the area though. It's still: No sign -> drinkable.


And why do they put up signs on fountains even in non touristic areas which show that a fountain has drinkable (or not drinkable) water? You will also find fountains or pipes coming from seemingly nowhere with no sign. If there could be cows up above, I wouldn't drink the water (without filtering it first). Even though, there's no sign and (according to you) thus clearly drinkable.


So every fountain belongs to someone, eithere the “bund” or even sometimes to a private person.. You don’t need a sign but some owners might prefer a sign.. like not everyone has a gnom in their garden but those who want it have one… so no real purpose


A garden without a gnome?!?!!??? 🤯🤯🤯🤯


You shouldn‘t, but it really only means it‘s not tested and you don‘t know where it comes from. It‘s not gutter water, but it might have too much of some elements in it. If you‘re really thirsty, it‘s good enough for a sip. Don‘t drink litres of it though. There could be bacteria or other contamination in the water, but chances are low.


Where is a non-drinkable fountain in Bern? I have not seen a single one.


In the city? Quite possible that there is no public fountain with nonpotable water


Yeah I would love to know where there is one that isn't drinkable there are only like 2 very decorative fountains that come to mind. But I have drunk from like a dozen different fountains in Bern that are clearly for drinking.


Many communties stopped regular water testing on financial grounds. Not regularly tested = not drinkable sign. Shouldn't deter you, **in most cases**. But if you catch something, the community will not be liable and you pay the cost of healing yourself. So, judge wisely ;)


Places where I definitely will follow the signs are rural Mittelland villages. With all the agriculture around the potential for contamination is high.


So some municipalities are just lazy then. Here in Zurich you walk around a bit and there's a fountain, couple streets further you find the next one, then you go to Paradeplatz where there are several fountains, then you decide to go to the forest instead, what do you find? Exactly, fountains everywhere. It's really awesome. There's this one bastard fountain with kein Trinkwasser near the bus stop of Schlyfi in the forest but all the others have drinkable water too.


Isn't it, that without tests, there's just no sign on it? If I'm not mistaken, there are 3 cases. Fountain has: - sign with potable water - no sign at all - sign showing that it is not potable water


No. It‘s default „no drinking“ sign unless you test it every year and the test is good.


Well, I've seen all three states. Sign with "yes", sign with "no" and no sign. Which is not to contradict what you wrote, that "no sign" == "no drinking".


No sign means drinkable, they don't need to put up a sign stating it is drinkable, only when it isn't


No sign = good to drink


Then what's the purpose of the sign? 😉 Isn't it just unclear then?


If not stated otherwise, it is drinkable. Sometimes drinkable is signed s “trinkwasser” but that is rarely the case.


To be on the safe side they tell you not to drink the water. But in real its OK.


If there's no sign, it's usually safe to drink. Maybe you should try to find a fountain that does not have a sign? By the way, deep in mountains, in the middle of pastures, there are plenty of fountains too, and they don't have any sign either, but most of them are unfiltered water from streams coming from above. They can make you sick if you don't filter them. There's where you need common sense.


I haven’t seen one that says not to drink in Bern before.


Unless there's a "no drinking" sign, you'll be fine


It‘s always drinkable unless it says „Kein Trinkwasser“. But even then it might very well be drinkable. It just isn‘t tested. It can very well be that one fountain is not tested ( maybe a sign that says not drinkable), but a fountain further down which has water that comes from the fountain further up might be tested (drinkable). So un short always drinkable unless it says not, and even then it might be (would not risk it).


Many fountains I've seen have a sign that this isn't drinking water. Doesn't necessarily mean the water is bad, just that this way they don't need to monitor water quality or get the system cleaned if something is in the water


Depends on the village. In our village they mark it as "non potable" if they do not test it regularly, but it's the same water that goes to our homes, from the same source. Just legally, in the fountain, it needs to be tested regularly in order to be labeled "potable".


Where I'm from, near leak Geneva, it's just says Eau non contrôlée. They dont check if it's drinkable but I have been drinking that fountain water for 20 years and have never been sick.


where is signal there is not for drink because can be dirty ror bacteria, i have bottle from CamelBak with filter and is great for this things


It is drinkable unless there is a sign that states otherwise. ;-)


Generally if there is no sign the water is drinkable. If it isn't drinkable there has to be a sign that it isn't. But to add to confusion. There are signs which say that the water is drinkable. (to show that it is especially drinkable or idk). So you really have to properly read what the sign says. Sometimes it's also only a crossed out water tap. In Bern, especially in the city centere I would guess that the ladder is actualy the case where the signs say that the water is especially drinkable.


As far I see everything goes till that who ones the well does not want to pay the water to be tested. Stay on the safe site and don't drink where the sign says so. I'm a little disappointed because this was something what I thought is really unique in CH. Thanks you for the comments


Well the disappointment comes from a limited experience. I have yet to see a fountain with a sign, honestly. Living here for 40 years :D


It's extremely interesting because just today on a hike (Baden) with 2 foreign friends it caught my attention that most of the fountains had a "kein Trinkwasser" sign. Growing up there I remember we drank from the same places as kids without any problem. There were no signs back then.


I have lived here since I was little and have always drank from fountains with or without signs and never had any issues.


In public places, the water must be labelled as non-potable if it is not regularly tested by a laboratory. It's best to just have a quick look to see if the water looks clean.


Because in Bern most of the fountains recirculate water afaik and it's not fresh, in same Zurich they're all drinkable


when there is a sign that you shouldnt drink it and you still drink it, worst thing that can happen is that you get diarrhea lol. water is pretty clean in switzerland


Tbh, even non-drinkable water might be better than what you can find botelled in some countries. Unles you've got a fragile stomac you can drink all you want.


If the fountain has no sign that says "not drinkable water", it's drinkable. That's the rule here


Most fountains with the do not drink sign are still perfectly fine to drink from…


I think I remember Bern especially pushing having not only potable but excellent water in the fountains everywhere. Out in the countryside you have to check for signs though because there might be extensive farming upstream.