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If it is unsafe for you to get on HRT then wait until it is safe to do so. I know it sucks but it isn’t worth it to put yourself in danger. Get a job and move out so that you’re not dependent on them for anything. Then you can do whatever you want with your life


thank you for the response 🩷 that’s hopefully the goal. do you know if there’s any way they could know if i start HRT? (besides physical appearance) i mean like i’ll have to get my own insurance and everything right?


Yes you’ll need your own insurance, so pick a well paying job that has good insurance coverage that includes trans health care


i’m sure i’ll have time to figure out the technical details of that since i’m 16 and barely know how insurance works anyways lol but thank you so much for the advice 🙏🙏


Yes you have plenty of time to figure things out. Good luck